Author Topic: Mark Taylor, False Prophet?  (Read 5232 times)


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Mark Taylor, False Prophet?
« on: October 24, 2019, 11:59:03 AM »
So I have never really address this guy before, and I might have to do a teaching on it to help those who follow the conspiracy so-called "ministries" to either depart from them, or depart from us because we are not on the same side. Mark Taylor is a false prophet, and the problem is that Mark Taylor will tell people that anyone who calls him a false prophet are in danger of God's wrath, but that is only if it is a true prophet, which Taylor is not.

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
-Mat 7:15

Taylor claims to have predicted Trump's election to presidency back in 2011.

While I was researching this a bit, I found an article by a place called Right Wing Watch, and here's what they said:
"When radical right-wing conspiracy theorist and so-called 'firefighter prophet' Mark Taylor appeared on the 'Daily Renegade' program last weekend, he warned that anyone who called him a false prophet was literally risking their lives because God does not take kindly to those who attack his prophets. During that same program, Taylor struggled mightily to explain away the false prophecies he delivered prior to the 2018 midterm elections, when he repeatedly guaranteed that America would see 'a red tsunami' sweep across the nation as Republicans won at every level.
That is not what happened, and in the wake of the election, Taylor initially tried to defend his false prophecy by predicting that hundreds of Democratic politicians would be rounded up in mass arrests and replaced by Republicans, thereby proving his 'red tsunami' prophecy was accurate."


Though I don't know all the details, Mark Taylor has made a number of ridiculous prophecies like this in the past, and they have not come true. As I listened to Taylor in some of his interviews, he's the type of man who does not quote the Bible, but rather, he paraphrases it, and by doing so, he actually gets some things wrong. I'm not going to go into all the details here because if I end up doing a full teaching on it later, I'll just save the work for that. However, just upon listening to the guy for a few minutes, I did not trust him.

I listened to Taylor try to say that we shouldn't analyze a prophet for every single tiny detail, which was ridiculous because that's basically like saying that the Word of God is not that important, or we should not take His Word with the utmost reverence. Again, these are some of the things I heard from Taylor which leads me to not trust anything he says.

Of course, now Taylor has a book published on his Trump prophecy to turn a profit from it, because, you know... there is a long-running tradition of the prophets of God making a lot of money from their prophecies, right? Uh... wrong. But hey, why not make a movie about himself that played in theaters in 2018, which brought in over $600,000 in ticket sales?

I could have this wrong, but I found this online; it seems to be the prophecy Taylor made in 2011:
1 The Spirit of God says,
I have chosen this man Donald Trump
for such a time as this.
For as Benjamin Netanyahu is to Israel
so shall this man be to the United States of America.
For I will use this man to bring honor, respect, and restoration to America.
America will be respected once again
as the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth (other than Israel).
The dollar will be the strongest it has ever been
in the history of the United States
and will once again be the currency
by which all others are judged.

2 The Spirit of God says,
The enemy will quake and shake
and fear this man I have anointed.
They will even quake and shake
when he announces he is running for President.
It will be like the shot heard across the world.
The enemy will say, What shall we do now?
This man knows all our tricks and schemes.
We have been robbing America for decades.
What shall we do to stop this?

3 The Spirit says,
Ha! No one shall stop this that l have started.
For the enemy has stolen from America for decades,
and it stops now.
For I will use this man to reap the harvest
that the United States has sown for
and plunder from the enemy what he has stolen,
and return it seven-fold back to the United States.

4 The enemy will say, Israel, Israel, what about Israel?
For Israel will be protected by America once again.
The Spirit says, Yes!
America will once again stand hand and hand with Israel,
and the two shall be as one.
For the ties between Israel and America will be stronger than ever,
and lsrael will flourish like never before.

5 The Spirit of God says,
I will protect America and Israel,
for this next president will be a man of his word.
When he speaks, the world will listen
and know that there is something greater in him
than all the others before him.
This man's word is his bond,
and the world and America will know this,
and the enemy will fear this,
for this man will be fearless.

