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Messages - mpeay7

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Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 19, 2021, 04:24:57 PM »

Thank you Jeanne, Ellie, Timothy, and Chris

I'm sorry I keep trying to reject you and reject what you say. I know that the teachings of the Holy Spirit are true and are undeniable. I am struggling with my pride and keep trying to reject you. I know that you are all concerned about my soul, and I am too. I am surprised to find out I am a false convert, and I have had to go back to square one. I was a very confident false convert.
I know for sure that the teachings are of God, and I also know for sure that I have a lot to clean out, and also a lot to be grateful for.
I am very fearful that I will be a goat on that day.

Hope you're all having a very peaceful day

Matthew 13

49So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,

50And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 17, 2021, 07:43:13 PM »

Thank you Ellie and Timothy
I am going to keep on praying, and listening to the bible. I will also keep learning from the sessions, and I am going to re-listen to the session on repentance.
Could I also ask if you could also pray for me please?

Thank you


Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 17, 2021, 07:07:39 PM »
Hi Timothy,
Thank you for your reply

So, the number of times I used the word conceited shows you that my humility is a lie?
Is repentance always with bawling? And it comes suddenly from God/ I am brought to repentance by God?


Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 17, 2021, 06:10:05 PM »
Dear Timothy

When I admitted I had a pride problem, that was me confessing that I did have a pride problem. I confessed that I did have a conceit problem. I'm not sure what makes that laughable, when we are asked to confess... Right?

James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

I just want to go really slow in my responses with you because I really honestly am trying to understand...

Is the confessing of faults only for bretheren? I hope you can see my intentions


Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 17, 2021, 02:05:33 PM »
Wow, I finally read Chris' response to me. I didn't read it beforehand, because I have been weeping at work and it isn't appropriate.

It's clear you "Don't Care" anymore.

Sorry to see you "Don't Care" That I am trying, I have given my word not to give up. Actually, I tried to message you a couple of questions to see that you have blocked me. Actually, you seem quite different to me from your teachings. In your teachings, you seem more pitiful to those who are attempting to listen to the truth of the matter. Even though I have dedicated much of my time since discovering your material to understanding it, you "don't care".

In fact, in one video, you "commended" me for listening, as you "commended" anyone who would listen to the video who is not born again. So you don't care and you commend me for listening to your sessions. Alrighty then.
You also say that when it comes to your manner and your condition of pride that you would always self reflect if anyone were to accuse you of an inappropriate manner and/or having a condition of pride.

I've been to this forum, been banned from this forum, have e-mailed Chris an apology, have dedicated many hours to understanding the material and have been told that Chris "Don't Care".

I'm not perfect, I'm not going to be instantly perfect as I gain an understanding. I am a sinner. I accept Christ and I pray to him, I have prayed much, and now since hearing about repentance, I have been praying for that.

Well, Chris just encourages me to go back to Sheila's Ministry. Wow, no thank you Chris.
In one of Chris' youtube videos, he admits there is a learning curve, but Chris on the forum just "Don't Care".

"I don't care about your wild explanations about all the strange and weird things you keep saying. "
Yup, I'm pretty sure that a false convert does have some pretty strange and weird things to say. And I'm pretty sure a false convert does things that are strange and weird, even sins, and lying, and a multitude of other fumbles, mess us, pride, offenses.

Well y'all, I am very, very sorry that I have discouraged you all, and very sorry that I have put you in a place where you "Don't Care" Chris. Please forgive me, I am very grieved. Please. I am praying very much to be brought to repentance, and I am very messed up and broken but I don't want to be a goat on that day. I'm trying. Please forgive me

So why are you pushing so desperately to be accepted here? Why not just find somewhere else to go?

Because if I go back to Sheila Zilinsky or anyone else I am going to be in a group of Goats, learning leavened doctrine and going straight to hell. And I want to be here because If I am going to be saved, I will be fellowshipping in heaven with other saved people.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 15, 2021, 03:55:26 PM »
Hello everyone, I just wanted you all to know that I know pride is my sin, and it is the root to a multitude of my other wickedness. I am now listening to three sessions. I have started 3 sessions. Inside the sessions, Christopher references other sessions that need to be in the foundation to continue in the sessions. Listening to the youtube sessions is really helpful for me, I usually have my hands full, and listening is very nice.

