Thanks, Chris, for the explanation because it will help me out. The place where Scott, the teacher, sounded a little suspicious. I and he have butted heads before on several topics, we fought on holidays, the pre-flood world (about carnivores and eating meat), what animals are alive (according to him he doesn't see the verses I am talking about the ones where it says there is life in the blood), and there was one incident where his fiance almost blew a gasket when I tried to explain the origin of wedding rings. We have also fought on false prophets which he has defended (C.S. Lewis, Billy Graham, and others) and like I said Bible versions.
He doesn't like when I try to rebuke others in the classroom, which needs to be done because the other people in there like to play demonic video games, barely show up at times, support a lot of wicked things, and look like zombies at times because they look sleep deprived (signs of having forced to go). One girl, Ally, the Granddaughter of the pastor, looks like she about ready to pass out on Sunday mornings and like the Bible says that correction is grievous to her. She is friends with a girl named Jessica who hates me, I know this because she said to my face by saying I ******** hate you. She has accused me of being inappropriate but when I ask her what I was being inappropriate about she never answered. She has a sister named Amanda, she likes me but Jessica punishes her if she talks to me, sits by me, even when I help her in class! She said that I am arrogant know it all and has given advice to kids about what to do if I try to talk to them. Recently, she said she was going to rededicate herself to Jesus, not long after that she gave me a hateful look and told Amanda to stay away from me.
I have had a lot of bad incidents after receiving the knowledge. The lead Sunday school teacher, Bill, said to me that it wasn't my place to reveal the fact that Santa doesn't exist to a boy. After I told him, he told me that I was lying and proceeded to punch and kick several times but Bill took his side. On Wednesday night, we have church and I help out with the kids. It goes like this food for the kids, then we go upstairs into the youth room where they play basketball, pool, and other games. Then they are forced to sing songs of praise (every time this happens I hear For in vain they worship Me in my head) most of them don't even sing, then we go downstairs and try to teach them (nearly all of them space out and just want to go home). I hear we need to reach the kids but they never think are we reaching them the wrong way.