Hey everyone,
So I came across a website that talks about a topic that I have not seen many people talk about. And it's about Charles Spurgeon being a Freemason and his dealings with occultism. Now any "prince of preachers" would know better to stay away from Freemasonry and occultism and not to defile his sermons with occult phrases and blasphemous sayings against God.
Accidentally or
ignorantly using an occult word in like one or two of your sermons is understandable, but when it happens multiple times in multiple different sermons it is not understandable anymore...
For instance he equates the love of the Lord Jesus to that of a magic circle:
"Carrying the text beyond its original position, we may say that over the head of all infirmities, ignorances, selfishnesses, desertions, and denials, Jesus Christ, who had loved his own that were in the world, loved them to the end. It was not possible for them, with all their follies, failings, and sins, to break through
the magic circle of his affection; he had hedged them in once for all, bad bound them to himself with bonds firmer than brass, and stronger than triple steel, and neither could the temptations of hell, nor the suggestions of their own corruptions tear them from his heart." Said in his sermon: "The Faithfulness of Jesus #810"
https://www.spurgeongems.org/vols13-15/chs810.pdfMagic circles are a Masonic ritual and are used in witchcraft.
He also suggests to essentially count your blessings by the Zodiac:
"You may say, “Surely goodness and mercy have followed me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the ho use of the Lord forever.” Do not pick out one day in the year, and say it was a bad day, but take all the year round! Let it revolve in all its grandeur;
let all the signs of the Zodiac come before you. Do not say, “I have been in Cancer a long time,” but run through them all, and then get into Libra and judge between things that differ. And then what will you say? 'Ah, bless the Lord! He has done all things well; my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name!" Said in his sermon: "Caanan on Earth #58"
https://www.spurgeongems.org/vols1-3/chs58.pdfThe one that blew me away was when he blasphemously called God, "the everlasting Freemason":
"There will be nothing there that is trumpery or temporary; everything there is the best of the best, most suitable for the inhabitants, and most glorious to behold. The very streets are paved. with gold, exceeding rich and rare. The best builders of earth cannot be compared to the great Builder above, the eternal Architect,
the everlasting Freemason who has built those many mansions where his saints shall dwell forever." Said in his sermon: "Abraham, a Pattern to Believers #2292"
https://www.spurgeongems.org/sermon/chs2292.pdfAlso note that "the great Builder" and "the eternal Architect" are also Freemason terms.
So I'm just letting you all know about it so you can judge ye yourselves. I will post the link to the website that has much more about the subject so you can have a look for yourselves.