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Topics - creationliberty

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Wild Emails @ CLE / Lazy Woman's Interpretation of "Support"
« on: May 29, 2019, 08:40:31 AM »


Your article on 501c3 is amazing. Please would you enable comments on your YT vids? I understand you may get hateful comments but you will also find others will step in to support. This would help to promote your channel and what you have to say. 

Did you read the description to the videos? There is a place we have comments available. There are comments available also by clicking the blue button at the top of the article.

I have to be frank and say that, based on what you just wrote, you do not understand why I have them disabled on YT (nor did you bother to ask, you just assumed a reason you wanted), nor do you understand that Christ's church is not grown through YT comments, nor do I work in ministry in order to "gather support," (i.e. if you are accustomed to traditional church buildings, it might be that you don't yet understand what a ministry is for due to the bad example they have set) nor is support gathered such ways in Scripture.

In short, to answer your question: "No." You're always welcome to ask questions if you want to know more about something we do here. Have a great a day.

Thank you for your reply.

Sorry but I don't get the impolite and slightly aggressive tone to your reply which does not match the original email I sent you.

No acknowledgement such as perhaps a 'thank you' for the compliment?

As to your odd accusation that I just assumed a reason I wanted - why should I want a reason like that? When the fact is I not unreasonably assumed it would be the same reason as most other people disable comments, due to negative comments and attacks, trolls, etc.

I see now perhaps you wanted to help drive traffic to your website. Or perhaps there was another reason.  Does even it really matter why? The point is I was just attempting to being helpful but it seems you have taken offence at that.

I've been listening to your excellent video about godly sorrow for (all) our sinfulness, and then left somewhat confused by the tone of your reply?

Maybe you just had a long day?

Thank you for your reply.
There's no need to lie to feign gratitude for something you hate. You can be straight-forward with me, there's no need to stand on pretense here.
God Does Not Justify Lies

Sorry but I don't get the impolite and slightly aggressive tone to your reply which does not match the original email I sent you.
No acknowledgement such as perhaps a 'thank you' for the compliment?

Expecting praise for a compliment shows that you didn't say it in pureness of heart, meaning that you didn't say it for my benefit, but rather, you only said it for you own benefit.
But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things.
-2Co 11:6

That selfishness comes from the pride of heart, not from charity. You didn't look to gain understanding of the matter, but rather, you expected me to do things your way.
But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
-Jms 4:6

Again, my answer is "No."

As to your odd accusation that I just assumed a reason I wanted - why should I want a reason like that? When the fact is I not unreasonably assumed it would be the same reason as most other people disable comments, due to negative comments and attacks, trolls, etc. 
There's the key phrase: "not unreasonably" and that's my point. Because of the pride of heart, it's blinding you to the fact that what you're asking is unreasonable according to Scripture, and before asking to find out the proper reasons for what I do and why I do it, you decided to just get angry that I wasn't doing things your way and write me back to pick a fight. Alice, I think you should move on with your assumptions and let me get back to work; if you ever want to understand in the future, you can ask.
To answer your question: The reason you desired what you said to be true is because you have a limited scope of understanding from Scripture, you want to assume that I handle things "as most other people" without finding out first, and because you are inwardly lazy (as I can tell from your letters), you want to believe that "giving a compliment" is the equivalent of "helping," and you don't like to be inconvenienced by not having access to quick and useless YT comments.
They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak. The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things:
-Psalm 12:2-3

I assure you, you have not helped us yet. You were just giving flattering words in front of, what is beginning to appear as, a demand rather than a request. A double heart is someone who speaks one way to butter people up with flattering words, but in their hearts, they are wicked.

