Well, I'm a born again Christian. However, it would make more sense to say it feels like I was born again twice. Once at the age of 15, when I knowingly, publicly confessed my faith in Jesus Christ, renounced evil, confessed my sins to Him, and accepted His death on the cross and following resurrection to free me and give unto me eternal life...
Yeah, then came the loooooooooooonnnnnnnng journey of seeking after the truth. You see, at a young age, without understanding the significance of what I was asking, I prayed Solomon's prayer to God. I asked Him for Wisdom. I wanted Wisdom above all other things. It was this prayer which taught me to be careful what you wish for (or ask for), because you just might get it. And I did. Learning the difference between the "Christian" community I was familiar with, and what is actually written in the Bible was the most mind boggling, long, drawn out, life altering thing I have ever done. And it's not over. In fact, it never will be. I'll have to stay in The Word all the days of my life. To meditate on God's Law and His Commandments.
Well, I don't want to write a book, (though I've written one already lol), but I just hope I can share, give, receive, and rejoice with my fellow Christians here.
Have a good night people, it's way too late over here,
Christian Gonzales