"Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."
Romans 16:17-18
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Study #0534 [Mar 23, 2025]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 4:6-10
2nd Half--The Heresies of the Flat Earth Cult [p10]
(Dean Odle Believes Flat Earth is the Messiah)
Study #0533 [Mar 16, 2025]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 4:1-5
2nd Half--The Heresies of the Flat Earth Cult [p9]
(Dean Odle Selectively Edits Bible Verses)
Study #0532 [Mar 9, 2025]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 3:26-29
2nd Half--The Heresies of the Flat Earth Cult [p8]
(Exposing Flat Earth False Preacher Dean Odle)
Study #0531 [Mar 2, 2025]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 3:24-25
2nd Half--The Heresies of the Flat Earth Cult [p7]
(Fooling Churchgoers With The 'Original Greek')
Study #0530 [Jan 26, 2025]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 3:20-23
2nd Half--The Heresies of the Flat Earth Cult [p6]
(The Bible Does Not Teach Geocentrism)
Study #0529 [Jan 19, 2025]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 3:17-19
2nd Half--The Heresies of the Flat Earth Cult [p5]
(The Planet is Not a Literal Footstool)
Study #0528 [Jan 12, 2025]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 3:13-16
2nd Half--The Heresies of the Flat Earth Cult [p4]
('Four Corners of the Earth' is Not Cosmology)
Study #0527 [Jan 5, 2025]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 3:9-12
2nd Half--The Heresies of the Flat Earth Cult [p3]
(The 'Ends of the Earth' is Not the Entire Planet)
Study #0526 [Dec 29, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 3:3-8
2nd Half--The Heresies of the Flat Earth Cult [p2]
(A Literal Interpretation of Isaiah 40:22 is Insane)
Study #0525 [Dec 22, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 2:18 - 3:2
2nd Half--The Heresies of the Flat Earth Cult [p1]
(Flat-Earthers Often Cherry-Pick Scripture Out of Context)
Study #0524 [Dec 15, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 2:15-17
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p14]
(Clement is a False Prophet by His Own Standards)
Study #0523 [Dec 8, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 2:10-14
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p13]
(God Condemned Kim Clement in the Bible)
Study #0522 [Dec 1, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 2:4-9
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p12]
(Clement Prophesied Hillary Clinton Would Lead the Christian Church)
Study #0521 [Nov 24, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 1:21 - 2:3
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p11]
(Clement Admitted His Prophecies Were Wrong)
Study #0520 [Nov 17, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 1:13-20
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p10]
(Clement Prophesied Stephen King Became Christian Author in 2006)
Study #0519 [Nov 10, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 1:9-12
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p9]
(Clement Prophesied All Queers in LA Would Be Saved in March of 2002)
Study #0518 [Nov 3, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 1:6-8
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p8]
(Clement's False Prophecy on Catholicism and Pope Francis)
Study #0517 [Oct 27, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 1:1-5
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p7]
(Clement's Failed Korea Prophecy)
Study #0516 [Oct 20, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 13:5-14
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p6]
(Clement's Failed Prophecies on Obama, Rudy Guiliani, and TWA-800)
Study #0515 [Oct 13, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 12:21 - 13:4
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p5]
(Clement Did NOT Predict Donald Trump's Presidency)
Study #0514 [Oct 6, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 12:16-20
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p4]
(Clement's Mentor Taught Prophets Are Better Than The Holy Ghost)
Study #0513 [Sept 29, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 12:12-15
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p3]
(Clement Did Not Believe Men Must Be Born Again)
Study #0512 [Sept 22, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 12:10-11
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p2]
(Clement's Testimony Proves He Was Not Saved)
Study #0511 [Sept 15, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 12:6-9
2nd Half--False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement [p1]
(Kim Clement's "Ministry" Only Cares About Money)

↓ YEAR 11: Aug 2024 - Aug 2023 ↓

Study #0510 [Aug 25, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 11:32 - 12:5
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p20
(Celebrating Christmas is Not Charitable)
Study #0509 [Aug 18, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 11:27-31
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p19
(Dishonorable Mentions: Eric Hovind, Mike Hoggard, Charles Stanley)
Study #0508 [Aug 11, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 11:25-26
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p18
(The Deception and Insanity of Ken Ham's Answers in Genesis)
Study #0507 [Aug 4, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 11:21-24
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p17
(Steven Anderson is an Idolater)
Study #0506 [July 28, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 11:16-20
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p16
(Kirk Cameron Mocks My Teaching on Christmas)
Study #0505 [July 21, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p15
(The Deceptive Preaching of Billy Graham)
Study #0504 [July 14, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 11:8-12
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p14
(The Hypocrisy of John MacArthur and Grace to You)
Study #0503 [July 7, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 11:5-7
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p13
(Pastors Make Stupid Arguments for Christmas)
Study #0502 [June 30, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 11:1-4
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p12
(American Colonists Banned Christmas)
Study #0501 [June 23, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 10:13-18
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p11
(Nativity Scenes Are Not Biblically Accurate)
Study #0500 [June 16, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 10:8-12
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p10
(Parents Who Hate Their Children)
Study #0499 [June 9, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 10:5-7
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p9
(Santa Claus is Demonic)
Study #0498 [June 2, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 10:1-4
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p8
(Corruption Doctrine in Christmas Music)
Study #0497 [May 26, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 9:7-15
(I accidentally went through chapter 9 twice.)
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p7
(The Bible Condemns Wassailing)
Study #0496 [May 19, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 9:5-6
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p6
(Christmas Wreaths Are Sex Symbols)
Study #0495 [May 12, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 8:14 - 9:4
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p5
(Christmas Tree Idolatry & Sun God Worship)
Study #0494 [May 5, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 8:7-13
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p4
(MYSTERY BABYLON in Christmas/Yule)
Study #0493 [Apr 28, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 8:4-6
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p3
(Christmas is the Catholic Version of the Pagan Yule-Saturnalia Celebration)
Study #0492 [Apr 21, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 8:19-9:3
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p2
(The True Meaning of Christmas)
Study #0491 [Apr 14, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 8:14-18
2nd Half--Christmas: Rejecting Jesus p1
(It's Easier to Fool a Man Than to Show Him He Was Fooled)
Study #0490 [Apr 7, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 8:9-13
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Love p6
(The Day You Die is the Day You Stop Loving Yourself)
Study #0489 [Mar 31, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 8:3-8
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Love p5
(God Gives Us Shame Because He Loves Us)
Study #0488 [Mar 24, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 7:12 - 8:2
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Love p4
(Does God Love Unconditionally?)
Study #0487 [Mar 17, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 7:10-11
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Love p3
(Nobody Needs to Learn to Love Themselves)
Study #0486 [Mar 10, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 7:7-10
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Love p2
(Truth Sounds Like Hate to Those Who Hate Truth)
Study #0485 [Mar 3, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 7:2-6
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Love p1
(Love is Not an Emotion)
Study #0484 [Feb 25, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 6:17 - 7:1
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p24
(Did Ellen White Burn Down a Hospital?)
Study #0483 [Feb 18, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 6:13-16
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p23
(SDAs Have Their Own Corruption Bible Version)
Study #0482 [Feb 11, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 6:9-12
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p22
(From Ellen White to David Koresh)
Study #0481 [Feb 4, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 6:7-8
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p21
(Ellen White Said Jewelry is Idolatry While She Wore Jewelry)
Study #0480 [Jan 14, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 6:5-6
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p20
(Ellen White Pushed Veganism and It's Bad For Your Health)
Study #0479 [Jan 7, 2024]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 6:1-4
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p19
(Ellen White Prophesied That Eating Meat Makes You Satan's Servant)
Study #0478 [Dec 31, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 5:19-21
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p18
(An Angel Allegedly Told Ellen White That Photos Are Idolatry)
Study #0477 [Dec 24, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 5:13-18
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p17
(Ellen White Prophesied That Indigestion Will Lead You to Hell)
Study #0476 [Dec 17, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 5:10-13
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p16
(Ellen White Prophesied That Masterbation Will Kill You)
Study #0475 [Dec 10, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 5:1-9
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p15
(Ellen White Prophesied That Sickness is Sin)
Study #0474 [Dec 3, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 4:13-18
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p14
(Ellen White Believed Blacks Were the Result of Beastiality)
Study #0473 [Nov 26, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 4:11-13
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p13
(Ellen White is the Biggest Hypocrite of the 19th Century)
Study #0472 [Nov 19, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 4:5-10
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p12
(Ellen White Plagiarized 50-80% of Her Books)
Study #0471 [Nov 12, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 4:1-4
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p11
(Ellen White Lied About Her Failed Visions)
Study #0470 [Nov 5, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 3:12-18
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p10
(Ellen White "Shut Door" False Prophecy)
Study #0469 [Oct 29, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 3:9-12
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p9
(EGW Prophesied the U.S. Would Fall to the British During the Civil War)
Study #0468 [Oct 22, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 3:3-8
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p8
(SDAs Are Not Faithful Enough to Add White's Books to Scripture)
Study #0467 [Oct 15, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 2:17 - 3:2
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p7
(Seventh-day Adventists Do Not Keep the Sabbath)
Study #0466 [Oct 8, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 2:11-16
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p6
(Ellen G. White Believed That Jesus Was Michael the Archangel)
Study #0465 [Oct 1, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 2:6-11
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p5
(Ellen G. White Taught the Blood of Christ does NOT Cleanse Sin)
Study #0464 [Sept 24, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 2:2-6
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p4
(Early Adventists Were a Plague on Their Communities)
Study #0463 [Sept 17, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 1:22 - 2:1
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p3
(Adventists Men and Women Kissing on the Lips for "Holiness")
Study #0462 [Sept 10, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 1:18-21
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p2
(The Origin of Adventism)
Study #0461 [Sept 3, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 1:9-17
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-day Adventism p1
(The Law is NOT the Covenant Made With Abraham)
Study #0460 [Aug 27, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 1:5-8
2nd Half--The Church is Not a Building p2
(The "Go to Church" Narrative is a Money-Making Scheme)
Study #0459 [Aug 20, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 2nd Corinthians 1:1-4
2nd Half--The Church is Not a Building p1
(It is Impossible to Go to Church)

