Our Family Our Purpose Statement of Faith |
Bible Versions My Salvation Story How To Be Saved |
My name is Christopher Johnson, and I am the founder of Creation Liberty Evangelism. In 2009, I started this evangelistic ministry in order to teach the truth of God's Word. I live in Shelby County, Indiana (USA), and it is my prayer that the Lord Jesus Christ would allow me to be of some use to all who would hear, that they will come to repentance (grief and godly sorrow, 2Co 7:10) and faith in Jesus Christ for salvation from sin (John 14:6), and that He would allow me to preach truth to the Body of Christ, that they would abandon false religious beliefs and pagan traditions of men, and cleanse His Church from all unrighteousness. (1Jo 1:8-10) | ![]() |
Though many people like to put up all their credintials in these 'About' pages, I do not want to do such things because, frankly, I am just a useless, worthless sinner that came to repentance (i.e. grief and godly sorrow of wrongdoing) and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (i.e. in His shed blood, that He was resurrected from the dead and alive at the right hand of God the Father) for the remission (i.e. pardoning/forgiveness) of sins. (Luke 24:47) I was saved in 2002, and God gave me grace, opening my understanding, and apart from that, I am a useless fool, so worldly credentials mean less than nothing (1Co 2:3-5). Most of the time, men love to show off their seminary college degrees and honors they have received to puff themselves up so that you will respect their person in sin (Jms 2:9), but Paul taught the church in Corinth that it was not the mighty, wise, and noble who are called by God, but rather, it is the foolish, weak, and despised (i.e. those who are hated and worthless) who are called, so that no man would glory in the presence of God.
For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base [worthless] things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence. ![]() |
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This is my wife Lorraine. She spends a lot of time caring for me, our home, and our dog, Watson. She works hard to make sure I am fed and healthy while I spend time studying the Word of God and writing. She was saved by the Lord Jesus Christ at an early age, and over the past few years, she has come to understand repentance in Christ. She grew up in Ohio, and then moved to Indiana to live with me after we got married in 2010. Lorraine currently runs a market garden, selling organic, no-pesticide fruits and vegetables from our farm. She enjoys studying nutritional health and organic eating, and her business and website is called Good Seed Garden. |
(Lorraine at the Farmer's Market)![]()
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies... She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. |
In short, our church hates seeing leavened corporate church buildings yoked up with devilish organizations and corrupt men, using new-age bible versions, teaching new-age false doctrines, joining hand-in-hand with false teachers, and setting up elaborate shopping malls rather than ministries. (Tts 1:11, 2Pe 2:3) This website is a place where Christians can get teachings in a setting of liberty (without worldly carnal chains), from the King James Bible, in sound Biblical doctrine, free of charge for anyone to access. (Mat 10:8)
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
-Matthew 28:19-20
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
-1 Peter 3:15
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
-Ephesians 5:11
For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
-Titus 1:10-13
AUTHORITY: God's Word is the ultimate authority when it comes to mankind and the world around us. (Acts 5:29) God's Word is the equivalent of God Himself. (John 1:1) If something I say here contradicts God's Word, I'm wrong and God is right.BAPTISM: Baptism does not grant saving grace, but it is the duty of all Christians to be baptized when they have the opportunity. (Mat 28:19, Acts 2:38)
(Read "The Biblical Understanding of Baptism" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)BIBLE: The King James Bible is God's pure, preserved Word, using the English language to preserve His inspiration for us. Numerous mistakes, errors, and contradictions exist in all other English versions, and therefore cannot be attributed to God's inspired writings. (Psa 12:6-7) Just as the Lord God chose Hebrew for the Old Testament, and Greek for the New, He chose English to complete His finished Word.
