That is correct, Farstad is not the received text. If I am not mistaken, they used a statistical model to approximate what it may have read as, factoring in von Soden's various readings. Perhaps someone who has a copy of Farstad may be a better resource upon the scheme layouted therein, for I do not possess a copy.
If there is anything to be said (and please do not rely on YT as a source of information) upon the received text, it would be this: the blood of the saints attest to its authority.
I understand that many confused individuals are polluting the streams of information within cyberspace, and doubtless you will find that no one knows what it is they are talking about. I would suggest, should you be earnest in your pursuit of knowledge, to read books from the time of the reformation on down until you can decipher the confusion yourself. Do not read transcriptions, but rather obtain a photo-copy or electronic facsimile (or even better an original edition) via online database searches or visiting your local library.
This may not have been the answer you are looking for, but be advised, everyone on YT, Google, Wiki, and so forth have an agenda to push, or something they are marketing, and take no pains in defying their conscience in twisting the truth. They typically are in it for lucre's sake. Just be careful. The other half of the spectrum you will find to be occupied by surrogates of Rome, where their mission is to create a "dialogue" with anyone they encounter so to bring them under the veil of Rome. They do this by deceit and cunning. Take a look into the PCPCU, what it entails, and what are its prerogatives, and the consequences of entering into such a dialogue with Rome.
I encourage you to confirm with your own eyes what dangers are lurking out there, and commend you upon your inquiry into the value of the received Greek text.