I'm thankful for Bro. Chris Johnson -
1. I appreciate the fact that 2 Timothy 2:15 is important to him
2. I appreciate that "Thus sayeth the Lord" is more important than what the next Pastor, missionary, evangelist, or deacon down the road says.
3. Anyone willing to publically "take it on the chin" while attempting to please the Lord and while using God's Word is a blessing to me.
4. Will there always be 100% agreement, no, but let us reason together - mature Christians are few, and even fewer are those who will discuss "sensitive" topics
My realm of influence and area of publicity is minuscule, but I know what it is like to study God's Word, and then learn that everything I was taught by a Pastor, in my past, hasn't always been accurate. The result of sharing what I've learned from the Bible is polarizing to the average Baptist in my area.
Are you studying to shew yourself approved unto God?