Author Topic: (FREE-TO-READ BOOK) Feminism: Castrating America (2nd Edition)  (Read 1058 times)


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  • First Name: Christopher
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  • Location: Indiana
I am very happy to announce that I have finished my book, which is the fully revised, double-sized, 2nd Edition of Feminism: Castrating America, which is (as always) free to read at

Feminism: Castrating America (2nd Edition)

I am so thankful that God allowed me the mercy to finish this project because, in my opinion, although this book was not well written at first (because I was a new author at the time), this is now one of the best books I've written thus far, and I have added new topics, such as:

---How Women Destroy Men in Family Court
This explains how men get taken advantage of in the legal system, and what to watch out for.
---The Illusion of Emotional Abuse
There is no such thing as "emotional abuse," and women use this as a way to create a "victim" status for themselves, so they can be tone police with men.
---Women Should Not Vote
Why the 19th Amendment was one of the most detrimental things America has ever done, and that most men and women hated the suffrage movement.
---The Demonic Nature of Feminism
This goes into deep detail on the occult nature of feminism, and how secret societies of the wealthy elite funded the American feminist political movement, or it would have died a quick death.

And in my final chapter, which was completely rewritten, I explain what women can do about feminism, and that there is hope around the corner to fix these problems. I hope this book will ignite righteous indignation, which I also hope will then be turned into the flames of inspiration to go forward to war against feminism, one of the oldest cults in the world.

« Last Edit: August 26, 2024, 06:40:23 AM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18