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Messages - theAXEisLAID

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General Discussion / Re: Reproving the Works of Videogames: Final Fantasy
« on: December 30, 2021, 11:43:53 AM »
God willing I may be able to use some of this with my oldest son when we talk. I was not saved when he lived at home and I have many regrets with how I parented him because I did not follow God's instructions.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

I think this is one of the games that my son has allowed to take him down a dark path. I made him stay away from Final Fantasy when he was in my home but once he left he was free to do as he wanted. He has since lost a good job that would have provided well for him and his health has greatly diminished. He is full of pride (as I once was and still struggle with) and usually won't stand for much direct rebuke from me before he tucks tail and runs off. I want to be wise in my conversation with him in order to address repentance - so thanks for the details of this game and shedding some light on the darkness surrounding it. I should also have a copy of the article Chris wrote on standby to have ready should my son be open to reading it.  :)

General Discussion / Re: Looking for a video... Could Use Some Help
« on: October 28, 2021, 10:29:43 PM »
I am really glad that Joshua found the video. I was actually dreading going through anymore of this man's lectures but look forward to the exposé.

General Discussion / Re: Looking for a video... Could Use Some Help
« on: October 21, 2021, 10:03:23 PM »
Chris, having never listened to Mike Hoggard I decided to give this a try. I have found about two minutes of this two hour online broadcast that I think fits the description you're looking for. I watched and listened to the two full hours and at least now I can encourage other's to flee from this man's teachings. The title is "Birth of a Savior," and if you could listen starting at the 1:43.00 mark through to 1:44.35, I think you would know right away if this is what you are looking for without wasting your time if I am off. This is really the only part of the entirety of this particular broadcast that matches your description on "sun" worship. He also goes off on a rant about a street preacher who doesn't celebrate Christmas hurting the feelings of those who do.

Law/Legal / Re: Perfect Example of Standing Up for the First Amendment!
« on: August 15, 2021, 11:08:05 PM »
The one word that came to my mind when watching this video - BRAVE

General Discussion / Re: COVID-19 VACCINE
« on: July 20, 2021, 12:50:52 PM »
Still massive because the theory behind the vaccine is that it is supposed to make you immune. And as I have pointed out in my teaching on the matter, it does no such thing.

Israel knows this too as fully vaccinated tourists continue to be banned from entering.

COVID: Entrance of vaccinated to Israel postponed again amid outbreak

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member- Returned from Banning
« on: July 05, 2021, 07:19:20 PM »
McKenna - I enjoyed reading your new introduction. Praise God, that you have seen the corruption in Mormonism and the deliverance circuit. I wallowed in the corruption of man's deceitful religion for a long time before I came to understand as you said, "that there is no other way into heaven Except through Repentance and believing on Christ." That really is the dividing factor for all men and even the dividing factor for those who confess Christ. It is good to have you back.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member
« on: June 23, 2021, 10:30:51 AM »
I have heard some of her strange charismatic phrases in the circles I used to be part of (before I was saved), like "speaking spirits" over people, breaking generational curses, an obsession with supposedly "casting demons out," and generally just an eccentric way of speaking.
Yes - good point and now that I think about it, every charismatic church building I belonged to (and it was a lot) were all heavily influenced by deliverance ministries. One of the major books for the deliverance ministry is Pigs in the Parlor: A Practical Guide to Deliverance. This book has influenced many people into believing this load of rubbish. The devil gets blamed for a lot of people's personal sin in these circles. Thinking they are casting out their demons (sin) when instead they should be repenting, having faith in Christ and following the word of God.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. JAMES 4:7

Bible Discussion / Re: mystery of iniquity
« on: June 07, 2021, 10:29:58 AM »
Perhaps this passage is more relevant to what you are dealing with:
Matthew 15:14 KJV — Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Agreed - I don't hang out with my brother but I want to continue to warn him when I have the opportunity.
It all comes down to Pride.
Absolutely - the concept of pride being sinful is foreign to him and so many others.

Bible Discussion / mystery of iniquity
« on: June 06, 2021, 10:11:48 PM »
2 Thessalonians 2:7
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

I was thinking about the “mystery of iniquity” and what it might be. Could it be how sin blinds men from having understanding? More specifically men blinded by their sin who are not born again, likened to the fool who fears not God and therefore has no wisdom. In the context of the 2nd chapter of 2nd Thessalonians, those with whom God sends a strong delusion are in for big trouble.
I think about this “mystery of iniquity” concept from time to time when dealing with some of the false converts in my life and I don’t know for sure that I am correct in my understanding. For example, my brother smokes weed and cigarettes one minute and will give a hallelujah praise Jesus shout the next. I have told him these things ought not to be (and many other ridiculous things too) but it is a process that has been repeating itself. I have found myself thinking – that must be the “mystery of iniquity.”

General Discussion / Re: Covid-19
« on: May 23, 2021, 09:56:26 AM »
Dept of Labor and OSHA Reverse Course, Will Not Enforce Employer Responsibility to Report COVID Vaccination Injuries

 OSHA is now saying they will not “enforce” that record-keeping requirement until May of 2022.

