Dear Kenneth
I know your pain. Look we share a name! ( Almost)
I (likely) herniated a disc from baking and I'm almost certain you may be feeling that now. It is unbearable and can put you out of commission.
Let me give you some facts and tips on how to start healing. It is a long road, but it is possible to heal. Considering there are no other health complications with the spine.
Herniated discs are very common injuries and most people will sustain this injury ( according to statistics) at least once in their life.
Tiger Balm Extra Strength has been very relieving. Especially after bathing in warm water.
Fortify the spine. I wear a corset every day now. If I do not wear it, it issues pain at the herniation.
I wear a corset for women. There are men's corsetiers.
I just want to add this quick note: If you are looking for a mens corset, you will find strange men dressed in cabaret, or worse.
I must add, that all pharmaceutical back braces are based off of the design of the corset. The back brace is not a novel idea and evolved from corsets. It is possible to find a proper pharmaceutical back brace, but they can be uncomfortable, plastic, and less visually appealing. You may need to go to a specialist to be perscribed a special brace, and it may need to be custom made.
I'm not trying to sell a men's corset to you, I just want to offer you what has brought me healing and relief. I can go without my corset sometimes, with no pain. When I originally injured the spine, I could not walk, sit, stand.
A proper mens corset does not (should not) give you an hourglass shape. It is not hard to breath in, and it is easy to tie yourself.
I have a Mueller velcro wrapping brace that does work for temporary excursions. It does not offer anything close to what my corset does.
Just remember that some of the sanitary women's products for menstruations evolved from WW1 and WW2, men using similar product to save lives.
Men wear skirts called Kilts in Scotland.
God has made room for fabric in this life, that is why he outfitted vegetarians Adam and Eve with animal skin clothing.
This link will lead to an etsy website for the Peartree Tailor in Kansas. There are no inappropriate pictures, just a man fully clothed in a corset designed to look like a vest.
I hope these two tips will help