↓ YEAR 10: Aug 2023 - Aug 2022 ↓

Study #0458 [July 30, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 16:15-24
2nd Half--Numerology is Occult Divination p4
(Exposing the Occult Divination of Bible Codes)
Study #0457 [July 23, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 16:13-14
2nd Half--Numerology is Occult Divination p3
(Prophecy by Numbers is Pagan Mysticism)
Study #0456 [July 16, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 16:3-12
2nd Half--Numerology is Occult Divination p2
(Harold Camping's End of the World Prophecy)
Study #0455 [July 9, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 15:56 - 16:2
2nd Half--Numerology is Occult Divination p1
(Numerology is Not Just Stupid, It's Dangerous)
Study #0454 [July 2, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 15:46-55
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p27
(Do You Love Jesus More Than Music?)
Study #0453 [June 25, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 15:38-45
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p26
(Skillet Promotes Satanic Bands and Concerts)
Study #0452 [June 18, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 15:35-37
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p25
(Michael W. Smith Applied Witchcraft to His Albums)
Study #0451 [June 11, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 15:33-34
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p24
(Most "Christian" Bands Are Not Christian)
Study #0450 [June 4, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 15:31-32
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p23
(Atheists Disguise Themselves as Christian Musicians to Make Money)
Study #0449 [May 28, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 15:24-30
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p22
("Christian" Musicians Do Not Write Their Own Songs)
Study #0448 [May 21, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 15:21-23
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p21
("Christian" Musicians Join Hands with Secular Musicians)
Study #0447 [May 14, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 15:13-20
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p20
(Bethel Church Teaches Children Witchcraft)
Study #0446 [Apr 30, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 15:8-12
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p19
(The Heresies of Jenn Johnson of Bethel Music)
Study #0445 [Apr 23, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 15:3-7
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p18
(The False Prophecies of Bethel Church)
Study #0444 [Apr 16, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 14:38 - 15:2
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p17
(Exposing Bethel Music Group)
Study #0443 [Apr 9, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 14:33-37
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p16
(Catholic Ecumenicism is the Foundation of the "Christian" Music Industry)
Study #0442 [Apr 2, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 14:27-32
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p15
(The Evil Yoke of the "Christian" Music Industry)
Study #0441 [Mar 26, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 14:23-26
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p14
(Why The Gospel of Christ Cannot Be Preached Through Hip-Hop)
Study #0440 [Mar 19, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 14:21-22
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p13
(The Heresies of Steven Furtick and Elevation Church)
Study #0439 [Mar 12, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 14:15-20
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p12
("Christian" Musicians Who Sold Their Souls)
Study #0438 [Mar 5, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 14:6-14
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p11
(The Greed of Brian Houston and Hillsong)
Study #0437 [Feb 26, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 14:3-5
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p10
(Music Conference Preachers Live in Luxury)
Study #0436 [Feb 19, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 13:13 - 14:2
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p9
(Music Conference Speakers Teaching a False Christ)
Study #0435 [Feb 12, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 13:8-12
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p8
(Music Conference Pastors Use You as Merchandise)
Study #0434 [Feb 5, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 13:7
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p7
(Music Conference Pastors Preach a False Gospel)
Study #0433 [Jan 29, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 13:5-6
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p6
("Christian" Musicians Yoke Together With the World)
Study #0432 [Jan 22, 2023]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 13:2-4
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p5
(The Self-Centered Philosophy in Modern "Christian" Music)
Study #0431 [Dec 25, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 12:29 - 13:1
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p4
(The Deceptive Lyrics in Modern "Christian" Music)
Study #0430 [Dec 18, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 12:25-28
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p3
(Satanism in the Music Industry)
Study #0429 [Dec 11, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 12:21-24
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p2
(The Origin of Rock Music)
Study #0428 [Dec 4, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 12:11-20
2nd Half--Christian Music: For the Love of Money p1
(Music Communicates a Message)
Study #0427 [Nov 27, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 12:4-10
2nd Half--Hell is Real And Many People Are Going There p4
(Exposing the "Hell Visions" of False Prophets)
Study #0426 [Nov 20, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 12:4-6
2nd Half--Hell is Real And Many People Are Going There p3
(Exposing the False Doctrines of Famous Preachers)
Study #0425 [Nov 13, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 11:31 - 1st Corinthians 12:3
2nd Half--Hell is Real And Many People Are Going There p2
(God Told Us Where Hell is Located)
Study #0424 [Nov 6, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 11:28-31
2nd Half--Hell is Real And Many People Are Going There p1
(Jesus Christ's Description of Hell)
Study #0423 [Oct 30, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 11:24-27
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p25
(How Christians Should Conduct Themselves)
Study #0422 [Oct 23, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 11:20-23
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p24
(Kent and His Opposition Are Slinging the Same Mud at Each Other)
Study #0421 [Oct 16, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 11:17-19
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p23
(Don't Adopt Kent's Hypocrisy When Rebuking Him and His Followers)
Study #0420 [Oct 9, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 11:11-16
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p22
(Kent Sent Me An Email)
Study #0419 [Oct 2, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 11:6-10
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p21
(Kent Promotes Evolution Through Eugenics)
Study #0418 [Sept 25, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 11:1-5
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p20
(Kent Uses Majority Opinion When It's Convenient For Him)
Study #0417 [Sept 11, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 10:25-33
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p19
(Kent Hypocritically Got 501c3 Incorporated)
Study #0416 [Sept 4, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 10:22-24
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p18
(Kent Covers Up The Heresies of The Shack)
Study #0415 [Aug 28, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 10:17-21
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p17
(Exposing the Heresies of The Shack)
Study #0414 [Aug 21, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 10:13-16
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p16
(Kent Advertises His Theme Park While Children Are Dying)

