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Messages - tinman2u

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I AM here to ensure the sons and daughters of men who follow the teachings of men & devils are without excuse:

Believe it or not.  As you wish.  Shalom!


I AM not exactly sure how your "red flag" judgements are based nor how a negative "edification" matters in the LEAST if what the Spirit of The Great I AM is saying to you is TRUE, but as I look at your weekly teachings with ZERO replies I AM wondering to myself exactly who do you think YOU are edifying? 

Are you TEACHING the Good News of The Kingdom of YHWH and proclaim to everyone around you The NAME (Character\Reality) of Yehoshua the Anointed One of Nazareth? 

Are you exposing "The Man of Sin?" i.e., FALSE doctrines promulgated by the temporal High Priest POSITION of a man (taught to be infallible) being followed by current day Christians in ways that don't bore your listeners to death?   

Are you Hot or is your ministry COLD?

With the TRUE worship day of Shavuot (Pentecost) FAST approaching I AM here to remind you of this:

And this:

In a WORD, repent because the KINGDOM of YHWH is at hand.

Believe it or not.  As you wish.  Shalom!


I have a son named Kristopher Michael who is not genetically mine, but I love him as if he were.  His mother got pregnant by an illegal alien name "Paco" in Texas while she and I were separated and going through a divorce.  Paco had a family back in Mexico and wasn't interested in starting one in the U.S. so he suggested my wife get an abortion.  Instead, she contacted me, we reconciled and stayed together for the sake of this child and our other children for a little over five years until things fell apart again.  What is my point?

Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.  Judge ye not, lest what judgement you make is returned upon you.  The "Accuser" of man didn't win any brownie points with his Creator.  His constant accusations, whether true or NOT, eventually got him KICKED out of Heaven because there's only SO much negativity any creature can stand before they THROW UP or throw you OUT.  And so, although I DO believe we should avoid false doctrine and protect ourselves from the popular leaven of the Scribes & Pharisees of OUR time, since the rain falls upon the JUST and the UNJUST, it might be MORE productive to send loving messages with gentle rebukes to the lost REMINDING them of Truth and helping them to see the light instead of condemning them to destruction. 

After 12 minutes, I was unable to bear any more of either side of this issue.  I was actually under the mistaken impression that YOU were going to jam a little bit for the sheer JOY of it, but I was a tad bit disappointed.  C'est la vie!

I AM Michael Enrique Smith, 61, Retired USAF.  Prior to a full and dedicated conversion to The Way, The Truth & The Life, I AM certain that the road I was traveling upon wasn't leading anywhere other than Gehenna.  In June of 2015, after three days of fasting and prayer I had an intense spiritual experience where I believe I heard the "Voice of Many Waters," which gave me an order that I AM still complying with, and was later baptized in a New Hampshire lake.   

There were many opportunities for my life to have been abruptly ended and one that sticks out the most, besides the Scud Missile attack in Saudi Arabia, was when I was at the age of accountability at an "Easter" party and got caught up in the current of a wide Texas river and was certainly drowning until my body struck the legs of a tall Hispanic young man who yanked me up out of the water and saved my life. 

Lately the Spirit of Truth is spurring me to spread the Paleo-Hebraic Pictographic meaning of YHWH\Yud-Hay-Wav-Hay (Which of course is the NAME given to Moses by the Angel of the Burning Bush).  In my mind the revelation to either Jew or Gentile of the HAND, BEHOLD, NAIL, BEHOLD is a perfect way to "spread the Gospel" and point to the obvious temporal FACT that The WORD\Son of Man\Messiah has ALWAYS been the ONE communicating to this creation, i.e., "Before Abraham Came Forth, I AM."

Since most practicing "christians" unwittingly think the name "Jesus Christ" is a first and last name and have NO idea concerning this person's FULL connection to YHWH, i.e., YA-SHUA (I AM Salvation) the Christ\Messiah|Annointed One, of Nazareth who REPEATEDLY revealed Himself to be THE LIVING GOD of Israel in the flesh, it is that message which has brought me here.

Oh, and I had signed up to get a free copy of a "messianic" bible from another website and noticed the "501c3" designation and since I had probably stumbled upon,competition%2C%20and%20preventing%20cruelty%20to%20children%20or%20animals. before, it sparked my memory, I did a quick search and BOOM.  Here I AM.

IMHO, Everything happens for a reason and if the ROYAL Hand wants me here to share or gain insights then I AM willing to be MUSLIM in that I submit myself to the will of Elohim\Allah\El Shaddai\YHWH\Jesus.

Finally, another way to "preach the Good News" of the REALITY of the Kingdom of YHWH is to suggest a person research the Quantum Physics Double-Split Experiment and to grasp that our reality exists first and foremost in a WAVE state of infinite possibilities UNLESS it is specifically being OBSERVED or Watched........and THEN.....Read 1 Enoch.

The Seventh From Adam identifies YHWH as.....yes....The Great Watcher.

Science has proved that our reality CANNOT exist without Him.

Believe it or not.  As you wish.  Shalom!

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