CLE Article Archive
Though I have spent thousands of hours making sure my references are solid, do not take everything here at face value. Search the Scriptures, and verify if the things written here are true so you can show yourself approved unto God. Use the reason and common sense God gave you, do the work, and you need not be ashamed. | ![]() |
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
-2 Timothy 2:15
The heated debate: Was Einstein a believer in God? Who's right, the Christian, or the atheist? The answer: Neither!
Without the Christian God of the Bible, it's impossible to prove anything.
Atheists commonly accuse Christians of using the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy, but that accusation is a 'No False Scotsman' fallacy.
Most Christians still view charity through the money-focused glasses of the world, rather than the Word of God.
The truth about abortion is far more dire than modern 'pro-life' political movements can see.
The Lord God does not protect the wicked. Christians have every Biblical right to defend themselves.
Most church-goers ignore the limitations on authority for women in the Bible.
Symbols like the cross or the 'Jesus fish' are acceptable to church-goers everywhere, but they're pagan in the sight of God.
Most Christians are deceived by unbelievers to think their study tools are helping them learn the Word of God.
What happens if a Christian sins?
The slavery in the Bible, and the slavery of black Africans, are two completely different concepts.
Cutlists believe that man will become a 'god', but the context of the Bible proves otherwise.
Some atheists have openly lied to say the Bible does not teach basic sanitation practices, like washing one's hands. It helps if they read the Bible before speaking.
Christians continue to waste their time fighting battles on unbiblical foundation.
Be cautious. Many Christians take the Bible out of context on this issue.
Very few Christian men and women realize how commonly we tell lies, and we need to understand what God has to say about the sins we tend to overlook.
Some people call themselves Christians, but rebel over simple commandments in the New Testament.
Hell is real, Jesus warned us about it, and most people in this world are headed there.
The secret to having more faith is one click away!
How to identify contentious Christians and handle them Biblically.
The Greek Septuigant is used as a justification for new-age bible versions, but closer examination shows it's not real.
There is no Biblical justification for a pastor to be the head ruler over the church.
Many people around the world consider the Shroud of Turin to be Christ's burial cloth, but the Bible tells us that's not true.
Churchgoers often do not understand how many false converts are in church buildings.
The King James Bible had a revision in 1769, but it was not altered completely like the new-age versions.
There are many homosexuals out there, calling themselves 'Christians,' who use the corrupt NIV to help themselves justify their sin.
Exposing bible-number cults, false prophets, and 'bible code' scams.
The Bible teaches both predestination and free will, and the understanding of it is very simple.
'Mental disorders' do not exist. The 'unconscious mind' does not exist. Psychology is a scam, and it wars against Christ.
The new-age church has done away with rebuke, despite that we were commanded to do it.
A common sin that is rarely rebuked, but does a lot of damage to the Body of Christ.
In just a few minutes, I can teach you how to appear really smart and become rich and famous!
Do little children end up in heaven or hell?
A Christian's guide to learn about the return of Christ and the rapture of His church.
What the Bible says about alcoholic beverages, and how Christians should discipline themselves.
Baptism is easy to understand, but cults and false doctrine make it complex.
The tradtions of men have led to ignorance about what Scripture tells us concerning circumcision.
Exploring the doctrine behind the ritual of communion, which is the consumption of bread and wine together as a church.
A general guide for Christians to understand how the Bible defines fasting, and what to expect when they decide to fast.
Many Christians do not understand the vital importance of fellowship with the church.
Idolatry involves far more than making a graven image.
The word 'love' is often used without a full understanding of what it means.
Due to the modern usage of the word 'perfect', many churchgoers are led astray to its true meaning in Scripture.
Most church-goers just follow the traditions of men without giving thought to what the Bible says about prayer.
Pride is a sin that socially treated as a something noble.
Christ stated clearly that He did NOT come to bring peace, but rather, division.
When it comes to marriage today, most pastors are trained to ignore Scripture, and instead teach religious tradition and doctrines of men.
A Biblical work ethic goes hand-in-glove with a repentant heart.
The Bible never uses the phrase 'go to church' because that is impossible.
Disproving mainstream Christianity's claim that the Earth's age has nothing to do with the Gospel of Salvation.
The Bible describes the Lord as the 'Godhead', not the 'Trinity'.
Most pastors preach repentance in error, and most churchgoers do not care.
Tithe is not commanded in the New Testament. Open the Bible and look for yourself.
Just like the world, church-goers love their titles of respect.
Many pastors contradict God's Word because Jesus told us to judge.
The new-age American church typically defines testimony apart from Biblical definitions.
There are a surprising number of church leaders in the Body of Christ who have a self-proclaimed authority that is not founded on God's Word, and Christians need to be aware of this.
A history of bible versions, where they came from, and why the KJB stands far above all others.
A Biblical perspective on wisdom teeth.
The fairy tale lore of the one-horned horse is a modern-day concept of a unicorn. Find out about the real-life unicorn the Bible talks about.