I see now perhaps you wanted to help drive traffic to your website.  Or perhaps there was another reason.  Does even it really matter why?
First of all, you're guessing instead of asking. It's the pride of heart that keeps you from asking because you don't want to know, that's exactly my point. I hadn't even read this far in your letter yet; I've been responding as I go, and I already knew you didn't care. I could tell you how I knew that, but you don't care about that either. You don't know, you don't want to know, and you don't care, so why not just put down the pretense and be on your way? Alice, in the Bible, it's called strife, which also comes from the root sin of pride.
The Biblical Understanding of Pride
If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.
-1Ti 6:3-5

I've been listening to your excellent video about godly sorrow for (all) our sinfulness, and then left somewhat confused by the tone of your reply? 
That's because you're judging according to the appearance (i.e. how Alice feels about things) rather than judging righteous judgment (i.e. looking at my words objectively for what they mean).
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
-John 7:24

Unbiblical Cop-Outs: 'Don't Judge Me!'
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.
-Pro 21:2

When you jump in assuming things, not making any effort to gain understanding, then worse still, when you are told that you don't understand, and then you get angry because someone dared to question you: That's pride of heart. I can't help someone like that, and you might call the repentance teaching "excellent," but if you have no foundation of repentance in your heart, it won't matter what you think about it.

Maybe you just had a long day?
Not at all. The problem is this:
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
-Luke 6:45

You think that no one can see your heart by your words. I assure you that born again Christians certainly can, and are given discernment to do so because Jesus taught that. Do you think you will not be judged by every word you speak?
But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
-Mat 12:36

You were putting on pretense from the first sentence you wrote me, and I care more about your soul than giving you a warm, gooey feeling inside.
He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.
-Pro 28:26
Open rebuke is better than secret love.
-Pro 27:5

Have a great day, and I pray the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family with all your needs throughout the coming week.


Sorry I do not understand what you are saying.

What exactly is that you think I hate?

I'm honestly trying to work out what the problem is here?

To my mind, your work is excellent, but maybe all the hard work etc. has put you in some sort of stress situation so you are reacting to a scenario that does not exist?

Please pray about it, and I will.


Dear Christopher Johnson

Such an unwarranted vitriolic attack. Don't take so many words to attempt to get the splinter out of my eye, first take the redwood out of your own self-righteous pharasaical eye then you will see more clearly to take the splinter out of my eye.

"Alice, in the Bible, it's called strife, which also comes from the root sin of pride." This is projection.

Please read Revelation 2:2.


Sorry I do not understand what you are saying.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
-1Co 2:14

Such an unwarranted vitriolic attack. Don't take so many words to attempt to get the splinter out of my eye, first take the redwood out of your own self-righteous pharasaical eye then you will see more clearly to take the splinter out of my eye.
That just proved my point. That's called railing accusation, which also comes from the prideful heart. Unless God gives you that heart of grief and godly sorrow (i.e. repentance) of your sin, you will never have understanding of any of these things, nor will you inherit the Kingdom of God.
But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.
-1Co 5:11-13

I hope you depart in peace. Have a great day.

First of all, I want to point out that the answer is actually in the FAQ on our website: - I probably just should have sent her that link and not spoken with her, but I knew she wasn't going to get this rebuke from hardly anyone else in her life.
Perhaps I was influenced by the teaching I did on pride last Sunday, and I wanted to rebuke it, but this is a good example to show why I typically do not tell people they have a prideful heart; they react exactly like this almost guaranteed. Often, I like to just focus more on the error of their ways and let God handle the matter because pride of heart is the sin of all men, including me, and they just need the correction of God (His law and commandments) to bring them to Christ (Gal 3:24).
I'll probably reply to this post with more commentary because there may be some readers who are confused why I rebuked her sharply.

Wild Emails @ CLE / The Fool Trusts in Her Own Heart
« on: May 18, 2019, 11:06:35 AM »


Please read this short article on Constantine regarding how the LORD brought me to Istanbul and the Column of Constantine.
This article is linked with a FB page
so I've kept it short so more people will likely read it.
I pray you will get more exposure because the time is now that the LORD is saying, "Come out of her, MY people." Shalom!

I have no idea why you're sending me this. Usually, when I send somebody something and give them a link for them to read, I explain why I'm sending it to them, and what information in it is specific to the context of the conversation. I was not having any conversation with you, and so have no clue what you wanted to convey to me, nor why, because you didn't explain anything. You're using the new-age NKJV in your article, which is in my opinion the most deceptive of all the Bible versions out there (I can provide information on that if you'd like), and you're speaking Hebrew to me at the end of your letter, and not only am I not Hebrew, I doubt you are either. At a glance of your FB page (although I didn't look into with great detail) it gave me a general impression that you're part of the Hebrew roots cult, and they have no part with us. (i.e. The church of Christ is separate from their cult.) The FB page was also a bunch of the same posts repeated over and over in rapid succession, and none of them said much of anything concerning doctrine (i.e. no one would be able to figure out what it is that you believe), alongside a lot of pagan Catholic artwork, and that was very strange too. I checked my email archives, and I don't see anywhere you've written me before, so this was a very odd and obscure first letter to say the least that has made me more cautious of you than anything else; perhaps you can explain it to me better so I can understand.
For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
-Rom 10:2

I thought you would be interested in my article because I have been to the Column of Constantine.

