Everyone that has read Chris's book on feminism knows he layed a thorough case on how the American female is the most privileged creature to ever walk the face of the Earth.
And, truth be told, most men want to provide their women with as much privileges as they can.
However, the ugly truth is that far too many women use that privilege as a weapon.
Which brings us to this incident.
Though the point of this video isn't to address female privilege nor feminism those are impetus behind why this lying, drunken, uninjured women can sick the police on her 75 year old neighbor.
That is also why she is allowed to threaten to put her neighbor "under" and cut his throat and then she is held to absolutely zero account for it.
An evil women abusing her privilege is also why her innocent neighbor is almost immediately tazed and likely permanently injured upon the police contacting him after he has emptied his hands and is simply standing there in his underwear.
This all happened because a crying women essentially said the magic word, "abuse!".
https://youtu.be/ysLbps1zdywMy point here is simply to provide a graphic illustration on how insidious, prevalent and dangerous this philosophical mindset really is.