(Read "Why I Use The King James Bible" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)CHRIST: Died on the cross at Calvary (Luke 23:33) to save mankind from their sin, finishing the full payment for sin with His shed blood. (1Pe 1:19-21) He resurrected himself from the dead (John 2:18-21), and is alive forevermore at the right hand of the Father. (Acts 2:32-33) Christ is the head of the church (Eph 5;23), and we follow Him (John 10:5), using His doctrine (and that of His apostles, who He gave authority - Mat 28:18-20) as the sole foundation for our philosophy (i.e. way of thinking) and how we should live our lives. (Col 2:8)CREATION: The creation of this world, as stated clearly in the Bible, took six literal 24-hour days like we experience today. (Genesis 1, Exodus 20:9-11) All other interpretations of supposed "long periods of time" (e.g. millions of years, the gap theory, etc) contradict Scripture, and the preachers who teach such things are false, rejecting God's Word to defend other pagan worldviews, and Jesus taught us that because they do not believe what Moses taught on this matter, then they do not believe in Christ either. (John 5:46-47)
(Read "The Earth's Age Affects Salvation Doctrine" & "False Converts vs Eternal Security" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)FLOOD: God's Word is accurate to history, meaning that there was a global flood that destroyed this world. (2Pe 3:6) This took place in the days of Noah and his family (Gen 6:6-8), saving those eight people and each kind of animal (Gen 6:18-21) on an ark (Gen 6:13-14) designed to hold them all for a little more than a year. (i.e. The total time they were in the ark, not the total time the flood waters were on the earth.) God has the power to judge mankind, and He is going to do it again, just not with a flood.
(Read "The Pre-Flood World" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)GOD'S WORD: The 66 books of the Bible are the inspired Words of God. (Exodus 24:3, Jer 36:6, Rev 1:1, etc) Though God had men do the penmanship, He is the author of His Word, and His inspired Word is perfect.GODHEAD: The Lord God exists as three entities (meaning that they exist indepentantly from one another), which is God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Ghost. These three are one God, and also three separate entities; both at the same time. (Mat 28:19, Gen 18:1-3, John 10:30) Whether I can comprehend being one and three at the same time or not, Jesus told us to believe it for the sake of His work. (John 14:8-11) The word 'trinity' does not appear in Scripture, rather, the word 'Godhead' is used in the Bible to describe the essence of God. The Bible teaches that the Godhead is one and three at the same time, but the word 'trinity' comes from the doctrines of pagans and witches after their triune goddess, and the Roman Catholic Church adopted the term 'trinity' in their ongoing efforts to bring the pagans under the authority of ecumenical Rome by creating similitudes between paganism and the Bible.
(Read "The Godhead vs The Trinity" & "Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)RAPTURE: The rapture of Christians does not take place until the end, after hard tribulation (Mat 24:29), right before the wrath of God (Rev 8:1-5) comes to this world, and Paul, Silvanus, and Timotheus directly rebuked the Christians in Thessalonica for teaching and believing in what is known today as "pre-tribulation" doctrine. (2Th 2:1-5) Rapture after tribulation and before wrath (sometimes know as "pre-wrath") has been the teaching of Christ's Church for the past 2,000 years, and other new-age false prophecies have entered the church only in the past 200 years to create confusion. Those who teach pre-trib are teaching false prophecy, which the Lord God hates and takes very seriously (Deu 18:20-22), and those who teach and believe in false prophecy are setting themselves up to be deceived into the hands of the final antichrist (i.e. the son of perdition).
(Read "The Beginner's Guide to Christian Rapture" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)REPENTANCE: Salvation is not given to those who have not been given a repentant heart (Luke 13:3), and though most churchgoers and pastors today teach that the word 'repent' means "to turn" or "to change," that is incorrect. The word 'convert' means "to turn" or "to change," but the Bible teaches us that word 'repent' means grief (Gen 6:6) and godly sorrow of wrongdoing against God. (2Co 7:9-10) Repentance is not a work; the Bible defines repentance as a gift from God (2Ti 2:24-25), and though many will reject God's gift of repentance, it is the will of God that all men should come to repentance. (2Pe 3:9) Anyone who teaches that repentance is not necessary for salvation, or that repentance only applies to Christians after salvation, are heretics against Christ's doctrine (Mat 4:17) and the doctrine of His apostles. (Mark 6:12, Acts 26:20) Those who teach that repentance is "turning from sin" are teaching false doctrine, leading people to a works-based doctrine that teaches they must turn from all their sin in order to gain salvation.(Eph 2:8-9)
(Read "Is Repentance Part of Salvation?" & "Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)SALVATION: Salvation is only gained through repentance and faith (Mark 1:15) on the Lord Jesus Christ alone. (1Ti 2:5) Jesus Christ is the only one who can save a man's soul; there is no salvation or eternal life in any other. (1Jo 5:12) All those who teach that faith in Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation, or that salvation can be obtained by another means apart from Christ, are heretics.SIN: All mankind is inherently sinful; there is no man without sin. (Rom 3:23) A ticket to heaven cannot be purchased by money or works. The only way to heaven is via the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph 2:8-9) Christians can and do sin, and those who teach otherwise make God into a liar (1Jo 1:8-10) but we do not live according to sin, nor justify it; rather, we repent (i.e. have grief and godly sorrow) of it, and call upon God's mercy (Luke 18:9-14), relying on Christ's righteousness imputed to us (Rom 4:24), and we make effort to turn from that sin, and if we do not, God will chasten His children (Rev 3:19) to set them on the right path. (Luke 15:7)
(Read "Do Christians Sin?" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)VIRGIN BIRTH: Jesus Christ was conceived via the Holy Spirit (Mat 1:18) and was born of a virgin woman. (Isa 7:14, Mat 1:23) Mary was blessed by God, but she was a sinner in need of repentance and faith in her Savior (Luke 1:46-47), the Lord Jesus Christ, but she is worshiped as a pagan goddess by the Catholic Church in the sin of idolatry.