When I was young in my Christianity, my pastor of a Bible Church, and a scholar in Greek with a PHD, told me that the NKJV is the best translation of the Word of God in English at that time.  If your heart is ready, God gets through.  I once led someone to the LORD using the Catholic version!

The only reason I have pagan catholic artwork is to show the difference between the "holy and the profane"  which is indicated by my captions.

My site goes out to people around the world, so I have usually four Scripture references a day.  I did this Joy is a Jewel site because of the persecuted church around the world: the joy of the LORD is your strength! 

The LORD has His people in many denominations, including the Catholics and Messianic Jews, but they need to come out now "lest you receive of her plagues."  See my testimony:   

I've been in many denominations because I am a singer and I've met people of God in many places.  You may listen to my music and you will realize that I love the LORD Jesus Christ.  "Dominion" is a song I wrote using Scripture from the Book of Daniel.

However, I will not use your site as reference in my site because the tone in which you wrote me was too unkind.  I would not want anyone to write you, if that is the response I get.  Maybe you had a bad day.  I pray for you.   You do have knowledge, but what is lacking? 

"Charity suffereth long, and is kind...

I thought you would be interested in my article because I have been to the Column of Constantine.
I don't know what that is.

When I was young in my Christianity, my pastor of a Bible Church, and a scholar in Greek with a PHD, told me that the NKJV is the best translation of the Word of God in English at that time.  If your heart is ready, God gets through.  I once led someone to the LORD using the Catholic version!
But do you study from the Catholic version? I doubt it. Just because the law is still clear enough in those versions that a man can be led to Christ (Gal 3:24), that doesn't mean its suitable for study. However, it's obvious you don't want to know the facts of the matter because you didn't request the information; you just made an excuse instead, so I won't bother giving you that bit of information.
However, I will address your sin of respecting persons. (i.e. "my pastor of a Bible Church, and a scholar in Greek with a PHD, told me") That's sin Carolyn, and you need to come repentance, that is, grief and godly sorrow of wrongdoing.
But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
-James 2:9

Respecting Persons is Sin

The only reason I have pagan catholic artwork is to show the difference between the "holy and the profane"  which is indicated by my captions.
That wasn't clear to me when I looked at them, so maybe others might get a different impression? I don't know. When I looked at the page, there was a video at the top with music behind it showing all sorts of pagan Catholic artwork with no captions. So that was odd, and didn't really match what you just described to me.

My site goes out to people around the world, so I have usually four Scripture references a day.  I did this Joy is a Jewel site because of the persecuted church around the world: the joy of the LORD is your strength! 
Ma'am, do not proceed in arrogance to tell others what their strength is; if you want to proclaim something about yourself, then you do so, but don't do it on my behalf because the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is my strength (NOT the joy therein), which is what the Bible teaches:
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
-Phl 4:13
The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.
-Exd 15:2

The joy I would feel from the Lord is not the source of strength Carolyn, and that's a dangerous doctrine you're spreading because your teaching people to rely on the feelings of their heart, and not the truth of God's Word.
He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.
-Pro 28:26

The LORD has His people in many denominations, including the Catholics and Messianic Jews, but they need to come out now "lest you receive of her plagues."  See my testimony:
If you believe that, at one time, God had his people in Catholicism, then you don't understand the doctrine of Christ, nor the history of that cult, and I'm afraid that if I start investigating your writings at this point, I'm going to find all sorts of error. This is also including the fact that you believe Catholicism and Judaism is a "denomination" of Christianity, which is not true. The more you write, the more cautious I'm becoming.

