Author Topic: Should We Hide the Word 'Devil'?  (Read 3866 times)


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Should We Hide the Word 'Devil'?
« on: October 17, 2018, 11:19:31 AM »

Jennifer from Nebraska:

I enjoyed your article: 501c3: The Devil's Church. I would like to offer you the information that my husband and I formed an unincorporated church in 2010 in Nebraska called Truth Ministry. Since you seem to have so many folks asking you where unincorporated churches are, you might collect information from people like me who offer it like this. 

Actually, I don't collect such information; I have not been called by God to be a hub or beacon for such matters because non-501c3 church buildings are often leavened and not sanctified (i.e. set apart unto a holy use) in their doctrine and practices, and therefore, we ought not to associate with them. Because of this, I would have to analyze every person who claims to have a church outside of incorporated status to determine if they are of Christ, and I simply do not have the time or resources to spend analyzing all those claims across the country (and the world). I explain some more details about this in our FAQ:

I also want to contact you about the article itself: I will not be printing it to share with local churches for 2 important reasons. First, it is too long. If someone is not already interested in the topic, and especially if they feel like they are being personally challenged about their views or actions, they are not likely to dive into such a lengthy discourse.

That's understandable because it's a book, not just an article. I wouldn't expect you to hand books out to everyone; that would be far too costly. I mean, anyone can if they want to, but the book is not intended to hand to people in passing; rather, it is intended for those who have been given a love of the truth and want to research the subject more thoroughly.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
-2Th 2:10

Second, the article contains inflammatory language such as "devil's church" and "oh-so-precious [501c3]."  The Holy Bible encourages us to teach others, but in a way that is loving and uplifting. These types of phrases tend to push people away.

This is a clear condemnation of me, a sideways (i.e. indirect) accusation (which the Bible calls "murmuring") that I am not being loving in what I do, nor am I "uplifting" in your opinion. Perhaps you didn't notice, but those types of phrases tend to push people away. When I call 501c3, "The Devil's Church," which it is, then IF you are consistent in your beliefs, then you must also condemn Scripture for using the same type of language:
Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.
-1Co 10:21

A massive amount of those who are in the incorporated system (and many outside of it as well) are not of Christ because there are many false converts in this world...
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...which is why Paul uses this same type of language about pastors, elders, and teachers in the next book:
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
-2Co 11:13-15

As you stated, that type of language coming from the Bible tends to push people away. Now, if you don't want to contradict yourself by condemning the Lord God in Scripture for using this type of language, then you have two options: 1) You can repent and correct yourself, as those of us who are born again do, or 2) You can continue in your position and become a hypocrite, meaning that you'll be teaching the Word of God, but in your heart, you will actually despise His Word because the doctrine of Christ causes division.
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
-Luke 12:51
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
-Eph 5:11

Our article, called The Biblical Understanding of Sanctification, explains more details on that subject. It's your choice which path you choose and I have no responsibility for your personal choices; I only have a responsibility to tell you the truth.

If the reader is someone who has gotten their church into an unfortunate 501c3 corporate legal entity, they may feel personally attacked by such phrases, and that is not how we Christians are supposed to reach out to each other.

Ma'am, I will not hide the fact that something is of the Devil just to make you and other people feel better. That's not how Christ taught His Word, and it's not how He taught me to teach His Word. I don't know what type of people you fellowship with, but the born again Christians that I know, like those in our church, are thankful to God that we have this information, and all of them are glad that we take firm stance on the matter because we will not be lukewarm.
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
-Rev 3:16

Now, if you want to have compassion and approach the subject from that standpoint, you are welcome to do so, but there are those who are saved by compassion, and others saved through fear. I am one who teaches that both are necessary depending on the circumstances, but I often get letters from people who are so much more concerned with how people feel about the truth, rather than being concerned first and foremost about saving their souls.
And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
-Jude 1:22-23

It would be prudent to consider that souls might be saved by such language, bringing them to conviction of their sin, to fear the Lord, and pulling them out of the fire. The corporate American church has been around for over 60 years, and it's only gotten more popular every year. If you think that hiding the word "devil" is going to make churchgoers feel better and make a difference to saving of their souls, then by all means, if the Lord God can save any through your efforts, I pray that He bless you and your family with all your needs while you do your work.

I hope you receive this information in the charitable way I intended. I am learning to teach with less anger and arrogance, having spent many sad years raging on Facebook.

I'm glad the Lord God has blessed you with understanding to sanctify yourself from Facebook conversations and cleanse your heart, as He has also done with me, but, when you write me with vague accusations (again, it's called "murmuring" in Scripture), in a roundabout way of telling me that you think I'm angry, unloving, and arrogant, I have a very hard time seeing charity in that. You don't have to mince words with me, just be direct.
Since you claim to have concern over my perspective, then I will give it: In your letter, I see someone who thinks I'm ignorant, unloving, arrogant, and angry when it comes to my teaching and my approach with unbelievers. Whether you realized it or not, you're actually "pushing me away" with your writing, which doesn't really set a good example for the change you have alleged is needed in my writing.
All I can suggest is that, since you feel so strongly on the matter, and obviously, God has convicted you on this issue, then you should start writing your own article on this subject, and you are welcome to use our free materials to help you do that if you want. I pray the Lord Jesus Christ would bless you with wisdom and understanding to do so, that others would know the truth of His Word and sanctify themselves according to Scripture.

I AM glad you have written such a great article and hope you may at some point be encouraged to do a bit of editing. As a writer, I realize what a daunting task that could be.

I'm glad you have that understanding about being a writer, but that's what really raised my eyebrows. When I wrote the words "oh-so-precious," I recall writing that phrase in reference to "tax exemption," and you changed that to say "[501c3]" in your email. Coming from someone like yourself, who has told me she is experienced as a writer, I would have no choice but to call that deceptive because that context is VERY different.
501c3 might be deceiving people, but the love of money is just sin. Covetousness doesn't deceive; it's a lust of the heart that is condemned by the Word of God. The love of money is in the desire of a tax exempt status, and if 501c3 did not have tax exemption, it wouldn't be nearly as attractive to all the greedy preachers and elders, which is why it is "oh-so-precious" to them, and in my experience, the only people I've met who shy away from such descriptions against that sin are those who, in some way, take part in that sin, either through the love of money itself, or by yoke (i.e. companionship and communion) with those who do.
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I certainly hope that is not the case here.

I'm fully aware you will most likely be angry while reading this letter, even if you may not openly admit to it, and though I have not returned your murmuring, I doubt you will listen to me any longer, but I know that if you are of God's flock, then He will find a way through someone else to help you understand the truth, and I hope we can be reconciled when that day comes.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Should We Hide the Word 'Devil'?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2018, 06:05:01 PM »
You know, when I read letters like that, I have to wonder: If you started feeling sick and went to a doctor and he found out you had stage 4 cancer, would you expect him to tell you that everything is fine and send you home saying you don't have anything to worry about just to make you feel better and not scare you? Or would you want him to tell you the truth so you can do something about it?

Truth is not always pleasant, but that doesn't make it any less true.


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Re: Should We Hide the Word 'Devil'?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2018, 05:25:32 AM »
... my husband and I formed an unincorporated church in 2010 in Nebraska called Truth Ministry.

Just another one.  Her and her husband might do well to read the book of Acts and the epistles a few more times. 

As for being "unincorporated", I wonder if they still teach "tithing" but those who "tithe" just don't get the tax rebate.

She started her message by stating that she enjoyed reading the article and then wrote about the fact that she didn't like the article. 
« Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 05:30:56 AM by anvilhauler »
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)