I've been listening to CLE for around a year now. It has been incredibly eye opening as I am a relatively newer Christian (only around 3-4 years). I went through the entire Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil audio teachings. I've had my share of disappointments in counseling over the years. I recognize now after that audio teaching that even Christian counseling is somewhat of a scam. It's absurd what these Christian counselors charge. I'm wondering though what I should do? What are some sound ways of overcoming the pain from abusive upbringing and sinning ("addiction") to numb the pain. I've done everything. I've laid it at the feet of Jesus every time. I've done my best with following Jesus's instruction in Matthew 5:30, yet no matter how much I restrict myself, I still find ways to sin. I've tried meditating on the word, fasting. You name it, I've tried it to get over this nagging sin. How can I experience real healing from the deep wounds I've had and not have to numb out from them? I've tried to submit it to God and have Him heal them, but it just seems like He doesn't hear me. I just wonder if I'm missing something in the Christian walk, or if counseling would actually help. Anyone been able to overcome chronic sin ("addiction") without counseling? If so, any advice?