I've been in many denominations because I am a singer and I've met people of God in many places.  You may listen to my music and you will realize that I love the LORD Jesus Christ.  "Dominion" is a song I wrote using Scripture from the Book of Daniel.
When you wear the "I've been in many denominations" concept as a crown of pride, as you just did, then it provides evidence that you don't understand sanctification. That's why I gave the Scripture in the last letter I wrote back to you:
For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
-Rom 10:2

Meaning you may have a passion for God, but not according to knowledge in His Word, and that's dangerous. You're following your feelings, not the truth. You might even claim that you were going to all these places to bring people out of them, but they wouldn't be inviting you to sing in those places in the first place if you were teaching the truth. And furthermore, if you cannot write with understanding, then I have no confidence that you sing with understanding either.
What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.
-1Co 14:15

However, I will not use your site as reference in my site because the tone in which you wrote me was too unkind.
No, you'll stop using it because the pride of your heart, because I pointed out the strange things you were doing and saying and you got lifted up in your pride because you wanted me to respond in a way that made you feel good instead of judging righteous judgement.
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
-John 7:24

I don't think you've read or listened to much of anything I've taught, and frankly, I don't care if you use our materials or not because I'm not here for publicity; I care about the state of your soul. So far, I haven't seen any conversation from you that I would say was founded in the Lord Jesus Christ, and it's much easier to see after your second letter.
But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things.
-2Co 11:6

I'm firm with you because your sin, and it's called rebuke and correction, which is something you seem to hate.
Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.
-Pro 15:10

I would not want anyone to write you, if that is the response I get.  Maybe you had a bad day.  I pray for you.   You do have knowledge, but what is lacking? "Charity suffereth long, and is kind...
You don't suffer very long do you? I write a short response to you, and you start throwing a childish fit on the way out, as I can now see towards the end of your letter. I'm responding to your points, giving you Scripture, spending a lot of time on these letters to highlight and color code everything for you, I've looked over your sites, and you use a murmuring, slap-n-run response to imply that I'm not chariable to you because you're too cowardly (i.e. in fear, not in faith) to just come forward and make your accusations directly. So in what way have you been more charitable? You ought to be ashamed of yourself, and so far, I'm not convinced that you've ever come to repentance (i.e. grief and godly sorrow) in Christ. I think what happened is that you "anon (quickly) with joy received the word," but you never came to godly sorrow in repentance.
But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it; Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.
-Mat 13:20-21

False Converts vs Eternal Security
Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.
-James 4:9

If you want to know what that means in James 4:9, if you want to know the way to Christ, and if you want to know what I actually teach, then go here:
Is Repentance Part of Salvation?
(The link to the audio teaching is the green button at the top of the article.)

If you don't want to know, then there's nothing more I can do because you will not hear the truth.
For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
-Acts 28:27

Based on the evidence you provided with your words (Mat 15:18) I suspect you won't hear, but I care enough about you to tell you the truth anyway, and I'm not going to stand on pretense with you. I pray the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family with all your needs throughout the coming week. Have a great day.

I will be out of town for a little bit.  I'll address this later.


I understand from Wordpress that you did not read my testimony and song. 
See my testimony:  "Dominion" is a song I wrote using Scripture from the Book of Daniel.  Please listen.   It's based on Scripture.
The quote I gave you was from scripture!  I thought you would have known that.   "....for the joy of the LORD is your strength."  Neh 8v10
And no, I don't study from the Catholic version of the Bible. 
May you have a blessed weekend.

Frankly, this was a very pathetic response and a deflection from confessing her sin, and a gross misunderstanding of the Scripture she's referring to. I'll briefly address Nehemiah 8 in a response post on this thread, and I'll do that there instead of sending it to her in an email because this lackadaisical response was strong evidence that she will not hear the truth, and I would rather spend my time with you all (i.e. those who would hear) than those who will not, especially since a letter like this would take me an hour to write, organize, and proofread, while she sits backs and spams rapid-fire links at me in letters she probably took less than 5 minutes to jot down.

Steven L. Anderson: Wolves in Costume p13 | 5-12-19
I'll have to just post a link for now instead of embedding it on the page. I'm getting some strange error message when trying to embed on the forum, and I'll try to figure it out later.

General Discussion / A Word From Jack Hyles' Daughter
« on: April 30, 2019, 12:27:12 PM »
I may have mentioned it briefly during one part of the teaching I did on Steven Anderson, but this is a letter Jack Hyles' daughter, Linda Murphey, wrote to Hyles' church. Linda came forward publically and talked about the abuse and sexual scandals of her father that took place behind the scenes, even though those who were firmly brainwashed and dedicated to Hyles' cult would not hear.

