"Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2:14-15
I apologize to some of you who have written; there are gaps of time in this list because I simply forget to update this page with everything else I'm working on. If I did not include your letter, I'm sorry about that, but I pray our Lord Jesus Christ richly bless all of you, and thank you for your humble edification.

Christian from Iowa - Sept 22, 2021
"Wishing you and your wife well. Thank you for authoring the book about Millions of Believers. I enjoyed it a lot. It was very insightful. I continue to tune in to your Bible studies, and want you to know that God has used you greatly in my life."
Chinedu from Georgia - June 26, 2020
"I just wanted to thank for this website resource and for making it freely available. It's been a huge help to putting words and scriptures to some things I've been thinking and feeling as of late... I've already shared several articles with family and friends."
Jameson from Mississippi - Apr 3, 2020
"I know you didn't need any proof that your teaching on 501c3 churches was correct. You backed up your teaching with a great number Bible verses and legal examples. However, the government's reaction to Covid-19 has proved the fact that government is truly the authority of the 501c3 church. It's been no surprise to me that these willfully ignorant church members have no idea why ordering 501c3 churches to close is completely constitutional. Of course, some completely agree that government has the right to close church for any reason. And worse, almost none of these people will realize that their church should take all necessary steps to dissolve its 501c3 contract regardless of cost. This issue has set me at odds with so many family and friends that don't want to admit that 501c3 is unbiblical fellowship with government. I'm not starting any fights, just simply sharing the truths from your teaching. Thanks again for the discipleship that you offer over the internet. I continue in prayer for you, your family, and your ministry."
Shelly from Washington - Oct 7, 2019
"Real person here! Real grateful person here! I just wanted to tell you that I am grateful that I found your ministry. I am also grateful that I listened to 'something' that I now know was God and couldn't/didn't find a church ever that I found was authentic. I am not saying that there aren't ones that are just that I didn't find one. So now while everyone is having such a time undoing their learned beliefs of man I am free to concentrate on God. Your 501c3 teaching is as clear as it can be to me. Thank you!"
Peter from Massachusetts - July 23, 2019
"I admire and love the stance that you've taken on the enemy's lies on the government compromised 501c3 church of today. As I'm sure you know Paid Pulpit hirelings suck just about every dollar given for God's work out of these buildings as opposed to it ever reaching the sick, poor, widows, or orphans, negating Christ's teachings. I want to know more about you, your family and your ministry's physical needs."
Rhoda from Canada - July 23, 2019
"I just found you on you tube yesterday and I've been on a you tube marathon listening to you! Wow! I love your style of teaching. At first I was careful but the more I hear you the more I know you are biblically correct. I was raised in a Plymouth Brethren church and was therefore indoctrinated with the pre trib rapture lie - Darby and Scofield - all of them. I came to my senses in Oct 2017 after the Las Vegas shootings. Since then God has allowed me to see more and more and more. I am so grateful. And I'm grateful to people like you who have such a solid teaching. Thank you for all your hard work and please never quit. May God bless you and your family."
Natalie from USA - May 2, 2019
"I just want to thank you. I am sure you get emails like this everyday but, I just wanted to let you know that the Holy Spirit used you to speak to me today. As a believer struggling to feel comfortable in today's modern church, I felt like there was something wrong with me. I grew up in the church. All I have known is the church, and I couldn't understand why none of it felt right to me. Just like many other I came across your article while looking for bible references, for church structure. I feel liberated! And I just want to thank you again for sharing the wisdom He has given you."
Eric from Ohio - Apr 24, 2019
"Kind of incredible how I found your site. Really glad I did. So much I was raised and taught was not really biblical, and I struggle to find good information to help me discern the Word."
Eileen from Kentucky - Mar 12, 2019
"Good day, I just wanted to tell you I am strengthening my walk in Christ. I would love to see articles about the cultlike churches as my nephew is stuck in one. Thank you for what you do."
Lincoln from Singapore - Mar 11, 2019
"Hey Johnson, just an encouragement! You have done a great job! Keep it up!"
Lisa from South Carolina - Mar 30, 2018
"You have written the best article on Easter I have ever read. I wrote a simple article years ago but yours is filled with information we all need to know... God bless and thank you for your site!!"
Severius from Missouri - Mar 22, 2018
"I greatly enjoy listening to your doctrinally sound teachings on YouTube. It's wonderful being able to hear the distinction between worldly sermons and preaching led by the Holy Ghost. I pray that one of these days I will be able to join the church which the LORD God Jesus Christ has set you as an ensample to the flock. I simply can't get enough of hearing you preach on the different topics that you preach on since I find no disagreement concerning the truly Biblical things that you speak of: especially when it came to exposing the so-called "tongues" and also Steven Anderson. There is so much confusion being sowed into this world, even enough to drive a weak Christian mad. But thanks be to the LORD our God who carries us and cares for us through these darkened days. May the Lord Christ Jesus be with you and the church and the ministry He has given you."
Sharon from Georgia - Jan 12, 2018
"Thank you for your obedience to God in teaching these truths. It is unpopular but sought out. Many believers and church-goers are peeling back the layers of lies and misguidance that they have been programmed to accept and believe. Be encouraged and continue the work that God has given you. I will speak to my husband about sending support to you. He is a pastor that left the church system many years ago and recently left a local assembly. We are now leading a home ministry and will teach and support others to do the same. Freely the Word was given to us and freely we will give it to man. Blessings to you!"
