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Topics - creationliberty

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Wild Emails @ CLE / "Asking Me to Explain Myself? You Legalist!"
« on: December 05, 2018, 08:33:19 AM »


The pastoral system is akin to the Pharisees of Jesus day.


Are you familiar with the Nicolaitens?


It is the word from which we get clergy/laity.  The clergy climbs above the laity and rules over them.


I Corinthians 14:37 37 If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord's commandment. 38 But if anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized. I Corinthians 14:26-40 lays out proper order in our gatherings.  This order goes deep.

You're using new-age bible versions, which are corrupted, watered-down versions of God's Word. I hope you'll look into that soon and gain understanding because there is a lot of danger that comes with using those things.
Why I Use the King James Bible

We know God reveals Himself through His creation. 
We know all creation fell when Adam sinned.
We know God seeks to reconcile and transform us from our fallen state to the very image of God.
We know man and woman were created in God's image.
Restoring Godly manhood and Godly womanhood is paramount.
Proper expression of I Corinthians 14:26-40 works to this end.

Okay. Is there a reason you're writing me? I haven't figured it out yet.

I encourage you not to grow weary in doing good for God will supply all your needs. Call me if you would like to pray and discuss further. One more insight I have learned the hard way.  Pastors are bound to the doctrine and order under which they received their right to preach.  They have to oppose proper order if they want to keep their jobs.

I am still confused as to why you wrote me. I don't mind if someone wants to write me just to tell me about things they've learned or discovered; that's fine, but you didn't make any of that clear. If you were writing to just encourage me to continue teaching the truth, that's fine too, but you didn't really make that clear either. You wrote me in a teaching/informative manner (i.e. "let me show you the truth you may not understand"), and that left me wondering if you know about anything I teach, or if you have listened to what I teach for a long time--I can't tell from this letter either way. In fact, I can't figure out anything from your letter; I am left utterly confused, and I really don't know how to respond to it in an email, let alone does it leave me with any understanding as to why I would need to call and talk about a subject that has not be clearly explained, especially since I don't do phone calls in most cases.
(See our FAQ here:

If you want to discuss something, or to make your intentions in this letter known to me, you're welcome to try again and I'll take a look at it. Just try to explain yourself a little more clearly so I can understand what point you're trying to make; that'll help me out a lot. Have a great day. :)


Was just trying to encourage you.

Okay, thank you for explaining yourself.

You seem very legalistic and puffed up.

You just said you wrote to encourage me, and now you're telling me that I'm puffed up? That's not encouragement, which means you just lied to me.
Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;
-Col 3:9

That means you have a double mind, which makes you an unstable person.
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
-Jms 1:8

In addition, that's also a vague accusation, which the Bible calls murmuring, which you haven't backed up with evidence. On what basis is a man "legalistic" and "puffed up" because he requests that you explain yourself more thoroughly so you can be understood?

Bitterness is something you should meditate on and ask God to root out of you.

Alright, now I can see you have a double heart as well, and I appreciate this second letter from you because now I can see more clearly who you are. On one side of your mouth, you give flattering lips, while on the other, you speak lies in the contention of your heart.
They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak.
-Psa 12:2

I simple requested that you be more clear, and now I'm being accused of being bitter against you, and partially being accused of not meditating with the Lord on such matters. That's what the Bible calls a scorner, and thankfully, the Lord God tells us believers what to do with such men:
Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.
-Pro 22:10

King James onlyism is so annoying.

I don't know what you personally mean by "King James Onlyism," but that tells me right away that you hate the thought that God has preserved His Word and would rebuke your sin. You're a man that hates correction.
Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.
-Pro 15:10

And it's clear now that you do not have a heart of repentance (i.e. grief and godly sorrow of wrongdoing), which also means you have not received the grace of God because He only gives grace unto those who have been humbled to repentance:
But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
-Jms 4:6

Is Repentance Part of Salvation?
That link will teach you the way to Christ. As it stands, it does not sound like you're of Him, but based on this letter, I'm almost certain you'll just scoff at it.

I actually read the original texts because I am better than everyone (that is sarcasm but you probably oppose that too).

No, it's just that it doesn't sound like sarcasm at all. The only impression I've gotten from your letters so far is that you do think you're better than everyone else, and you've lied to me already in this letter, so how can I trust you're telling me the truth?
As far you claiming that you are "brother" in Christ, I don't believe you because you have a railing attitude, and the Bible tells us if any man calls himself a "brother" and is a railer, we aren't supposed to yoke with him, and he's to be kicked out of the church:
But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.
-1Co 11-13

Though you are operating outside the Body of Christ, I will not return the hatefulness you've shown me. I pray the Lord Jesus Christ would bless you and your family with all your needs throughout the coming week, which is how the Bible says we should speak to railers:
Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.
-1Pe 3:9

I wish peace to you and your household; have a wonderful day, and I pray the Lord Jesus Christ would give you repentance of your sin to the acknowledging of the truth:
In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
-2Ti 2:25


You're right.  I don't know anything. Take care


NOTE: I did not accuse him of "not knowing anything." He accused me of a number of things, none of which he answered for; thus, if I were to go by only his letters, I cannot conclude this man is saved; it sounds like he's a false convert. Don't misunderstand; this guy was likely not some long-time listener/reader in our ministry. If I had to guess, he probably read an article or two on the topic of corrupt pastors in church buildings (likely not in their entirety, since I was quoting the KJB and he didn't notice, otherwise he would have been "annoyed"), and then sat back and thought he and I were "brethren," which is quite common in my experience. (e.g. Someone reads up on 501c3 on our website and thinks we're yoked, which is not true in most instances.) Thus, his vague accusations are just murmurings, and also lies because he has no evidence to back them up, both of which God hates; in short, he's likely never been Biblically rebuked in his life and he hated it. His "take care" at the end was also feigned words to cover the wickedness in his heart, so there's no point in further discussion with a man like that until God gives him repentance, which is why I did not reply further.