(Read "Idolatry: The Goddess Called 'Mary' here at creationliberty.com for more details.)
The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
Psalm 12:6-7
(Read "Why I Use the King James Bible" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)
Our ministry has received a number of hateful letters from self-proclaimed Christians that have condemned us for using the King James Bible, and though it is sad that those who claim to be of Christ would treat us in such an anti-Christian manner, it is important that I take this stand because God's Word is the foundation for faith.
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
-Romans 10:17
Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
-1 Corinthians 5:6-8
If we continue studying this issue, we will find that many new-age apostate organizations will not touch a King James Bible because they hate how it rebuke their sin. For example, the sodomite/homosexual community that falsely claims to be "Christian" will only use new-age versions because they can find altered and/or omitted passages that allows them to justify their wicked lifestyles.
(Read "NIV Promotes Homosexuality/Sodomy" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)
Please consider that new-age preachers and televangelists, who spread false doctrines like wild fire, almost always use new-age bible versions. For example, heretics like Rick Warren, Billy Graham, and Joyce Meyer not only teach their listeners to pick up any new-age version that suits them, but some of them (like Warren) even go so far as to specifically tell them NOT to read the King James Bible.
(Read "Wolves in Costume: Rick Warren," "Wolves in Costume: Billy Graham," and "Wolves in Costume: Joyce Meyer" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)
Please do not misunderstand; this does not mean that anyone who uses the KJB is automatically a Christian. There are many false teachers who cling to the KJB; for example, false preacher Steven L. Anderson, who is a wolf in sheep's clothing that preaches heresies under a false pretense in sin, and so the KJB is not the determining factor of salvation, but it is the book that Christians should be using for their study of God's Word.
(Read "Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)
Because the law of God and Jesus Christ is taught even in new-age versions (Gal 3:24), I believe many have been saved by coming to repentance (i.e. godly sorrow of their sin) and faith in Christ, even from preaching in new-age bible versions. However, the problem is that once a man is saved, the Devil still continues to work in the background to deceive that babe in Christ, and so I am warning my Christiain brethren of the deception surrounding them, even if they do not yet understand why, calling them turn away from the old leaven of their new-age versions, and pick up the King James Bible for study and memorization.
Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
-Philippians 2:2
I grew up in Shelby County, Indiana, in a small town with a small public school. I am the third child of four, with two olders sisters and one younger brother. Our home life was not very pleasant because I had a dad who used to be abusive, and though he is not that way anymore, I can recall being punished sometimes without knowing why, or extreme punishments for accidents, like going without dinner because I accidently spilled a drink, or suffering the wrath of my father because I accidentally bumped into the back of his chair. In case anyone is skeptical, I am not exaggerating; I remember once being given "rounds" (which is what it meant to be spanked with an oak paddle in a circle) because someone had accidentally left a drop of urine on the toilet seat and did not clean it up, and because neither myself or my brother (who were only about 10-12 years old at the time) knew who did it, we were both given many "rounds" back-to-back. This is in addition to having one of my older sisters hating me from the day I was born, and often telling me so growing up, meaning that she would tell me I should have never been born. (She still hates me with a deep passion to this day, blaming me for many problems in her lift, and I still do not know where that hatred comes from; other than some sort of demonic possession.) So because I lived in a household that was in a constant state of fear and wrath, it is difficult for me to remember much of anything that was pleasant when I was growing up, and I often buried myself in video games to escape the constant grief of living with my family.