Discover why Jesus taught that many would claim to believe on Him, but still end up in hell.
Christopher J.E. Johnson's commentary on the Book of 1st Corinthians at Creation Liberty Evangelism.
Christopher J.E. Johnson's commentary on the Book of 1st Thessalonians at Creation Liberty Evangelism.
Christopher J.E. Johnson's commentary on the Book of 2nd Corinthians at Creation Liberty Evangelism.
Christopher J.E. Johnson's commentary on the Book of 2nd Thessalonians at Creation Liberty Evangelism.
Christopher J.E. Johnson's commentary on the Book of Acts at Creation Liberty Evangelism.
Christopher J.E. Johnson's commentary on the Book of Colossians at Creation Liberty Evangelism.
Christopher J.E. Johnson's commentary on the Book of Ephesians at Creation Liberty Evangelism.
Christopher J.E. Johnson's commentary on the Book of Galatians at Creation Liberty Evangelism.
Christopher J.E. Johnson's commentary on the Book of Philippians at Creation Liberty Evangelism.
Christopher J.E. Johnson's commentary on the Book of Romans at Creation Liberty Evangelism.
Scoffers of the Bible quote Leviticus 20:13 as a reason Christians should kill homosexuals, but their argument only proves they do not read the Bible, nor attempt to understand it.
Answering skeptics' arguments concerning supposed 'contradictions' in the King James Bible.
Answering skeptics' arguments concerning supposed 'contradictions' in the King James Bible.
Answering skeptics' arguments concerning supposed 'contradictions' in the King James Bible.
Bible-scoffers claim one part of the Bible, Judas hanged himself, in another part, he fell and his bowels gushed out. Is there a contradiction?
Answering skeptics' arguments concerning supposed 'contradictions' in the King James Bible.
Answering skeptics' arguments concerning supposed 'contradictions' in the King James Bible.
Answering skeptics' arguments concerning supposed 'contradictions' in the King James Bible.
Answering skeptics' arguments concerning supposed 'contradictions' in the King James Bible.
2 Sam 24 says the famine's seven years, and 1 Chr 21 says it's three years. Which one is correct?
The Bible scoffer will claim that God killing children is a wrong action, but God is the standard for goodness, so they have no logical grounds to call it wrong.
An atheist-based website poses this question and attempts to answer it in what some people will think is a logical approach, but actually deceives readers.
Ica stones depict dinosaurs and man living together. Could someone have faked these stones, or are they legitimate?
A lot of effort went into sealing up Bernifal cave, and one creationist's discovery reveals why.
Learn about the rarely publicized evidence that dinosaurs/dragons are still alive today and have always lived with mankind.
What evolutionists believe is new information, that never existed before, was already in the gene pool before the experiments began.
The chronological developments of cave formations, such as stalactites and stalacmites, do not take thousands or millions of years to form, like so many evolutionists believe.
Evolutionists claim ERVs are proof for evolution, but just because ERVs cause some harmful mutation in DNA doesn't prove we all share ancestors with bananas.
The La Brea Tar Pits are claimed to be a place where many animals died over thousands of years of evolution, but close examination proves that explanation is impossible.
See the major presuppositional assumptions evolutionists make in claiming Lenki's ecoli experiments as proof for evolution.
Green River is another site flagged as evidence of millions of years of evolutionary progression, but scientific investigation demonstrates that to be impossible.
Evolutionists commonly claim the origin of life and origin of the universe are unrelated to evolution, but the opposite is being taught in American public schools.
Ambulocetus is commonly used as 'evidence for evolution', but the construct was mostly based on imagination.
Prepare to laugh when you see the absurd claim linking basilosaurus to whales.
Evidence for evolution, or wishful thinking from fanatics?
Did dinosaurs turn into birds? Could anything be more far-fetched?
There is no fossil record, there are just bones in the dirt. The evolutionary 'record' is pure religion.
The Geologic Column is the evolutionist's bible, but despite what is claimed, the column is made up of creative imagination.
The Grand Canyon is used as evidence for evolution in textbooks, but a little scientific knowledge clears up that illusion.
All radiometric dating methods have the same problems. K-Ar dates are unreliable and cherry-picked.
The layers of rock we find in the earth cannot possibly be millions of years in age.
The peppered moth is still used in textbooks and museums today as evidence for evolution despite being proven wrong decades ago.
Inherit the Wind, considered a classic movie still shown in public schools today, has almost no basis in fact and is mostly a film intending to belittle Christianity and the Bible.
Exposing the deception of false prophets who prey on the wallets of undiscerning churchgoers.
Exposing the deception of false prophets who prey on the wallets of undiscerning churchgoers.
No church should be caught dead under a 501c3 corporate contract if they want to be right with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many evolutionists want Christians to think creation is banned from public schools, but that comes from the mouths of those who don't read about the court cases.
The teaching of the lies of evolution doesn't just plague our science classes, but it teaches a philosophy that corrupts our entire way of life.