What's New @ CLE / (ARTICLE) My Notes on the Book of Acts: Chapters 26-28
« on: December 04, 2018, 03:35:51 PM »
The final installment to complete the book of Acts.


Wild Emails @ CLE / Feigned Words Won't Hide Lies and Malice
« on: December 01, 2018, 12:32:34 AM »


I have a PDF 'book' I would like to send you concerning my own take on marriage/sexual identity.

I'll preface this to warn you: My response may be more direct than you may have initially anticipated, so I hope the forewarning might help soften the blow a bit. I realize that you probably believe you're being contrite, but Jesus explained to us that a man's heart can been seen by his words:
But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
-Mat 15:18

Humility and fear of God can't be forced; meaning that it is not something that you can practice in your speech to eliminate evidence of the contrary. Or in more simple terms, you can't squeeze tears out of a heart of stone. You might get away with it with the populous, who have no discernment, but when you meet someone who has the Spirit of God for understanding, you won't be able to hide, no matter how vague you try to word this letter to mask your true beliefs.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
-1Co 2:14

I can already see a lot of problems from your first sentence; things you probably don't even realize, and you may not know that I likely wouldn't even have to read as far in your 'book' as you're expecting before picking up on your false doctrines.
If you want to send me something, you can do so, but frankly, I've got multiple projects I'm working on, including multiple books I have planned, so I would rather spend time working on those. I've already completed my work on the marriage subject, and your letter doesn't even give any explanation as to why I would want to read your 'book', nor does your letter give the purpose of why you want me to read it, so in short, it is highly unlikely that I'll read it whether you send it or not, unless you give me some pertinent reason why it's relevant to what I'm doing.

Based off what I have read in some of your articles I have a feeling you would probably rip it to shreds, but what the heck, if you're interested you can check it out (you can 'buy' it online but I thought I'd just send it to you free as I, like yourself, don't charge anyone and any money I make I usually give away.) I do not consider myself an apologist, but I was a biology/pre-med major and was fortunate enough that God used that to help my faith, instead of questioning it (I was never an evolutionist, and never will be, mainly because it just makes no freaking sense scientifically).

Okay, just so we're on the same page, I don't care about all your labels. (i.e. "I'm not an evolutionist, but I'm not an apologist" etc) Your vague explanations are enough to show me you're hiding the doctrines you believe. I don't get along well with people who do that because they deceive others.
You see, people who have been born again don't have to hide their beliefs with one another because we all have one mind, but you have to hide yours, and that's likely because you adhere more to new-age doctrine, which I can glean from you the more I read your letter. The major red flag that went up for me was the fact that you said that God used your biology/pre-med major to help your faith, and that's a primary example of what I'm talking about; you believe your faith has come from something other than what the Bible says faith comes from.
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
-Rom 10:17

The way God has said He helps someone with their faith is through His Word, not through your science degrees, otherwise, understanding in faith would only come to the intellectual elite.
The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.
-Psalm 119:130
For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence.
-1Co 1:26-29

Thus, the impression I've gotten with your first letter is that with your mouth you claim to honor the Christian God of the Bible, but in your heart, you're far from Him.
This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
-Mat 15:8

I do not agree with everything on your site, mainly because I think you also pretext verses at time to justify your own opinion, but I agree with the sobriety and the call to excellence.

Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Muslims, and a variety of other false pagan religions can all "agree with sobriety and the call to excellence," but that doesn't make them born again in Christ; your "agreement on sobriety and excellence" doesn't mean anything when it comes to doctrine.
I also don't think you know what the word 'pretext' means because it's a noun, and you're using it as a verb, but in case you don't know the meaning, it means that you are accusing me of presenting a false doctrine (i.e. a lie) and then using Scripture to back up that lie, while trying to phrase your baseless accusation in a "nice" way in this email. That's what the Bible calls "flattering lips:"
They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak.
-Psalm 12:2

Dan, you're not fooling anyone here, and frankly, I would rather you just come out and make an accusation against me directly than beat around the bush like a coward, holding on to your pretense that you're being "humble," when you're not.
Here's the bottom line: If you don't like what I teach, then go somewhere else. If you have a correction, then try making some real effort, like the effort you've read on my website, by quoting me, then quoting Scripture, and then logically pointing out the error of context in a thorough manner. If you don't want to do that; again, I'll say, you have the liberty to go elsewhere; our ministry is not a popularity contest.

Fellow vagabond, stranger, and alien on the earth that waits for Yeshua HaMashiach,

Based on your vague letter, I am unwilling as of yet to agree that you are a "fellow." You haven't given me any evidence yet that you're a brother in Christ, so I don't trust you. In addition, you add in the "Yeshua Hamashiach" line that I hear from pretty much every Hebrew-roots cultist and Adventist cultist that typically throws that out at the end of their emails in the false belief that they think they know the secret and true name of God. Just so you're aware, we are sanctified from those cults and their false doctrine too, and if you're a part of them, you are not our brethren.

Now, I'll give you another chance if you want to try to write a more comprehensive letter. I'm open to the fact that some people are just not very good writers (I'm not that good either), and perhaps you made some errors, that's okay, I can understand that, but based on the 10 years experience I have in dealing with these kind of letters, and the fact that you claim to be author, I don't think that's the case here. I think who I'm talking to is man who does not understand repentance unto salvation, but thinks he does because he's an "intellectual."
Is Repentance Part of Salvation?
That teaching will show you the way to Christ. Whether you look into it or not is up to you. Have a great day, I gotta' get back to work.


