Creationist Answer to the Green River Formation
Author: Christopher J. E. Johnson
Published: March, 2012 [] |
"Scientists dated the material in the Green River Locality using several approaches... They concluded that the transition occurred between 49.7 and 50.7 million years ago... The Green River site is important because it reveals information about the climate during the Eocene and the transitions during the period itself,"
[-K. Brenes & M. Fleming, "Localities of the Eocene: The Green River Formation," University of California Museum of Paleontology, Aug 29, 1999, retrieved Mar 14, 2012, []; Image by Answers in Genesis, "Fish Preservation, Fish Coprolites and the Green River Formation," []]
"Floras of the early and middle Eocene [Green River Formation] in the Rocky Mountains provide additional evidence for community evolution and changes in biogeography,"
[-Herbert W. Meyer & Dena M. Smith, Paleontology of the Upper Eocene Florissant Formation: Colorado, Geological Society of America, 2008, p. 63, ISBN: 9780813724355]
I have personally had many evolutionists contact me about the Green River Formation, a dried up lake region in Colorado/Wyoming/Utah, claiming it as some of their strongest evidence for evolution. Typically, strata found in the earth do not line up nice and pretty like the drawings of the geologic column in public school textbooks, but the Green River Formation has strata almost perfectly horizontal, with some places only varying by 0.2%. The GRF is claimed to be one of the best evidences for the evolutionary geologic column.
[(For varity in strata dip percentage, see R.C. Surdam & K.O. Stanley, "The stratigraphic and sedimentologic framework of the Green River Formation," Guidebook to Annual Field Conference, 1980, p. 205-221; Image by Roger Suthren, Green River, Wyoming, Jan 23, 2004, retrieved Mar 14, 2012, [])]
As shown in "Lies of Evolution: Old Rock Layers," polystrate fossils are trees that stand up vertically through multiple layes of rock, connecting all the layers of strata. That mean it is IMPOSSIBLE for those rock layers to be millions of years in age, but the lie remains in our textbooks.
Additional information to prove these rock layers cannot be millions of years in age comes from discoveries made in the Green River Formation in 2011. A lizard leg was found that had soft tissue still intact with amino acids not yet broken down.
[(See N.P. Edwards & H. E. Barden, "Infrared mapping resolves soft tissue preservation in 50 million year-old reptile skin," Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Mar 23, 2011, retrieved Mar 14, 2012, [])]
How is it possible for amino acids to stay intact, without breaking down, for 50 million years? Is isn't possible, according to basic laws of physics and chemistry. Soft tissue turns to dust over thousands of years, let alone millions. Those rock layers are not millions of years in age, but some evolutionists are unable to let go of some of their "best evidence" for geologic time periods, so it remains taught as "evidence for evolution," while the information in this article is made sure to be left out classrooms.
Other problems insist discussion: How is it that the Green River Formation has perfectly preserved fossils of birds, when the layers are supposed to varves (annual layers laid down slowly)? Aside from the fact that dead birds don't sink when they die since their feathers keep them afloat, fossilization like what we see in the GRF only occurs during rapid burial, which is unexplained by the evolutionists' theory that the layers had to be laid down very slowly over millions of years.
[(Image by L. Grande, Paleontology of the Green River Formation: Review of the Fish Fauna, The Geological Survey of Wyoming Bulletin, No. 63, 1984, "The paleoecological history of two Pennsylvanian black shales," [])]
This problem becomes worse when one considers the huge number of perfectly preserved fish fossils found in the GRF. When a fish dies in the ocean, it is quickly consumed or decays. It is near impossible for a dead fish to lay on the ocean floor for 24 hours before being consumed, let alone the millions of years evolutionists would require for their theory of slow sediment deposition to work.
[(Image by L. Grande, Paleontology of the Green River Formation: Review of the Fish Fauna, The Geological Survey of Wyoming Bulletin, No. 63, 1984, "Gosiutichthys Fossil Fish Death Assemblage," [])]
Further still, coprolytes (fossilized feces) have been discovered in the Green River Formation. I would very much like to see scientific experiments demonstrating how poop will sit around for years, waiting to be fossilized. To get coprolytes to fossilize slowly over millions of years in the evolution model takes extraordinary faith.
[(Image by Mike Viney, Kemmerer, Wyoming, retrieved Mar 18, 2012, [])]
People can continue to speculate the formation of the Green River formation, but evolution's religious notions have already been laid to rest. Yet, the religious zealots continue to have faith that their grandpa was a monkey, and want desperately for the rest of the world to believe them, so some continue to spread lies to impose their dogmas on the next generation.