Hello, good to meet you Virginia
I'm really glad that you have found the CLE website and that Chris' teachings are blessing you as they have blessed myself and many others.
I was wondering, what teachings have you read so far? From your post it sounds like you've read "501c3: The Devil's Church", have you had the chance to read or listen to "Is Repentance Part of Salvation?" (
https://www.creationliberty.com/articles/repent.php) or "Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell" (
https://http://www.creationliberty.com/articles/whymillions.php). Would you consider these teachings an important part of the true meaning of scripture that you mention? For me personally the repentance article was really instrumental for my understanding to becoming truly born again, as I learned I lacked true repentance which is godly sorrow.
It's great to hear about the godly sorrow you have. I would love to hear more about your testimony in how you were saved and anything more that you would like to share.
I am encouraged by your desire and service in sharing the truth despite the adversity, a task I need to be much more diligent in doing.