Mr. Johnson, Thanks for getting back in touch with me. I appreciate that you are busy. I appreciate you are selective in what you read. A simple, "Dan, thanks for contacting me, but I'm not interested at this time" probably would've sufficed on your part. But to answer you as humbly and forthrightly as I can, realizing that emotional tone cannot be translated via email: I must say, I'm not sure if anything I respond with will be taken with grace or courtesy or not re-attacked as being covert, hidden motive, weak doctrine, false prophet, or what not. Be that as it may:
1) There is no hidden motive on my part and I am not the things you have accused me: weak in my beliefs, a Hebrew cultist, hiding my doctrines, seeking to be an 'intellectual' etc... If those are your presuppositions about me you play the devil's advocate quite well in making false accusations against me. My initial contact was simply: I was just wondering if you would let me send you a book that I thought, obviously wrong, you might check out. To that I was adding mere details that you proceeded to just think you know everything about me from an initial contact. Thank you for playing God for the few minutes it took you to do that.

Desiring a "thank you" over this matter is extraordinarily strange. You wrote someone that finished his book on marriage, then offered him to read your book on marriage, and expected gratitude for it. That's like going to a neighbor who is a corn farmer, and after he finishes his harvest, you stop over at his place to offer him some corn; he would likely give you a very strange look, especially when he would watch you get upset that he didn't thank you for your offer. Most likely, he would ask why you would offer him corn when he's got tons of it, and then you would not give him any reason for it other than "I just thought you would like it"; that doesn't make any sense.

You're also not reading what I said. I'm not going to go through every example you gave to save some time, but I'll give you one example:
"Just so you're aware, we are sanctified from those cults and their false doctrine too, and if you're a part of them, you are not our brethren."
I didn't say you were a Hebrew cultist, I pointed out the similarities between phrases you use and the Hebrew-roots cult, and then I said IF you were part of that Hebrew-roots cult that we are not brethren. I didn't accuse you of it. I understand reading comprehension problems; I've had a lot of difficulties in my life in that regard, but if you're not going to read what I'm writing to you and respond to it, then this is a one-sided conversation, and I'm not going to waste my time with someone who won't hear--which, by the way, doesn't give me any reason to read a book from an author who operates in that manner.

You still didn't give me a purpose for reading your books, which is what I was requesting. And now, you're proving the point I made in my first letter, namely, that you speak with flattering lips and double heart (i.e. lies), and I'll demonstrate what I mean:
First you say, "to answer you as humbly" which is your declaration to answer with a humble heart, but then you scoff, "Thank you for playing God" In the Bible, that's what God called being "double minded," that's where you declare one thing and then speak opposite to that immediately after; in simple terms, it's called a lie.
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
-Jms 1:8

God did not say that a double-minded man is unstable in a few of his ways, but rather, He said in ALL their ways. Look, I'll make time for just about anybody, but I prefer not to make time for grown men acting like a child in their understanding.
Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men.
-1Co 14:20

You proclaim yourself to be humble, but your words show malice, and this is just an instance where you hate the fact that I pointed it out because you hate correction and rebuke.
Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.
-Proverbs 15:10

Now, based on what you've written me so far, I'm actually not sure if you're familiar with the doctrines of Scripture very much at all, but the Bible is called God's Word for a reason. I didn't come up with these verses; the Living God did, and He gave it to us to protect us from men with deceptive tongues, which you can see if you go on to read Psalm 12 (which I quoted to you in the last letter).
For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the LORD; I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him. The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
-Psa 12:5-7

We Christians quote the Word of God because it is a two-edged sword that discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart; including yours.
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
-Heb 4:12

In summary, you need to read what I'm saying a bit more carefully, but you still didn't provide a purpose for wanting me to read your book other than conjecture about my personal interests. You also lied when you claimed to be humble and then scoffed, which is proving that the discernment I had with you in the first letter was sound.

2) My comment about you 'ripping it to shreds' (my little book) was actually a compliment to youbecause I realized a person such as yourself might take the time to read it through and THINK, gleaning from it what you would and rejecting what you wouldn't. So that was a compliment, Mr. Johnson. You are free to make of that what you will. I was seeking no endorsement, approval, etc. I was just making an offer. If you didn't want it, then just say, "No" and let your "yes be yes and your nay be nay". 

Read what you wrote in your first letter:
Based off what I have read in some of your articles I have a feeling you would probably rip it [your book] to shreds, but what the heck, if you're interested you can check it out 
The term "rip to shreds" is used in two ways; one is to tear something into pieces (i.e. to destroy something in an emotionally-heated rage), and the other is to heavily criticize. Which one was I to interpret? The standard for reading is that we interpret the definition of words based on the context. The only context I had to go on were softened curses like "what the heck" and "freaking" which are replacement words designed to deceive people about your filthy tongue.
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
-Eph 4:29

Then you followed that up with saying you don't agree with everything on my site, which is fine; there's nothing wrong with disagreement, but all these things show a NEGATIVE context, not a positive one. Thus, if you had prefaced it differently, by giving me a different context, I would have taken it in a different way. If you want to someone to understand your words, then you need to speak clearly, which was the point I made in my last letter about being vague, but it is not a "humble answer" to then turn around and falsely accuse me of not taking time with your letter and not thinking about what you said.

