I read this post with interest. I have some comments though. You speak from hypocrisy. I rather would say it is deception. You see, I have been a pentecostal myself. For decades. Though I fully acknowledge speaking in tongues is mere gibberish, pentecostals don't see it that way. Pentecostals are taught that speaking in tongues in speaking in heavenly languages aka spiritual languages aka angelic languages. Meant to edify yourself. I came out of this deception about 10 years ago, by studying the topic speaking in tongues for myself. It is quite a story, but what caused me to do my own research was I heard some strange stories about speaking in tongues. Basically, speaking in tongues, so was taught, could be useful for spiritual warfare, could be used for gaining wisdom and spiritually knowlegde and so on. Yes, it is all superstition and, I may add, it is witchcraft. However,I would not say pentecostals are hypocrites, pentecostals are deceived. Which is bad enough.