Would watching a jesus movie be a form of idolatry,or graven image,for a better word?
I have watched jesus of Nazareth,the book of Matthew(niv) and the book of Luke quite a while ago,Luke supposed to be KJV but the English changes from old to new quickly.Nobody has the right to play such a role,and of course scripture has been added to and taken away from the movies.Nowhere in the Bible does it say what the Lord Jesus Christ looks like,we do know he had a beard as Isaiah 50:6 says
I gave my back to the smiters,and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair:I hid not my face from shame.
The rest in those movies(apart from the visual bible-Matthew,have long hair,altho the book of Luke actor Brian Deacon had around shoulder length hair and was still effeminant looking and 1 Corinthians 11:14says,It is a shame for a man to have long hair and the catholic "jesus" has long hair,so does one of the ascended masters Sananda Emanuel strangely enough.