Thank you very much Christopher for including your biblical understandings on youtube so I can listen to them at work. Otherwise work would be quite boring, and I do enjoy some of the jokes you include and how easy things are to understand when you explain them

I am listening to the sessions
False Converts

I have had an enormous overflowing amount of pride and conceit. Especially conceit. I had/have an abundance of conceit. I really cannot understate how conceited I have been and how much residual conceit still is in my heart. Even though much of my life has been changed (no smoking/drugs/alcohol, goodbye homosexuality, accept Jesus, watch my mouth, etc) Even though much of that has changed, I never ever addressed the conceit, ever. I never addressed it, so like mold that is scraped off a window seal, if it isn't killed, it will grow back again, and again, and again. I cannot have this conceit grow back, or else I will die. It will kill me. And then I will die a second death.  Not that any of you want to know, but my conceit is was 100% evil and I have been joyfully skipping toward hell, with a conceited identity. I was rolling in the satanic muck of the devil and very pleased with myself for doing so. I'm disgusting.

"Yep Lord, I'm all squared away, except don't look at this enormous growing black hole of conceit"

I feel quite hideous even asking Jesus for help, I sound hideous asking for help. I sound hideous to myself. I am grateful that Jesus is very strong and very good, and is strong enough to listen to my hideous pleas if he chooses to. It's ugly..

Thank you all

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 14, 2021, 03:15:03 PM »

Thank you, I accept this. I will continue to pray for this pride to be broken. I will also pray to be humbled as a child, that I may repent.

Matthew 5:3
“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 14, 2021, 02:04:35 PM »
So I see that I from what you are saying, I am not a Christian, I am not saved, I am not bretheren. I have just been a false convert.

I'd like to be saved, so I will keep praying for that and for my prideful heart to be broken.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 14, 2021, 05:00:29 AM »
Dear Ellie,

I got to thinking about it, and I wanted to share a metaphor to really describe where I was when I said "I can detect leaven" And it is a bread metaphor. I feel like this will explain what I am saying.

In a land where most everyone eats storebought  bread from cradle to grave, God has shown me I can make my own bread. I can make it with simple ingredients, it is wholesome. The storebought bread has preservatives and is ultra refined/processed.

I can make bread! Because God has shown me.  No longer is the oven obsolete for educated bakers. I no longer have to buy fluffy nutrientless bread. I can make my bread with nutrients, because God has taught me. God has suffered for me to find this website, where I learned to spot leaven, so I can remove it from my day-to-day. I am from a world where I previously believed I would need to either go to the "prime minister" of leaven spotting or educate myself to "prime minister of leaven spotting" levels. It turns out even filthy me can detect leaven, I don't need a saintly authority to do it for me. I don't need fancy false books. This is life changing. I could not will myself to supernaturally know how to make bread on my own.

I really hope this helps, do you still think I am prideful? I will listen I want to be peaceable while making sure I  am really understood. I think my overall absence of communicating with people for a very long time has affected how thorough I am in explaining necessary details. I am rusty, I do not normally have people I can talk to on a spiritual level. I am acclimating

Proverbs 9:8
Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 14, 2021, 04:37:01 AM »
I suspected the thread would come up in which I referenced Jordan Peterson.
I made that post before I was banned. My first comment in the thread was to make sure it was known that I made that post before I came to an understanding of what repentance was.
The reason why I said in my second reply to that thread that I had come to an understanding since then wasn't to tout some sort of biblical prowess. I said that because I did not know if I still agreed with the quote. But I did not state that clearly at all... The intention of saying that I did not have an understanding when I agreed and posted the quote was to try to express that since then, I have had to majorly look at my thoughts and opinions to see if any of them were biblical.
I went on to answer the question I had received, and my intention was not to teach doctrine. If what I was doing needs to be described as teaching, I would say I was teaching how the logic of the quote settled in my mind. Not why the quote was biblically sound. I also was sure to say over and over "correct me if I am wrong". I fully understood it was possible, if not likely I was going to be wrong.

Like I said, I backed that quote up before knowing what repentance really was. When I listened to the 6 part session on repentance, I gained an understanding. When I came back to the thread with the comment after listening to the 6 part session and gaining an understanding, I knew that I wanted to state that I fully endorsed this quote before gaining an understanding.