↓ YEAR 9: Aug 2022 - Aug 2021 ↓

Study #0413 [Aug 14, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 10:10-12
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p15
(Kent Protects Child Molesters at Dinosaur Adventure Land)
Study #0412 [Aug 7, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 10:5-9
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p14
(Children Kidnapped at Kent's Dinosaur Adventure Land)
Study #0411 [July 31, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 10:1-5
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p13
(Kent Deceives His Audience to Save Face)
Study #0410 [July 24, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 9:23-27
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p12
(Kent Cracks The Whip on His Slaves)
Study #0409 [July 17, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 9:18-22
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p11
(Kent Mocks His Most Dedicated Supporters)
Study #0408 [July 10, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 9:15-17
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p10
(Kent Keeps Getting Sued, and He Keeps Losing)
Study #0407 [June 19, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 9:11-14
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p9
(Kent Arrested Again For Domestic Abuse)
Study #0406 [June 12, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 9:8-10
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p8
(Kent's Unbiblical Marriage to His Second Wife)
Study #0405 [June 5, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 9:5-7
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p7
(Kent's Abuse of His Wife Jo)
Study #0404 [May 29, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 8:12 - 1st Corinthians 9:4
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p6
(Kent Lies About His Family and Friends)
Study #0403 [May 15, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 8:9-11
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p5
(Kent Hovind and Ray Comfort Have Not Come to Repentance)
Study #0402 [May 8, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 8:4-8
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p4
(Kent Does Not Know The Gospel of Salvation)
Study #0401 [May 1, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 7:39 - 1st Corinthians 8:3
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p3
(Kent Rejects Christ's Doctrine on Repentance)
Study #0400 [Apr 24, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 7:31-38
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p2
(Kent Hovind Went to Prison for Ten Years Because He Lied to the Court)
Study #0399 [Apr 17, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 7:24-30
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind p1
(It Is The Duty of Christians to Expose False Teachers)
Study #0398 [Apr 10, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 7:19-23
2nd Half--Denominations Are Unbiblical p5
(Non-Denominational Organizations Are Still a Denomination)
Study #0397 [Apr 3, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 7:13-18
2nd Half--Denominations Are Unbiblical p4
(Fundamental Baptists Originally Rejected The King James Bible)
Study #0396 [Mar 27, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 7:7-13
2nd Half--Denominations Are Unbiblical p3
(Protestantism Is Not Christianity)
Study #0395 [Mar 20, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 7:1-6
2nd Half--Denominations Are Unbiblical p2
(The Diabolical Catholic Church is the Origin of Nearly All Modern Denominations)
Study #0394 [Mar 13, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 6:15-20
2nd Half--Denominations Are Unbiblical p1
(Paul Directly Rebuked Denominations)
Study #0393 [Mar 6, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 6:11-14
2nd Half--Unbiblical Cop-Outs: 'Don't Judge Me!' p4
(If You Stop Judging, You Will End Up Dead)
Study #0392 [Feb 27, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 6:7-10
2nd Half--Unbiblical Cop-Outs: 'Don't Judge Me!' p3
(Anti-Judgment Preachers Are Simply Hypocritical Judges)
Study #0391 [Feb 20, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 6:1-6
2nd Half--Unbiblical Cop-Outs: 'Don't Judge Me!' p2
(How to Condemn With Charity)
Study #0390 [Feb 13, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 5:11-13
2nd Half--Unbiblical Cop-Outs: 'Don't Judge Me!' p1
(Christian Have a Duty to Judge Righteous Judgement)
Study #0389 [Feb 6, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 5:6-10
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p33
(The Cure for Depression)
Study #0388 [Jan 30, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 5:3-5
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p32
("Christian" Life Coach Teaches Satanists Are Children of God)
Study #0387 [Jan 23, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 4:20 - 5:2
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p31
(The Anti-Christian Doctrine of "Christian" Life Coaching)
Study #0386 [Jan 2, 2022]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 4:14-19
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p30
(From Witchcraft to Scientology to "Christian" Life Coaching)
Study #0385 [Dec 26, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 4:8-13
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p29
(The Prideful Nature of Life Coaching)
Study #0384 [Dec 5, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 4:5-7
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p28
(Introduction to Life Coaching)
Study #0383 [Nov 28, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 4:3-4
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p27
(The Destructive Doctrine of Larry Crabb)
Study #0382 [Nov 21, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 4:2
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p26
(The False Doctrine of Mankind's "Inner Goodness")
Study #0381 [Nov 14, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 4:1
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p25
(Psychology Preaches the Corrupt Doctrine of Self-Esteem)
Study #0380 [Nov 7, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 3:20-23
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p24
(Witchcraft Philosophy Taught in "Christian" Colleges)
Study #0379 [Oct 31, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 3:17-19
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p23
(Exposing the New-Age False Doctrine "Learn to Love Yourself")
Study #0378 [Oct 24, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 3:13-16
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p22
(The Deceptions of "Christian" Psychology)
Study #0377 [Oct 17, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 3:9-13
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p21
(How Edward Bernays Used Psychological Manipulation to Change the World)
Study #0376 [Oct 10, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 3:5-8
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p20
(How Commercial Advertising Attacks Your Mind)
Study #0375 [Oct 3, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 3:3-4
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p19
(Strange Military Deaths and the Destruction of Families)
Study #0374 [Sept 26, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 3:1-2
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p18
(Big Pharma and Military Leaders Are Killing U.S. Soldiers)
Study #0373 [Sept 19, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 2:15-16
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p17
(Psychologists Have Never Diagnosed a Patient)
Study #0372 [Sept 12, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 2:12-14
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p16
(Military Soldiers Are Guinea Pigs For Psychiatrists)
Study #0371 [Sept 5, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 2:8-11
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p15
(The Insanity Plea Should Be Unlawful)
Study #0370 [Aug 29, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 2:5-7
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p14
(Psychologists Defend Criminals)

↓ YEAR 8: Aug 2021 - Aug 2020 ↓

Study #0369 [Aug 1, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 2:1-4
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p13
(Many Physicians Today Are Bought and Raised by Big Pharma)
Study #0368 [July 25, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 1:27-31
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p12
(How Doctors Take Bribes to Sell You Drugs)
Study #0367 [July 18, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 1:25-26
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p11
(Pharmaceutical Companies Ghostwrite Studies to Deceive You)
Study #0366 [July 11, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 1:23-24
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p10
(How the Drug Industry Scams You With Fake Clinical Trials)
Study #0365 [July 4, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 1:21-22
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p9
(Exposing Disease Mongering)
Study #0364 [June 27, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 1:18-20 (I accidentally covered the same 3 verses as last week.)
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p8
(Psychiatric Drugs Cause the Problems They Claim to Solve)
Study #0363 [June 20, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 1:18-20
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p7
(The DSM is Not Based on Any Scientific or Medical Research)
Study #0362 [June 13, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 1:14-17
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p6
(Symptom-Based Medicine is Extremely Deadly)
Study #0361 [June 6, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 1:11-13
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p5
(Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia Do Not Exist)
Study #0360 [May 30, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 1:8-10
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p4
(Psychologists, Witchdoctors, and Charismatics Join Hands)
Study #0359 [May 23, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from 1st Corinthians 1:1-7
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p3
(The 'Unconscious' and 'Subconscious' Mind Does Not Exist)
Study #0358 [May 16, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 16:19-27
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p2
(Psychologists Turn People Away From Repentance)
Study #0357 [May 9, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 16:6-18
2nd Half--Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p1
(Psychology is an Oxymoron)
Study #0356 [May 2, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 15:26-33 & 16:1-5
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Fellowship
(Attending a Church Building is Not Fellowship)
Study #0355 [Apr 25, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 15:19-25
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Perfection
(Perfection is Not Achieved by the Works of the Law)
Study #0354 [Apr 18, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 15:13-18
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p28
(A Final Message for Catholics)
Study #0353 [Apr 11, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 15:8-13
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p27
(The Catholic Church is the Great Whore Reigning Over Kings)
Study #0352 [Apr 4, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 15:4-7
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p26
(The Catholic Church's Criminal Activity Leads to Suicide Among Victims)
Study #0351 [Mar 28, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 15:1-3
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p25
(The Catholic Church Buys a Pedophile Island)
Study #0350 [Mar 21, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 14:20-23
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p24
(The Difficulty Victims Have When Trying to Get Restitution from the Catholic Church)
Study #0349 [Mar 14, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 14:16-19
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p23
(Catholic Philosophy is More Dangerous Than Pedophilia)
Study #0348 [Mar 7, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 14:13-15
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p22
(Popes Cover Up Child Sex Abuse Cases)
Study #0347 [Feb 28, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 14:7-12
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p21
(The Horrors of Closed Convents and Cloisters)
Study #0346 [Feb 21, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 14:2-6
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p20
(Nuns Involved in Child Trafficking and Sexual Abuse)
Study #0345 [Feb 7, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 13:13 - 14:1
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p19
(The Testimonies of Former Nuns)
Study #0344 [Jan 31, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 13:10-12
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p18
(Catholic Inquisitors Killed Christians for Reading the Bible)
Study #0343 [Jan 24, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 13:5-9
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p17
(The Torture Devices of the Papacy)
Study #0342 [Jan 17, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 13:3-4
2nd Half--Special Teaching: U.S. Insurrection Act
(God Uses the Wicked to Judge the Wicked, All The Time)
Study #0341 [Jan 3, 2021]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 12:20-13:2
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p16
(The Catholic Inquisition is History Too Quickly Forgotten)
Study #0340 [Dec 27, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 12:17-19
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p15
(Catholics Wear Diapers For Idolatry and Deficate Themselves For The Pope)
Study #0339 [Dec 20, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 12:16
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p14
(Catholics Believe Studying The New Testament Makes People Reject Christ)
Study #0338 [Dec 13, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 12:13-15
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p13
(Pope Francis Promotes Communism)
Study #0337 [Dec 6, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 12:10-12
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p12
(Catholics Believe Their Pope is Jesus Christ)
Study #0336 [Nov 29, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 12:8-9
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p11
(There Is No Scriptural Evidence For A Catholic Pope)
Study #0335 [Oct 25, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 12:4-7
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p10
(Catholicism's "Mary" and Islam's "Allah" Are The Same)
Study #0334 [Oct 18, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 11:34 - Romans 12:3
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p9
(Catholics Are Idolaters According to Their Own Definition)
Study #0333 [Oct 11, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 11:26-33
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p8
(Catholics and Pagans Use the Same Excuses to Practice Idolatry)
Study #0332 [Oct 4, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 11:18-25
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p7
(Trying to Combine Grace and Works is a Deadly Oxymoron)
Study #0331 [Sept 27, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 11:10-17
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p6
(Indulgences Will Not Give You Bonus Points For Heaven)
Study #0330 [Sept 20, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 11:1-9
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p5
(Jesus Paid the Debt of Sin on the Cross, Not at the Feast)
Study #0329 [Sept 13, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 10:18-21
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p4
(Catholicism Says You Go To Hell If You Believe Jesus Paid It All)
Study #0328 [Sept 6, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 10:15-17
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p3
(Purgatory is an Attempt to Avoid the Judgment of God)
Study #0327 [Aug 30, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 10:12-14
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p2
(The Catholic Church's Imaginary Safety Net Called 'Purgatory')
Study #0326 [Aug 23, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 10:8-11
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism p1
(The Hidden Origin of the Roman Catholic Church)

