I understand; I used to do the same thing with the guy who first taught me after I got saved. I guess the difference is that I didn't have a job at the time, so I listened to him for 16 hours a day.
You're talking about Kent Hovind aren't you?
I heard you mention that in one of your teachings. I actually did the same thing with him when I first found out about him. I was with this Hebrew Roots family because I was courting their daughter at the time and they introduced me to Kent Hovind's seminars. They had all his DVD's and I watched through every single one of them within a week's time. Haha. Then I rewatched them.
About the Hebrew Roots thing: It didn't work out because I couldn't bring myself to follow after being brought again under bondage. Everything had to become "Jewish" and "Hebrew" and they were afraid to use the name of Jesus Christ. Not only that, but they didn't believe the King James to be the proper translation of the Word of God into English and when we would meet this older couple to do a Bible study (which was always strictly out of Leviticus), the guy would always repeat the same thing every week which would cause me to grow suspicious. He would say, concerning the Levitical priests when they would offer the sacrifice, that it would "elevate their spiritual consciousness". Huh? What kind of sound Biblical understanding is that? Sounds like new age mumbo-jumbo to me. I would butt heads with them on certain matters and would make statements to the "teachers" in front of the family I was with to make sure I knew where they stood by saying things like, "You must already know that the Talmud and the Zohar and the Kabbalah is witchcraft and heresy against the true faith in the LORD God of Israel and the Talmud specifically even blasphemes against the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha-Mashiach to them)." The teacher and his wife gave me this kind of solemn look (as though I didn't understand these matters clearly) but nonetheless had to agree with me because the family I was with weren't as hardcore as the teaching couple so they at least had some conviction that the so-called ancient, rabbinical teachings were obvious heresy.
Nevertheless, they had plenty of leaven in other aspects of their faith because they would listen to teachings from modern "rabbis" and also teaching from a website about the "Oral Torah". One guy made me marvel with his heresy because he said that when Jesus Christ, as a child, said to His mother and Joseph, "Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business." The "rabbi" said that Jesus was actually talking about Joseph and not God the Father. What a false teacher!