Again, me saying that I had gained an understanding was not me trying to show off some scriptural prowess. What I meant by that was "Look, since then, I have learned a major piece of information that changes how I see pretty much anything" What I was not specific about "Look, since then, I have learned a major piece of information that changes how I see pretty much everything, so I can't say for sure if I still endorse this quote. This is how the [false] logic settled in my mind"

False is inside the parenthesis because we did definitively determine this was false logic.

I made sure to include "correct me if I am wrong" because I was anticipating a discussion.

Also, when I said "detect leaven", what I also mean by this is I know now that I don't need to be a scriptural genius to notice deviations from biblical truths. For whatever reason, I was under the impression that I had to be very learned in the bible to refute a false teaching. For whatever reason, I thought I would have to heap teachers to myself, along with concordances to be able to refute false teachers. I already suspected my teacher was a false teacher, I did not know how the truth of how easy it would be to see through a false teaching.

I say "easy" because knowing the simple truth of repentance is easier to me than studying lexicons. I don't know how many hours I would have wasted reading a concordance.
I do want to say that some teachers are not easy to see through. I am in the session now on Steven Anderson....

Fruitfully, I was shown a specific verse in the bible that negated the quote completely. It effectively blew that quote right out of the water. I am very grateful I was shown that verse, so I could dump the quote from my mind, and free up space for something fruitful.

Again, me realizing I could "detect leaven" wasn't me overjoyed about an ability I conjured up. It was a blessing. I was shown by my loving Heavenly Father. A massive false obstacle was removed. The truth was easy to see now, and this was very important for me. It is valuable to me because I know God has granted this, and it is valuable to me because it will be very useful for me.

Sorry if there has been any strain on your end, and if your heart dropped. That is sad for me.

 I want to please my Heavenly Father. I hope you can see that I am trying, I wont give up, and I will keep praying and studying.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 13, 2021, 03:15:47 PM »
Dear Ellile,

I'm sorry to see your heart dropped when you saw that I had said I learned how to detect leaven. This was a very important realization for me. Before I knew there was a corrupted version of repentance being taught, I was very vulnerable to corrupt doctrine.
When I said I learned how to detect leaven, I knew that it was going to be helpful for me as I continue forward. I wasn't going to be tossed to and fro by false teachers. I finally had a criteria for a false teacher.
1 Corinthians 2:10 - But God hath revealed [them] unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that there is a real reason to sanctify myself from leavened ministries. The ministries need to be teaching repentance correctly if I am going to engage with them.

I was amazed that I had learned repentance wrong, and wasted no time asking God to bring that gift to me. That amazement wasn't really an exciting amazement, it was very lamentable that I had learned wrong. Actually, of all the "conspiracy theories" that I know of, none really compare to the realization that repentance is taught wrong in most places.

Learning what repentance is fortified everything I know that is true, and the things that are false are being discarded. The teachings have taught me very much, and I am very very blessed.

I am not discouraged that you are helping me. I didn't want to say that the sorrow I felt toward God was repentance until I knew for sure. I will keep praying for repentance.
I want to go to Heaven and I know God will hear me when I pray for repentance, because he wants us to pray for that. Once I started picking up the bible, and praying for help, I have been seeing results. That is very nice, life was very stressful.  When I first started praying and reading the bible, I had so much in my life I was doing wrong. I was still listening to very evil music. I lived with witches. I wasn't a very good person. The bible was a free NIV from the thriftstore in a polygamist town. But now I am in a completely opposite place, and I don't do the things I did before.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 10, 2021, 09:31:50 PM »
Dear Ellie

I have had many sorrows in this life, and have felt much grief. I have shed many tears, and have cried out to God in deep sorrow, saying I am sorry, and sobbing in grief.

I have had many sorrows and have felt extreme amounts of hopelessness and abandonment. I am very thankful God has brought me to these teachings. It was very long ago I prayed to God for him to "Show me if the Church was true". This is the Mormon Church. I also asked God to help me and be merciful, if the church was not true, to guide me to the truth. I prayed this when I was very young.

Like I said, I have had many deep sorrows and much pain in this life. I have cried out to God many times in many instances of grief. He has been merciful. I believe he has heard me because I live a life of peace now. He has shown me these teachings. He has not suffered for me to have perished before this point. I wanted to tell someone, I came very close to perishing a couple days ago, at work. I'm unharmed, but I know God had a hand in my physical placement during the time of the accident.