I was always a very quiet person, keeping to myself, and today, I still struggle with being around people because I just enjoy being by myself in peace and quiet. (I suppose it's kind of like Elijah because he also enjoyed being alone—not to compare myself to him as a whole, for he was a far more godly man than I am.) This was another problem that made my life difficult as I was growing up because one of my older sisters and my younger brother were quite loud and short-tempered, which made things harder at home, but in addition to that, a quiet spirit also makes one a target for bullies, as anyone who has attended an American public school knows, and I dealt with them a lot until my senior year of high school when I ended up having three lung surgeries for multiple pneumo throrax (holes in the lungs), and after I came close to death at one point, they tended to leave me alone.
As a boy and and a teenager, our family attended Wesleyan and Nazarene churches, and I have been involved in small (20-40), medium (200+), and mega (2000+) sizes. I was one of those churchgoers who was taught to say the sinner's prayer and I would be saved, so I did, many, many times (as many of you have probably done as well), but I was a false convert because I never came to repentance (i.e. to have grief and godly sorrow of wrongdoing), nor was I taught anything about it, but because they told me I was saved if I said the sinner's prayer, I believed them and moved forward in my ignorance, calling myself a "Christian."
During that time, when I was 16, I began having suicidal thoughts, but because I never talked much, no one knew about it. At one point, I grabbed a large hunting knife, held it up to my stomach, and asked myself why I should not end my life, and although I did not have a reasonable answer why I should not do it, at that moment, the law of God I had been taught to memorize came to my mind, and the verse "Thou shalt not kill" (Exd 20:13) stopped me. I reasoned within myself that if killing was a sin against God, then killing myself is also a sin against God, and therefore, it was wrong to do, and at that point, I had no choice but to go on living, but also at that point, my philosophy (i.e. way of thinking) began to change because I was going to hope that there was something better out there than the constant pain and suffering that I kept experiencing at home, school, and the church buildings we attended.
After high school, I went off to college in Weatherford, Oklahoma, (Southwestern Oklahoma State University) and studied in computer science for a year. After my first year, I left because I realized this is not what I wanted to do. It was not that I did not enjoy the process of learning how to write programs, but I could not figure out why I was not satisfied with doing it as a career. All I knew was that I did not want to write thousands of lines of code for a company every day for the rest of my life, and frankly, I just could not seem to find a reason to be alive because it seemed to be a constant struggle in my mind to escape from the depressing nature of this world.
Shortly after that, I moved to Columbus, Ohio and lived with a high school friend of mine who suggested I go to school with him. Soon after I got moved in (Sept of 2002), I came to repentance (i.e. godly sorrow) of my wrongdoing, and fell before the Lord God. To this day, I do not know what happened inside me, and though today, I understand that the Holy Spirit of God fell on me, I could not understand at the time what was happening, but out of nowhere, in the middle of the afternoon, I knew suddenly I was guilty of breaking the laws of God and that I had gone down a dark path of sin (many things I knew I was guilty of doing, and much more I could not even recall at the time), and could do nothing but cry for three straight hours, and though I tried to speak words when I looked up, I could say nothing but "I'm sorry for what I am" because I knew how worthless and vile I was. At that point, I sought the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness, and that was the day I was born again, although I did not realize how little I understood at the time.
I did not know what to do next, but six months prior to being saved, before I left Oklahoma, I had a college friend invite me into a trailor house of a friend of his to see a video. I did not want to go in because the guy smoked and I had a lung condition, but I went inside, and I watched 15 minutes of a guy talking about things like whale evolution being based off of tiny pelvic bones, and how such a thing would be impossible. I thought it was mildly interesting, they told me the website where I could find it, and I moved away the next day.
Fast forwarding to the day after I repented and was born again, I sat down at my computer and thought to myself: "What now?" I knew I needed guidance, but I did not know what or where to go. I remembered the website, drdino.com, and I spent the next few weeks listening non-stop to a guy named Kent Hovind. (drdino.com is no longer his website) I could not get enough. I was without a job at the time, and I spent roughly 16-hours a day for three weeks straight going over his whole seminar series over and over, memorizing Scriptures and quotations, and looking up more information on tid bits I learned in the seminars.