↓ YEAR 7: Aug 2020 - Aug 2019 ↓

Study #0325 [Aug 16, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 10:3-7
2nd Half--Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell p4
(Hell Is The Reward For Those Who Do Not Repent)
Study #0324 [Aug 9, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 9:28 - 10:2
2nd Half--Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell p3
(Jesus Taught Repentance in His Parables)
Study #0323 [Aug 2, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 9:21-27
2nd Half--Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell p2
(God Does Not Give His Grace to the Proud)
Study #0322 [July 26, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 9:16-20
2nd Half--Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell p1
(The Doctrine of Repentance and Remission of Sins)
Study #0321 [July 19, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 9:12-15
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p16
(The Absence of Fighting is Not Evidence of Peace)
Study #0320 [July 12, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 9:1-11
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p15
(Avoiding Arguments Does Not Reconcile Marriages)
Study #0319 [July 5, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 8:34-39
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p14
(Most Mainstream Marriage Books and Seminars Are Scams)
Study #0318 [June 28, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 8:31-32
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p13
(Frequently Asked Questions About Marriage)
Study #0317 [May 31, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 8:26-30
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p12
(How Can Single Christians Meet Other Single Christians?)
Study #0316 [May 24, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 8:22-25
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p11
(Dating Should Not Be Based on Common Interests)
Study #0315 [May 17, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 8:17-21
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p10
(Should Single Christians Date?)
Study #0314 [May 10, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 8:11-16
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p9
(The Three Biblical Reasons for Divorce or Remarriage)
Study #0313 [May 3, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 8:6-10
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p8
(Churchgoers Protesting Gay Marriage Are Wasting Their Time)
Study #0312 [Apr 26, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 8:1-5
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p7
(The Dangers of Getting a Marriage License From the State)
Study #0311 [Apr 19, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 7:18-25
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p6
(Christians Have No Obligation to Obtain a Marriage License)
Study #0310 [Apr 12, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 7:14-17
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p5
(Christians Should Not Use The Book of Common Prayer)
Study #0309 [Apr 5, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 7:9-13
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p4
(The Biblical Requirement For Marriage)
Study #0308 [Mar 29, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 7:1-8
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p3
(Churchgoers Practicing Inappropriate Pagan Wedding Traditions)
Study #0307 [Mar 22, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 6 (p4)
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p2
(Wedding Rings Originated From Paganism & Witchcraft)
Study #0306 [Mar 15, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 6 (p3)
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Weddings & Marriage p1
(Letting Go of Corrupt Religious Traditions)
Study #0305 [Mar 8, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 6 (p2)
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement p11
(Crystal Cathedral Becomes Catholic Church)
Study #0304 [Mar 1, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 6 (p1)
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement p10
(ATMs For Jesus)
Study #0303 [Feb 23, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 5 (p3)
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement p9
(Most Pastors Are Not Called to be a Pastor)
Study #0302 [Feb 9, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 5 (p2)
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement p8
(The Hypocrisy of Creflo Dollar)
Study #0301 [Feb 2, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 5 (p1)
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement p7
(How Much Money Some Pastors Really Make)
Study #0300 [Jan 26, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 4 (p5)
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement p6
(Rebuking Extortioner Edwin B. Young)
Study #0299 [Jan 19, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 4 (p4)
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement p5
(The Origin of 'Seed-Faith' Giving')
Study #0298 [Jan 12, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 4 (p3)
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement p4
(Extortioners Becoming Pastors)
Study #0297 [Jan 5, 2020]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 4 (p2)
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement p3
(The Origin of 'Storehouse Tithing')
Study #0296 [Dec 29, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 3 (p4) - Romans 4 (p1)
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement p2
(Churchgoers Rejecting Christ for Aaron)
Study #0295 [Dec 22, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 3 (p3)
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement p1
(Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement)
Study #0294 [Dec 15, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 3 (p2)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p15
(More Hateful Letters From Pastors and Elders)
Study #0293 [Dec 8, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 3 (p1)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p14
(Hateful Letters From Pastors and Elders)
Study #0292 [Dec 1, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 2 (p6)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p13
(Pastors Use Lyndon Johnson as a Scapegoat)
Study #0291 [Nov 24, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 2 (p5)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p12
(Answering Common Questions About 501c3)
Study #0290 [Nov 17, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 2 (p4)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p11
(Dissolving 501c3 and Sanctifying Yourselves)
Study #0289 [Oct 20, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 2 (p3)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p10
(Leavened Preachers Who Teach For Filthy Lucre)
Study #0288 [Oct 13, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 2 (p2)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p9
(Preachers Who Lie and Decieve For Money)
Study #0287 [Oct 6, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 2 (p1)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p8
(More Examples of Willingly Ignorant Preachers)
Study #0286 [Sept 29, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 1 (p7)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p7
(501c3 Church Buildings Are Military Bases)
Study #0285 [Sept 22, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 1 (p6)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p6
(Greg Dixon [IBT] Was a Liar and Thief)
Study #0284 [Sept 15, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 1 (p5)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p5
(Yoking Together With Wicked Organizations)
Study #0283 [Sept 8, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 1 (p4)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p4
(Proving 501c3 Organizations Are Gagged)
Study #0282 [Sept 1, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 1 (p3)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p3
(501c3 Does NOT Benefit the Lord Jesus Christ)
Study #0281 [Aug 25, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 1 (p2)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p2
(501c3 Has No Constitutional Rights)
Study #0280 [Aug 18, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Romans 1 (p1)
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church p1
(What is a Corporation?)

↓ YEAR 6: Aug 2019 - Aug 2018 ↓

Study #0279 [Aug 4, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 28 (p2)
2nd Half--The Christian Work Ethic p6
(Stop Being Selfish And Get To Work!)
Study #0278 [July 28, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 28 (p1)
2nd Half--The Christian Work Ethic p5
(Communists & Socialists Are Lazy Theives)
Study #0277 [July 21, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 27 (p2)
2nd Half--The Christian Work Ethic p4
(Lazy 'Shake-n-Bake' Churchgoers)
Study #0276 [July 14, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 27 (p1)
2nd Half--The Christian Work Ethic p3
(False Lazy Faith vs True Working Faith)
Study #0275 [July 7, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 26 (p3)
2nd Half--The Christian Work Ethic p2
(Lazy Women Are Worse Than a Plague)
Study #0274 [June 30, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 26 (p2)
2nd Half--The Christian Work Ethic p1
(Rebuking Laziness, Idleness and Slothfulness)
Study #0273 [June 23, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 26 (p1)
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
(Examples of Pride in Pastors and Churchgoers)
Study #0272 [June 16, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 25 (p2)
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Pride p4
(Evidence of God Judging the Proud)
Study #0271 [June 9, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 25 (p1)
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Pride p3
(The Difference Between Boldness and Arrogance)
Study #0270 [June 2, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 24 (p2)
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Pride p2
(Proud Heart vs Humble Heart)
Study #0269 [May 26, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 24 (p1)
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Pride p1
(God Will NOT Save the Proud of Heart)
Study #0268 [May 19, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 23 (p3)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p14
(Anderson's Ignorance and Hatred Never Cease)
Study #0267 [May 12, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 23 (p2)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p13
(Anderson's Ignorance About 501c3 Corporations)
Study #0266 [May 5, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 23 (p1)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p12
(Anderson's Doctrine on Urination)
Study #0265 [Apr 7, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 22 (p2)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p11
(Anderson Brings Christians Under Bondage)
Study #0264 [Mar 31, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 22 (p1)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p10
(Anderson is Not Qualified to be a Pastor or Elder)
Study #0263 [Mar 24, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 21 (p3)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p9
(Anderson Demands That We Prove The Impossible)
Study #0262 [Mar 17, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 21 (p2)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p8
(Anderson's Lies About Easter vs Passover)
Study #0261 [Mar 10, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 21 (p1)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p7
(Anderson's Halloween vs Christmas Hypocrisy)
Study #0260 [Mar 3, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 20 (p3)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p6
(Anderson's False Doctrine on Christmas)
Study #0259 [Feb 24, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 20 (p2)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p5
(Anderson's Unmerciful Heart)
Study #0258 [Feb 17, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 20 (p1)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p4
(Railers Need To Be Removed From The Church)
Study #0257 [Feb 10, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 19 (p3)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p3
(Anderson Trusts in His Own Righteousness)
Study #0256 [Feb 3, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 19 (p2)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p2
(Anderson's Contradictions in Doctrine)
Study #0255 [Jan 27, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 19 (p1)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p1
(A Very Deceptive Wolf)
Study #0254 [Jan 20, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 18 (p2)
2nd Half--The Truth About Valentine's Day
(One of the Most Disgusting Holidays)
Study #0253 [Jan 13, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 17 (p4) - Acts 18 (p1)
2nd Half--Respecting Persons Is Sin p3
(Sanctify Yourselves From Those Wicked Men)
Study #0252 [Jan 6, 2019]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 17 (p4)
2nd Half--Respecting Persons Is Sin p2
(The Pride of Pastors)
Study #0251 [Dec 30, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 17 (p2)
2nd Half--Respecting Persons Is Sin p1
(What Does It Mean to Respect Persons?)
Study #0250 [Dec 23, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 17 (p1)
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Idolatry p4
(The Fulfillment of the Law and Prophets)
Study #0249 [Dec 16, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 16 (p3)
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Idolatry p3
(Examples of Idolatry in Churches)
Study #0248 [Dec 9, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 16 (p2)
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Idolatry p2
(The Idolatry of the Heart)
Study #0247 [Dec 2, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 16 (p1)
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Idolatry p1
(Idolatry is Very Common in Church Buildings)
Study #0246 [Nov 11, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 15 (p4)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p16
(Ex-Jehovah Witness Testimonies)
Study #0245 [Nov 4, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 15 (p3)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p15
(The Plauge of Adventism)
Study #0244 [Oct 28, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 15 (p2)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p14
(A Pedophile Paradise)
Study #0243 [Oct 21, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 15 (p1)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p13
(The Watchtower Protects Pedophiles)
Study #0242 [Oct 14, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 14 (p3)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p12
(The Watchtower's Child Sex Abuse Problem)
Study #0241 [Oct 7, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 14 (p2)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p11
(Russell's Adultery and Abuse Against His Wife)
Study #0240 [Sept 30, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 14 (p1)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p10
(Racist Watchtower Doctrine)
Study #0239 [Sept 23, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 13 (p4)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p9
(Was Charles Russell a Freemason?)
Study #0238 [Sept 16, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 13 (p3)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p8
(The Absurdity of the New World Translation)
Study #0237 [Sept 9, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 13 (p2)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p7
(Exposing the New World Translation)
Study #0236 [Sept 2, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 13 (p1)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p6
(Exposing JW 19th-20th Century False Prophets)
Study #0235 [Aug 26, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 12 (p2)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p5
(A Failed Prophet is the Devil's Prophet)
Study #0234 [Aug 19, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 12 (p1)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p4
(Working Their Way Into False Salvation)
Study #0233 [Aug 12, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 11 (p2)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p3
(JWs Believe Jesus is Michael the Archangel)
Study #0232 [Aug 5, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 10 (p4) - Acts 11 (p1)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p2
(The False "Jesus" of the Watchtower)
Study #0231 [July 29, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 10 (p3)
2nd Half--Jehovah's Witness: Corruptions of Christianity p1
(Introduction to Jehovah's Witness & Watchtower)