I don't know if any of my deep sorrows and grief was counted as repentance, even though I have been very grieved and have said "I'm sorry" to God.

Since I have accepted Jesus in 2017, I have had a more abundant life. I have made errors along the way, and accepting Jesus did not instantly take my sorrows away. I still have sorrows, I have still shed many tears since then, and have made many pleas to God to save me from my sin and from my miserable situations. Each miserable situation has ended, and a better day has been provided again and again.

So, because my past is filled with sorrows, I can't say if I have repented or not. I have also gone through times in my life that I have very little memory from. I don't want to wrongly say my grief and sorrow toward God is repentance, so I still pray for repentance.

Thank you for showing me this,
I took the time to say that I had repented for calling the Lord effeminate because that is an account of what has taken place in my life since I have learned I called the Lord effeminate.
Repentance has taken place in my life, and I have now shared that it has taken place in my life.
I'm not turning away from my sin and wrongly calling the Lord effeminate. I have repented and come to tears of wrong doing and sobbing because of what I said.

Dear Christopher,

Okay, thank you for recommending these teachings. I do love learning these bible based teachings that you have available on your website. I was wrong, like I said. I have repented for this false teaching. I am going to change how I remember this quote.

The bible is the final authority in my life, and it clearly says that Christ was harmless. If the bible contradicts what I have to say, then I am wrong. Hopefully anyone who reads my comments will not be deceived and will see that I was rebuked and that I have said I have repented of this false teaching. I also now know that repent is grief and Godly sorrow of wrong doing. I have had grief and Godly sorrow for promoting this quote and teaching this quote with scripture.

I do not have any authority to be teaching, you are right. I will remember this before I attempt to do any more teaching. I can take this scripture very seriously because it applies to me outright:

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

I would pray that if someone sees my false teaching on this quote, they would see the correction as well.

Dear friends

You are right to say, I was wrong. The bible is right, and I see here that it says the Lord was harmless. This is going to change how I think about that quote, and now I will be better at seeing corruption in what Jordan Peterson has to say. He is a professor I have listened to in the past. I have read that he believes in Jesus, and I wonder if he has any material he has shared; if it is leavened. I may be interested in testing what he says to the Word, especially if it is concerning anything biblical.

Now I know that the quote about the "harmless man" is not biblical in any sense.

My original, first comment was before I had any understanding of the Word, and I am blessed to now have understanding. The bible clearly states that Christ was harmless.

My explanation of the quote and use of scriptural context was also an explanation of how the false logic had settled in my mind at the time.

Thank you for showing me the error I had made, again, I will be adjusting my senses to distinguish between biblical assertions and non-biblical assertions

Hi Heather,

I made this post  before I had read the article: Why Millions of Believers are going to Hell.
I just wanted to mention that so you would know that I have since come to an understanding of the word, and my opinions may change now to reflect  biblical beliefs.

When I mentioned an effeminate man was a harmless man, that is a quote from Dr. Jordan Peterson. He is a university professor.

A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control": Jordan Peterson

I will just make my own modifications to what he is saying. There is no "good man".

Mark 10:18
“And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.”

To put what Peterson is saying in my own words, I would change the word "good" to "effective". The quote would then read
"An harmless man is not an effective man. An effective man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control"

The "Voluntary Control" portion of this quote seems to indicate that the effective man has mustered up this "voluntary control" from his own will.

done, given, or acting of one's own free will.
"we are funded by voluntary contributions"

So, I would also say the "Voluntary Control" is also inaccurate, biblically. This scripture shows us why

James 1:17 - Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Because of this bible verse, we can see that a dangerous man cannot have "voluntary control". Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I consider this "voluntary control" that Peterson is referring to as a gift from God. I consider the fact that for the most part, the men I have encountered, dangerous or not, have never been uncontrollably ballistic in my direction. I have not suffered a random attack from a man, ever.

Now, if the quote were biblically correct, it would read

"An harmless man is not an effective man. An effective man is a very dangerous man who has that under the authority of Jesus"

I would change the last part from "voluntary control" to "under the authority of Jesus Christ" Because in tis we see that Jesus is the ultimate Authority.