Then you lied by saying, "You are free to make of that what you will." If I was free to make of it what I wanted, you wouldn't have objected to my last letter at all; you would have just ignored my letter and moved on. That's not what you did, you objected; so you believe I'm NOT free to make of it what I will. Furthermore, if I took it anyway I wanted without the context, the Living God would hold me accountable for that, knowing that I should judge righteous judgment, and not make up whatever I want about what someone said. So in a nutshell, stop blaming other people if you do not write things clearly enough to be understood as you mean them. I'm responsible for my words, and you are responsible for yours. The fault is not mine if I went by the context you gave me, so take responsibility for what you say because you and I both will be held accountable for every word we speak.
But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
-Mat 12:36


Wild Emails @ CLE / Jim Shaw Fan-Girl Rage
« on: November 28, 2018, 10:42:56 PM »


I appreciated your article on Billy Graham. However, you say you've never seen proof that Billy Graham is a freemason. I have a copy of Jim Shaw's "Deadly Deception." He was a 33rd degree mason, who repented and became a Christian. He states on pg. 104 that Billy Graham attended and participated in his 33rd degree initiation, however the publisher made him take out Graham's name. NOW it states "an internationally known evangelist."

That's called heresay, not proof. Normally, it may serve as an eye-witness account, but as you said, the publisher took the name out, or rather, he allowed the publisher to take the name out (because legally, a publisher cannot change the author's words without his/her permission), so it's heresay.

Additionally, I have a copy of Graham's name being listed as a member of two masonic lodges, but can't find it at the moment. Graham is also listed as a member on the inside flap of "The History of Freemasonry."  In his picture with Truman, he is also giving Truman the "Lion's Paw" hand on chest sign, signaling that he is a 33rd degree mason.

Again, claiming that Graham is a member of certain lodges, but then not knowing what those are, does not provide evidence. (i.e. I'm not going to take your word for it.)
I can tell you did not go to the suggested link I gave in my Graham article, namely to my teaching on Freemasons, to get more details because I addressed many of these points in there. Again, here is the link in case you missed it, and that will take you to the specific chapter where those points on Graham are located, as well as many other people falsely accused:

I am deeply disturbed by Joni Eareckson Tada's glorification of Graham upon his death, when she did a video in which she states "One of the greats has gone 'Home' to glory." I rebuked her on both her FB page on on her YT video--and she both spammed and blocked me. She is teaming up with Rick Warren in Proclaim19, and collaborated with Kay Warren on a devotional--Joni also endorsed the Catholic devotional "First Things." I could not be more disappointed with her. She teams up with false teachers, then blocks the voices of true Christians who rebuke her.  I recommend Shaw's book however--I downloaded it from internet.

I know of Jim Shaw. Him being a former 33rd degree Freemason does not prove that Billy Graham was, and if he changed things by his publisher's wishes (i.e. to make more money by not offending as many people), then he serves the money-god mammon and not the Christian God of the Bible, which means he shouldn't be trusted as an author.
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
-Mat 6:24

Karen, as Christians, we ought not to handle information like this, meaning that we should not speak and teach on speculation and rumor; not to say we cannot discuss such things, but to insist (as you did) that they are true without proof is not only irresponsible, it tarnishes Christ's name. If you really want to believe Graham was a Freemason, go for it, I don't have a problem with that; I only have a problem with people teaching that it is a fact without proper evidence. In our church, we want to look past presuppositions and understand the truth, and in my ministry, I'm not going to teach things without the evidence to back it up; I explain why in the teaching on Freemasons, so I would highly encourage you to go look at that since you seem very passionate about this issue. I even go one step further and quote a man who had attained higher degrees in Freemasonry than 33rd (i.e. there are more than 33), and he even testified that Graham was not a Freemason, rather, Graham was a just a puppet.

I will maintain what I've said on our website because you haven't presented anything convincing in your letter. If you would like to discuss something else, let me know. Have a great day.


I disagree with you.  If you want to call what I said "hearsay," say it to God when you stand before Him in judgement. As I said, I SAW his name listed as a member of TWO Masonic lodges, AND I COPIED IT. It was taken down by the powerful BGEA. You seem quite prideful and sanctimomomious. 

You don't know what hearsay is? (I spelled it heresay, instead of hearsay--that's an old habit I need to break.) My apologies, I should not have assumed that you knew what it meant; based on your letter, you acted very much as if you were well-studied, so that's why I didn't bother to define the words I was using, and I should have been more careful.
hearsay: unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge; information heard by one person about another; hearsay is generally inadmissible as evidence in a court of law because it is based on the reports of others rather than on the personal knowledge of a witness
Now, I'm not saying that Shaw's testimony is hearsay; go back and read what I said. Shaw's testimony is an eye-witness account (as I stated in the last letter), but because he removed the name, and then assuming what you're claiming is true and he later said whose name it was, then his testimony is now unsure; we don't know if what he's saying is the truth, and therefore, your testimony of his account is hearsay. If he provided a public letter of apology for standing on pretense to increase sales, and then exposed the name in that letter, I'd be open to reading that, but if he hasn't, then he's not trustworthy because there is no repentance in his heart, which is something a Christian is supposed to have.
Is Repentance Part of Salvation?
If you want to believe him, as I said in the last letter, you are welcome to do so, but I will not teach those things until the evidence is verified by a more trustworthy source than a man who too afraid to state these things publically. I'm held accountable to the Living God, and so I'm going to use standards He would approve of; not Karen's personal standards--if you expected me to abide by your personal standards, then I'm sorry, you've come to the wrong place.

Concerning your accusations of pridefulness and sanctimonious: These are not just terms you throw out when you're upset; they mean something, and you'll have to answer for every idle word you speak.
But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
-Mat 12:36
Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.
-Ecc 5:2

The Biblical Understanding of Pride
For example, to seem sanctimonious would mean that one has an outward appearance of being sanctified (i.e. set apart from the world) in Christ, but is false. In a nutshell, you're accusing me of being a false preacher because I did not accept Shaw's testimony about an unnamed man who he later named. Do you seriously want to take that before the Judgment Throne of God and justify it?
I haven't spoken to you the way you've spoken to me, so, since you are obviously claiming that you are not prideful or sanctimonious (because that would make you a hypocrite), would you please explain how specifically (not vaguely) I seemed prideful and sanctimonious, and how you did NOT just speak to me pridefully and sanctimoniously in this letter?

