Hello everyone. My name is Alex, and I quit a megachurch after attending it for 15 years. I attended as a child, teen and even young adult, but I found the gospel there to be counterfeit and failing to demonstrate a true move of God. That's not to say that there wasn't a form of godliness (2 Tim. 3:5) that looked superficially like the real Gospel. The problem is the leaven (1 Cor. 5:6-8) upon which that congregation was founded, which just built up over the years.
They are a Canadian charity, so our equivalent to 501(c)(3), that defaults to the NIV (for decades; for a few years, the ESV was temporarily default) instead of the KJV, they partnered with ecumenical ministers like Billy Graham and Rick Warren, they run a plethora of gimmicky youth activities (such as "Christian" rock concerts, plus renting a rock climbing wall and inflatable gym on church grounds) yet having little to no good preaching for youth (1 Tim. 4:12), they add worldly burdens (Matt. 11:28-30) to those in the purity movement looking to get married, they do not preach hard (2 Tim. 4:2) against the sin in the region, and it goes on.
While it's comforting to know the true doctrine of Jesus Christ, there is also a pain with the transition. I shared on this forum that my church pushed BarlowGirl (BG), a "Christian" rock girl band of three sisters that bragged about purity rings and not dating, for "God" promised each of them a husband. The truth is they do not care about purity, simply
using it as a front to cash in and fatten their pockets. I had a former BG staff admit this after ~2 years of giving me excuses, and I still see fans this year admitting to idolizing the band. As I work on sharing my testimony, I pray that Christians reject "Christian" rock, CCLI and more. Sing the good old hymns!
Of course, throughout all of this, I see my need to stay close to Christ. When I noticed the false gospel in 2013, I began to search for the real deal. I want to edify others online by sharing my testimony and learning about what the Bible says for righteous learning. I speak French as well, and have a ministry called
La Franche Verite which is small but willing. I
may translate some of brother Christopher's content if I see the need and if the Lord leads me that way. I pray you are all doing well and that you continue in Christ's work.
P.S.: This forum software does
not allow characters like the en dash or acute accents. I had errors when using those. The accents matter in languages like French.