Author Topic: Lazy Woman's Interpretation of "Support"  (Read 3128 times)


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Lazy Woman's Interpretation of "Support"
« on: May 29, 2019, 08:40:31 AM »


Your article on 501c3 is amazing. Please would you enable comments on your YT vids? I understand you may get hateful comments but you will also find others will step in to support. This would help to promote your channel and what you have to say. 

Did you read the description to the videos? There is a place we have comments available. There are comments available also by clicking the blue button at the top of the article.

I have to be frank and say that, based on what you just wrote, you do not understand why I have them disabled on YT (nor did you bother to ask, you just assumed a reason you wanted), nor do you understand that Christ's church is not grown through YT comments, nor do I work in ministry in order to "gather support," (i.e. if you are accustomed to traditional church buildings, it might be that you don't yet understand what a ministry is for due to the bad example they have set) nor is support gathered such ways in Scripture.

In short, to answer your question: "No." You're always welcome to ask questions if you want to know more about something we do here. Have a great a day.

Thank you for your reply.

Sorry but I don't get the impolite and slightly aggressive tone to your reply which does not match the original email I sent you.

No acknowledgement such as perhaps a 'thank you' for the compliment?

As to your odd accusation that I just assumed a reason I wanted - why should I want a reason like that? When the fact is I not unreasonably assumed it would be the same reason as most other people disable comments, due to negative comments and attacks, trolls, etc.

I see now perhaps you wanted to help drive traffic to your website. Or perhaps there was another reason.  Does even it really matter why? The point is I was just attempting to being helpful but it seems you have taken offence at that.

I've been listening to your excellent video about godly sorrow for (all) our sinfulness, and then left somewhat confused by the tone of your reply?

Maybe you just had a long day?

Thank you for your reply.
There's no need to lie to feign gratitude for something you hate. You can be straight-forward with me, there's no need to stand on pretense here.
God Does Not Justify Lies

Sorry but I don't get the impolite and slightly aggressive tone to your reply which does not match the original email I sent you.
No acknowledgement such as perhaps a 'thank you' for the compliment?

Expecting praise for a compliment shows that you didn't say it in pureness of heart, meaning that you didn't say it for my benefit, but rather, you only said it for you own benefit.
But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things.
-2Co 11:6

That selfishness comes from the pride of heart, not from charity. You didn't look to gain understanding of the matter, but rather, you expected me to do things your way.
But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
-Jms 4:6

Again, my answer is "No."

As to your odd accusation that I just assumed a reason I wanted - why should I want a reason like that? When the fact is I not unreasonably assumed it would be the same reason as most other people disable comments, due to negative comments and attacks, trolls, etc. 
There's the key phrase: "not unreasonably" and that's my point. Because of the pride of heart, it's blinding you to the fact that what you're asking is unreasonable according to Scripture, and before asking to find out the proper reasons for what I do and why I do it, you decided to just get angry that I wasn't doing things your way and write me back to pick a fight. Alice, I think you should move on with your assumptions and let me get back to work; if you ever want to understand in the future, you can ask.
To answer your question: The reason you desired what you said to be true is because you have a limited scope of understanding from Scripture, you want to assume that I handle things "as most other people" without finding out first, and because you are inwardly lazy (as I can tell from your letters), you want to believe that "giving a compliment" is the equivalent of "helping," and you don't like to be inconvenienced by not having access to quick and useless YT comments.
They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak. The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things:
-Psalm 12:2-3

I assure you, you have not helped us yet. You were just giving flattering words in front of, what is beginning to appear as, a demand rather than a request. A double heart is someone who speaks one way to butter people up with flattering words, but in their hearts, they are wicked.

I see now perhaps you wanted to help drive traffic to your website.  Or perhaps there was another reason.  Does even it really matter why?
First of all, you're guessing instead of asking. It's the pride of heart that keeps you from asking because you don't want to know, that's exactly my point. I hadn't even read this far in your letter yet; I've been responding as I go, and I already knew you didn't care. I could tell you how I knew that, but you don't care about that either. You don't know, you don't want to know, and you don't care, so why not just put down the pretense and be on your way? Alice, in the Bible, it's called strife, which also comes from the root sin of pride.
The Biblical Understanding of Pride
If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.
-1Ti 6:3-5

I've been listening to your excellent video about godly sorrow for (all) our sinfulness, and then left somewhat confused by the tone of your reply? 
That's because you're judging according to the appearance (i.e. how Alice feels about things) rather than judging righteous judgment (i.e. looking at my words objectively for what they mean).
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
-John 7:24

Unbiblical Cop-Outs: 'Don't Judge Me!'
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.
-Pro 21:2

When you jump in assuming things, not making any effort to gain understanding, then worse still, when you are told that you don't understand, and then you get angry because someone dared to question you: That's pride of heart. I can't help someone like that, and you might call the repentance teaching "excellent," but if you have no foundation of repentance in your heart, it won't matter what you think about it.

