I can't get anything from the address, expect a picture of the place, which seems like the standard leavened church building I'm used to seeing around here with the cutesy signs with lukewarm phrases on it. I never said anything about it being a mega-church; I don't rebuke mega-churches that often because I don't need to. Anybody should be able to see how wicked they are, that's not hard.
In this church building you go to, do they practice tithe? They obviously use the typical pagan cross symbols; I can at least tell that from the outside of the building. Do they practice the Christmas and Easter witchcraft traditions too? I'd like to know at lot of details, but I can't investigate them much from here.
Oh wait, I found something -- yeah, they practice the standard Easter witchcraft traditions. No surprise there. Yep, they practice Halloween too, expect they call it a "Harvest Party," just like all the other leavened church buildings, believing they're different, but they're exactly the same as the world. I'm sure there's absolutely no discernment at all from your fellow churchgoers and church leadership, especially after seeing one of fellow female churchgoers dress up as Wonder Woman, which is a character that created to be a dominatrix sex icon... so there's that, and the absurd comment below that says: "Our church is awesome and has the most awesome preacher ever."
This place is already seriously leavened, and I've barely looked at it for sixty seconds. I see videos of people not praising God, but entertaining with women in the video going "Whoo!" during the performance. Gerald, do you honestly think this is what a church is about?
Gerald, I really appreciate you being upfront about where you attend, but there was a reason I asked, and that's because based on the things you were saying here, I could already see the leaven. Now that I see where you attend, I know where you got it from. What it really tells me is that you're here conversing with us, but you don't listen to the teachings I put out, do you? Not very many of them at least.
I'm okay if you want to come here and talk, but it's confusing. What's the point in being a part of our group of believers, when, based on where you attend, you don't believe what we believe?
Gerald, I'm glad to talk with you if you want, but I really don't understand why you're here. Why ride the fence? Did you bother to listen to the teaching I've done the past two week so on repentance? If you haven't, you might want to do so because your church's "message of salvation" on that FB group doesn't have repentance in it at all, which means they don't believe the Gospel Christ taught, and they have a different gospel than we do. (It comes from Christian Womanhood Magazine, which seems to be one of those new-age, leavened, feel-good publications that don't really care about the Gospel.)
That's all I could find for now. I'm pretty sure, if I saw a video recording of the entire service, I could point out a lot of error, and the reason for that is very simple:
A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
-Gal 5:9Gerald, if you're a part of that lump, then you too are leavened, whether you are conscious of it or not. If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, then you need to read up on sanctification, and why it's so important: