Author Topic: Kevin's Introduction  (Read 18725 times)


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Re: Kevin's Introduction
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2019, 09:20:30 AM »
Hello all again.  I wanted to ask for a prayer request if you all have the time.  Last night my wife and I had a disagreement about churches.  I told her that the relationship I have with Christ will not be sacrificed for anyone, meaning, I have done research and have not yet found any church that adheres to all truth.

I was told I am "being too rigid".  Even here in NE Oklahoma, the "non-501c3 churches" hold to some apostasy here and there.  I admittedly haven't researched all of them, let's just say it doesn't look promising that such a group exists.  They believe in futurism, don't preach the truth about Christmas, and boldly display the pagan cross of Tammuz which many "churches" have no idea of the true roots of such a symbol.

I simply can't jeopardize my walk with Christ.  I'm very happy in the Holy Spirit!  By the power of the Holy Spirit I simply told her "you may choose to go to church wherever you please, I just won't accompany you".  She was very angry, believing that I'm just being lazy.  I asked her "what's the harm with worshiping at home"?  The response was "we need to raise our children in the church".  This will be a tough time but I simply won't compromise in these last days by the power of the God head.

I'm sure some of you are in the same boat one way or another.  Most of us have secular jobs.  We can't escape this world but I surely can choose where I will and will not worship.  Thank you all in advance for I know you are busy!  I wasn't sure if this was the right method so please forgive my ignorance if done in error.

God speed.


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Re: Kevin's Introduction
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2019, 02:18:22 PM »
Hi Kevin, I'm sorry you're having to go through this but many others here on the forum have faced similar problems over the years. Have you seen the article Chris did on sanctification? You might want to show it to your wife.

Just from what you've said, she's probably not ready to hear the one on feminism yet! I'm sure that one will make her very angry. But if it's your children she's worried about, you could point out to her that it's the job of parents to raise their kids in the knowledge and admonition of the Lord, not the job of the church and that you don't want your children growing up learning false doctrine.

You also might want to tell her that while she can go to 'church' wherever she pleases, you won't allow her to take the kids, too. It would be too easy for her, along with those churchgoers, to turn them against you. There is someone else here that lost his family due to the same thing happening to him. Just also make sure that while she's at whatever church building she decides to go to, you spend that time with your children instructing them in the Bible.


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Re: Kevin's Introduction
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2020, 11:59:32 AM »
Hi Kevin; Welcome to the forum, I just joined the forum. It was a blessing to read your testimony. I can relate to the joy you have being apart of a church of like minded believers. Look forward to having more fellowship with you. grace and peace through our Lord Jesus Christ.


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Re: Kevin's Introduction
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2020, 09:19:22 PM »
I went through and read this thread again and just realised that the link I gave above to the article on sanctification was wrong. It didn't look right to me, so I checked it. Here is the correct one:
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 02:28:15 AM by creationliberty »