6 The Spirit says,
When the financial harvest begins,
so shall it parallel in the spiritual for America.

7 The Spirit of God says,
in this next election they will spend billions to keep this President in.
It will be like flushing their money down the toilet.
Let them waist their money.
For it comes from and it is being used by evil forces at work.
But they will not succeed.
For this next election will be a clean sweep
for the man I have chosen.

8 They (the enemy) will say things about this man,
but it will not affect him,
and they shall say, It rolls off of him like the duck.
For as the feathers of a duck protect it,
so shall My feathers protect this next President.

9 Even mainstream news media will be captivated by this man
and the abilities that I have gifted him with,
and they will even begin to agree with him,
says the Spirit of God.

Frankly, I don't see how any of this edifying to the church, nor the point of it at all. It does not seem to match up with the patterns God has shown in His Word. Granted, in Hebrews 1, it does say that God has spoken in diverse manners at sundry (i.e. various) times, but when you look at the details on this prophecy, it says that "this next election will be a clean sweep for the man I have chosen," and that's key because the man who was chosen in 2012 was Obama, even though this prophecy was supposed to be about Trump, who was defined at the beginning as "this man."

Therefore, his prophecy did NOT come true. Part of the reason I believe he "prophesied" this was because Trump had publically announced his plans to run back in 2012, but he dropped out and endorsed Mitt Romney instead, but as you can see, none of that was mentioned in Taylor's so-called "prophecy" because it did not come from God.

I do not, nor ever have, supported Mark Taylor, but sadly, there are some people who think that I did because Taylor wrote me and asked if he could share my material about 501c3. I presume that he has referenced to my materials in the past, and sadly, because of the internet, people get the impression that he and I believe the same things are we are yoked together, but that is far from the truth.

Here is the exchange I had with Taylor back in 2016 (I censored the phone number for privacy). I had never heard of this guy before, and he wrote me to ask if he could use my materials:

Hello my name is Mark Taylor and i would like to talk to someone on a phone about some questions I have on the 501c3 classes. I would be happy to call you I don't pay long distance or my contact cell- XXX-XXX-XXXX Blessings mark

Hey Christopher, I am called to be a seer prophet and the Lord has been showing me that the 501c3 is a demonic document. I have not been able to get any info on it until I found your website. God has given me a message on this among other things. 501c3 is part of that message. I wrote a prophecy back in 2011 about trump being the next president, I was interviewed by on Friday and it should be out by the end of the week. They have asked me to come back the first week of may and this is part of the message that I was going to touch on. I wanting to ask some questions about this, so I would have more understanding about it. Can I get your permission to send people to your website? And stand strong my friend, thank you for what you do for the kingdom of God! The truth will not be silenced in these end times, God is exposing everything write now. Blessings mark

Anything we've got on our website is free for anyone to use or reference to. That's the way our Lord Jesus Christ did things, and I believe we (the sanctified church) should do likewise.
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
-Mat 10:8

Thank you brother!


That's it. I did not believe Taylor in his letter because he was trying to name-drop to puff himself up. That's the impression I got from his letter, and I was extremely cautious of him from that alone.

Anyway, you guys are free to make your comments about Mark Taylor if you want. No rumors please because, as you know, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of other people online who read stuff on this forum. Make sure you have your information correct before your just start saying the first thing that comes to your mind; after all, we do not want to act like the cultists who follow after Taylor, but rather, we need to set a better example of how the church should act.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Mark Taylor, False Prophet?
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2019, 02:35:47 PM »
All I want to say is I did a double take when I saw the name.  That is the name of my instructor that blew up at me for reasons I still don't understand.  I guess it was a popular name.
But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Matthew 9:13


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Re: Mark Taylor, False Prophet?
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2019, 05:39:04 PM »
I've never heard of this guy, either, but I'm curious as to what prompted you to make this post at this particular time. Have you been getting letters from some of his followers?

Edit: Okay, never mind. I just saw your other post in the Wild Emails section about the letter you got. You never can tell what will come crawling out of the woodwork, can you?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2019, 05:48:20 PM by Jeanne »


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Re: Mark Taylor, False Prophet?
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2019, 08:00:32 PM »

Hey Christopher, I am called to be a seer prophet and the Lord has been showing me that the 501c3 is a demonic document. I have not been able to get any info on it until I found your website.

re: I have not been able to get any info on it until I found your website.