↓ YEAR 5: Aug 2018 - Aug 2017 ↓

Study #0230 [July 22, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 10 (p2)
2nd Half--False Converts in the Church p4
(Looking at More Parables and Statistics)
Study #0229 [July 15, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 9 (p3) - Acts 10 (p1)
2nd Half--False Converts in the Church p3
(Why There Are So Many False Converts)
Study #0228 [June 24, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 9 (p2)
2nd Half--False Converts in the Church p2
(Is Your Church Leavened?)
Study #0227 [June 17, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 9 (p1)
2nd Half--False Converts in the Church p1
(Jesus Warned About Many False Converts)
Study #0226 [June 10, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 8 (p3)
2nd Half--Is Repentance Part of Salvation? p6
(What It Means To Live Perfectly)
Study #0225 [June 3, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 8 (p2)
2nd Half--Is Repentance Part of Salvation? p5
(Exposing Kent Hovind & Ray Comfort)
Study #0224 [May 27, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 8 (p1)
2nd Half--Is Repentance Part of Salvation? p4
(Exposing Steven Anderson & Kent Hovind)
Study #0223 [May 20, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 7 (p5)
2nd Half--Is Repentance Part of Salvation? p3
(Exposing False Doctrines on Repentance)
Study #0222 [May 13, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 7 (p4)
2nd Half--Is Repentance Part of Salvation? p2
(Repentance in Sackcloth, Dust and Ashes)
Study #0221 [May 6, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 7 (p3)
2nd Half--Is Repentance Part of Salvation? p1
(The Grief and Sorrow of Repentance)
Study #0220 [Apr 29, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 7 (p2)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Michael Landon p4
(Landon Communed With Familiar Spirits)
Study #0219 [Apr 22, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 6 (p2) - Acts 7 (p1)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Michael Landon p3
(Highway to Heaven or Hell?)
Study #0218 [Apr 15, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 6 (p1)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Michael Landon p2
(The False Doctrine of Little House on the Prairie)
Study #0217 [Apr 8, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 5 (p4)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Michael Landon p1
(Landon and His TV Shows Are Not Christian)
Study #0216 [Apr 1, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 5 (p3)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Billy Graham p2
(Graham's Ecumenical Anti-Christ Doctrine)
Study #0215 [Mar 25, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 5 (p2)
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Billy Graham p1
(Billy Graham & The Catholic Church)
Study #0214 [Mar 18, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 4 (p3) - Acts 5 (p1)
2nd Half--Abortion: Paganism, Satanism, Sacrifices, and Witchcraft p6
(Why Roe vs Wade Decision Was Correct)
Study #0213 [Mar 11, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 4 (p2)
2nd Half--Abortion: Paganism, Satanism, Sacrifices, and Witchcraft p5
(Christians Praying Against Witchcraft & Devils)
Study #0212 [Mar 4, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 4 (p2)
2nd Half--Abortion: Paganism, Satanism, Sacrifices, and Witchcraft p4
(Dirty Abortion Clinics and Witchcraft Rituals)
Study #0211 [Feb 25, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 3 (p3) - Acts 4 (p1)
2nd Half--Abortion: Paganism, Satanism, Sacrifices, and Witchcraft p3
(Child Sacrifice in Black Mass Satanic Rituals)
Study #0210 [Feb 11, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 3 (p2)
2nd Half--Abortion: Paganism, Satanism, Sacrifices, and Witchcraft p2
(After-Birth Abortion and Infanticide)
Study #0209 [Feb 4, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 3 (p1)
2nd Half--Abortion: Paganism, Satanism, Sacrifices, and Witchcraft p1
(Murder and Child Sacrifice)
Study #0208 [Jan 7, 2018]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 2 (p2)
2nd Half--Speaking in Tongues vs Charismatic Gibberish p7
(Azusa Street & Glossilalia)
Study #0207 [Dec 31, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 1 (p2) - Acts 2 (p1)
2nd Half--Speaking in Tongues vs Charismatic Gibberish p6
(The Origin of Pentecostalism)
Study #0206 [Dec 24, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 1 (p2)
2nd Half--Speaking in Tongues vs Charismatic Gibberish p5
(A Closer Look at Gibberish-Speaking Televangelists)
Study #0205 [Dec 17, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Acts 1 (p1)
2nd Half--Speaking in Tongues vs Charismatic Gibberish p4
(Pentecostals & Charismatics Unite with Rome)
Study #0204 [Dec 10, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 28
2nd Half--Speaking in Tongues vs Charismatic Gibberish p3
(Examples of False Messages from Pentecostals)
Study #0203 [Dec 3, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 27 (p3)
2nd Half--Speaking in Tongues vs Charismatic Gibberish p2
(1 Corinthians 14 Rebukes Pentecostals)
Study #0202 [Nov 26, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 27 (p2)
2nd Half--Speaking in Tongues vs Charismatic Gibberish p1
(Charismatic Gibberish is Not Speaking in Tongues)
Study #0201 [Nov 19, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 27 (p1)
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p13
(Exposing Conspiracy "Ministries")
Study #0200 [Nov 12, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 26
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p12
(Meaning of Illuminati Symbols)
Study #0199 [Nov 5, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 25 (p2)
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p11
(Introduction to Illuminati)
Study #0198 [Oct 29, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 25 (p1)
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p10
(Falsely Accused of Being Freemason)
Study #0197 [Oct 22, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 24 (p3)
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p9
(Famous Freemasons)
Study #0196 [Oct 15, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 24 (p2)
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p8
(Joseph Smith, LDS, and Freemasonry)
Study #0195 [Oct 8, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 24 (p1)
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p7
(Lucifer is the Freemason's Messiah)
Study #0194 [Oct 1, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 23 (p4)
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p6
(Order of the Eastern Star & Masonic Messiah)
Study #0193 [Sept 24, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 23 (p3)
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p5
(The Meaning of Freemason Symbols)
Study #0192 [Sept 17, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 23 (p2)
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p4
(The Truth About Jack the Ripper)
Study #0191 [Sept 10, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 23 (p1)
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p3
(Freemasons Blaspheme the Holy Ghost)
Study #0190 [Aug 20, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 22
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p2
(Freemasonry's Babylonian Foundation)
Study #0189 [Aug 13, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 21 (p2)
2nd Half--Freemasonry: A Luciferian Beacon p1
(Introduction to Freemason Beliefs and Teachings)

