Has anyone ever tried to analyse the paint used? Would watercolours produce layers that thin? What about coloured inks?
There has been a great deal of analysis of da Vinci's art work. People who claim to know how the "paintings" were done are are of the type who give simplistic answers and have the attitude of "nothing more to see here .... move along .... move along".
I only take a special interest because development and manufacturing is what I do for a job. We know that the burial cloth isn't the burial cloth of Christ and that it has been manufactured by some means in the last 2000 years. As a side interest from everything else I take a small amount of time to appreciate the craftsmanship of those in other fields. Not that it is of any use, but at least the "shroud" depicts a risen Christ rather than denying the resurrection. I doubt anyone would ever become a true Christian from having seen the shroud though.