Hard part? Probably cleaning house, physically and spiritually. This involves getting rid of anything that you think might be inconsequential or mundane, but could be something that is either giving you problems with temptation or is acting as an "open doorway" for demonic influence. I remember when I got saved I had, for example, some left over bits and pieces from martial arts classes I used to attend, while most of the world was basically saying "it's safe and effective", it took the testimony of someone who had been in it and seen the darker parts of what's involved in almost all fighting "arts" for me to look directly at these things and say "no, they have to go right now". I was even trying do some video production work on platforms like youtube for various forms of media but I looked at them and I thought "even if I clean this up, it's not giving God any glory, and if I get fans they're going to be giving me admiration and thanks, and I might even become an object of worship in their minds"...sounds silly to some, but how many people idolise celebrities? It's more than are willing to admit.
On a different note, probably my (for want of a better term) favourite scriptures, would be mostly the writings of John in the New Testament. The gospel according to John, his three general epistles (contains some good tips about spotting the frauds and decievers) and I know none of us are going to understand it fully until God gives us the understanding, but The Book of Revelation is, I think more essential than people realise. It's the world's biggest "spoiler" as to how it ends, but think about it, how much more comforting is it to know how things will go, and how this world is going to end? Islam doesn't have that, Buddhism doesn't have that, Hinduism doesn't have that (reincarnation is actually quite a demoralising concept when you really think about it) and the pagans CERTAINLY don't have that. We are told how it's going to play out, and God keeps his word.