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As I'll demonstrate when I get the book published, schizophrenia doesn't exist. In 1985, there was a world conference of the leading psychologists of the day, and they concluded that schizophrenia didn't exist until someone gave it a name.
Bad theology, Crystal Meth and devils are a bad combination.
I wonder if people were in to drugs and alcohol (which is a drug anyway) before the Flood. I guess it would be surprising if they weren't.
I'm not going to respond any further; there's no point. Someone that far gone, you cannot reason with them. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can open his eyes to his sin, and this kind of garbage is exactly what comes out of the "conspiracy ministry" movement. There's nothing on his website either; I think he's just looking for attention, and I don't know what planet he lives on in which he thought he was going to get support from me.