Author Topic: (UPDATE) FAQ "Can I copy and share your materials?"  (Read 2188 times)


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  • First Name: Christopher
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  • Location: Indiana
(UPDATE) FAQ "Can I copy and share your materials?"
« on: July 29, 2019, 01:42:32 PM »
As some of you saw, recently, a scoffer posing as a "Christian" was murmuring an accusation against me as if I do not make my materials free for anyone to copy and share. That has never been the case. I realized I never put anything on the website about it, so I added it to the FAQ, here's what it says:

Since I started ministry back in 2009, I have always told people they are free to copy and share my materials at their discretion. There are only two ways someone can violate this:
1. If they attempt cut and paste my words in a way in attempt to deceive people in which they try make it appear that I said something I didn't say or make an argument I didn't make. That falls under the definition of slander and/or libel, and there are already laws which prohibit such things.
2. If they attempt to resell any of my materials for financial gain. There are basic Creative Commons protections that prohibit commercial use on our materials. For example, if someone reshared one of my audio teachings on Youtube and monetized their video, that would be a violation of Creative Commons copyright licensing.
As long as you don't intend to turn a financial profit on my teachings (i.e. you give them away for free), and as long as you present it as I wrote or said it, you are free to share and use our materials as you need for whatever purpose you have in mind.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18