Maybe you just had a long day?
Not at all. The problem is this:
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
-Luke 6:45

You think that no one can see your heart by your words. I assure you that born again Christians certainly can, and are given discernment to do so because Jesus taught that. Do you think you will not be judged by every word you speak?
But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
-Mat 12:36

You were putting on pretense from the first sentence you wrote me, and I care more about your soul than giving you a warm, gooey feeling inside.
He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.
-Pro 28:26
Open rebuke is better than secret love.
-Pro 27:5

Have a great day, and I pray the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family with all your needs throughout the coming week.


Sorry I do not understand what you are saying.

What exactly is that you think I hate?

I'm honestly trying to work out what the problem is here?

To my mind, your work is excellent, but maybe all the hard work etc. has put you in some sort of stress situation so you are reacting to a scenario that does not exist?

Please pray about it, and I will.


Dear Christopher Johnson

Such an unwarranted vitriolic attack. Don't take so many words to attempt to get the splinter out of my eye, first take the redwood out of your own self-righteous pharasaical eye then you will see more clearly to take the splinter out of my eye.

"Alice, in the Bible, it's called strife, which also comes from the root sin of pride." This is projection.

Please read Revelation 2:2.


Sorry I do not understand what you are saying.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
-1Co 2:14

Such an unwarranted vitriolic attack. Don't take so many words to attempt to get the splinter out of my eye, first take the redwood out of your own self-righteous pharasaical eye then you will see more clearly to take the splinter out of my eye.
That just proved my point. That's called railing accusation, which also comes from the prideful heart. Unless God gives you that heart of grief and godly sorrow (i.e. repentance) of your sin, you will never have understanding of any of these things, nor will you inherit the Kingdom of God.
But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.
-1Co 5:11-13

I hope you depart in peace. Have a great day.

First of all, I want to point out that the answer is actually in the FAQ on our website: - I probably just should have sent her that link and not spoken with her, but I knew she wasn't going to get this rebuke from hardly anyone else in her life.
Perhaps I was influenced by the teaching I did on pride last Sunday, and I wanted to rebuke it, but this is a good example to show why I typically do not tell people they have a prideful heart; they react exactly like this almost guaranteed. Often, I like to just focus more on the error of their ways and let God handle the matter because pride of heart is the sin of all men, including me, and they just need the correction of God (His law and commandments) to bring them to Christ (Gal 3:24).
I'll probably reply to this post with more commentary because there may be some readers who are confused why I rebuked her sharply.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Lazy Woman's Interpretation of "Support"
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2019, 09:07:51 AM »
There's that accusation of you being 'pharisaical' again.  ::) If you got a dollar for every person that's said that to you, you'd be rich and have no need for any other support. ;D


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Re: Lazy Woman's Interpretation of "Support"
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2019, 09:25:57 AM »
Let's break down her initial email because that's where I saw the initial problem; her responding letters only confirmed my suspicions.

Your article on 501c3 is amazing. Please would you enable comments on your YT vids? I understand you may get hateful comments but you will also find others will step in to support. This would help to promote your channel and what you have to say.

If I went back through a pattern of emails, you'll see that, typically, someone who hasn't read or listened to much of anything I've taught will come in with a vague, short phrase like "Your article on 501c3 is amazing." As she later points out, she expected praise for typing these six words, as if a parade of fanfare should have been made in her honor.

The reason that's important to point out is because of her last sentence: "This would help to promote your channel and what you have to say." The reason people write me is much more often found in the last sentence or paragraph of a letter, rather than the first. That why so many email and letters are deceptive in my opinion is because they want you to be distracted with what they say on the surface, in the first sentence, to put on a show of their outward appearance, when in reality, their heart shows through in the middle and towards the end.