I was never really sure if it was you that he loved, or merely the adoration and prestige he received from you. Definitely the latter, perhaps both. In either case, I always knew that you, his ministry, mattered more than I did. I didn't blame you. I envied you. As a little girl, I longed to matter as much to him as his ministry did, but I couldn't compete. Everything he did, everything we did was "for the sake of the ministry." The lies we had to keep were "for the sake of the ministry." The pretense we were forced to live was "for the sake of the ministry." The mandated secrecy was "for the sake of the ministry." Those six words still ring in my ears, I heard them so much as a child. Jack Hyles' ministry was ALL that mattered to him.  And when time came for him to choose between the ministry and me, he chose you.  He always chose you...
...There were thousands of wonderful people at FBC when I was there from 1959-1983. You made me feel like a princess and gave me the sense of 'specialness' that I needed. Thank you for loving me, for loving our family. No one ever knew what went on inside the walls at 8232 Greenwood Avenue, Munster, Indiana. So you had no way of knowing how much your love and kindness was sustaining me, my siblings and my mom. But it did. Although I felt the stress of being on display at church, I also felt very loved within the church walls of 523 Sibley Street, Hammond, Indiana.
Many of you arrived at FBC after I left in the early 80's and never met me. In fact, quite a few people have written to me recently and mentioned that they never even knew I existed. They didn't even know there was a fourth Hyles child! That's sad, but understandable. My dad felt disgraced by the fact that I left fundamentalism, his kingdom. I never left God and never will, but that wasn't good enough.  I left him - and that was unforgiveable. So it was as if I had died, thus no more mention of Linda and now many of you being surprised that there even IS a me!
Things changed through the years at FBC. My dad changed through the years. You saw it. You knew it. Even if you stayed, even if you are still there, you can't deny that things got weird. You may not say it out loud, but you thought it. We all did. And it's why I had to leave. As I've said publicly, based on the definition of a cult, I believe my father's church evolved into a cult. Everything revolved around my dad as he used God and the Bible merely as tools to glorify himself.
When I was in my mid-twenties, I remember sitting in that huge auditorium one Sunday morning and carefully observing you - the people in the congregation - and the looks in your eyes scared me. As I mentioned in the recent Chicago Magazine article, you looked like zombies - sounds extreme, but in that moment as I looked around me, it was extreme. It had gone beyond just intently listening to your pastor. It had gone beyond merely ingesting a sermon. It had crossed over into complete worship of your pastor. You were spellbound. You were in awe. You were mesmerized. Not by Scripture. Not by God. Not by Biblical teaching. But by a man. Jack Hyles.
The adoration in your eyes wasn't in my eyes. It was not something I could give to this man, to any man. The blind loyalty, a loyalty he convinced you was a necessary part of serving God, was not something I was willing to offer. The twisting of Scripture to fit into his own agenda was more blatant and disturbing than ever. The control over 'his people' was frightening to me.

As I read this, it very much reminded me the devotion of Faithful Word Baptist Church to Steven Anderson, since Anderson was mentored by Jack Hyles. Anderson is running his cult in a very similar way, and I am waiting for the day that one of Anderson's children will depart and come forward to tell the truth about the lies and facade surrounding Anderson and his family, so that others can be warned. (And God willing, perhaps that child, as an adult, would come to the true repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and know the truth His Word.)

The speaking techniques used by Jack Hyles and Steven Anderson in their talks is somewhat similar to those used by cult movements that were started back in the 1970s, but I'll talk somewhat more about that when I publish my next teaching on the deception of psychology.

General Discussion / Universal Health Care Unveiled
« on: April 26, 2019, 12:01:52 PM »
I'm usually not into talking about this issue much because, outside of a chiropractor, the only trip to the doctor Lorraine and I take is to renew her contact prescription about once a year. We've been married nine years, and that's the only doctor visits we've had to have, thank God. But part of the reason I don't like getting into this subject is because it's all theory, theory, theory. However, while I was doing research for my writing this morning, I found this video, and it was an undercover look into the reality of universal health care in Canada, to the point that, you'll see that Canadian health care officials, who are on tax-funded government payroll, suggest that patients to go to a privatized (non-tax-funded) clinic.