↓ YEAR 4: Aug 2017 - Aug 2016 ↓

Study #0188 [Aug 6, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 21 (p1)
2nd Half--Age of Accountability For Children
(Do Babies Go To Heaven?)
Study #0187 [July 30, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 20
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Baptism
(It's a Ritual OF Salvation; Not FOR Salvation)
Study #0186 [July 23, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 19
2nd Half--Predestination vs Free Will
(The Bible Teaches Both)
Study #0185 [July 16, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 18 (p2)
2nd Half--Atheism: Everything You Need to Know p6
(Common Atheist Arguments and How to Answer Them)
Study #0184 [July 9, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 18 (p1)
2nd Half--Atheism: Everything You Need to Know p5
(What God Says About Atheists)
Study #0183 [July 2, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 17
2nd Half--Atheism: Everything You Need to Know p4
(More Atheist Fallacies)
Study #0182 [June 25, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 16 (p2)
2nd Half--Atheism: Everything You Need to Know p3
(Atheism Cannot Justify Morality)
Study #0181 [June 18, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 16 (p1)
2nd Half--Atheism: Everything You Need to Know p2
(Atheism Cannot Justify Logic or Reason)
Study #0180 [June 11, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 15 (p2)
2nd Half--Atheism: Everything You Need to Know p1
(Atheists Live By Faith)
Study #0179 [June 4, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 15 (p1)
2nd Half--Birthdays & Witchcraft p2
(Keeping Up Appearances)
Study #0178 [May 28, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 14
2nd Half--Birthdays & Witchcraft p1
(Birthday Celebration Traditions Come From Witchcraft)
Study #0177 [May 14, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 13 (p3)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.18
(Women's Sufferage Is Evil & Communist)
Study #0176 [Apr 30, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 13 (p2)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.17
(Testimonies of How Badly Feminism Has Affected Us)
Study #0175 [Apr 23, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 12 (p3) - Matthew 13 (p1)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.16
(More Testimonies from Witches and Ex-Feminists)
Study #0174 [Apr 16, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 12 (p2)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.15
(Feminism, Witchcraft, and Pedophilia)
Study #0173 [Apr 9, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 11 (p2) - Matthew 12 (p1)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.14
(Why Men Are Vital in the Family)
Study #0172 [Apr 2, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 11 (p1)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.13
(The Biblical Role of Men)
Study #0171 [Mar 26, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 10 (p2)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.12
(Why Women Don't Want to do a Man's Job)
Study #0170 [Mar 19, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 10 (p1)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.11
(Why Men Earn More Than Women)
Study #0169 [Mar 12, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 9
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.10
(Why Women Lie About Rape)
Study #0168 [Mar 5, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 8
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.9
(Women Lying About Rape is Very Common)
Study #0167 [Feb 26, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 7 (p2)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.8
(There is No Rape Culture in the U.S.)
Study #0166 [Feb 5, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 7 (p1)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.7
(No Help For Male Victims of Abuse)
Study #0165 [Jan 29, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 6 (p2)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.6
(Women Primary Instigators of Family Violence)
Study #0164 [Jan 22, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 6 (p1)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.5
(Men Forced to Pay For Their Rapists)
Study #0163 [Jan 15, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 5 (p3)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.4
(Boys Taught to Be Girls; Bias Against Men in Divorce Court)
Study #0162 [Jan 8, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 5 (p2)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.3
(Women in Military; Crime Sentencing and Suicide)
Study #0161 [Jan 1, 2017]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 5 (p1)
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.2
(The Illusion of Male Privilege)
Study #0160 [Dec 25, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 3-4
2nd Half--The Truth About Feminism pt.1
(Claims of Feminism vs What Feminists Actually Believe)
Study #0159 [Dec 18, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Matthew 1-2
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Fasting pt.2
(Deceptive Pastors Feigning "Fasting" When They're Not)
Study #0158 [Dec 11, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Malachi 2-4
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Fasting pt.1
(How and Why Christians Fast; What Christians May Expect)
Study #0157 [Dec 4, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Zechariah 13-Malachi 1
2nd Half--Trump's Removal of 501c3 is Bad for Christians
(501c3 is Not the Source of the Problem; Trump is Not a Christian)
Study #0156 [Nov 27, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Zechariah 10-12
2nd Half--Revivalism vs The Bible pt.3
(Dangers of Revivals; Exposing More Revivalists)
Study #0155 [Nov 20, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Zechariah 7-9
2nd Half--Revivalism vs The Bible pt.2
(Exposing False Revivalist Preachers and Fake Prophets)
Study #0154 [Nov 6, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Zechariah 4-6
2nd Half--Revivalism vs The Bible pt.1
(The Man Who Invented Revivals Was Not a Christian)
Study #0153 [Oct 30, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Zechariah 1-3
2nd Half--Trinity vs God in Three Persons pt.2
(Catholic/Pagan Trinity & False Doctrine)
Study #0152 [Oct 23, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Haggai 1-2
2nd Half--Trinity vs God in Three Persons pt.1
(Scripturally Proving God in Three Persons)
Study #0151 [Sept 25, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Zephaniah 2-3
2nd Half--Martin Luther King Jr pt.3 - Wolves in Costume
(King's Fornication, Adultery, and Depression)
Study #0150 [Oct 2, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Habakkuk 3-Zephaniah 1
2nd Half--Martin Luther King Jr pt.2 - Wolves in Costume
(Communist Origins of Civil Rights, King's Communist Staff and Adivsers)
Study #0149 [Sept 25, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Habakkuk 1-2
2nd Half--Martin Luther King Jr pt.1 - Wolves in Costume
(King's Denial of Jesus Christ, Fornicating Lifestyle, and Communist Connections)
Study #0148 [Sept 18, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Nahum 2-3
2nd Half--Should Christians Vote? pt.3
(Ignorant Voters, Rigged Voting Machines, What Christians Should Do)
Study #0147 [Sept 11, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Micah 7-Nahum 1
2nd Half--Should Christians Vote? pt.2
(Communism & Americans Fake Moral "Goodness")
Study #0146 [Sept 4, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Micah 5-6
2nd Half--Should Christians Vote? pt.1
(Republic vs Democracy)

↓ YEAR 3: Aug 2016 - Aug 2015 ↓

Study #0145 [Aug 28, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Micah 2-4
2nd Half--Dinosaurs and the Bible pt.6
(Various Dinosaur Sightings & Recent Discoveries)
Study #0144 [Aug 21, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jonah 3-Micah 1
2nd Half--Dinosaurs and the Bible pt.5
(Sea Monster Sightings Worldwide)
Study #0143 [Aug 14, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Obadiah-Jonah 2
2nd Half--Dinosaurs and the Bible pt.4
(Behemoth Sightings & Loch Ness Monster)
Study #0142 [July 31, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Amos 6-9
2nd Half--Dinosaurs and the Bible pt.3
(Behemoth & Leviathan)
Study #0141 [July 24, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Amos 3-5
2nd Half--Dinosaurs and the Bible pt.2
(Ica Stones & Noah's Ark)
Study #0140 [July 17, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Joel 3-Amos 2
2nd Half--Dinosaurs and the Bible pt.1
(Dinosaurs & Man Living Together)
Study #0139 [July 10, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Joel 1-2
2nd Half--The United VacciNations pt.8
(What Can Parents Do; Creationists Teaching False Doctrine)
Study #0138 [July 3, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Hosea 11-14
2nd Half--The United VacciNations pt.7
(Origin of Vaccination, Evolutionism Vaccine Philosophy)
Study #0137 [June 26, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Hosea 8-10
2nd Half--The United VacciNations pt.6
(Autism Cover-up, Herd Immunity)
Study #0136 [June 5, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Hosea 5-7
2nd Half--The United VacciNations pt.5
(SIDS, Shaken Baby Syndrome, Autism)
Study #0135 [May 29, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Hosea 1-4
2nd Half--The United VacciNations pt.4
(Polio, SV-40, AIDS, and SIDS)
Study #0134 [May 22, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Daniel 10-12
2nd Half--The United VacciNations pt.3
(Parental Testimonies & Deception)
Study #0133 [May 15, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Daniel 8-9
2nd Half--The United VacciNations pt.2
(Ingredients in Vaccines)
Study #0132 [May 1, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Daniel 6-7
2nd Half--The United VacciNations pt.1
(Warnings & Government Corruption)
Study #0131 [Apr 24, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Daniel 4-5
2nd Half--Easter: Christians Celebrating Abomination pt.3
(Exposing New-Age "Ministers" like Billy Graham, Ken Ham, Kirk Cameron, etc)
Study #0130 [Apr 17, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Daniel 3
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Rick Warren pt.8
(More of Warren's Purpose-Driven Changes)
Study #0129 [Apr 10, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Daniel 1-2
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Rick Warren pt.7
(Robert Schuller & Peter Drucker)
Study #0128 [Apr 3, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 45-48
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Rick Warren pt.6
(More of Warren's Purpose-Driven Changes)
Study #0127 [Mar 27, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 40-44
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Rick Warren pt.5
(Exposing Warren's Purpose-Driven Church)
Study #0126 [Mar 20, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 38-39
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Rick Warren pt.4
(Warren & Sex Magic; Warren hates the KJB)
Study #0125 [Mar 13, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 35-37
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Rick Warren pt.3
(Warren; Oprah; Pantheism)
Study #0124 [Mar 6, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 33-34
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Rick Warren pt.2
(Warren's false doctrine on tithe and giving; ties with cults and cartels)
Study #0123 [Feb 28, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 29-32
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Rick Warren pt.1
(Warren's Unbiblical Foundation; Universalism)
Study #0122 [Feb 21, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 26-28
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Prayer pt.2
(Prayer Warrior Boasting; Pagan Origins of Praying Tradition)
Study #0121 [Feb 14, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 23-25
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Prayer pt.1
(God does not listen to all prayer; Structure for prayer)
Study #0120 [Feb 7, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 21-22
2nd Half--The Secret of Groundhog Day
(Another Witchcraft Holiday)
Study #0119 [Jan 31, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 19-20
2nd Half--Mormonism: Corruptions of Christianity pt.5
(Freemasonry; Joseph's Many Wives; Ex-Mormon Testimonies)
Study #0118 [Jan 24, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 17-18
2nd Half--Mormonism: Corruptions of Christianity pt.4
(LDS Heresies & The Eye Witnesses)
Study #0117 [Jan 17, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 14-16
2nd Half--Mormonism: Corruptions of Christianity pt.3
(Archaeology & Contradictions)
Study #0116 [Jan 10, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 11-13
2nd Half--Mormonism: Corruptions of Christianity pt.2
(Teenage Joseph Smith & The Golden Plates)
Study #0115 [Jan 3, 2016]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 7-10
2nd Half--Mormonism: Corruptions of Christianity pt.1
(Introduction to the LDS Church and Joseph Smith)
Study #0114 [Dec 20, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ezekiel 4-6
2nd Half--Christmas: The Rejection of Jesus pt. 6
(Rebuking false teachings from Ken Ham, Kirk Cameron, Eric Hovind, Creflo Dollar, etc.)
Study #0113 [Dec 6, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Lamentations 5-Ezekiel 3
2nd Half--Video Games: Causing Witchcraft to Prosper pt.3
Study #0112 [Nov 29, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Lamentations 2-4
2nd Half--Video Games: Causing Witchcraft to Prosper pt.2
Study #0111 [Nov 22, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 52-Lamentations 1
2nd Half--Video Games: Causing Witchcraft to Prosper pt.1
Study #0110 [Nov 15, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 49-51
2nd Half--Marriage: What Christians Should Know pt.5
(Questions and Answers)
Study #0109 [Nov 8, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 46-48
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Charity pt.3
Study #0108 [Nov 1, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 44-45
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Charity pt.2
Study #0107 [Oct 26, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 41-43
2nd Half--The Biblical Understanding of Charity pt.1
Study #0106 [Oct 18, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 38-40
2nd Half--False Doctrine: Unlimited Submission to Government pt.2
Study #0105 [Oct 11, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 36-37
2nd Half--False Doctrine: Unlimited Submission to Government pt.1
Study #0104 [Sept 27, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 33-35
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Mother Teresa
Study #0103 [Sept 20, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 32
2nd Half--Danger of Using Lexicons and Concordances pt.3
Study #0102 [Sept 13, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 30-31
2nd Half--Danger of Using Lexicons and Concordances pt.2
Study #0101 [Sept 6, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 27-29
2nd Half--Danger of Using Lexicons and Concordances pt.1
Study #0100 [Aug 30, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 25-26
2nd Half--Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?
Study #0099 [Aug 23, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 23-24
2nd Half--Kent Hovind's Leaven and False Doctrine
(Only for those who have a love of the truth.)