Matthew 28:18 - And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Again, this quote, if biblically correct, would read:

"An harmless man is not an effective man. An effective man is a very dangerous man who has that under the authority of Jesus Christ"

Why is a harmless man an ineffective man?  Please correct me if I am wrong. I am getting my understanding from the Bible, so I want to be spot on.

David, though not yet a full grown man slew Goliath and effectively cut off his head!

King James Bible
Therefore David ran, and stood upon the Philistine, and took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof, and slew him, and cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they fled.

There are many examples in the Bible of men who were effective. David was a dangerous man- to Goliath. Goliath was in danger of death, even if he didn't recognize this.

Why is the effeminate man harmless?
I am not saying all effeminate men are harmless.
I am saying that harmless men are effeminate.

1 Timothy 5:8 - But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

make available for use; supply.
"these clubs provide a much appreciated service for this area"
supply · give · issue · furnish · lay out · come up with · dispense · bestow · [more]
(provide for)
make adequate preparation for (a possible event).
"new qualifications must provide for changes in technology"
prepare · allow · make provision · make preparations · be prepared · anticipate · arrange · make arrangements · get ready · plan · make plans · cater

I would consider the "provide" section of that scripture to also mean "Provide FOR another day". (we do not have the promise of tomorrow...) This can sometimes mean protecting the family. In some instances, if a stranger were to break into your house, during the night, and the Man of the house fired a weapon toward the intruder, the man would be considered dangerous. But he is also not to blame for providing security for his family.

A harmless/ pascifist man, as I understand it, is not effective at protecting himself, his family, or his community.

I have run out of time, I'm sorry! I will be back this weekend


Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 08, 2021, 04:14:42 PM »
Dear Ellie
This will be a quick response, until the weekend arrives and my responses will be fuller. I just wanted to quickly post and say I appreciate very much what you said. The heart is deceitful, and now I understand I sought those false teachings.
This is important to understand. If I try to justify myself by claiming it's all the "pied piper's" fault, then that is in vain. I fully sought after deception and reveled in it. I can't play an innocent card with God. He is not a liar.
Before I have read your response, I may have went on thinking the "pied piper" had played me. This is dangerous, it leads to false victimhood, and leaning upon my own understanding.
Thank you! I'll be back this weekend.

Dear Rowan
For the sake of the schedule I have today, this will be short. But to share a thought with you now rather than later when I might forget, I will post a small thought. Thank you for sharing your experience with Schnoebelen's material. I do somewhat relate on the feeling I received after hearing some of Schnoebelen's conclusions on the Word. I do not trust Schnoebelen, and have not for a long time. When Schnoebelen appeared on Zilinsky's radio show, I was pretty shocked. This is me speaking about my deeper thoughts: When I see a "Born Again" Christian who is an Ex-Satanist and Ex-Freemason who has moved on to being a Messianic Jew, that is a red flag. I don't know if he is a Messianic Jew. To me, that is a Christian/Jewish Hybrid of Christianity and Hebrew holidays, and the Yarmulka with ephasis on the Torah. I think it is quite concerning, and I question if Schnoebelen is deceived, or if he is purposefully deceiving. 

Thank you all for your thoughts


Because I am coming to this forum after leaving a conspiracy ministry, I wanted to make a couple comments from my own experience.

The conspiracy material is highly unsettling and does not bring peace. It is frightening material that Conspiracy Ministers insist we must know.

This quote is spot on
Quote from: Joshua JZB on March 23, 2021, 03:41:33 AM
Not sure if someone has mentioned this before, but I've noticed that conspiracy ministries really like to quote that Hosea verse.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” - Hosea 4:6

It's a great verse, but it felt like the only verse the conspiracy ministries I used to watch would ever quote. Probably because it's the only verse that they can use to kind of justify what they do. Though as you infer most of the time their 'knowledge' isn't even factual.

Yes, the conspiracy minded groups absolutely love this verse.
Essentially, conspiracy ministries will "pray against civil unrest" and then publish libraries of information that will push people into fear. These people, in turn, embark on a frenzied mission to "wake up" their darling friends, relatives, and strangers. This wakeup call is over-zealous and overbearing.

If I were to really go and place my deeper opinion here, I would say that the messages conspiracy ministries publish is to bring more money into the conspiracy ministries. After cultivating fear, they publish books, hold expensive study classes, and make expensive recommendations. For people who are ready for an uprising, there sure seem to be a lot of conspiracy ministers "raking it in" on the fear message.