Angel from England - Nov 2, 2017
"Hello Christopher - Thank you very much for your kind and truthful words. I have found them to be most encouraging... I was listening to a personal development CD (I do this in the mornings after my morning bible studies) and the person mentioned about self love. Again I didn't feel right about that and I felt the urge to search about Christianity views on self love and your website was the 2nd one I looked at on this topic. Finding your website today has been a blessing, I never thought I would find anything like this. May God continue to bless you. Thank you very much."
Cindy from USA - Oct 28, 2017
"I read your article on Michael Landon... You were so right, he had a generation thinking he was a Bible believing Christian. I'm so glad I don't own a tv with all the evil. We were also deceived into thinking Walt Disney was wholesome and good family entertainment when I was a child. Not to mention numerous others that I've learned about from you! I thank you for getting the truth out to those of us who hunger for it. No need to reply, I just wanted to share these things with you as you are such a blessing. Thanks again and keep up the awesome work!"
Tim from Wyoming - Oct 27, 2017
"Thank you for your channel , I am 75 years old and a rotten no good sinner for most of my life . I been all over this world as a merchant seaman and I have nothing to show for it... I started to go on the Church route , Penticostal , SDA , Southern Baptist, Church of Christ . I joined the Masons and got away from them when I found out about them . I started to make sure I read out of a King James Bible. Then after awhile started to listen only to preachers who preached from the King James Bible , I really tried hard to keep from sinning , working on stopping my sins , working on cleaning myself up but I had to come to Jesus, I did not want to work out my salvation . That is why Jesus went the cross for . I silently prayed to Jesus to clean me up . I don't want to join a Church . I do listen to you at night and it brings me comfort, I have your Youtube channel and I have it on my Roku in the bedroom . I am now starting to read the Bible from the very beginning and I listen to your creation talks to help me understand some things that I don't understand , I believe all of the Bible, just some parts that is hard to understand. This is a condensed Testimony but I know we must give a Testimony as a Christian and that a Testimony helps others . My mind is now on Jesus and I silently pray to Jesus because I know if he knows my mind then He also hears my prayers . Keep up the good job Christopher and thank you."
Rebecca from Oklahoma - Oct 14, 2017
"Thank you for your website. I have been reading non-stop over this last week and will be at it for weeks to come. I never knew any of this! The foundation of my Christian beliefs have crumbled. Scales have fallen from my eyes. I'm just in awe how God led me to happened upon one of your articles, which has led me to learn from you. Thank you for your time and your calling. I can't imagine how much time this has taken to create this site... I have felt so alone and left behind. No connection to community and to the "Ladies groups" I've tried to join. Now I know why. I see now what was happening. I have been called. Just want you and your wife to know, I will be taking the next months to learn truth. I went and got a King James and threw away my NIV. My new life is truly beginning. My prayer is for the Lord to lead me to like-minded believers and followers in my area. I pray for my children and I'm so grateful I've come to this truth now for them. There have to be others like us here."
Haman from Sweden - Jan 2, 2017
"Hi brother I`m 15 and born in Iran and I came to sweden in 2002-2003 and Currently I live in sweden and I just wanted to tell you that I just felt led to watch your video about "is repentance neccesary for salvation" the way you tell what repentance is with scriptures I was exactly like by saying the sinners alot of times before being truly saved. couple months after being "saved". It Was just a random day, I believe it was in the afternoon. I just experienced the guilt and how I had sinned against god and that had broken his law, I just cried and cried like hours and I almost didn`t haven`t any words to say except for "sorry" I was so ashamed for all the sins I have commit before turn to god in humbleness and I just prayed in tears and conviction and shamefullness but IO truly knew that the Lord Jesus Christ heard me, of course I repent until this day but the Lord Jesus Christ brought me to the darkness to show that he is the light, The lord Jesus Christ have give me wisdom many times that he is the only one who loves, and that he is the only one who loves me as much as he do and that before I became born again I was decieved into believing on being saved by saying a prayer... everything you have said in your video, that you have backed with scriptures FROM THE WORD OF GOD, I exeprienced no doubt that everything you says/said is true, and it is just and honor and a blessing to get correctiongs from the lord jesus Christ, EVERYTHING I WANTED TO SAY that the things you have said in your video ( backed up with scriptures ) when I compare them to my faith and experience with the lord jesus Christ. I have a true faith and I`am truly born again. You just streghtened my assurance and wisdom in the WORD OF GOD"
Eltena from Canada - Dec 26, 2016
"I wanted to say 'thank you', for the feminist teaching. I can see how the family has been destroyed. I was brought up with abusive men and a very strong, domineering mother. I have been married 3 times. All serious abusers. I have been alone 3 years now. I have prayed, and asked God to show me my mistakes. For years, 'yes' I blamed everyone else. Yes, much of my childhood abuse was out of my control; however, my choices in men were in my control. In reading and listening to your teaching, it has confirmed for me how I did see the signs and ignored them. I realize I am looking for a different kind of man now and how I got it all confused. God has been showing me what His reality and purpose of a man is; and revealing the lies of the world and of many so called churches. I listen to many of your live teachings and have read many things you have put on your website. Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your honesty; careful realism of what the Word Of God Says and your commitment to it. Keep following and seeking to be in obedience You and your wife are in my prayers."