What's New @ CLE / (VIDEO) CLE Update Apr 18, 2019
« on: April 23, 2019, 08:08:11 PM »

In our teaching, Dinosaurs and the Bible, I had previously published a story out of FOX News about an 1100 lbs boar that was shot by an 11-year-old. Someone had recently sent me some corrections about the date on the site, and as I was investigating the discrepancy, I discovered the link was out of date, so while I was looking for the updated link, I found a lot more information about it.

It turns out this was a hoax put on by a guy who owns an enclosed gaming ranch in Alabama. He pushed the story to help get his ranch more popular to increase his business traffic. I didn't keep all the links to post here, but I verified this through multiple sources. Even FOX News took down the original photograph they had on there, even though there was no published retraction that I ever saw. (i.e. They didn't want to confess the fact that they didn't do proper investigation into the story, so they left the story up, and just took down the picture, which was discovered to be a fake.)

I'm sorry I didn't investigate it far enough myself. It's very difficult sometimes for me to get all the information on every reference I have. As I have done this type of work more and more each year (and I am learning more and more each year), I've come to realize that people typically get paid pretty decent salaries to do investigative journalism, and they typically have offices with proper resources for this kind of thing, which I don't get paid and I don't have access to those resources, which limits my time and capability. So I do the best I can with what I have, and when I find errors, I correct them.

In replace of this story, I put in a more recent one from New Zealand about six months ago, in which they found a 26 ft (8m) long sea worm, and this one is legit:

Also added in this long-necked hair sea monster, of which a number of them have washed up on the beaches of the Phillipines:

Wild Emails @ CLE / Didn't Want The Good News, I Suppose
« on: April 19, 2019, 10:50:41 AM »


I'm trying to find out which churches in the USA and/or Israel are NOT 501c3 so I can pay my tithes and offerings without sin, guilt, and condemnation for giving to devil churches.
It doesn't matter where these churches are located on this planet. I really NEED to find out so that on judgment day, I won't be held accountable for misspending God's money.
I have prayed about this but have received no reply from the Lord Jesus.
Please help me. Thank you!

Well, I think I've got some good news for you. Take a look at this:

That was weeks ago and I never heard back from her. Oh well, I can't make anyone live in the liberty of Christ; they have to be convicted by the Holy Spirit of God for that. I could have said a lot more to her comments, but I realized that if she couldn't understand the concept of charity instead of tithe, then there was nothing she would listen to anyway, but perhaps she should consider that there could be a very good reason there is "no reply from the Lord Jesus" -- or perhaps, Jesus was using me to reply to her properly, but she ignored His call to her. I don't know.

I closed down the audio/video sections on the store. I updated our FAQ in case anyone writes me to ask why:

Frankly, we were not making any money from them, and it was becoming an increasingly difficult thing to manage. Some people may think I'm not being charitable to just keep going with it for the sake of others, even when we're not making money on them, but I don't have the money to keep investing in them. Please keep in mind that the store had to be run like a business, and also keep in mind that all the information on the products we sell at the store were also available for free on the website, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a business model giving stuff away for free will not be profitable, which means the business will fail, and in my ministry, I'd rather rely on charity from the Lord than profit from sales.

For example, let's look at the thumb drives, which used to contain a whole year (about 80-90 hours) of audio teaching, plus the PDFs, all organized into individual tracks for easy play access. In order to purchase the Year1 thumb drives, one of the men in our church gave me the money for it because I couldn't afford to get them at the time, and in order to make them profitable, you have buy them in larger sets of at least 50-100.

I had each year color coded and labeled on the thumb drives, so that's a 50-100 order for each year (which begins in August every year). It's not cheap. We had considered just labeling them ourselves, but we found out that the custom sticker labeling would have been more expensive than just getting it done on the thumb drive itself. That's just an example of some of the things we learned along the way, of why we ended up having to do things the way we did, but the main problem we were running into is that no one really wants them.