Anyway, her last sentence was the real purpose of her VERY short letter. In fact, she wrote this as if it was a Youtube (YT) comment. She was giving what she thought would "promote the channel" and "what I teach" without even first having desire to find out the details of what I do and why I do it that way. (i.e. It's Alice's way or the highway, and she doesn't care about any other reasoning.) Thus, she is one of those people that believes her advice is "helping," (as I described in my teaching on the Christian work ethic, I called them "shake-n-bake" Christians) and that if she writes a YT comment that says "Great teaching!" she believes she is "helping" to "promote the channel" and "what I have to say," which could not be further from the truth.

YT comments only end up inviting a cesspool of scoffers, and then you have to watch churchgoers, calling themselves Christians, returning railing accusations back and forth in a format that is designed (I believe on purpose) to invite spam rather than structured discussion. This forum is designed for structured discussion, but Alice, and most other people, don't want any part of this because it's too inconvenient for them, meaning that they want to have their own version of "helping" by leaving useless YT comments on a channel, as if they honked their horn at a "HONK IF YOU <3 JESUS" bumper sticker and think they did their service to Jesus in evangelism as a "good Christian."

I only wrote her about one paragraph worth of words, and it didn't take me as long as most other emails take me (like the second one I sent her back, which took me about 90 minutes), and she says "thank you for your reply?" That's strange, especially since I knew she was going to hate it, and like I said earlier, once you get past their initial sentence that tries to paint an outward pretense, then the real heart comes out, in which she is insulted that her six golden words of compliment were not highly praised for their super-high value; see what I mean?

The second she said that, I knew I had to go into full rebuke mode. I have had many letters where people will do this, but in Alice's case, she believed that her compliment was "helping" our ministry. That's why she wants YT comments enabled because, without them, she doesn't have any way to "help," or rather, I would say that she doesn't WANT to "help" any other way, and the reason she doesn't want to "help" any other way is because she's a lazy person. You can tell by her letters, the lack of care or thought that is put into her vain words, the way she demands praise from her short, useless six-word compliments, and from the fact that she thinks her YT comments are "helpful" for "support."

Don't misunderstand what I'm saying here; the Bible does mention gifts of exhortation:
exhort: to incite by words or advice; to animate or urge by arguments to a good deed or to any laudable [praiseworthy] conduct or course of action
But a compliment is something different:
compliment: to praise; to flatter by expressions of approbation, esteem or respect
Compliments are simply flattering words to esteem someone, and it's not that compliments don't serve their purpose in certain situations, but only when they're given with understanding. When someone compliments without understanding, or worse still, when they do so for selfish motivations, it's flattering lips and a double heart (i.e. wickedness).

If I can use Kenneth's service in evangelism as an example, I've listened to men and women approach him and start out by giving him some vain compliments right before they chide him for being out there at all. They'll start off telling him how what he's doing is commendable or that they realize he has a great passion for God, but then immediately try to convince him to stop what he's doing; it's ridiculous, and it comes from the evil in their hearts because if they loved God, they would love the preaching of His Word, but they only tend to outwardly "love" the preaching of the Word on a Sunday morning in a church building, not right smack in the middle of their sinful lusts and pagan fun time.

If anyone has any questions about this exchange, let me know, but the last thing I'll point out is how I've noticed that, in email, when someone gets really angry, they tend to react in different ways. As we saw with the "Nate" episode we saw recently, some just type furiously and make a lot of error and say foolish things. Others do what Alice did and open up a thesaurus to come up with complex words (stuff I had to look up) to do what I like to call "peacocking," which is to puff up their feathers to make themselves look big. And of course, they add in that they "pray about it," which, don't misunderstand; there is nothing wrong with praying about something, but typically, what does a churchgoer do? They don't search the Scripture, nor do they wait for an actual answer from God, they pray, wait to feel a feeling, and then go with that feeling as if that is the Holy Spirit of God, which is precisely what Alice just did, and because they "prayed about it," therefore, they think that gives them more credibility.

If two people pray about something and are at odds with each other: What does that mean? It can mean lots of things, but typically, churchgoers like Alice walk away in the pride of their heart thinking they she prayed, had a feeling, and that she's right with God, but never searches the matter out to understand because as long as she FEELS good about herself, everything's alright. I spent FAR longer on this exchange than she did; that's for certain, and that's because I care about her soul, and about you guys, and I most of all care about the Lord Jesus Christ and want to do what is thoroughly pleasing according to Him, not according to myself.

So I'll leave you all with this question as food for thought: How do you explain all this to a complete stranger?
« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 09:30:42 AM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18