Huia from New Zealand - Oct 26, 2016
"Kia ora [which in our native maori tongue means greetings!] I have just read your teaching on Marriage/Weddings & have been so blessed = some time back I found myself 'thinking' about certain practises/traditions etc regarding weddings/marriage & just kind of meditating mainly with the Lord - occasionally i would ask a brother/sister for comment but never had a response that i could relate to - this morning i 'googled' & found you!! - as i read the article I laughed & wept because i just identified so much with it... May you continue to rejoice in him & to follow Him faithfully"
Dave from Wisconsin - June 30, 2016
"I wanted to look more into 501c3 and google brought me here. I just want to thank you for what you do. I know we cant let pride get in our way, but brother I give credit where credit is due. Everything is well put together, and with scripture. I'm glad this site exist, and its in my hope that it is still active. I plan on printing a lot of it out in case I need to inform others. There are a few of us in town here and we all meet in each other's homes to worship, pray, and hear a Word. We want nothing to do with 501c3 churches and still have no trouble rollin like the Book of Acts and learning how to evangelize and make disciples. So thanks again for being true followers and servants of our Lord and Savior. I will be praying for your ministry. Peace and grace be with you."
Stacy from Ohio - Feb 12, 2016
"I just want to thank you for confirming what I have been always feeling about pastors. I dont know why but every church I go to I dont feel received by the pastors. So, eventual I end up leaving. I dont know what it is about me but I am continuously seeking where God wants me to be. I truly truly appreciate your honesty and courage in writing this article. You have said everything that my heart couldnt speak. May the Lord continue to use you in this spiritual warfare."
Myles from Australia - Oct 21, 2015
"Thank you for your logical explanation of the scriptures, what a breath of fresh air to have someone want toserve the Lord without the shackles of tradition! I have thoroughly enjoyed the articles and videos you've posted, thank you for the hard work you have done in an effort to see Jesus honored!"
Miles from New Zealand - June 27, 2015
"Thank you for the resource you have compiled here. Independent of it two of my friends and I who used to fulfill elder roles in our church have arrived at exactly the same conclusions. As we have studied the bible on the topics of titles, respect of persons and one pastor church leadership structures and the attitudes and behaviour of people which commonly develop by those who hold these positions in churches. I think the main reason Christians never challenge this leadership system is due to fear of being put out of the assembly or church they attend. The fear is real due to the potential loss of friends, family and in some cases salvation or so they think. This is what took place for all three of us as we began to ask these questions. Thanks again for the resource you have provided we will avail ourselves of it as we continue to contend with our previous church leaders and our brothers and sisters in that assembly. We have decided to follow this course of action as Jesus provides us with the same example as He had to with the religious leaders of His time and the people who gave them power over them."
Linda from Maryland - June 18, 2015
"I am reading your article on M W Smith and couldn't agree more. Thank you for trying to warn the sheep. I am a church musician and tried to alert the music directors about Smith a couple of years ago. I was asked to perform with him as part of a Christmas concert in 2012. I refused (and won't play with Amy Grant either). Even though I gave tons of evidence and had a heart of sorrow, I was rebuffed. I now no longer participate with the orchestra. It's so sad how most believers do not recognize the danger!"
Brandon from California - June 16, 2015
"Hi Chris, first off I'd like to say that I appreciate you very much for your willingness and obedience to teach the Word of God. I attend a church over here... but last year formally separated from them due to their unwillingness to depart from heretical teachings. I've always known about Catholics but it wasn't until listening to our pastor that I was made aware of a lot of false teachings. I was just re-acquainted with an old friend who now has a job doing jr and highschool ministry in our local catholic church. Him, his wife and children are really the nicest most caring friends we have. My heart hurts for them so in turn I wanted to be as up to date on catholic teachings as possible. After months of podcasts, online sermons, documentation searching, I finally arrived at your site while listening to Richard Bennett's stuff. (So thank you so much for making this available) And I am so glad that I did because your teaching through the word and rightly dividing it has opened my eyes to so much that I was involved in that I need to separate myself from... I have gone through half of your studies in the past 3 weeks and though you don't need praise from men I want to commend you on the work you are doing for the Lord, do I believe or understand fully everything you are teaching or interpreting on, not always. That doesn't mean that I don't think your right on those certain things, maybe it means that I just need to be learned up a bit more or that I don't fully understand it yet but I am willing to do that. Either way point being is that having a son the Holy Spirit has been rapidly convicting my heart that if I don't want certain things for my son what makes me think it's okay for me to hold on to them. Little did I know that those 'certain things' are becoming far more than I ever thought and thanks to your teaching (because on most subjects you just make it way to easy) my heart, which was being prepared by the Holy Spirit, is being drawn away from the things that are 'highly esteemed' among men. I'm not telling you this because I love to talk about myself or because I want to hear words of praise for my actions because we both know that the glory is Gods and I can do nothing apart from Him. I'm telling you this to let you know that as a sower (as long as you continue to sow the Word) to please never give up on what you are doing as far as teaching others, putting it in videos, documents and articles etc... I live so far away from you and yet I am able to be blessed in the knowledge that God has given you to preach His Word. So thank you Chris for doing the job that God has given you and being faithful through the persecution that I undoubtedly know that you have had to deal with."