2 Timothy 1: 7
 7For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Introduce Yourself / New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 05, 2021, 06:33:54 PM »
Hello forum!

Since my last introductory post, I have made significant changes to my life!
Last time, before I was banned, I introduced myself as someone engaged in "Deliverance Ministry" and I described repentance as "Turning Away". When I got a lot of feedback on my version of repentance, I was truly confused. I had recently heard online material explaining repentance as "Metanoia". The way the "original greek" translation of the word repentance was highly revered in the online sermon. The "metanoia" version was placed on a pedestal for it's "originalness".

Also, in regards to the Deliverance ministry, I just decided to trust Christopher who called it pagan "deliverance" garbage. Christopher only promotes BIBLE BASED understandings. Since "folding" on the deliverance ministry I had zealously followed for 3 years, I have learned an interesting fact...
Let me first explain who my "minister" was, and how the ministry works.

The minister is a woman known by "Sheila Zilinsky". She runs a radio show out of Canada, to "expose the NWO and teach the deeper things on God"... She has a weekly radio podcast, in which she invites pastors and teachers from around Canada and US, for them to either expose a "machination of darkness" or to share a teaching on "deliverance". I will refer to all pastors and teachers involved in Sheila's radio show as the "Deliverance Circuit".

The deliverance circuit use the word "deliverance" synonymously with "spiritual warfare", although they have different meanings. They claim that deliverance was 1/3 of the ministry of Christ. They also claim that deliverance was 2/3 the ministry of Christ. I have heard them claim it was both 1/3 and 2/3. Essentially, it has taken me 3 years to realize they are dividing the ministry of Christ into three categories: Preaching, healing, and casting out devils.

In the words of Zilinsky and her first mate Carla Butaud:
"Prayer is when you are addressing God, warfare is when you are addressing the enemy"

I was new to Christianity when I found the deliverance circuit, and it was very appealing to me at the time. I had had so many horrible events happen to me that I was basically begging God to help me, that I would make any change necessary to have peace, finally.

Horrible Events:
Extreme Emotional abuse from Narcissistic homosexual women
Lost my mind from trauma and wickedness
Family connections terminated
Wanting to die

Basically, Zilinsky chalks all horrible recurring experiences are curses! From witches, generational curses, familiar spirits. Okay, so I followed her "curse breaking" Instructions, invoking the name of Christ. Actually, I do have good results since following her directions -EXCEPT- ...

Matthew 7:22
“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?”

In this scripture from Matthew 7, we see the Lord himself acknowledging there will be many who will say Lord, Lord, didn't I break all my curses and cast these devils out, just like you did as recorded in the book of acts? Lord, I did deliverance, see?

Here's what Jesus will say to the deliverance circuit and their thousands of followers

Matthew 7:23
“And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

Let me tell you what the difference is between me now, and me when I was using "deliverance".

Now I know that none of these "warfare prayers" are going to save anyone from going to hell. I know that none of these "deliverance" ministers are bringing their congregations to grief and godly sorrow. Actually, they are barely even preaching the false version of repentance. It's mostly not taught at all. It's just not as juicy as "bringing down the NWO with prayer".

Why did I flip on deliverance ministry?

It did not take me long to come back to Christopher, apologizing and settling on ending my engagement in the deliverance circuit, and replacing my douay rheims bible for a KJV. After I was banned, I continued pouring over the website and the youtube sessions. My first full session was the 6 part series on repentance. It was very edifying, and for once in my life I realized I can detect leaven.

Now it was time for me to pick apart Zilinsky's teachings. First off, I should metion that I was having growing doubts that Zilinsky's ministry was legit. My questions to Zilinsky have almost all been unanswered, but they were the following, 1-4 questions.

  • 1.   How does Zilinsky reconcile her teachings with the biblical roles of women
    King James Bible
    But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

    I understand that women are not expected to be silent day in and day out, and I understand that women can have a role in evangelizing. But it is my understanding that woman pastors and teachers is not biblical. Zilinsky says she runs a "Ministry", maybe to avoid being called a teacher--however, she has opened some of her radio shows saying "I can't wait to get into this teaching" "This is a timely teaching!". This indicates she is literally teaching. Another proof of her being a teacher would be my own experience being taught by her.
    I was having questions bubble up about her role as a "teacher" in the Church.

