Hi Jeanne,
I'm not Sure if I have read this particular article about the pre-flood world, but I have read an article and also watched a teaching about it in chris' YouTube Channel.
And of course I've watched tons of Videos from Kent Hovind.
So I know that you refer to the theory that the earth used to be enclosed in an ice canopy with pressure Air underneath that Had a Higher oxygen Level.
This theory is being backed by the findings of Amber with pressurized Air inclusions.
Even evolutionists so admit that at some Point in time the atmosphereic pressure must have been much higher than today. Otherwiese the dinosours would have needed much bigger lungs than what they found in their remains.
In my opinion the fossile record is Just evidence for different habitats of different organisms.
Those that dwell on the bottom of the oceans, have been Burrows in the deepest Lasers of mud.
Other stuff like logs and bark float in the water for a while, until they slowly sinkt to the bottom.
And creatures Like birds are so lightweight that they barely ever get burried unser a load of mud, that's why there are so few fossiles of them.
I guess Most of them will have drowned in the water and have float arround near the surface, until some fish ate them.
But again that's all speculation, too.
I have not been there when it happened and those who were there had focussed on other aspects of that flood.
We are simply interpreting the leftovers on the basis of our own experiences and understanding of the basic sciences like physics and chemistry.
But Things May have been was different.
We have an all-powerful God who can make things happen way beyond our immagination.
Is it pointless to speculate about it?
And where can we draw the line for pointless?
I guess it's just in our nature to want to have explanations for Things that we can't fully understand or know.
A lot of people love animals.
I like animals, too. I like them fried, cooked, stewed, smoked or grilled ;-) and I must admit that some animals are kind of cute, too.
I don't think that I would want them to talk to me, at least not in this fallen world, because that would probably make it a lot more difficult to enjoy my favorite meals. But it is without doubt possible that they might have had this ability when god created them. At least as far as I know the bible doesn't say they had not.
Would I create some kind of doctrine out of it?
Of course not! But can we reason about what might be in the realm of possible?
Wether it's pointless or not, that's what most people do anyway.
And sometimes we may look into the bible because we were thinking about something totally pointless, but then we find ourselves being Led to dealing with a completely different topic that is not pointless any more.
When have you thought about something pointless for the last time?