Patti from Pennsylvania - Apr 4, 2015
"I just wanted to know that your article on Easter: Christians Celebrating Abomination was the best and most indepth article on the subject of Easter which I have ever read. A friend posted the link in one facebook group and I sent out the link in a lot of other facebook groups, and although I know it will not be received by some, there are others who will possibly learn from it. I found some things that were new to me and glad for the opportunity to fit one more piece of the puzzle together... I left Catholicism after over 50 years as a very devout Catholic about 17 years ago, and went to one church for 8 years (which had huge Musicals at Christmas and Easter) At the time I was thinking anything Protestant had to be good. NOT!! Then because I was one of only a few who used the KJV there, I sought out a KJV church and the only one I found was a small Fundamental Independent Baptist church. But each year the Christmas and Easter celebrations started to conflict more and more with what I had come to know was true, and finally after 6 years there, I left that behind two years ago in December. I have left organized Churchianity behind and had to flee Babylon yet again. This last church did the sunrise service (I went once and just knew it was wrong at the end) but they also did annual easter egg hunts on the church property after the regular service there. I always took off before that, as it bothered me in my spirit... Thanks again for the excellent article."
Ron from Kansas - Mar 30, 2015
"Dear Mr. Johnson, Praise the Lord Jesus! While searching the net today looking for information on a 501c3, I stumbled across your site on the Devil's church. I am extremely impressed with your articles, your knowledge and information, and I can't wait to read more of your articles. Amy Grant, Wow! Who'd have ever thought. Your eyes are open to seeing the truth, and that is opening the eyes of other, including me. Repentance, Wow! Thank you so much for showing the entire Bible context in it's KJV. Christopher... Your website is a Godsend. I can't wait to go through more of it."
Kathy from Virginia - Mar 26, 2015
"I have experienced Christianity and church just as you. It's been heartbreaking for me... it's just very refreshing to read that Gods words still lives in word and deed. I can easly say I love you guys. I found your web site by looking for why God allows children to be murdered. As this happened in our county this week. 5 year old found in a septic tank. My heart is broke but I can say I sure needed to see your wonderful web site and your faith. Just Thank You"
Rick from Virginia - Feb 19, 2015
"Hi Christopher. I am commenting about the 'One Pastor Church' and am very thankful you wrote the article. Without having the precise biblical referencing that you have provided in the article, I too have known in my spiritual sense that these church 'governments' are so wrong. I am a Christian song writer/singer and have ministered in many different denominations only to find this type of leadership format consistent among them all. Worse yet, for me anyway, is that the entire format is the same across church denominations. I could perform in a Pentecostal church and the format was 'introduction song - announcements - 2nd and 3rd song - Pastor comment - 4th song - sermon - alter call song or parting song. I could then go to the most conservative Baptist church the next weekend and find the exact same format... Then be told by the Pastor 'if you can't stick to the program then we will find someone who will'. Go figure. In any case - thank you. I will re-read this article often."
Camelle from Tennessee - Feb 9, 2015
"I am thankful for your ministry and will try to support it in the future. I'm retired but grew up in a Bible teaching conservative church. I am SO thankful for the Word which I hold in my heart... I, too, believe God is Holy, far above anything we can understand. It makes me thankful to see young people who recognize the wolves. God bless your ministry."
Jeanne from Australia - Feb 8, 2015
"I am so thankful I found your site. I have not been in church for over a year because of discovering how false the teaching was there. I have been searching for sound Biblical teaching for a long time, and I think I have finally found it here... I have subscribed to your YouTube channel, and will be watching and reading many more of your articles. Thank you for standing up for the Truth! I have been praying diligently that I would no longer be deceived by false doctrines, and I believe you have helped answer that prayer."
Guy from New Jersey - Nov 15, 2014
"I am writing to thank you for the article you wrote entitled 'Is the One-Pastor Church Biblical?' About a year ago I stopped going to church but was still very much interested in serving the Lord and continued reading His word. While training hand to hand combat at a local school, one the guys I trained with said he was an elder at a church who taught the bible. Always wanting to learn, I went to one of their services at the church where he taught and enjoyed it. They didn't have a 'one pastor system' at the church where he taught. I didn't ask them why. My instinct knew it was the right thing to do. My instinct also told me that the one pastor system was wrong which lead me to initially stop going to church. Over time, this new church taught me why the one pastor system was not biblical. Because I wanted to teach other christians that this was wrong (when appropriate), I did some googling on the subject to learn the necessary scriptures. This lead me to your website. Your bible based prosecution of the one pastor system is one of the most well written articles I have read for those christians who already know that it is wrong but want to educate themselves and defend themselves when being verbally attacked by those who support the one pastor system. I share my story with you because I truly believe there are many christians out there (like me) who drop out of church because it is too difficult trying to interact with the pastor worshipping mentality so many church going christians have. They may not necessarily know that the one pastor system is not biblical, but instinctively, they just can't take it anymore. Anyway, thanks again for your teaching and God willing, may our paths cross one day."
Judy from California - Sept 26, 2014
"Dear Mr. Johnson, I just wanted to write to thank you for your article on eternal security. A fantastic article that answered many questions that had been troubling me for decades. I read the articles that you linked to within the main article as well, and I plan to revisit the site often to read more... I read your article called "Beginner's Guide: Tribulation and Rapture", and though I do hold the pre-trib position, I thought it was an incredibly well-written piece. I especially appreciated that you presented the information without name-calling and all that sort of thing. I'm still looking into this issue, and I want to re-read your article and do some more studying on this. Your article is the best I have seen to date and it really got me thinking. Again, thank you for all that you do here."