Christians are foolishly putting their stamp of approval on evil and wicked men.
Christians should obey the government and police in most cases, but should remember to hold obedience to the Lord God in higher regard.
Removing 501c3 will not solve the problem with modern American church buildings.
The cure for cancer has been known for over 100 years, but has been supressed to create a trillion-dollar cancer industry.
Vaccines tend to be just a part of life for most people, but in-depth research reveals a darker truth.
The true meaning of Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus Christ.
Every year, church-goers bring pagan witchcraft into their church buildings; refusing to sanctify themselves from the traditions of men.
Halloween is a celebration of death, and has never had anything to do with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many teachers seek to bring Christians back into bondage with false doctrine.
Thousands of website and books lie to Christians, teaching them they need to observe the Jewish Passover Feast.
The 'harmless' traditions of men turn out to be witchcraft in the sight of God.
If you're a Christian who still observes Valentine's Day, you should take the time to read this.
Discover the real foundation of the 'Christian' music industry, and how it is built upon the corrupt doctrines of false teachers.
Denominations are directly rebuked in Scripture, and they oppose Christ's church.
Fantasy novels & movies are not just harmless entertainment.
How the Feminist Movement Destroyed American Culture by Persecuting Men, and How to Fix It
Most of the modern-day gaming industry is founded on witchcraft and the occult.
Traditions surrounding birthdays originate in witchcraft, sorcery, pride, and selfish obligations.
It surprises many Christians to find out their favorite preachers are teaching the evolutionary billions of years on their websites, books, and seminars.
The Catholic Church has nothing to do with Christianity. They teach firmly against the doctrines of Christ in almost every area.
Exposing the origins, lies, heresies, hypocrisy, and false prophcies of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Society.
Mormonism is not a sect, as some church-goers believe, but rather a pagan religion that is teaches a works-based doctrine.
Seventh-day Adventists corrupt their members through the false prophecies and corrupt doctrines of Ellen G. White.
Evolution is not part of science. It is a religious cult with a bible and a tax-funded church.'
The most respected authorities over Freemasonry have clearly stated that it is a religious Luciferian institution.
Louie Giglio wow'd American Christians with his cross-shaped laminin sermon, but how legitimate is the information he's presenting?
Learn about the basics of Islam, where it comes from, and why it is one of the most dangerous religions on the planet.
Orthodox say they are not Catholic, but their beliefs are a carbon copy of the pagan Catholic cult.
Pope Francis continues the deception of Rome's ecumencial movement by lying about Christ's prayer in John 17.
Despite popular church-goer beliefs, revivals have no Biblical foundation.
What the modern-day church buildings call 'speaking in tongues' is nothing more than the gibberish of willingly ignorant church-goers.
Those who claim the Bible teaches a flat earth also engage in irreconcilable heresies and contradictions.
Exposing the heresies and deception of the Paul vs Christ and Jesus Words Only cults.
The Bible makes historical, logical, and moral predictions that can all be verified, and it makes scientific predictions too.
According to DNA testing and other experients, the gay gene does not exist, despite homosexuals' extraordinary faith to believe in it.
The discovery of polystrate fossils around the world is powerful support of the Biblical Worldwide Flood.
The Big Bang is taught in the public school system as a fact of science, but is completely unreasonable scientifically, and much evidence exists that says it cannot happen.
Many people think carbon dating helps prove evolution, but it is very limited and has so many basic illogical assumptions that it cannot be used with any rational reliability.
Someone who says DNA is evidence for evolution has to deny basic logic. The programming complexities of DNA is obvious proof of God's extraordinary design.
The Pre-Flood world was much different than what we see today. See what it may have been like.
Tropical palm trees, and other warm-natured animals, found frozen in Antarctica. Meanwhile, evolutionists win the gold medal in mental gymnastics.
When the Bible says that animal, plant, and man will bring forth after their kind, how do we define those boundaries with so much variation today?
Our 'Wolves in Costume' series exposes new-age apostates and heretics who are dressed as sheep and fooling the masses.
Billy Graham is a false preacher that ended up in hell, and his false doctrine is leading millions to hell with him.
Our 'Wolves in Costume' series exposes new-age apostates and heretics who are dressed as sheep and fooling the masses.
Our 'Wolves in Costume' series exposes new-age apostates and heretics who are dressed as sheep and fooling the masses.
Our 'Wolves in Costume' series exposes new-age apostates and heretics who are dressed as sheep and fooling the masses.
Our 'Wolves in Costume' series exposes new-age apostates and heretics who are dressed as sheep and fooling the masses.
Our 'Wolves in Costume' series exposes new-age apostates and heretics who are dressed as sheep and fooling the masses.
The news media and Catholic church never talk about the pagan, occultist side of Mother Teresa, who rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Church is driving people to the wide gates of hell.
Our Wolves in Costume series exposes new-age apostates and heretics who are dressed as sheep and fooling the masses.