  •   Why, after 3 years, do I still not understand the word?  This doesn't need much explanation. Most of her teachings are based by conspiracy, or a "machination of darkness"
    I think she derives this saying "expose the machinations of darkness" from:
    Ephesians 5:11 11And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them 

    Today, it is obvious to me that she has blown this verse completely out of context. What Zilinsky claims is that we have a responsibility as Christians to be "Exposing the machinations of darkness".

    [ mak-uh-ney-shuhn ]
    an act or instance of machinating.
    Usually machinations. crafty schemes; plots; intrigues.

     Zilinsky is saying that exposing the schemes of witches, femenists, NWO elite is a responsibility of Christians!
    As of today, I now know that the only way Zilinsky could have gotten "Expose the NWO" out of Ephesians 5:11 is by using the ESV Bible, which says
    Ephesians 5:11
    Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

    There is a serious difference between "reprove" and "expose", and I know now to use a KJV. Zilinsky has claimed to be a KJV "onlyist", but her use of the phrase "expose the works of darkness" shows she is not an KJV "onlyist".

  •    What does Zilinsky teach on repentance?  This is probably the biggest question, even though it has made it to number 3 on this list. Let me tell you what I've found: Zero teachings on repentance. You can check to see if I am right or not. She has literally hundreds of videos and podcasts. Literally hundreds of teachings exposing the depravity of the world and the plotting of the NWO. She has hundreds of videos in which she will pray "deliverance" over people- breaking their curses, teaching them which devils are which, and what maladies come with certain devils.

    I won't claim to say that I know more about devils than Zilinsky. She has libraries of information on fairies, marine spirits, familiar spirits. She has dedicated her life to exposing the "enviromentalists" and "techno-geddon" technology.

    The nail in the coffin for me, on Zilinskys ministry wasn't her material on the "darkness". The final straw was the abscence of material on repentance.

    Zilinsky will claim that Jesus himself expects us to be casting out the devils, healing the sick, and raising the dead. She says this over and over, that 2/3 of Jesus' ministry was casting out devils and healing the sick. My point is, Why has Sheila left out that lonely 1/3 of Jesus' Ministry? Repentance. This was also the first thing the Apostles did after Jesus ascended. Zilinsky is obviously leaving repentance out. This is a grave error. A keyword search on her youtube channel will reveal she has NO teachings on repentance. Again, this is a grave error.

    She loves to use the phrase "Jesus Himself".
     I.E. "Jesus Himself said this, Jesus Himself did that" - She does this to fortify her point and make what she teaches "indisputable"

    Here's what I say to Zilinsky's Ministry:
    "Jesus Himself" prophesied:

    Matthew 7: 22 - 23

    Many will say to me in that day, LORD, LORD, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    Zilinsky and the rest of the deliverance circuit are fulfilling Christ's prophecy by creating MANY deliverance vigilantes who do not know what repentance is. They don't even get a false teaching on repentance. They get no material whatsoever on repentance.

    I searched the material from these entities who are often on Zilinsky's show. Their websites or youtubes reveal NO MATERIAL on repentance.

    West Coast Church of Deliverance/ Montrose Colorado
    Promised Land Ministries / Edmonton Canada
    Carla Butaud
    Monty Mulkey
    Tom Horn
    Dr. William Schnoebelen
    "Apostle" Danny Morano
    Many, many more

  •    Why has Zilinsky contradicted herself?
    I'll quickly get into this one, it doesn't need a lot of explanation. I can say I know probably 90% of Zilinsky's material. I own two of her books, I listened to as many of her podcasts as possible. I have some practically memorized. I can say confidently I know her material enough to make the claim she has contradicted herself.
    She made a podcast about "Zionism and the Kabballah" in which she SLAMS the Hebrew Roots movement and even says to her guest that she would ask a Hebrew Root's member  sarcastically "Where do you burn your sacrifices?". She had more to say about how using the name "Yeshua" is wrong and we shouldn't do it, that supporting Israel is supporting 3rd term abortion and homosexuality. 
    Maybe you're thinking, Where is her contradiction?
    Just two weeks ago, Zilinsky had a guest on her show: An Ex-Witch and Ex- Freemason known As "Dr. William Schnoebelen" who refers to Jesus Christ as "Yehushua Ha'Maschia", wears a yarmulka and possibly some other Jewish Garb.