For example, right before I shut down the audio/video products in the store, which was the first week of April of 2019, we had an order for one of the thumb drives, which we sent out to the customer. Prior to that, our last order was in December, which means we might get an order for one item every few months, which is nowhere near the amount of volume we would have to do to break even on investing in the next year's worth of thumb drives, which is also why some of you may have noticed that I only had the first three years available, even though we're most of the way through year six as of April of 2019.

In short, I couldn't justify continuing to spend money on them when we're were having to invest more than we were getting back, and considering that all the information is available for free on the website, I highly doubt we were ever going to sell enough to make it profitable. It was also a huge amount of time and hassle to not only divide up the tracks and the files, which takes more work than I think most people realize, but also to update all the changes in the store details on Paypal and the website respectively, which is a lot of coding for someone like me who does everything by myself, directly coding in CSS and PHP. (i.e. Most people hire others to do these things for them; I can't afford that, and I don't think it would be worth the investment anyway.)

After I calculated everything, if I shut down the audio/video products now (first week of April of 2019), it would mean we've pretty much broken even, even though it took three years after purchasing the set of Year3 thumb drives to get to that point, but I cannot justify continuing to invest money into things that no one wants. We have bills to pay, my wife's farm to invest in, and other Christians we're trying to help out with their living conditions; I would rather invest in those things than do something that didn't work from the start.

The only reason we still keep the books section open in the store is because I've got an agreement with Kindle Direct Publishing, in which I self-published my books through them, but they handle all the store, printing, and distribution side of it, and pay me a royalty percentage from it. That simplifies the matter, but again, those royalties are almost non-existant because I offer the draft for the book available for free on the website, and we know that when people get things for free, they often don't bother to think about paying for anything, and charity is often forgotten as well.

Just for example, from Jan-Apr of 2019, we've received royalties totaling $18, and that's an improvement from last year, so I hope readers don't think we make tons of money from the books. A published author is not equivalent to a profitable author. We even tried sending out copies of the book to some sanctified Christian Youtube or internet radio hosts, but we got almost no response back, meaning that they either don't care about the topic, they didn't like the book, or they're too nervous to cover it because it's too controversial for them.

The point is that all these things take me time, money, and energy to do; it's not like I just lay around all day waiting to collect paychecks like I've seen from a lot of church building pastors. There's so much more work I've got to do, I just don't want to put a lot of that effort towards trying to build up a store that nobody wants. I'm just thankful for the mercy of the Lord God in bringing around the small handful of people who have been charitable to us, helping us out when they can because my wife and I don't make much, and it allows me to continue study, researching, and developing new teachings.


What's New @ CLE / (CORRECTION) Christ and the Father are One
« on: April 05, 2019, 09:00:27 AM »
I am so sorry; yesterday, Tim had pointed out to me something I said in error in Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson p10 concerning God in Three Persons and Anderson's firing of an employee video/audio that I now have on the article, "Wolves in Costume: Steven Anderson." Tim played my own teaching for me, and then I understood what I had forgotten.

I had made the statement that "Jesus is the Father is an unbiblical doctrine," and that is not correct, nor was that what I taught in my teaching on "Is the Trinity a Biblical Doctrine?" In fact, I do believe what the Bible teaches, namely, that God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one God, but also three persons, but this not to be confused with "Pentecostal Oneness" doctrine, which was actually explained to me just yesterday during our Bible study; I was previously unaware of what they taught, nor did I really care what they taught, but now that I've said something in error, I had to understand what was going on.

First, the Pentecostals teach that when Jesus came to earth, God the Father left His throne and came down as Christ. That is heresy, and I do not believe or teach that. In hindsight, I now see that I've been falsely accused of teaching that on a number of occasions.

However, the Bible does teach that Jesus and the Father are one, and I'll show you what I mean, pulling this straight from the article, "Is the Trinity a Biblical Doctrine?" (For those of you who haven't read this, it explains how the term "Trinity" came from paganism through the Catholic Church, and that's why it is not found in Scripture. We Christians believe in God in Three Persons, but not the "Trinity" which is strictly pagan/Catholic.)

My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one.
-John 10:29-30
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
-Isaiah 9:6

As you can see, even in the prophecy of the Messiah in Isaiah, the Holy Spirit declared that Christ's name shall be called "The everlasting Father."  I added in this section for clarification, and I hope it helps:

"I've been accused by a lot of people for believing what they call a "oneness" doctrine, which is not true. The Pentecostals believe that when Jesus was on earth, God was not in heaven, meaning that they believe the Father came down to be the Son in the flesh, leaving heaven to do so; that is heresy (i.e. false doctrine against Scripture), and I don't believe that.

