Author Topic: fake jesus wanted  (Read 574 times)


  • Born Again Christians
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fake jesus wanted
« on: September 05, 2024, 05:40:12 AM »
We all have heard in the scriptures of Jesus warning us of faults messiahs.  Matthew 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

I would like to share one man who claims  to be the messiah. His name is Apollo Quiboloy. He has millions of followers around the world. his 2 main churches are in America and the Philippines. I was invited to join one of his service. At this time I had no idea who this man was. But hear him preach I was so confused. No quoting bible verse, something about it was him who stop earth quake. The way he talk I thought he was talking as Christ in the first person. I later found out he claims to be Christ.

Seeing his congregation, what I have notice is how many women were among them. I would say 3 women to 1 man. This was about 6 years ago.  Apollo Quiboloy was able to get a spot on national tv for 1 hour. So I was able to see some of his teachings. For his teachings I cant give you a over view. Nothing he say has anything to do with scripture, or I can give you any idea what he teach.

Long story short.  Apollo Quiboloy becomes wanted in America by the fbi. Here is his charges

Quiboloy was indicted by a federal grand jury in the United States District Court for the Central District of California, Santa Ana, California, for conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking by force, fraud and coercion and sex trafficking of children; sex trafficking by force, fraud and coercion; conspiracy; and bulk cash smuggling, and on November 10, 2021, a federal warrant was issued for his arrest.

Here is the link

 But we are not done yet. He went back home to escape America justice system. Well the fbi did not put out a reward for him since he left the land. He gave his money making business here to the president at the time. The president told the fbi come get him with out evidence he cant call for him to be judge. Well new president came to power but something change. So many women and little girls come forward about what he did to them since he been back. Like I say 6 years ago most of the congregation was women. One of his last tv sermons all men no women. 

The gov shout down his tv spot. His youtube and other sites where deleted. Was ask to come before congress to answer for your crim. He say to the nation I cant because the u.s.a put a 5 million bounty on my head. Lol so they play over and over agin that there is no 5m reward on his head.

Well the government been going to his property to take him in. but when they got to one of his churches, many came out to stop them. They put big trucks to cranes  in the way to stop them. So the president claim marshal law.
this video is what took 6 days to get to the church. The gov had to bring in milliary to get into the church.
this video is of the secret tunnel they found and rooms when they got in.
they offer a 10 m reward and it is how they found he is hiding in the ground

if you were to see one of his last sermons he gave before he was taken off air and youtube you will see only people left are older women and men.
Right now they know he is underground. But they cant find how to get in. they say they can here them so I will keep you up to date on him


  • Born Again Christians
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  • First Name: Billy
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  • Location: Philippines
Re: fake jesus wanted
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2024, 06:10:04 PM »
he is now in the hands of the police. for the last 15 days, the police have been tearing apart his church looking for the door to his bunker. they pulled up the flooring and found fresh lay concrete so they started digging.
there are 2 reports coming out. 1 is by this fake jesus lawyer saying he surrendered and the 2nd is by the president who say he try to make a run for it and the military seen him come out of the building next to his church.
in this video you get to see inside of the bunker. what is scary about it is it looks like a prison. the men who come out with there face covered are the men who came out of the bunker. the one with sun glasses and has his hole face covered is Quiboloy
wonder why he now covers his after telling the world he is the son of god. could it be he is trying to hide his shame? i will keep you up to date on where they decide on where to try him. Philippines where he will get life in prison
or in america where he can be executed. the good news according to Quiboloy if they put him to death he will be back in 3 days