Karen from Michigan - Sept 24, 2014
"I just finished your article on music. Being a music lover, I was always a bit uneasy with "contemporary" Christian music. It most certainly DOES focus on self-oh Lord just LOOK at what I have given up for YOU! Where is the theology and doctrine of Jesus, HIS sacrifice for us and the need for a Saviour in the current music? Non exsistant obviously. Pointing out that even casually listening to this music is dangerous was all I needed to reinforce what the Lord was already giving me by discernment. He promises that He will give us the truth if we seek it. I don't want anything that's not from Him. I have been in churches with this type of feel good music. It's poison. I have long been a proponent of hymns in church-so many have gotten rid of them and sing from the power point presentation. How much is lost-an empty gospel sung and preached every Sunday, and no one knows, but if you tell them, you are laughed to scorn. And too, what about the writers of these songs - not even Christian for the most part. Their god is money. I just told my mother and mother in law the other day you need to know what these people believe and who they follow. Blind aligence is deadly. Keep preaching the truth! There are those of us who are seeking it! Thank you."
Edward from Illinois - Sept 14, 2014
"GOD BLESS YOU! YOU ARE AWESOME! My wife went to a training session for lay leaders at our local methodist church we are attending . She was told she couldnt preach on politics - endorse a candidate etc. Because of their 501c3 . I googled 501c3 and found your article on 501c3. It was eye opening to say the least. I have been reading through your site and i love and agree with everything you say. We will be praying for you all. We will also financially support your ministry as best we can. I want to help with putting your articles on social media. i will have to learn how. im not computer literate ,but im learning. i do have a facebook page. I am 51 & my wife is 56, we didnt have computers in high school back then lol. i didnt take typing so its taken me a while to type this lol Thank you for your time,God Bless You"
Jake from Tennessee - Sept 9, 2014
"I just wanted to tell y'all that I am happy that are still good folks standing up for good evangelism. Praise jesus! My son just brought back on of his science textbooks. I am outraged by the shear amount of blasphemy. Evolution? That is not what the bible teaches or what the priest preaches. My outrage and disgust for obama's education system lead to your website... Praise The father and the son"
Anthony from Missouri - July 28, 2014
" I have been following your writing for about 6 months now. Because of it, and also my own self study, I have completely changed the way I believe. I want to first thank you. I felt that these truths have brought me out of darkness... I am writing a paper for my degree program where I argue why not to celebrate Christmas. I am wanting to use you as a source in reference to Tammuz, Christmas trees and wreaths... Thank you!"
Steven from Ohio - July 21, 2014
"Hi Chris, I just wanted to comment about your article on "Is the One-Pastor Church Biblical?" I have noticed more than one church trying to have their cake and eating it too. You may find on staff elders (biblical), but with a variety of differences attached to every elder position! I have seen the "Peaching/Teaching Elder". The "Lead Elder" The "Executive Elder" The every popular "Senior Elder" etc. Again it is a smoke screen for those that like the worldly managerial or hierarchical church setup, but with a Biblical-ease for those that would challenge the titles... Thanks, for the website and your stand."
Kevin from Minnesota - July 21, 2014
"I just came across your website this morning. WOW!!! I Googled - "how to have church without the church" and there you were. I can't wait to go through your whole website, but what I have seen so far is exactly what the Lord has been speaking to my wife and I about. Right now we are in the process of becoming un-churched. It is so sad, but in all the churches we have visited, we have found that they are all caught up in the traditions of men and error. I have said for several years now to my wife and friends "where are the bereans" and "where is the accountability". It is so refreshing to hear a fresh voice for the whole truth. Thank you for your commitment to your calling in speaking the truth. God Bless and Keep You,"
Steven from Africa - June 19, 2014
"Just read your thing u did on tithing good job. I was so under bondage, even though I did in the passed gave they push us so much and put us in a guilt we had to give .. And say we are robbering God of what belongs to him. Today my life is as empty, if u know what I mean. Keep up the good work u are doing ill prayer for you."
Joseph from U.S.A. - June 19, 2014
Sent to me via another Christian:"What a wonderful week I have had listening to Christopher Johnson...Thank you for sending me the link to his ministry...The Lord in his own time just allows me to grow further in his word as He continues to bring people into my life just at the right time... For the past 8 years I have desired to learn His tuth and move the leaven out, as I do that, he sheds more light on me."
Jen from New Jersey - June 8, 2014
"I want to thank you for your biblical stance on alcohol... I have read articles on the issue and listened to sermons that are pro and against alcohol. The assemblies that had a biblical stance against alcohol seemed more loving than the ones who saw no problem with alcohol. But it what God says and not what man thinks is important. I have seen more of an attitude of pride with the assemblies that do not have problem with the drinking. This is not a joke with that. The ones who consume their drink at home flaunt it as a liberty, and it does not edify the body of Christ... Thank you for presenting these things to make people actually think and not just go along with something because it is said to be Christian when it is not. I appreciate it."