I suggest you get off your soapbox and get on your knees before a Holy God who COMMANDS us to test and examine all men, and NOT to call people like Jim Shaw a liar.

Karen, could you explain how what you just said is not considered prideful and sanctimonious?
I didn't call Jim Shaw a liar, so don't falsely accuse me. Go back and read the letter. I'm saying he's not trustworthy because he's serves another master since he doesn't have enough faith in God to stand on the truth and bows to his publisher's will. Instead of asking me what would be considered reliable information on that point, you just decided to erupt in an emotional rage and falsely accuse me.
The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
-Tts 2:3

Do you follow Christ, or do you follow Jim Shaw? If you follow Jim Shaw, then your letter is completely understandable because I have rebuked your master, but if you follow Christ, then your letter was railing accusation, which is displeasing in the sight of God.
Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.
-1Pe 3:9 

Karen, if I am all the things you claim that I am, then why not show me a better example if you are a child of God? If you don't wish to do that, then I'll make this simple: If you don't want to understand the truth of a matter, then our ministry and church is not the right place for you and you should find somewhere else to go, but I'm not going to return your railing accusations. It is my hope the Lord Jesus Christ blesses you and your family with all your needs throughout the coming week. Have a great day.

I never heard back from her again. It should be noted that, although I have heard of Joni Tada and Kay Warren, and know somewhat who they are, I know little about them or what they teach. The point is that Karen ASSUMED that I should know everything about them because I exposed Billy Graham, which is seems a little on the looney side. Why would you just start spouting out names as if I'm familiar with all these people? (i.e. She says she got something from a "BGEA," and I have no idea what that is, nor do I care; the assumptions are created based on her presupposed idea of my teachings.) My deduction is that she is likely a part of the conspiracy ministry crowd (i.e. most of which who are not of Christ), and follows them, which is why if you expose one person, you're assumed to be in "the know" with all the other easy-discernment (i.e. easy-to-identify) false preachers, and all those who would dare rebuke anyone in that conspiracy-ministry crowd are thrown to the lions.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Looking for Goat Hair
« on: November 22, 2018, 12:16:08 PM »

Curtis from Ohio:

I would like to purchase fabric made of black goat hair (or a place which makes garments of black goat hair). I would use this fabric to make a wearable sackcloth. Could you help me locate a source? I live near Columbus Ohio.

I have no idea why you're asking me this, I have no idea why you would think I would have such random information, and I do not know the answer to your question.

I googled goat hair sackcloth and your name came up.
So sorry to have bothered you.

End of Letter

To explain, he likely searched "Goat Hair Sackcloth Columbus Ohio" and found me because I talk about sackcloth and ashes in my repentance teaching, in addition to the fact that I lived in Columbus Ohio for a few years, and Lorraine was born and raised there. He didn't bother to even look at the context by which I came up as a search result, he just went straight to the contact section and wrote me a letter, which was a bit foolish.

Law/Legal / How can they do this?
« on: November 21, 2018, 03:31:43 AM »
i thought I'd open the first topic on this board with some absolutely horrifying things that I saw today, being up through the night since I have been unable to sleep well the past few days.

A 23-year-old Texas mom glued her 2-year-old daughter's hands to a wall because the mother was frustrated with potty training. The mother did drugs and drank during pregnancy, The child was badly hurt after being kicked in the stomach, hit in the head with a milk jug, and the removal of the child's hands from the wall ripped of the skin from her hands.
I don't say this often in response to something, but when the judge sentenced her to 99 years, I said, "Amen, and thank God Almighty for good judges."
How could she do that?

A Kentucky mom was sentenced for murdering her 2-year-old son because she left him in a super-heated car, locked into a car seat, for twelve hours while she went into her apartment to get high. The judge said, "You chose the drugs over the life of your child." The lawyer pointed out, based on the autopsy report, that he was left in that 130F (54.4C) car, tortured by the pain of having his skin seared by the buckle between his legs, while the plastic of the wet diaper he was wearing melded with his flesh. She was sentenced to 35 years.
How could she do that? The prosecuter was in tears after a year-long trial, and the mother walked out of the courtroom with no remorse or emotion whatsoever. I'll add in that I was in tears watching the video of what took place in the courtroom, and I didn't have any familiarity of the situation, but that wicked, heart-of-stone mother just sat and listened to all of it completely stoic.

The purpose of my article on False Doctrine: Unlimited Submission to Government was based on false, ecumenical preachers teaching that the government is to be obey no matter what under any circumstance, which is simply not true, since the Bible is filled with examples of prophets and evangelists disobey direct orders from magistrates and kings. However, in a recent letter I received, I want to make sure that no one thinks that I am in any way teaching that we should not care about being submissive to government in relation to the power of God putting them in authority for the punishment of evildoers because we still have some good law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and judges who do what is right so we can live in a country that is still relatively free, and I thank God for them.

What's New @ CLE / (BOOK) Marriage: What Christians Should Know
« on: November 16, 2018, 05:50:18 PM »
This is completely rewritten and many times longer than the previous article. This is now a full-length book, and I hope that it helps many Christians understand the foundation of marriage and come out from the deceptions that are taught in many church buildings and by many new-age, so-called "Christian" authors.



What's New @ CLE / (CORRECTION) Fasting and Sexual Intercourse
« on: October 31, 2018, 12:36:52 PM »
When I did the teaching on this, I think I got one part wrong, and I've corrected it on the article.
Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.
-1Co 7:5

I had previously taught that all sexual intercourse between a husband and wife should cease during fasting. However, it should cease only IF both parties agree. This is to say that there is no sexual activity WITH CONSENT, which is mutual agreement. If one or both spouses enter into temptation, then sexual intercourse would be allowed, even during times of fasting because it is best to not sin, but if possible, it is better not to do so, that either one or both spouses may cleanse the flesh completely during the fast.

