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Messages - John

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Introduce Yourself / Re: Introduction
« on: July 09, 2022, 02:25:15 PM »

My salvation

I grew up in church buildings and always heard about the law and coming to the foot of cross. I even remember doing the sinners prayer once, I must of only been 7 or 8 at the most. Obviously I had no idea what any of that meant. I had some difficult teen years and at about 16 I started getting obsessed into Kent Hovinds Creation teachings, and I would watch them over and over. At the time I knew I had sin in my life and I knew what the Bible said about salvation. God gave me Godly sorrow and salvation at that time I was crying out to him. I even called and spoke with Kent Hovind on the phone, and wanting to verify with him that I was saved. I didn’t know anything at that time. But slowly after that, I stopped following Kent Hovind and I didn’t know why, something was just off about him and shortly after that is when I first found CLE.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introduction
« on: July 09, 2022, 01:53:35 PM »

Thank you for the warm welcome Rowan and Ellie! To clarify first,, when I said sorcery I meant as in drugs (pain killers, weed, nicotine, adderall)

It has been hard. I used to use drugs to deal with my depression, anxiety, stress, boredom, sleep, work, etc… and then I would use drugs more to deal with my drug problem.

This verse would always pop in my head, especially towards the end of my addictions:

proverbs 4:16 For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall.

A lot of verses from proverbs 4 would pop in my head, it’s perfect instruction for me.

After I spoke with you guys, I moved out of my parents home and in with my sister in continuation of my sanctification from the pills. I would get  pain killers from her and I just needed some separation as I collected my thoughts and got my head together.

After that it has been a domino effect. My mom has also sanctified her self from addiction. I have decided to move back home for the time being as there is no longer stumbling blocks for me. In that time was her and I’s relationship has taking a complete turn and I couldn’t be more thankful for.

I am still dating my girlfriend. We have been together for 3+ years and I do love her, it’s not only lust. She knows my beliefs and I firmly tell her. We have a trip to Greece on July 23rd we have planned for a year and a half in advance and I plan on going, but I definitely have my concerns. I know what you guys said when I spoke with you and I know what I told you guys. I could use some deeper guidance on this situation, I will lay out the story of Her and I, but would keep the details private.

It’s still really hard, but instead of my old ways of running and using drugs to “fix” my problems, I am now dealing with my problems and trying to pick up the pieces, because they are still there. I just am facing them now and getting help and healing as drugs never worked in fixing anything, it made my life far worse and I would lie to myself saying they did.

I’m reading the word of God much more and in much more prayer with him. Although it’s hard and I still struggle with depression and all the other emotions, I’m developing new tools to deal with them and it makes me feel much stronger than I used to.

I am writing more about my salvation now as well and will post that separately as this is getting long and I’m getting a little hungry lol.

Introduce Yourself / Introduction
« on: July 09, 2022, 12:36:36 AM »

My name is John, I am 22 years old, live in Des Moines, IA, and I am a born again Christian. I was saved when I was 16, I was crying out to God in repentance and asking him forgiveness for my many sins and from that day fourth I have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. I believe on the resurrection of Christ and that Jesus Christ is God.

I have used to be apart of this church 3+ years ago, and am not sure who/if any will remember me. But I started to drift out of the church when I started to "establish" myself while I was becoming an young adult; I started to slowly get back into the sin of sorcery and other sins, that I had forgotten that was the very stuff the Lord saved me out of when I first got saved.

From since I left this church originally I have been running from God, and became leavened. During that period of time I have been miserable. The conviction I would get from my sins and continiuation of attempting to ignore it has caught up to me after all that time.

Since April 26th, 2022 I have been actively cleaning up and sanctifying myself from the sins and struggles I have created for myself. It has been very difficult, but I did get to speak with the church on Skype  - I was at very low spot at that time, but I am so thankful for the church to love me enough to tell me the Truth and for all the prayers.

I can report that I am in much better spirits since I last spoke with you guys on Skype last and started cleaning up my life. I hope this introduction is satisfactory for the time, as it is getting late for me now and I have work in the morning; but I wanted to get this initiated. I will check back in on this as soon as I can, if anyone has questions.

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