(It should be noted that, today, I do not believe Kent Hovind is a born again Christian; the evidence of his works shows that he has no repentance in his heart. I used to be an avid supporter of him and his ministry, but after seeing loads of false doctrines that he teaches, many compromises he makes, money scams he's involved in, how he treats his staff, and how he ditched his two previous wives and has moved on to his third, I do not believe he has ever come to true repentance. If you want to learn more about that, read "Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind" here at creationliberty.com for more details.)
I also started looking for a church building (because that is what I had been taught to do since I was a child), and since I was used to the Nazarene church buildings, I found a Nazarene church and attended it for a few months, but I started noticing some things I did not expect. Though I was still bitter and untempered (meaning that I could be very coarse and unpleasant) at first, being a babe in Christ, and socially awkward because I did not socialize much (i.e. I was often very blunt, and had no tact with my words), what I found was that I was getting shunned for asking questions about the Bible and church traditions. Because I had a great desire to follow the Word of God, I really wanted to know about where the Bible commanded us to do all these things, but no one had answers, and they wanted me to shutup, so they just gave me superficial excuses and ignored me, and I found that when I really needed help, financially, or even that I needed a place to stay, I had some friends help me, but the Nazarene church did nothing. (As I grew to discover, that is typical with most church buildings.)
A few months later, I left that church and started attending a Messianic Jewish congregation by suggestion from a friend, but it was all the way on the other side of the city (hard for me to get to), and though I learned a lot while I was there, there was something about it that made me very uncomfortable (i.e. like red warning lights going off in my mind that something was wrong, but I did not have enough knowledge to locate the problem), and looking back, I think it was their focus on tradition, which seemed like a works-based system to me. They were teaching everyone to combine the traditions of the Old Testament with the doctrine of the New Testament, but when I read the New Testament, I was being taught in Scripture that Christ freed us from the Old Testament traditions; therefore, I was left confused.
I am ashamed to remember that I was also VERY blunt in my speech back then, not mincing words, with no qualms about offending someone with ill-chosen words, and that was due to a combination of being bitter from mistreatment growing up, lack of understanding of Scripture, a lack of understanding about other people, and being frustrated at self-proclaimed Christians everywhere who seemed to have no desire for the truth of matters and were complete hypocrites (i.e. put on an outward appearance that was fake). These are not excuses that gives me justification for how I spoke to others back then, but I say this as a testimony to help give readers understanding of my wrongs, and what I had to learn. I ended up wrongfully offending a lot of people through my anger, frustration, and confusion, and though I have tried to go back to apologize to many of those people for my ignorance, that I had put a stumblingblock in their way and sinned against Christ, to my surprise, I have not yet had one who has forgiven me. (i.e. It was surprising because many of them claim to be of Christ, and Christ taught us that if we will not forgive others who come in repentance, then God will not forgive us. - Mat 18:35)
After a year of attending churches, trying to find what I was looking for, I just stopped looking. I spent the next 5 years not attending a church, and studying on my own from different preachers and reading different books, and sometimes would just go to an all-you-can eat pizza parlor, snack out on unhealthy things I should not have been eating (I did not know any better at the time), and spending hours reading the Bible or another Christian book. I was just sick and tired of looking for answers in churches, having to deal with all their drama, being confused by all the traditions they could not justify, and being shunned out by people who could not answer my questions.
Fast-forwarding through a lot of mistakes because I was not living righteously as I should have been and the Holy Spirit of God eventually brought me to strong conviction of my wrongdoing, in 2008, I started writing a lot on a website forum called Break the Matrix, which was all about politics, conspiracies, and following after the so-called "liberty-movements" popping up in the U.S. at that time. (The site and forum does not exist anymore, they sold it to FOX News.) I was having discussions back and forth with people on that forum, especially on the topic of creation because I had so much experience learning from Kent Hovind, until one day someone made a post and asked the question, "Why are we talking about Creation/Evolution on a liberty forum?" I thought, "Hmm. Good question. I had not considered that before." I just enjoyed talking about Creation and Evolution controversies, but I had not stopped to consider why this was the #1 most viewed and most commented topic on a forum that was not even made for that purpose.