I'm sorry that I taught that on the audio teaching; I can't go back and change it now.


General Discussion / Kent Hovind's THIRD Wife
« on: October 26, 2018, 01:32:38 PM »
**UPDATE, May 29 2020**
I have completed my book, which is called Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind. (It is FREE-TO-READ at This will explain all the details, including why I also cannot recommend Theodore Valentine's Lies of the Devil ministry any longer, due to his unbiblical approach, using false and railing accusations against his opponents.

The following is from the old post I made:

I'm sorry guys, I'm doing some research on pastors and divorce, and I happened to find this today. If you all are okay with it, I'm going to rescind that agreement to not talk about Hovind's divorce because now we're dealing with open, blatant sin after I just found out about his 3rd (yes, you read correct, THIRD) wife.

If what's being said here is true, Kent Hovind married Mary Tocco in 2016, then recently, without giving Tocco a bill of divorce, married ANOTHER woman by the name of Cindi Lincoln, but he tried to keep it from the public because he knows he would lose support. This basically means that he's been married to three different women within the past 2 years or so.

I think I'm going to have to rewrite the teaching I did on Kent Hovind, and after everything I've learned, I'll eventually be changing it from "Leaven Alert: Kent Hovind" to "Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind" because I am now leaning towards the other side that he's not a Christian, and that the story of his so-called "conversion" may have just been another lie he's told for the camera.

General Discussion / Kent Hovind's New Wife
« on: October 25, 2018, 04:53:29 PM »
I told everybody I did not want to get into the Kent Hovind divorce stuff here, and I'm trying to stick with that. I appreciate everyone's willingness to agree help me keep that. It is an awful mess, and I would just plead with Christians to sanctify yourselves away from the Hovind family altogether because the whole thing is corrupt from head to toe. I gave Scriptural, doctrinal reasons in my teaching for Christians to sanctify ourselves from Kent Hovind, and that should be sufficient because if there are doctrinal problems, there are serious family problems behind the scenes.

I happened to be doing some research on divorce today, and ran into some information on Mary Tocco, Kent Hovind's new wife. I happened to find that she was named "America's Outstanding Mom 2013" in a pageant held that year, and when I saw her picture... I just don't think the Bible justifies women dressing like that. (Not to mention that people who preach the truth of Christ's doctrine don't get fancy national awards like that.)

You can look at your own discretion:
Based on the information I just saw, and I've read testimonies from Hovind's close family and friends... I don't believe Kent is the type of person who he appears to be in front of the camera, and knowing that, it makes much more sense why he yoked together with Steven Anderson, and it makes much more sense why he agreed to a divorce with his first wife, and then married someone like Mary Tocco just six months later.

Although, I will thank God that the more truth that is exposed, the less confused I feel.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Rebuking Trump Worshippers
« on: October 24, 2018, 01:10:20 PM »

Chrissy from Michigan:

There is one thing that I do not agree with you regarding Donald Trump. I do not believe that this man is evil. I believe that he is a relatively new Christian believer and is honoring the Lord in his life and in his position as President. I have not gone over your article with a fine tooth comb, however when I saw his name listed with some others, I just could not agree with your statement.

I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression somewhere along the line. I don't care what you personally believe. I care about what Jesus Christ told us:
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
-Mark 10:25

I hope you have a wonderful day.


I know this is short, and I'm sure she scoffed at this response, but we serve the Lord Jesus Christ, and worship Him only. For someone to believe a man just happens to become a "Christian" right around the same time he's running for presidential office is simply a naive, willful blindness in the wicked hearts of churchgoers. As I pointed out in my teaching, Donald Trump does not believe on the Christian God of the Bible, and has stated publically that's he's never asked God for forgiveness, which means he's never been born again in the Spirit of God.


General Discussion / Brian Moonan's Repentance Teaching (Oct 2018)
« on: October 20, 2018, 12:21:17 PM »
Josh has earlier brought up the confusion with Brian's teaching on repentance, in another thread. (
This was before I did an update and rewrote the teaching I did on repentance.
To recap, we know that repentance is grief and godly sorrow of wrongdoing, just to preface this post.

I think there are few people that are afraid that I am somehow removing the "turn from sin" part from my teaching on repentance, but that is not the case. Repent does not mean "turn from sin," but turning from sin is connected directly to repentance. I teach that repentance leads a man to turn from his sin, which is what the Bible teaches us:
Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.
-Luke 3:8

Therefore, we turn from sin, and that is part of our fruits, showing that we have a heart of repentance. However, it makes no sense to say that we turn from sin worthy of turning from sin, and that turning from sin and repentance are correlated together, but not the same thing:
But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.
-Acts 26:20

Now this brings me to Brian's teaching, which I just listened to this morning; well, I listened to most of it, but I shut it off towards the end because of an error:
It all seemed to be great, and that he even taught at one point that we turn from sin, and that is part of doing works meet for repentance, so I thought, "Okay, maybe he's figured out that repent doesn't mean 'turn from sin'," However, there were a couple of points he made along the way that seemed to point to his belief that repent meant to turn, and then towards the end, he stated it a little more clearly.

I don't expect Brian to read anything I've written, don't misunderstand, but I don't know if he's ever read that teaching I did on it. If he did, I'm wondering what he didn't understand. I don't want to accuse Brian falsely, but his entire ministry, and much of the material he sells, is based on the word 'repent' meaning "to turn from sin."