↓ YEAR 2: Aug 2015 - Aug 2014 ↓

Study #0098 [Aug 16, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 21-22
2nd Half--The Pre-Flood World pt.4
(Giants; Ancient Technology)
Study #0097 [Aug 9, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 18-20
2nd Half--The Pre-Flood World pt.3
(Endless Food Supply)
Study #0096 [Aug 2, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 17
2nd Half--The Pre-Flood World pt.2
(Giant Creatures; Hyperbaric Oxygen)
Study #0095 [July 26, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 14-16
2nd Half--The Pre-Flood World pt.1
(Creation; Firmament; Canopy)
Study #0094 [July 19, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 12-13
2nd Half--Bible Contradictions pt.1: Eat Idol Meats or Not?
(Paul vs Christ Cult)
Study #0093 [July 12, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 10-11
2nd Half--The John 17 Movement: Satan's Unity Under Rome pt.2
Study #0092 [July 5, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 8-9
2nd Half--The John 17 Movement: Satan's Unity Under Rome pt.1
Study #0091 [June 28, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 7
2nd Half--False Doctrine: Learn to Love Yourself
Study #0090 [June 14, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 5-6
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Joyce Meyer
Study #0089 [June 7, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 3-4
2nd Half--Can Women Be Pastors? pt.2
Study #0088 [May 31, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Jeremiah 1-2
2nd Half--Can Women Be Pastors? pt.1
Study #0087 [May 24, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 65-66
2nd Half--Hair Length in the Bible
Study #0086 [May 17, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 63-64
2nd Half--Islam: Religion of Terror pt.4
Study #0085 [May 10, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 60-62
2nd Half--Islam: Religion of Terror pt.3
Study #0084 [May 3, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 58-59
2nd Half--Islam: Religion of Terror pt.2
Study #0083 [Apr 26, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 56-57
2nd Half--Islam: Religion of Terror pt.1
Study #0082 [Apr 12, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 53-55
2nd Half--The Cure for Cancer pt.3
Study #0081 [Apr 5, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 49-52
2nd Half--The Cure for Cancer pt.2
Study #0080 [Mar 29, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 46-48
2nd Half--The Cure for Cancer pt.1
Study #0079 [Mar 22, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 44-45
2nd Half--"Christian" Symbols Are Not Christian
Study #0078 [Mar 15, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 41-43
2nd Half--Should Christians Observe Jewish Passover?
Study #0077 [Mar 8, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 33-40
2nd Half--Easter: Christians Celebrating Abomination pt.2
(Last year's Easter teaching audio files were corrupted. This is a do-over.)
Study #0076 [Mar 1, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 35-37
2nd Half--Easter: Christians Celebrating Abomination pt.1
Study #0075 [Feb 22, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 33-34
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Amy L. Grant
Study #0074 [Feb 15, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 31-32
2nd Half--Scopes Monkey Trial & Inherit the Wind pt.3
Study #0073 [Feb 8, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 30
2nd Half--Scopes Monkey Trial & Inherit the Wind pt.2
Study #0072 [Feb 1, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 28-29
2nd Half--Scopes Monkey Trial & Inherit the Wind pt.1
Study #0071 [Jan 25, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 25-27
2nd Half--God Does Not Justify Lies
(Church-goers lie frequently, and very few can see it.)
Study #0070 [Jan 18, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 23-24
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Michael W. Smith
Study #0069 [Jan 4, 2015]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 21-22
2nd Half--Why I Use The King James Bible pt.7
(Answering Questions & Arguments)
Study #0068 [Dec 28, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 19-20
2nd Half--Why I Use The King James Bible pt.6
(Contraditions; Homosexuals; Presuppositional Apologetics Requires the King James Bible)
Study #0067 [Dec 21, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 16-18
2nd Half--Why I Use The King James Bible pt.5
(Alterations & Omissions in New-Age Versions; Addressing the NEW King James Version)
Study #0066 [Dec 14, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 14-15
2nd Half--Why I Use The King James Bible pt.4
(The Greek Game)
Study #0065 [Nov 30, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 12-13
2nd Half--Why I Use The King James Bible pt.3
(Westcott & Hort; 1611 or 1769?)
Study #0064 [Nov 16, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 10-11
2nd Half--Why I Use The King James Bible pt.2
(The History of Bible Versions)
Study #0063 [Nov 9, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 8-9
2nd Half--Why I Use The King James Bible pt.1
(Christian Philosophy Concerning the Preservation and Perfection of God's Word)
Study #0062 [Oct 19, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 6-7
2nd Half--Beginner's Guide to Tribulation & Rapture pt.4
[The 2nd-half teaching contains errors; I have re-written and corrected it.]
Study #0061 [Oct 26, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 4-5
2nd Half--Beginner's Guide to Tribulation & Rapture pt.3
[The 2nd-half contains errors; I have re-written and corrected it.]
Study #0060 [Oct 19, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 2-3
2nd Half--Beginner's Guide to Tribulation & Rapture pt.2
[The 2nd-half contains errors; I have re-written and corrected it.]
Study #0059 [Oct 12, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Isaiah 1
2nd Half--Beginner's Guide to Tribulation & Rapture pt.1
[The 2nd-half contains errors; I have re-written and corrected it.]
Study #0058 [Oct 5, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Song of Songs 6-8
2nd Half--False Converts & Eternal Security pt.1
Study #0057 [Sept 28, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Song of Songs 4-5
2nd Half--False Converts & Eternal Security pt.1
Study #0056 [Sept 21, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Song of Songs 2-3
2nd Half--Evolution is a Religion pt.4
Study #0055 [Sept 14, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Song of Songs 1
2nd Half--Evolution is a Religion pt.3
Study #0054 [Sept 7, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ecclesiastes 10-12
2nd Half--Evolution is a Religion pt.2
Study #0053 [Aug 31, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ecclesiastes 9
2nd Half--Evolution is a Religion pt.1
Study #0052 [Aug 24, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ecclesiastes 7-8
2nd Half--Earth's Age & Salvation
(The age of the earth DOES affect salvation doctrine.)