Tim from California - May 10, 2014
"Hi Chris! Just read your article on the one pastor leading a church. I have served for 25 years in 4 different churches under 5 different pastors as a worship leader and for 6 of those years as a assistant pastor in 2 of them. The first 2 were both Calvary Chapels where you don't challenge the senior pastor. Stay quietly or leave quietly is the way things are done there. And the last 2 were both Free Methodist churches. Now I can tell you first hand that all 5 pastors had complete authority and final say on everything. What they wanted they got no matter what the costs. All were driven by ego's and were only concerned about the big show, the attendance, finances, burning people out manipulating people to get what they wanted and always looking for new and exchange sheep to use for their pleasure until they burn them out and the next group of gullible sheep to arrive. I am very disappointed and grieved at the church structure of the day. I finally left the last church a little over a month ago because of what the senior pastor did to me and others. That was a $1,000.00 a month lost in wages that I said no to and went on faith trusting God because I didn't want to serve at a because we needed the money. Anyway's, I could go on all day about this kind of stuff but rather I wanted to tell you that I fully agree with your position on a one pastor running the show being un biblical. You are a gifted writer and you know the scriptures well my friend. My desire is to one day start a house church that would grow into house churches a true free church, free from 501c3 without any segregation meaning that we come together and do church as a family. Thanks again for your insight on the article that you wrote. Be blessed!"
Katie from Australia - Apr 25, 2014
"Great article about the cure for cancer, wow, so much research and information has been provided and you backed it up with evidence from doctors. Thank you for this, Im in Australia and hopefully I can now look at other foods, not just apricot seeds, that contain vitamin B17 eg wheatgrass etc. Glad you have an interest in this, I just wish that more people would be aware of this."
Steve from Michigan - Apr 20, 2014
"I enjoyed reading your article on Easter... Once again let me thank you for everything you do with the website and everything else. You, through God, have been my spiritual life support system while my wife and I transition away from evil 501c3 churches. Before finding your website I knew that 501c3 churches were of the devil but it took God convicting me through you to really drive that point home with me... I also pray that God will allow people to hear you. He provides the faith, you provide the preaching of the Gospel."
Nathaniel from Michigan - Mar 24, 2014
"I would simply like to commend you for the great work you are doing on this website. Although this won't make it to your hilarious "Skeptic Mail" list, I'd like to send you something positive for (maybe) a change! Your articles have educated, enlightened, and strengthened my faith as a KJB believing Christian. I love your reliance on the word of God, and someday I'd love to have a similar website of my own since I have a passion for writing. Keep up the good work! May God continue to do great work through you. Philemon 1:25"
Karen from Delaware - Mar 17, 2014
"Your website was forwarded to me by a friend, and I thoroughly enjoyed and agreed with your article on tithing. I was a tither for many years, sometimes going without food and bus fare in order not to be cursed with a curse for not giving my tithe to the church. In recent years, I became enlightened to the fact that tithing is NOT a New Testament requirement for Christians, and left a church I'd been attending because the pastor did a four-Sunday sermon series on why we should tithe."
Clement from Australia - Feb 23, 2014
"Thank you for the article on "Is the One-Pastor Church Biblical?" I have also come to the same conclusion recently. But many people just will not listen, accusing you of causing disunity and criticizing 'the Lord's annointed'. Many people have been so brainwashed by their church leadership to quietly sit down on the pews and listen to the pastor without checking against the bible... How far we have gone from the NT example. I think your article will ruffle a few feathers. But those who want to see will see (by God's grace), and those who are blind will remain blind. I believe any Christian who seeks after God with a pure heart will have his eyes opened to see what you have written. Keep up the good work."
Duane from Texas - Feb 23, 2014
"It has been a couple of months since I found your site and I have been wanting to write for a while. I have read quite a few of your articles and all I can say is I am amazed at how much we agree on things. I am right with you on the King James Bible, Biblical creation, the pagan holidays, churches with one authoritative pastor, organizational churches, and much more. It is very difficult to find ministries, churches, or individual Christians which are on board with all that. I appreciate, above all, how you put the word of God (KJB) above everything and insist that it is THE standard by which we are to judge everything... I just want to encourage you to keep on going. It is much needed."
Tom from Utah - Dec 27, 2013
"Just found your site and wanted to say nice job. I'm a big fan of presuppositional apologetics and it is a guilty pleasure of mine to hear atheists and agnostics and evolutionists stumble and bumble around tying themselves in logic pretzels at the hands of Bible believing Christian. I'm glad to have found your site and will be going through all your media offerings. Thanks again and God bless"
Mark from North Carolina - Dec 27, 2013
"Hello! I just read your commentary on the origins of Xmas and wanted to thank you for writing it and exposing it for what it is... PAGANISM. Keep telling the Truth."
Lora from Colorado - Dec 18, 2013
"Fantastic article on the origins and paganism of Christmas. I plan on teaching my children these things, to the extent that they can understand it. We put up a Christmas tree this year and I cringed while we did it, as I knew it was actually antichrist. Maybe it will be the last one we get. Anyhow your explanations and research are much appreciated. I am planning to reread the article so I can discuss it better with others. Who knew that so many things were taken from paganism? Wow. Thanks!"
Debbie from West Virginia - Dec 16, 2013
"I've researched kid's books for almost three decades... to try to warn parents that their children are in grave danger. These books are not cute, fantasy stories, but introductions into the occult. A friend just happened to send me your link this morning. I just finished your article: Fantasy Novels: Invitations to Hell. I just wanted to tell you that you presented this very well. It's an excellent paper. I pray that many will read this and take heed. I noticed that you also use the scene from the Last Battle about Tash. I'm always amazed at professing Christians who give a deer-in-the-headlight look when I read this passage to them. I won't ramble; I just wanted to say thank you. I'm going to send your link to another friend that would appreciated reading this."