Little did I know that my response to that question was going to lead me to start up ministry in 2009, because the Lord Jesus Christ turned on a light in my head that showed me this world is built on man-created morality from people who want to be their own little gods, versus the Word of the Christian God of the Bible. It led me to understand what the Bible teaches, that good only comes from God, and good and evil can only be justified by His Word; there is no other way. Being naive as I was, I wanted to share the truth of Genesis with the world, and I started out using what little programming knowledge I had to build a small, cheap-looking website from one of those sites that offers them for free. (Some of you may remember the ones I am talking about, in which they have a bunch of ads around it, and it looked horrible, like an old website out of the late '90s, but it was all I knew how to do at the time.)
I did not have anyone to share the website with, there was no much on it at the time, and I had no idea what I was doing, but I just did what I learned from my first teacher, and I started doing the work, even though I was not seeing any results. I started making my own slide presentations, and I revised and updated Kent Hovind's old presentations. I remembered that Kent had said in one of his teachings that anyone was welcome to use his slides, so I used them as a framework, but I updated them, edited them, removed false information, etc. (I found out later there was a lot more false information in those slides than I originally thought.) I did not know if I was ever going to get to use those slide presentations to teach anything, but since I did not know what to do yet, I decided to just do the work, even though no one could see it, and let God provide opportunity as it pleased Him.
Soon after I started that work, I was involved in a book club (it was my future wife's book club, although neither of us knew at the time we would later get married know she would be my wife at the time), and a man in that book club invited me to speak at a convention he was putting on, gathering together what he called "leaders" in the "liberty" community. I explained to him that I was not a leader, but he disagreed, invited me to come, and without my knowledge, also invited a man by the name of Brad Peterson (click here to listen to him preach), just to get us to meet.
During this conference, I was incredibly bored listening to people talk about how we needed more senators in certain parties, how we had to fix the voting fraud, and a bunch of other boring topics. Each person thought his/her own battle was the most important thing in the world. Later, I found out Brad was bored too, and he also got up to leave, but the guy who put this thing together begged him to stay because I was up next, and he told him, "Just stay and listen to this guy."
I got up in front of everyone, having a small page of notes, and for some reason, I could not follow my notes. I choked up, but it was not from nervousness (even though I had never really spoken to a crowd like that before), but rather, tears just came from my eyes (which I believe was led by the Spirit of God), and I pleaded with them to consider that nothing in this country was going to be fixed until we address the moral problem, and that cannot be addressed without the Lord Jesus Christ. I also mentioned that evolution was a plague on our educational system in destroying the faith of millions, and that people needed to pick up their King James Bibles and fight the battle on a proper foundation of the moral system of the Lord God. I will never forget Brad standing up in heated excitement yelling out to the audience, "Can I get an amen?!"
Brad got really excited, we talked for quite a while afterwards, and later, he got me started speaking at some groups and churches with what little influence he had as an evangelist, and in 2012, he died and went to be with the Lord Jesus Christ. (He had lyme disease, and there was not anything we could do to help him; I do not understand God's purpose in that, but I trust Him.) As of 2011 (after I married Lorraine in 2010), based on what Brad got me started doing, I had spoken in over 50 churches and also to other group meetings, but little did I realize (despite the warnings I receieved from Brad) that my greatest adversary would end up being pastors, elders, and churchgoers; meaning that I thought they were the true church at the time, but in my foolishness and ignorance, I did not realize that most of these church buildings are filled to the brim with lazy, false converts, being made merchandise by greedy pastors, teaching false doctrine, and putting on the disguise of a sheep.
As I began to branch out and teach the truth in all matters of Scripture, Lorraine and I began seeing gossiping going on behind our backs, lies being told behind our backs, blacklisting, backbiting, respecting persons, the love of money, and much more coming mostly from church building leadership. (This includes KJB, Independent, Fundamental Baptist pastors who are not 501c3, so don't be deceived!) We watched veteran pastors do completely unbiblical things in trying to accomplish their goals, and justify their wicked actions and traditions, so just when I started to give church buildings another shot, I found so much MORE corruption, I could not justify being a part of what I was seeing.
(If you want to read more about one of the pastors and church organizations we dealt with, I have a separate testimony about that; CLICK HERE to read it.)