He can't have looked very hard.  Surely all he would have needed to do would be to have a look at the relevant Government website about the conditions of becoming 501c3 incorporated and then he would have immediately known that it not the correct thing for a congregation of God's church to do.

I wonder if he questions himself that if Chris was able to find lots of information then how come he couldn't.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: Mark Taylor, False Prophet?
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2019, 09:37:08 PM »
Why bother doing your own research if you can get someone else to do it for you? Can you say 'LAZY'?


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Re: Mark Taylor, False Prophet?
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2019, 11:34:48 AM »
I've never heard of him either.  He's not a prophet.  Wouldn't a prophet of God point to Jesus, the Father, and give glory to God?  I don't see any of that in that 'prophecy' he wrote.  (Which if it was a prophecy from God, wouldn't God have given it to him and he not have written it himself?) 

"I wrote a prophecy in 2011..."  Nothing indicating it came from God.


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Re: Mark Taylor, False Prophet?
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2019, 05:51:29 PM »
Some of what you quoted from Mark seemed like it was from this other prophet guy that died before Trump was elected.  It is strange and I do listen to him with extreme caution.  I have a friend that listens to him and is deep into a lot of beliefs that I cannot pallet but hope that he can see that these things are distractions.  We both watch for Q and follow it. But I'm also suspicious that many of these things are to lead believers away from the Lord and to the antichrist or his system.

Mark's view on 501c3 is what led me to your videos in which I have enjoyed and agree with.  The reason I got interested in listening to him is the 501c3 warning and Qanon.  There is truth to something is going on in the churches.  Here in San Diego, honorary dr.  David Jeremiah, not a real doctor, preaches below an all-seeing eye.  You can see the pictures online.  I have my own pictures I took. 

Then earlier this year, we made a trip to Texas to visit some friends.  My friend's church literally had stage props with demonic imagery embedded in them.  Owls, demon faces, Baphomet, monks, snakes, etc....  I shared with my friend, but because I'm a KJVO and don't fall in line with the teachings of our old church, he brushed me off as a conspiracy guy and that I was seeing too much into the pictures.  Believers are literally asleep and cannot see clearly.  It has really saddened me to the point where I feel alone.  and I know I can't be right on everything, but everyone seems off to me. 


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Re: Mark Taylor, False Prophet?
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2019, 08:41:17 PM »
I used to listen to Kim Clement a LOT before I found the CLE website. (Not sure if that was who you were referring to in your post or not, but I know he talked about Trump and that he died in 2016.) I was still into a bunch of other charismatic garbage at the time, too, but I thank God that He cared enough about me to show me the truth.

I also follow Q nominally, but I don't hang on every word that he/she/they post like some followers do. I believe you were right to question the symbols you found in this supposedly 'Christian' church that are clearly satanic and yes, I do believe that Luciferians have infiltrated nearly all mainstream churches at the highest levels.

That being said, what we need to do is focus on the Word of God even more. Instead of 'exposing' and learning about all the ways that people have been deceived, we need to be so immersed in the truth that we instantly recognise the lies for what they are. I see people following Q Anon and I've also seen that video titled 'The Plan to Save the World' and the whole time I'm thinking:

Jeremiah 17:5 Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.


Jeremiah 10:2 thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

Nobody is going to be able to save the world until Jesus Christ returns to set up His kingdom here and all we need to remember is that no matter what happens, God is in control, nothing that is happening here is a surprise to Him and that everything is going to go according to God's plan, no matter how bleak it seems to get.


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Re: Mark Taylor, False Prophet?
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2020, 06:57:48 PM »
I credit Mark Taylor with introducing me to the 501c3 church issue; however, I stop there. Once I get that pull to want to believe someones cause, I have to stop and confirm with Gods word. The red tsunami he predicted as Chris stated earlier was enough to shake me out of it as his prediction did not come true. Scripture shows clearly that is a false prophet.

Deuteronomy 18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

That apparently does not stop other ministries from featuring him on their platforms. There are several.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 07:08:11 PM by MeganIA »
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.