Either he doesn't understand the matter, or he's ignoring it because of the work it would take to correct his logos and merchandise. I'm sure he's sold a lot of these, and to correct that would be hard to do. I praise God that I don't have all that merchandise, so when I make corrections, it's easier to do.

Sadly, I don't know which one it is for Brian, whether he's ignoring it, or he doesn't understand it yet, but he preaches against Stephen Anderson's false doctrine on repentance, while at the same time, teaching almost exactly the same thing on repentance that Anderson teaches. Is he unaware he's doing that? I don't know. The fact is that Anderson also teaches that repent means "to turn from sin," and if we have to turn from sin to be saved, then Anderson has a good argument, that would be works doctrine, but thankfully, the Lord God has shown us in His Word that repent does not mean "to turn," it means grief, sorrow, and pain unto our wrongdoing against God, and that Anderson is nothing more than a heretic without understanding.

I can't make anyone listen. We can just hope that Brian will see this one day, and I hope it will be more clear to him why there are so many people professing Jesus, but so few Christians.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Only Tithers Have Faith
« on: October 20, 2018, 09:49:50 AM »

Daniel from Texas:

You have an extraordinarily good heart, and Jesus Himself loves the way you have overcome the world, but yet He has some ot with you.

I didn't quite understand the full sentence (i.e. "but yet He has some ot with you?" -- not sure what that means), but I do not have a "good heart." There is none good but God, and no goodness apart from His Spirit, where righteousness is imputed to us who are born again through the blood of Christ.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
-Jer 17:9
As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
-Rom 3:10-12

Many people tithe knowing it is not required in the new testament, but as every man gives according to his heart, many of us by faith have committed to supernatural provision from God that starts with our desire to tithe.

Where did that come from? You started out claiming in opposition to Scripture that I have a "good heart," and now you've switched to talking about random people who tithe? Did you have something particular you wanted to talk about, or are you going to keep bouncing around different topics?

In your example of the man who makes a $1,000.00 a month and has $950.00 in bills and gives $50.00 is living in the flesh and in a spirit of lack.

First of all, it would have been best to start your letter off by telling me that you read the teaching I did on tithe. Is that correct? That would be giving the person your writing a subject of context, so the other person can follow the words you're saying. That's something you may want to practice in the future so that others can understand your speech, especially for me, because I don't like trying to guess what someone wants to talk about.

Secondly, I don't know what you mean by "living in the flesh and in a spirit of lack." You didn't bother to explain what you meant.

Third, because you're bouncing around topics, making unbiblical claims, and not defining what you're talking about, I'm only going to give you a little bit more time. If your letter doesn't start making some sense soon, or if you start making false accusations at me, then I won't read your letter any further because I've got work to do.

When i make $1,000.00 a month and only have $50 left after bills, i still give the $100.00 and then i have the right to claim God's promise that He will rebuke the devourer, He will make sure the vine always produces fruit, He will see the ground of my work increase.

No, that means you're getting in unbiblical debt, and not paying what you owe. Your refusal to pay that which you owe is not a Biblical claim, nor is it faith; that's wickedness in your heart.
Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
-Romans 13:8

The more I read in your letter, the more I see a man who loves tradition and has no understanding of Biblical doctrine.
Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
-Mark 7:13
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
-1Co 2:14

Don't forget about faith Chris. God loves us to put our trust in Him and the Tithe causes me each week to start with Him, by giving Him my sweat and energy that produced funds, and now i can rely on Him to provide, by faith.

And that's where I'll stop reading your letter. I don't appreciate the back-handed slap in your claim that I have "forgotten about faith." Your letter indicates a man who hides behind vain, flattering words of deception, trying to say on the one hand that I have a "good heart" at the start of your letter, but then on the other hand, you claim that I have "forgotten faith," which would indicate I have a bad heart, not a good one. Your vain and flattering lips come from a wicked tongue and a double heart/mind:
They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak.
-Psalm 12:2
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
-James 1:8

If you want to make an accusation, then stop murmuring, be direct, make your accusation clear, and then go to the Word of God, that which you should put your faith in, and show me the New Testament ordinance that commands us to practice the Old Testament ordinance of tithe. I don't care about your personal opinions and feelings, and neither does the Lord God; it is only the truth that matters. I'll wait for your response on that, but if you can't show that, then perhaps you need to judge yourself in your unrighteousness, meaning that you love the traditions men more than the truth of God's Word.
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
-Col 2:8

If you were truly giving in the faith, then you wouldn't need tithe in the first place.
The Biblical Understanding of Charity

This man did have more to his letter, but I didn't bother reading it because he was contradicting himself, and promoting false doctrine with his personal feelings and opinions. I often get letters like this where there is a facade of "kindness" or pretense of "humility," but the contradictory nature and the unbiblical excuses in their words show the wickedness in their hearts, that it's all for show, and they get angry and depart when I rebuke their deception.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Should We Hide the Word 'Devil'?
« on: October 17, 2018, 11:19:31 AM »

Jennifer from Nebraska:

I enjoyed your article: 501c3: The Devil's Church. I would like to offer you the information that my husband and I formed an unincorporated church in 2010 in Nebraska called Truth Ministry. Since you seem to have so many folks asking you where unincorporated churches are, you might collect information from people like me who offer it like this. 

Actually, I don't collect such information; I have not been called by God to be a hub or beacon for such matters because non-501c3 church buildings are often leavened and not sanctified (i.e. set apart unto a holy use) in their doctrine and practices, and therefore, we ought not to associate with them. Because of this, I would have to analyze every person who claims to have a church outside of incorporated status to determine if they are of Christ, and I simply do not have the time or resources to spend analyzing all those claims across the country (and the world). I explain some more details about this in our FAQ:

I also want to contact you about the article itself: I will not be printing it to share with local churches for 2 important reasons. First, it is too long. If someone is not already interested in the topic, and especially if they feel like they are being personally challenged about their views or actions, they are not likely to dive into such a lengthy discourse.