Dez from Arkansas - Dec 9, 2013
"I found your website this morning while my wife and I were researching 'Is the One-Pastor Church Biblical?'. We had already done some research on this topic by reading the scriptures and reading books. So I found that you are absolutely correct, a one pastor church is false as your article was written well in identifying the issues. I was looking further to see if there were other Christ followers mentioning this issue and I found your article. My wife and I too were under the institution corporate structure and we came into the truth."
Deon from South Africa - Dec 9, 2013
"'Google-ing' the origin of 'christmas', I spotted your web site - and am I glad that I did! For years our family have not celebrated the day for the very reasons mentioned in your excellent article. The more I try to convince fellow believers about my stance (not mine - Scripture's), the more I am confronted with all the old hollow arguments that you mention. I feel sometimes to just keep quiet - but I can't... Be this all as it may, I will honor our Lord and keep on struggling to convince people of the infallibility of Scripture. In passing, English is not my mother tongue, I am a Creationist and fight evolution tooth and nail."
Shane from Washington - Dec 2, 2013
"I wanted to write a note to thank you for your ministry. I have never thought of the 501c3 status of churches and what it meant. You presented the 501c3 status and what it means very well. My wife and I were raised in Evangelical churches with 501c3 status and left them several years ago. We were very disappointed in their unwillingness to preach God's word without leaving the important issues we are facing today out of the sermons. It seems as though the church has become lax and unwilling to speak God's ENTIRE word. Thank you again for your message."
Mark from Massachusetts - Dec 1, 2013
"I am listening to you speaking with Angeline Marie about 501(c)3 incorporation of churches. Thank you for your clear explanation of the dangers of this issue... I just found your article on marriage on your website. Thank you for putting this together. I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing these things."
Craig from Canada - Nov 19, 2013
"Greetings in the name of our glorious Lord Jesus. Just a quick hello & thank you for your postings, a real blessing & help... Have only listen to a few (so far) of your audio casts, it is very helpful for me as sometimes I think I am only one that believes incorporation is a basic denial of Christ... God bless your house & thank you."
Bill from Texas - Nov 10, 2013
"I was scanning the internet on Sunday morning before church on a topic the 'Is the Hired Preacher a Tradition or Scriptural'? and ran across your web site and read your article or headline 'One Pastor Church Biblical?' I will be 80 in Jan and have been in the Lord's church since 1944 when I was baptized at the age of 10. I have seen trends in the church in the last 60 years that are not healthy, one of them is the practice of the 'Hired Preacher Concept'... If the men of a congregation took turns of speaking when the saints are gathered the church would grow. These would be the same men that God gave the responsibility to the heads of the families to be the spiritual leader in the home. Do you want your children to become faithful when they grow up? Then you men pray with them every night and read scriptures to them. Taking them to church 3 times a week will not do it. Take it from an 'elder' in the sense that I am old and wise and have been acutely aware of my surroundings for the past 70 years. You are right with your headline on your web site... May God Bless and May His Word permeate our families, church, neighborhood and country."
John from Missouri - Nov 8, 2013
"I came upon your site while researching the 501(C)(3) status for churches and found your article titled, 501c3: The Devil's Church. This has been an area of concern that I have had for many years, and your article presented the biblical truth in such a way that makes it quite difficult for anyone to deny. Your case, as presented, is definitely one of the best that I have found on the subject... I will continue viewing the rest of your many contributions to biblical truths. As I do, I will pray concerning financial support for your work. The truth definitely needs to be told, and it is obvious that God has blessed you with an amazing talent to get it said! May God continue to bless you in this endeavor!"
Damien from Pennsylvania - Oct 18, 2013
"Hello, I just wanted to write to give thanks and appreciation for your ministry. I recently discovered your website and have found it very helpful for my own study and research. Some of your articles have given me some needed conviction that I'm sure the Lord wanted me to receive. In the past couple years I finally came to the conclusion that I want and need to do what you are currently doing. I really like the way you approach different topics and handle scoffers. I hope one day too that I can give presentations to help open people's eyes and hearts to the truth that is being so aggressively hidden from them. I do find it quite difficult to find the time to put things together while working all the time and taking care of my family but obviously it can be done. Again, I just wanted to thank you for what your doing and let you know how much your work has blessed me recently."
Jim & Leigh from Oklahoma - Oct 16, 2013
"Christopher & Lorraine, I am a very enthusiastic 'fan' of your ministry. I am continually blessed by all of your wonderful teaching! In fact you sir are to blame for my constant lack of sleep! I listen, by earphone, multiple times to all of your youtube vids! I especially loved the tithing, KJV, 5013c,--there are too many to list-- I dearly love them all... My heart does ache for the 2 of you due to the treatment you are receiving, especially from the church! I am so impressed with one willing to work so hard for so little "worldly" compensation. I know that is the way it should be, but it SO seldom is. Thank You Both!"
Clint from Texas - Sept 27, 2013
"I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your comment on a radio show (I found by your Youtube channel) covering the subject of the founding fathers as deists. The comment you made was that the majority of the founder's can be documented as having been solid Christians. I was of the opinion that the country was deist in its origin after watching Cutting Edge Ministry's documentary Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers... However, you brought up an excellent point that I have no idea who most of the founders were. "
Michael from Texas - Sept 27, 2013
"Hello Christopher, Just found you web site this morning. I have found your site to have many truths that I have discovered over the last ten tears. I have been searching for truth ever since I was born again and started reading the bible for myself. I had found many teaching in the mainstream church not to line up with the word of God. I will be using your site to help in my future studies."