↓ YEAR 1: Aug 2014 - Aug 2013 ↓

Study #0051 [Aug 17, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ecclesiastes 5-6
2nd Half--Gay "Marriage" & Christian Hypocrites
Study #0050 [Aug 10, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ecclesiastes 3-4
2nd Half--Respecting Persons Is Sin
Study #0049 [Aug 3, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Ecclesiastes 1-2
2nd Half--The Bible vs Alcohol
Study #0048 [July 27, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 31
2nd Half--Is the One-Pastor Church System Biblical? pt.2
Study #0047 [July 20, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 30
2nd Half--Is the One-Pastor Church System Biblical? pt.1
Study #0046 [July 13, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 29
2nd Half--Does the Bible Promote Slavery?
Study #0045 [July 6, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 28
2nd Half--Is Repentance Part of Salvation?
Study #0044 [June 29, 2014]
1st Half--Rebuking a New-Age Ministry
2nd Half--Rebuking a New-Age Ministry
Study #0043 [June 15, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 27
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church pt.2
Study #0042 [June 8, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 26
2nd Half--501c3: The Devil's Church pt.1
Study #0041 [June 1, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 25
2nd Half--Fantasy Novels: Invitations to Hell pt. 6
(Harry Potter; J.K. Rowling; Twilight; Stephenie Meyer)
Study #0040 [May 25, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 24
2nd Half--Fantasy Novels: Invitations to Hell pt. 5
(Lord of the Rings; Dungeons & Dragons)
Study #0039 [May 18, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 23
2nd Half--Fantasy Novels: Invitations to Hell pt. 4
(J.R.R. Tolkien)
Study #0038 [May 11, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 21-22
2nd Half--Fantasy Novels: Invitations to Hell pt. 3
(More C.S. Lewis Heresy)
Study #0037 [May 4, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 20
2nd Half--Fantasy Novels: Invitations to Hell pt. 2
(Chronicles of Naria)
Study #0036 [Apr 27, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 19
2nd Half--Fantasy Novels: Invitations to Hell pt. 1
(Introduction & C.S. Lewis)
Study #0035 [Apr 20, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 18
2nd Half--Geocentric vs Helocentric: What Does the Bible Say?
Study #0034 [Apr 13, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 17
2nd Half--Wolves in Costume: Billy Graham
Study #0033 [Apr 6, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 16
2nd Half--Easter: Christians Celebrating Abomination pt. 2
(Audio file corrupted. See Study #76 & #77.)
Study #0032 [Mar 30, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 15
2nd Half--Easter: Christians Celebrating Abomination pt. 1
Study #0031 [Mar 23, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 14
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement pt. 3
Study #0030 [Mar 16, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 12-13
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement pt. 2
Study #0029 [Mar 9, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 11
2nd Half--Tithe is Not a Christian Requirement pt. 1
Study #0028 [Mar 2, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 10
2nd Half--The Christian Work Ethic pt.2
Study #0027 [Feb 23, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 5-9
2nd Half--The Christian Work Ethic pt.1
Study #0026 [Feb 16, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 3-5
2nd Half--Did Christ Come to Bring Peace? pt.2
Study #0025 [Feb 9, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Proverbs 1-2
2nd Half--Did Christ Come to Bring Peace? pt.1
Study #0024 [Feb 2, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 141-150
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism pt. 6
Study #0023 [Jan 26, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 136-140
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism pt. 5
Study #0022 [Jan 19, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 120-135
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism pt. 4
Study #0021 [Jan 12, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 119
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism pt. 3
Study #0020 [Jan 5, 2014]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 115-118
2nd Half--Christmas: The Rejection of Jesus pt. 5
Study #0019 [Dec 29, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 108-114
2nd Half--Christmas: The Rejection of Jesus pt. 4
Study #0018 [Dec 22, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 105-107
2nd Half--Christmas: The Rejection of Jesus pt. 3
Study #0017 [Dec 15, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 104
2nd Half--Christmas: The Rejection of Jesus pt. 2
Study #0016 [Dec 8, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 99-103
2nd Half--Christmas: The Rejection of Jesus pt. 1
Study #0015 [Dec 1, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 94-98
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism pt. 2
Study #0014 [Nov 24, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 88-93
2nd Half--Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism pt. 1
Study #0013 [Nov 17, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 80-87
2nd Half--What's Wrong With Christian Rock? pt.4
Study #0012 [Nov 10, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 77-79
2nd Half--What's Wrong With Christian Rock? pt.3
Study #0011 [Nov 3, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 71-76
2nd Half--What's Wrong With Christian Rock? pt.2
Study #0010 [Oct 27, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 65-70
2nd Half--What's Wrong With Christian Rock? pt.1
Study #0009 [Oct 20, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 59-64
2nd Half--Titles (like Reverend) Are Unbiblical
Study #0008 [Oct 13, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 52-58
2nd Half--Halloween: Are Christians Lovers of Death? pt.3
Study #0007 [Oct 6, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 45-51
2nd Half--Halloween: Are Christians Lovers of Death? pt.2
Study #0006 [Sept 15, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 39-44
2nd Half--Halloween: Are Christians Lovers of Death? pt.1
Study #0005 [Sept 22, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 34-38
2nd Half--Do Christians Sin?
Study #0004 [Sept 15, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 26-33
2nd Half--Marriage: What Christians Need to Know pt.4
Study #0003 [Sept 8, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 22-25
2nd Half--Marriage: What Christians Need to Know pt.3
Study #0002 [Sept 1, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 19-21
2nd Half--Marriage: What Christians Need to Know pt.2
Study #0001 [Aug 25, 2013]
1st Half--Scripture reading from Psalm 13-18
2nd Half--Marriage: What Christians Need to Know pt.1

False Prophet Profiles: Edwardpf123 [Dec 30, 2019]
This is the audio file of a video exposing the heresies of Youtube preacher Edwardpf123, in which he teaches false doctrines on repentance and on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Christopher Johnson and guest Timothy Beasley (a former listener of Edwardpf123) compare audio clips from Edward's teachings, as well as comparisons from Scripture, to prove that Edward is a false teacher.

#0006: Christmas - Truth Seekers Radio Show
Chris Johnson invited to the Truth Seekers Radio Show to discuss the pagan origins of Christmas.
Hosted by Angeline Marie: truthseekersradioshow.com [Aired Dec 14, 2014]

[73 min]
#0005: Halloween - Truth Seekers Radio Show
Chris Johnson invited to the Truth Seekers Radio Show to discuss the witchcraft traditions churches foolishly uphold during Halloween.
Hosted by Angeline Marie: truthseekersradioshow.com [Aired Oct 8, 2014]

[44 min]
#0004: Atheist/Christian Discussion Panel - Project Life Ministries
Chris Johnson invited to the Project Life Ministries discussion panel to talk about "What Do Atheists Believe?" This audio was not made available by the host (purposefully hidden from the public) and we, as a church group, give our full analysis of PLM's new-age church in Bereans Online Bible Study #0044 [Click to Download]. [Aired June 13, 2014]

[73 min]
#0003: King James Bible - Project Life Ministries
Chris Johnson invited to the Project Life Ministries Study Group to discuss questions/comments about the King James Bible from skeptics who use new-age versions. [Aired Aug 23, 2013]

[86 min]
#0002: Founding Fathers - The Truth Seekers Radio Show
Chris Johnson invited to the Truth Seekers Radio Show to discuss the foundation of the united States, and arguments about Christian principles.
Hosted by Angeline Marie: truthseekersradioshow.com [Aired July 14, 2013]

[49 min]
#0001: 501c3 Churches - The Truth Seekers Radio Show
Chris Johnson invited to the Truth Seekers Radio Show to discuss the basics of 501c3, and why it is an abomination to the Church of Jesus Christ.
Hosted by Angeline Marie: truthseekersradioshow.com [Aired June 23, 2013]

[54 min]

#0066 - False Prophet Profiles: Mike Klump
Mike Klump, self-proclaimed pastor, apostle, prophet, and president of Assembly of Healing Hope International, teaching false doctrines and makes false prophecies.

[122 min]
#0065 + [Atheist Guest] - I Can't Justify Logic
Atheist guest Floyd (Steve) from Pennsylvania joins us to discuss if rational thinking can come out of the atheist worldview.

[55 min]
#0064 + [Atheist Guest] - We're Moral Because We Exist
Atheist guest Dan Courtney (Former President of Free-Thinker's Society of Upstate New York) joins us to attempt to give a justification for morals from the atheist perspective.

[60 min]
#0063 + [Atheist Guest] - Evolution: Science or Religion
Atheist guest Brian from South Carolina joins us to discuss which definition properly describes evolution as a whole.

[64 min]
#0062 - Bill Nye/Ken Ham Debate Review
I share the predictions I made about this debate, 4 weeks before the debate took place, and almost all of them were correct. This review is a rebuke for Ken Ham, and I give proper answers to Bill Nye's religious beliefs.

[228 min]
#0061 - What is Love?
Love is a commonly used word, but few people can define what it means, and fewer understand the Bible's definition.

[63 min]
#0060 - Why I Use the King James Bible
Excellent listening for those new to the King James controversy, explaining the origin of Bible versions.

[126 min]
#0059 - Jehovah's Witnesses
At your doorstep, Jehovah's Witnesses will say they believe the same Gospel Christian do, but they deny many basic doctrines of Salvation.

[78 min]
#0058 + [Atheist Guest] - Atheism Test Run
Atheist Guest Rodrigo from Germany joins us live to discuss podcast #56, "How to Talk to Atheists," and to try out my method of talking to atheists on him.

[56 min]
#0057 - Religious Radiometric Dating
While evolutionists preach it is "science," radiometric dating continues to be a cheap magician's illusion based on religious presuppositions.

[62 min]
#0056 - How to Talk to Atheists
Helping to train Christians on how to have a conversation with an atheist while remaining firmly planted on Biblical foundation.

[76 min]
#0047 + [Agnostic Guest] - More Moral Than God
Agnostic Guest Jera from Michigan says he left the Christian faith because he believes God is evil and immoral.

[73 min]