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Messages - Jesusistheway1964

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Introduce Yourself / Re: Introducing myself
« on: June 10, 2021, 08:07:58 PM »
One more thing...I thought Ellie was Timothy. Because he is very rude to others on here. And you defend him for some odd reason...I was not rude to Ellie just told the truth

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introducing myself
« on: June 10, 2021, 08:01:54 PM »
Please ban are weird you are cult leader and they go by everything you are not are man. You act no different than anny other false teacher you have claimed are false.  Good bye....Get saved
Btw I have read  some of your stuff.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introducing myself
« on: June 10, 2021, 07:53:33 PM »
Of course its Godly sorrow...maybe I did not make that clear. But faith without works is dead...I don't care what you guys say. You sound like easy beleivism like all the Churches of today.  You cannot continue to indulge in sin and claim you are saved...that's a lie from the devil.  And you guys are very rude to say the least... I read alot of the the introductions from people and yall are very rude to many of them . Especially the fellow that wrote ahead of you.. They believe everything you say....don't they? WOW

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introducing myself
« on: June 10, 2021, 03:26:50 PM »
Thanks for replying..first of all you are typical response and expected that.  The world calls it a conspiracy because it goes agianst their agenda..That's an easy way out for you..To truly know Jesus you have to know the lies of this world and who controls it...Satan.  The Bible clearly states that the Earth is stable and cannot be moved. Its says there is an Firmament above us and the waters were separated from the waters. The foundation of our world is important whether you think so are not. When our Churches are teaching we are living on spinning marble. They are decieving those Church goers. You claim you believe  in Gods word and call the truth of the Earth a conspiracy. Read it for yourself and stop beleiving man/NASA. If the Bible says the Earth is stable and cannot be moved. What does that mean?
Churches,schools, government are putting constantly in your face. If the Bible says something different than NASA Then foundation of the Bible is lie and nothing but fairy tales. You can't pick and choose what is true out the Bible. It's all true friend. Thats exaclty what made me realize that God is real. And that Jesus Christ is his only begotten Son. Because a spinning marble never made sense to me. Moving at ungodly speeds through infinite nothing.  If you believe the world/NASA and all those fake space agencies lieing to you then how can you claim to know the truth. God/Jesus is the only truth. If you watch TV,  movies are anything in this world. Watching sports which is nothing but idiotry.. You obviously cannot serve both. I am wasting my time here because you beleive the lies of this world and are decieved by it. Unfortunately I  have seen your arrogant responses to others on here. You are no different than any of the Churches out there. I though maybe yall were different. Where is your love friend? You seem to lack it. Please allow others to see this before you just block me are take me off your site. My testimony is exactly what I wrote. The truth vs a lie. The foundation of our Earth showed me that there is a Creator and that The Holy Bible is his truth/KJV.  Covid 19 is a lie and if you want to call what I said a conspiracy. You are programmed like everyone else in this world... Btw .. repentence has many definitions and uses. It can mean sorrow, but more so means to turn from you sin... Its used in many different context in the Bible.  GOD repented that he created man. GOD did not change his mind but rather felt sorrow and grief for creating us. Different contexts there. You should always feel sorry for your sin as well... in using the word in contexts. It's not a one time thing.

Introduce Yourself / Introducing myself
« on: June 10, 2021, 02:07:50 PM »
My name is Jeffery young. I found this site by accident looking for true Christian's that love Jesus and are awake to the lies of this world. I happened to read the post  by the owner of this website about the Greek lexicon deception. I found it very refreshing. My reason for being on here is to find others that know that Covid 19 virus was fake and that Christian's should not fall for it. I want to find others that know that we have been lied to about the Earth. NASA is a freemason/luciferian organization and has decieved us about what we live on and many beleive the fake science/psuedoscience being thrown at us in all directions. I would like to show people how we been lied and prove it though scripture. The Bible says Satan has decieved the whole world and its 100% true. Even so called beleivers or decieved by these luciferians/masons that run this world. I am a Christian. I attend no 501 3c coded Church. The Church is not a building. Its the people who actually love Jesus Christ and do as he commands. I do not watch TV, listen to any music whether supposed Christian or not. Many so called Christian singers have come out gay and openly admitted they were never Christian's. I do not watch any TV. I do not watch movies. Everything is for programming our minds. If you love the world you cannot love God.  I beleive in repentance and only use KJV. All others are corrupted. I believe we must live a holy life. I beleive we should confess our sins to God when we are aware that we have sinned  I bleive we should pray without ceasing. I believe only in the Doctrine of Gods word. I listen to no man. It's almost impossible to find a true teacher is this day and age. I read the Bible and the Holy Spirit is my teacher. I do not believe in the rapture. We will go though the tribuation. Its cut and dry and I have no idea why it's even an issue. If you are going to respond, please be polite as I will treat you as Jesus commanded us to.

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