Lora from Colorado - Aug 1, 2013
"I just wanted to say that your website is one of the best that I have come across. It is well written, informative, and contains great information. I am still reading your articles and am sure that I will have questions in the future."
John from Oregon - July 25, 2013
"My name is John, I'm new to your website. So far, I'm enjoying it! I read your article about 501 c 3 and really liked it. It confirmed a lot of what I've read so far on the internet, and I'm continuing to learn more about the 501 c 3. It's sad and shocking... Anyhow, thanks for the article. I do appreciate it. Looking forward to reading more on your site!"
Jason from Australia - July 9, 2013
"Hey Christopher, I just wanted to send you a quick thank you. I really love reading through your site and I especially love the parts where you disprove evolution theories."
Rick from California - June 26, 2013
"I stumbled across your site while reading about frozen palm trees found in the artic (a subject I had heard of several times but only today decided to start digging into) and ended up on your article about the Ica Stones. Now, I am a creationist myself, but have a lot of trouble finding good resources online, simply because a lot of creationist sites don't go through the same sort of rigorous fact-checking yours does. I had, from my own research, pretty much dismissed the Ica Stones as being forgeries (much like the Acrombo Figurines). The main reason for this dismissal is quite simple: too many other creationists have taken the "all are real!" stance. So, in general, I guess I just want to say that it was enormously refreshing to find a voice willing to suggest that some are real and some are fake, and that further research and caution is warranted.
I'm a fan of your site so far. I definitely feel like you've got the right approach."
Alan from Spain - June 20, 2013
"God bless you my brother in Christ. God lead me to your website as I was doing researches about the versions of the Bible... Thanks to God!"
Neil - Apr 26, 2013
"Really blessed to find your site. Mostly for the commentary and research on 'paid pastors' and 'tithing.' Keep up the good work."
Bryon - Mar 22, 2013
"I thank God I came across an article on your site by Christopher Johnson concerning 501 3C churches. Really opened my eyes."
Yuriko - Mar 16, 2013
"Thank you so much for your web site. Our family are on vacation right now in Missouri where we have just visited Fantastic Cave. We were told the same thing about how long it took to form those pillars we saw. Our guide said that 1 inch for a hundred years, but our family members all looked each other thinking something wrong... I didn't know how to even ask question for making my point. Your explanation was exactly the same as my assumption! I now am ready before I go to a tour like that. I appreciate you for helping us equipped to stand up for our belief. Again, thank you!"
Phillip - Mar 5, 2013
"I recently found your ministry and I listened to a few of the messages and read some of the articles. I want to commend you on a job well done on preaching the truth about repentance and salvation, tithing, creation and the 501c3 issue. I've sent out your articles and links to people and I know they will be greatful to hear that your preaching the truth... Thank you; In Christ, Phillip"
Dedrick from Georgia - Mar 2, 2013
"Hey this is Dedrick and I really support what you and your ministry do. I'm going off to the Army for basic training tomorrow, so I may or may not see your reply for a while. I just want to say Thank You for the hard work you and your ministry do in spreading the truth about the Bible, science, evolution, medical issues etc. Your articles and videos have really helped me progress in learning Gods word, and answering many questions I've had for years from what I've been taught in school. Anyway thank you, and God bless you. I pray that your ministry continues strong as I look forward to seeing new things from your ministry in the future after my 10-weeks of training."
Rafa from Costa Rica - Feb 20, 2013
"Hola Chris, I've been reading the articles on your site and have definitely been enlighten; muchas gracias amigo!!!"
John - Jan 25, 2013
"Sir, I just wanted to say how wonderful your website is. I have cited it in a few of my classes at Liberty University. I am pursuing my M.A. in Theology at their Baptist Seminary online. I do have a few problems with the liberal text they use and the heavy use of modern versions and the attacks on the AV/KJ, but I hold my own and stick to the true word of God (AV/KJ). I'll retire from the USAF in 5 years and plan to work full time for the Lord in the ministry of His choosing. Hopefully a creation science ministry such as ICR, AIG, or CMI. Blessings to you and your ministry."
Chaplain Bob - Jan 17, 2013
"So you are one of those KJV Bible-thumping, soul-winning, evolution-hating people that exclude all those with out Jesus from heaven people... Well praise Jesus... me too. Thanks for the info. I knew about B17 years ago and it led me to the UN and rocky fellers devil worshippers and all the other tentacles of this evil octopus. I found you looking up the 501 C 3 info and reviewed your site. I see nothing that I disagree with AND I am sure we have the same teacher - Holy Spirit. Amen keep fighting brother"
Sam from Arizona - Aug 22, 2012
"Praise the LORD for your ministry! We pray for you, your family and your ministry. Maranatha!-With love and prayers, Sam, Tejal and Noah"
Cyril - Aug 1, 2012
"Dear Chris, I happened to visit your site, actually the article The Incredible Edible DNA and found such in-depth research and time behind the article. I am no molecular biologist but your work fascinated me and kept me glued till I finished it. Obviously I will be frequenting your site as time permits. I wanted to let you and all those that work together with you know that you guys are doing a wonderful job. May the name of the Lord be glorified through all that He accomplishes through you guys. In Christ, Cyril"