When God visited Abraham, was He no longer on His throne in heaven? When God visited Jacob or Moses, was He no longer on His throne in heaven? The Lord God can be in more than one place at the same time because He is not bound by space and time; He is the creator of space and time, and He is above and beyond His creation.

The problem with Pentecostals is that they don't believe in an omnipresent God, who can be at all places and all times at the same time. However, the problem with others is that they deny that Jesus and the Father are one because they don't believe in an omnipresent God, who can be at all places and all times at the same time. When something is really simple, I have a tendency to not make effort to memorize it; I put it out of my mind to make room for other things to memorize, and this seems to be one of those cases.

The omniscient (all-knowing nature) and omnipresence of God is something mankind cannot comprehend in our little brains. I cannot say that I fully understand it, but I believe it because the Bible teaches that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one God, but they are also three persons at the same time."

I had actually forgotten that I had taught this, even to the point that I forgot the Scriptures on it. The reason for this is because when I read these, I said to myself, "Okay, the Bible teaches that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, and it teaches they are three persons (i.e. 'let us make man in our image, after our likeness' - Gen 1:26). I don't understand how that works, because I am limited in my understanding in the flesh, so I'm just going to believe it and move on." So in my mind, I believed what the Bible said, and that was enough for me, but there are a lot of cultists out there who make up all sorts of false doctrines to try and explain what we don't have the capability to explain.

Thus, the "Pentecostal Oneness" doctrine teaches heresy, and so does Steven Anderson. Both sides of this matter are in error. Both sides do not believe in the omnipresence of the Lord God. In the end, I have no idea what Tyler Baker believes because Anderson wouldn't let him get out five words before interrupting him, which is standard operating procedure for Anderson. I'm not defending Baker, nor am I saying he was correct; I don't know what he believes. All I know is what I believe and teach, and I will stand on the doctrine of Scripture.

In short, I apologize to everyone, and the audio teaching has been made and uploaded, so there's not much I can do about it now. God willing, I will be correcting this on Sunday's audio recording, and I hope it does not harm anyone's understanding; meaning that, if they'll listen to all the parts of the teaching, it should be okay. I just want to make it clear that Pentecostals and Steven Anderson are in error.

If anything, I would pray this would set a good example for those Andersonites out there who are brainwashed by Steven Anderson. I would say to them, "This is what a correction looks like."  :D And I'll add that our church didn't come to me and jump down my throat, nor did I strive and rail against them for bringing this to me; we all came to understanding together in one accord, which is how the church should be, so I hope Andersonites get to see what that's like as well, namely, for the church to work together, instead of being unified by the chains of a heavy-handed pastoral dictator.
Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
-Phl 2:2


Bible Discussion / Looking for Analysis on this Anderson Video
« on: March 29, 2019, 05:28:01 PM »
Please don't misunderstand, I'm not looking for quick one-liner of opinionated comments that some people here often give; I'm looking for a Biblical analysis of this from as many of you that are willing. I just want to see what other Christians have to say about this.

Please ignore the text on the video, it's obviously made by someone who is an Andersonite:

That is a link to a video of Steven Anderson firing one of his employees at his church building. The guy's name is Tyler Baker, and Baker's wife was in labor in the hospital while this was taking place. I highly doubt Anderson would have been willing to postpone being with his wife during the birth of his child for Baker's sake.

I want to make it clear that teaching "Jesus is the Father" which is what Baker claims to believe, is heresy. Jesus is God, but Jesus is not the Father. So he believes in false doctrine.

Also, I believe Baker was a lazy employee, first from the phrase "I promise you that I..." *insert whatever excuse*. When you put the phrase "I promise I didn't," that usually indicates someone who really does lie on a regular basis. In addition to that, Baker confessed that his work record was worse than the other employees.

However, what I want you guys to comment on this, give quotes, and please give your Scripture, whatever comes to your mind, about Anderson's attitude and his choice of words during the incident. I appreciate your help on this one, thanks. I'll likely be adding this video to the teaching in which we're exposing Anderson in the near future.



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