Since late 2009, we have had a home church in Waldron, Indiana, where we teach the truth of the Word without modern-day church politics and love of money getting in the way, and today, we now have our Bible study online where other Christians can join in and/or download audio files of our teachings. (Click to download CLE Church Online mp3s. - As of 2019, we have over 500 hours of audio teachings available for free.) The Lord Jesus Christ has been gracious enough to teach me not to be deceived no matter what goes on, no matter what title a person has, no matter what labels a person has, no matter if they appear to be a sheep, just to look for the truth of doctrine and to exercise discernment. (Heb 5:14) Today we have hundreds of regular listeners, and I hope the Lord Jesus Christ will continue to allow us to grow so more people will hear God's Word, and other simple folks out there (like me) would gain understanding. (Psa 119:130) God willing, I will continue to teach the truth of His Word in all matters of faith and practice, no matter how many churchgoers may speak evil of my work, and I pray the Lord's protection over all his flock (no matter where they are), that He would protect us from the deception of the world, the deception of many wicked pastors and lukewarm church buildings, and keep us sanctified for His glory.
In the Bible, a man came to Jesus Christ and asked Him what he could do to get to heaven (Mark 10:17), and if you are asking the same question, I will answer you in the same manner Jesus Christ answered him:
As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
-Romans 3:10
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
-Romans 3:23
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
-Hebrews 9:27
1. Pay the penalty yourself for all eternity.
2. Get someone else to pay it for you.
In Scripture, the Lord Jesus Christ commanded us Christians to teach "repentance and remission of sins" to all people. (Luke 24:47) Repentance is grief and godly sorrow of wrongdoing (2Co 7:9-10), and remission is the pardoning or forgiving of sins; thus, the first step is to have godly sorrow of your wrongdoing against God.
Perhaps you have never experienced it, and that's because you cannot squeeze tears out of a heart of stone. God gives men repentance, and so if you lack repentance, you should pray to Him that He would give you a repentant heart. If you come in humility before God, and ask him for a repentant heart, He will hear and answer you because He wants all men to come to repentance before it's too late.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
-2 Peter 3:9
In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
-2 Timothy 2:25
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
-Luke 13:3
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
-Romans 10:9-13
Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas
-Acts 16:29-31
After trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no Biblical promise that everything in your life will be good and wonderful; certainly God has promised to bless the work of our hands, and protect us, but He also promised that we would be persecuted for speaking the truth, and that even our family and friends would turn against us.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
-Matthew 5:11
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
-Luke 12:49-51
Register an account there, and introduce yourself to everyone; let them know your testimony of repentance and faith in Christ, and you will find that you're not alone. Our church has members from all over the world because we meet together online, and if you want to join with us, ask folks there, and they'll let you know how you can do that.
Also, our teachings, books, video, and audio are all available on the website for free. If God is willing that we can be of service to you, you can use those to help begin your education in God's Word, and here are some suggested teachings that will help you get started:
This will teach you the basics of the Gospel of repentance, and you'll see how it was the first thing that Jesus taught, the first thing His disciples taught, and the first thing the early church taught. It will help you understand how people are saved, and give you a good grounding for the foundation of Christ's Gospel so you can teach it to others.
False Converts vs Eternal Security
This will teach you that there are many false converts out there, especially in church buildings, and Jesus warned about this many times. There are many who claim to "believe on Jesus," but they have no repentance in their hearts.
Why I Use The King James Bible
This will explain why there are so many "bible versions" out there, and why the King James Bible is the only one you should be studying. There are many corruptions and deceptions in other Bible versions because Satan lays many traps for people to fall into along the way.
Is Tithe a Christian Requirement?
This will teach you how often modern-day preachers and pastors take advantage of people for money. It will further show you how to discern false doctrines and false preachers who seek to make merchandise of churchgoers.
Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism
This will demonstrate the deception behind what the world calls "Christianity," and compare it to actual doctrine of Jesus so that you will have your eyes opened to how many people in this world are deceived. You will see how many Christians have been tortured and executed over the truth of Christ's doctrine, and how much paganism and witchcraft is in our society under a false outward appearance of "Christianity."
If you're a new Christian, contact us if you have any questions, and I pray the Lord Jesus Christ would bless you with His wisdom and understanding.