That's understandable because it's a book, not just an article. I wouldn't expect you to hand books out to everyone; that would be far too costly. I mean, anyone can if they want to, but the book is not intended to hand to people in passing; rather, it is intended for those who have been given a love of the truth and want to research the subject more thoroughly.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
-2Th 2:10

Second, the article contains inflammatory language such as "devil's church" and "oh-so-precious [501c3]."  The Holy Bible encourages us to teach others, but in a way that is loving and uplifting. These types of phrases tend to push people away.

This is a clear condemnation of me, a sideways (i.e. indirect) accusation (which the Bible calls "murmuring") that I am not being loving in what I do, nor am I "uplifting" in your opinion. Perhaps you didn't notice, but those types of phrases tend to push people away. When I call 501c3, "The Devil's Church," which it is, then IF you are consistent in your beliefs, then you must also condemn Scripture for using the same type of language:
Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.
-1Co 10:21

A massive amount of those who are in the incorporated system (and many outside of it as well) are not of Christ because there are many false converts in this world...
False Converts vs Eternal Security
Is Repentance Part of Salvation?
...which is why Paul uses this same type of language about pastors, elders, and teachers in the next book:
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
-2Co 11:13-15

As you stated, that type of language coming from the Bible tends to push people away. Now, if you don't want to contradict yourself by condemning the Lord God in Scripture for using this type of language, then you have two options: 1) You can repent and correct yourself, as those of us who are born again do, or 2) You can continue in your position and become a hypocrite, meaning that you'll be teaching the Word of God, but in your heart, you will actually despise His Word because the doctrine of Christ causes division.
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
-Luke 12:51
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
-Eph 5:11

Our article, called The Biblical Understanding of Sanctification, explains more details on that subject. It's your choice which path you choose and I have no responsibility for your personal choices; I only have a responsibility to tell you the truth.

If the reader is someone who has gotten their church into an unfortunate 501c3 corporate legal entity, they may feel personally attacked by such phrases, and that is not how we Christians are supposed to reach out to each other.

Ma'am, I will not hide the fact that something is of the Devil just to make you and other people feel better. That's not how Christ taught His Word, and it's not how He taught me to teach His Word. I don't know what type of people you fellowship with, but the born again Christians that I know, like those in our church, are thankful to God that we have this information, and all of them are glad that we take firm stance on the matter because we will not be lukewarm.
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
-Rev 3:16

Now, if you want to have compassion and approach the subject from that standpoint, you are welcome to do so, but there are those who are saved by compassion, and others saved through fear. I am one who teaches that both are necessary depending on the circumstances, but I often get letters from people who are so much more concerned with how people feel about the truth, rather than being concerned first and foremost about saving their souls.
And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
-Jude 1:22-23

It would be prudent to consider that souls might be saved by such language, bringing them to conviction of their sin, to fear the Lord, and pulling them out of the fire. The corporate American church has been around for over 60 years, and it's only gotten more popular every year. If you think that hiding the word "devil" is going to make churchgoers feel better and make a difference to saving of their souls, then by all means, if the Lord God can save any through your efforts, I pray that He bless you and your family with all your needs while you do your work.

I hope you receive this information in the charitable way I intended. I am learning to teach with less anger and arrogance, having spent many sad years raging on Facebook.

I'm glad the Lord God has blessed you with understanding to sanctify yourself from Facebook conversations and cleanse your heart, as He has also done with me, but, when you write me with vague accusations (again, it's called "murmuring" in Scripture), in a roundabout way of telling me that you think I'm angry, unloving, and arrogant, I have a very hard time seeing charity in that. You don't have to mince words with me, just be direct.
Since you claim to have concern over my perspective, then I will give it: In your letter, I see someone who thinks I'm ignorant, unloving, arrogant, and angry when it comes to my teaching and my approach with unbelievers. Whether you realized it or not, you're actually "pushing me away" with your writing, which doesn't really set a good example for the change you have alleged is needed in my writing.
All I can suggest is that, since you feel so strongly on the matter, and obviously, God has convicted you on this issue, then you should start writing your own article on this subject, and you are welcome to use our free materials to help you do that if you want. I pray the Lord Jesus Christ would bless you with wisdom and understanding to do so, that others would know the truth of His Word and sanctify themselves according to Scripture.

I AM glad you have written such a great article and hope you may at some point be encouraged to do a bit of editing. As a writer, I realize what a daunting task that could be.

I'm glad you have that understanding about being a writer, but that's what really raised my eyebrows. When I wrote the words "oh-so-precious," I recall writing that phrase in reference to "tax exemption," and you changed that to say "[501c3]" in your email. Coming from someone like yourself, who has told me she is experienced as a writer, I would have no choice but to call that deceptive because that context is VERY different.
501c3 might be deceiving people, but the love of money is just sin. Covetousness doesn't deceive; it's a lust of the heart that is condemned by the Word of God. The love of money is in the desire of a tax exempt status, and if 501c3 did not have tax exemption, it wouldn't be nearly as attractive to all the greedy preachers and elders, which is why it is "oh-so-precious" to them, and in my experience, the only people I've met who shy away from such descriptions against that sin are those who, in some way, take part in that sin, either through the love of money itself, or by yoke (i.e. companionship and communion) with those who do.
Is Tithe a Christian Requirement?
I certainly hope that is not the case here.

I'm fully aware you will most likely be angry while reading this letter, even if you may not openly admit to it, and though I have not returned your murmuring, I doubt you will listen to me any longer, but I know that if you are of God's flock, then He will find a way through someone else to help you understand the truth, and I hope we can be reconciled when that day comes.

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