    The contradiction to me, is that she verbally sanctified herself from this doctrine, yet brought someone who, in my opinion, is definitionally a Hebrew Rootist onto her show.

    Zilinsky has brought many people on her show who have brought contradictory doctrines on air. I have even heard someone once claim that "Jesus and Satan are Brothers" on her show, with no correction from Zilinsky. I don't remember which Guest had said that, but I believe it was either Monty Mulkey or Tom Horn.

Well I certainly think that is enough information about Zilinsky. While this part of my new introduction is not about me specifically, it does shed some light on what I have been doing for the past 3 years in my spiritual life. I was continually praying that God would guide me, if I ever was ignorant or unwitting to false teachings. God heard my prayer, and he has mercifully brought me to the unleavened teachings on
I am very blessed to have found this website. I did not understand the word, I did not know how to teach the word. When I say teach the word, I am talking about speaking of repentance to anyone, randomly. Not a regimented teaching.
I did not understand repentance, and while I may have been given the gift of grief and Godly sorrow of wrongdoing, I did not know it was a gift, I did not know what to do with it, I did not know it was repentance.

Because I simply cannot be certain that I have truly repented, I have been praying that this gift could be brought to me by his grace. I have so much more to be cleaning out of my life, but I have a good start, thanks to God's grace and longsuffering: He has truly heard my prayers. I have renounced homosexuality, drinking, drugs, tobacco, mainstream music and media. Doing these things, by the grace of God, has changed my life from scary and dangerous to peaceful and fulfilling. I finally have another resource to continue to clean my life out, doing works meet for repentance.

I am 26 years old, I live in Central Utah. I am an exmormon, I left Mormonism for paganism, drinking, and homosexuality. Once those sins ravaged my life to be almost unlivable, I came in sorrow and begging the Lord God to save me. Since then, I have seen many parts of my life converted from unbridled wickedness to sanctification- All Glory to the Lord God.

My mother and step father are devout Mormons who have "moved on" from having me and my twin brother in their lives. My twin brother is a US Navy Veteran who believes he is a woman on the inside and his wife believes she is non-binary, or no gender. My twin thinks the Bible was fabricated and believes in evolution. He gets very angry when I bring up the Bible, he wrongly thinks it is "Sexist and Racist". My life is somewhat lonely in terms of family or friends.
I have the Lord God as the focus of my life, and he has blessed me. I do not feel alone, although I do not have a network of people I engage with.

I hope I can find a place here on the forum and in the Group. I'm sorry I did not originally understand what everyone was saying the first go around. I thought that the "Metanoia" definition of repentance was the only answer. I was definitely confused!

I'm really looking forward to any replies, and I want you all to know I have really been pouring myself over the material on this website. I find it all very special, and I am currently about halfway through the "Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism" Youtube Sessions. I knew Catholicism was off, but now I can see perfectly clear: Catholicism is Paganism.

I also now know, that My dad, my grandpa, and my grandma are all in Hell because they rejected Jesus Christ. That is saddening, but it shows the importance of repentance. God was longsuffering with all three of those family members. Unless the the last moments of their life, they were given the Gifts of grief and sorrow of wrongdoing, believing in Christ, it can be said they went to hell.

As for my dad, before his death, he got involved in new-age spiritualism: Using tarot cards and Native American spiritism, or Native American Witchcraft. My father's father, and my mother's mother died as Mormon's. One of my grandmother's last wish was to "renew her temple recommend" (the Plastic ID Card that grants entrance to the Mormon temple)
I'm almost certain this was her preparing for the heaven the Mormons taught her, that by renewing her temple recommend, she would be worthy to enter heaven. This isn't the case, she went to hell, and so did my other family members.

I don't tell any of this lightly, but just to convey my grief on this, and my testimony that I fully know what repentance is now, I know how important it is, and that there is no other way into heaven Except through Repentance and believing on Christ. His blood must be on my account.

I give thanks to the Lord God who saw fit for me to find the truth on repentance, and the truth of entering Heaven, through Christ.

Thank you for reading!

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member
« on: June 22, 2021, 05:56:19 PM »
1Then Job answered and said,
2How long will ye vex my soul,
And break me in pieces with words?
Job 19

Get delivered, stop vexing others Christopher

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