It's always been $5.
My bad - I didn't remember that and I was excited to reorder. Recently, God has allowed me to give a few of these to people who seem genuinely interested in reading it and that has blessed me tremendously.

I just put an order in and do not remember this book only being $5 dollars. What a great deal!

Evangelism / Re: JazzFest 2021 Murfreesboro TN
« on: May 01, 2021, 09:40:07 PM »
Thank you Kenneth for doing what you do. It encourages me to see you sound off with boldness, truth and love for your neighbor.

Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24

General Discussion / Re: Soldiers Sleep Anywhere
« on: April 02, 2021, 03:47:29 PM »
Kevin - forgive the late reply here but I really wanted to respond because I know exactly what your talking about. Some of the best sleep I ever had while soldiering is when I have been in the most uncomfortable of places. Positioned on the rocks of some desert or in a mummy bag on some frozen ground I always looked forward to rest time. I found it the hardest to sleep when it was so hot and humid that I couldn't stop sweating and it felt like bugs were just feasting on me - Summers in Tennessee/Kentucky and Georgia/Alabama come to mind.

There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked. Isaiah 48:22
Of course my sleep is so much more peaceful now that I trust in Christ.

General Discussion / Re: Normalizing open carry
« on: April 02, 2021, 01:54:36 PM »
I am thinking if citizens everywhere were allowed to walk around like that we would have a lot less crime. The first time I saw someone carrying open was in Alaska around 2004 and it was an old woman who looked like someone's grandmother. She got my attention so immediately because she was wearing a chest rig that looked to be holstering a Smith and Wesson model 500. I was fishing on the Russian river. Her reasoning I found out quickly was not to thwart off criminals but it was to deter the hungry grizzly bears. Open carry definitely sends a message of "I will defend myself."

General Discussion / Re: Pretending to Protect
« on: March 31, 2021, 09:16:11 PM »
Hey Chris – I am really sorry for my actions here.
First I am sorry for the deceit of my first post and second I am sorry for trying to justify myself in the second. Thank you for being patient with me.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Proverbs 27:6

In my foolish pride I wrote a letter to you again trying to justify myself. I was going into some details of my past that brought up some unrepentant hatred I had from nearly 20 years ago. I cried unto God knowing how wrong and shameful this murderous hatred is in his site. Afterwards, I began to look at my actions here with an understanding and I see I was in error. 
Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Psalm 32:1

General Discussion / Re: Pretending to Protect
« on: March 29, 2021, 03:15:31 PM »

Just because someone quotes a verse of Scripture does not mean we're talking about the Bible, and there was no place in his comments where he wanted to discuss Scripture. In fact, it seemed like a bit of a stretch what he even connected the verse to (which I will discuss in a moment), and indeed, he said, "I somewhat liken this," which doesn't mean it has anything to do with what he's talking about. In other words, he was somewhat forcing this post out, which is unlike his other past posts, and I'll get to that in a moment.
I posted here in the "General Discussion," category because I agree it is a stretch with the verse and seemed like a better fit than the "Bible Discussion" category. I did force this post out but I was not trying to be deceitful and that is why I said what I said about joining the private forum - it doesn't take rocket science to figure out I was hoping to see the insurrection act updates - which I will address later in my post.

What David did was simply let them fool themselves. If they were to judge righteous judgment instead of judging according to the appearance because of the sinfulness of their hearts, they would have found him easily. Withholding information is not necessarily lying and deceit; it can be, but not in this instance.
This response right here is why I follow the CLE ministry - not because of deep state updates. Spot on, Chris you are a very smart man. I thank the Lord Jesus that He has gifted you and for what you do for the Church. I know Chris doesn't like to hear any personal praise and that is understandable but I think most members on here would agree with that statement. I am hoping to reason this out.
Furthermore, I know what David (the author of the post) is doing, and I personally think it's shameful. I don't want to be too hard on him because he has made some good posts in the past, but I don't believe he has much interest in fellowship with us. He joined back in October (over half a year ago) and had a little bit of conversation with some folks in his introduction post, and since then, he's typically made one short post about once a month to maintain his account so it doesn't get deleted.
Actually I do have interest in fellowshipping with you all but I think Chris has me wrong on this account. I was a bit taken back that other than Chris not one other male in my introduction thread said hello or anything welcoming to me. The ladies however were the complete opposite. I wasn't sure exactly how to carry on after that especially when it is known that silence to a post generally means there is nothing to say or nobody wants to say anything. So be it - my feelings were hurt and I know they deceive me so "churhanity niceness" is no big deal but because of this I didn't press the issue to join the fellowship. I thought that over time my posts would prove my sincerity and I would eventually get invited.
Suddenly, when I moved the Insurrection thread, now we get this strange post from him the next day. Coincidence? No, because he said it himself:
I am also trying to get a few more posts in hopes to gain access to the private section of the forum and I did not want to add any remarks to other threads just for the sake of adding remarks
If David's going to be honest, that was his real intention with this post.
Again - I agree, I actually had erased a portion of the post that said it was forced to get to the private section but that is not why I am here on the forum. I actually signed up before the insurrection updates, I am here to be with like minded Christians.

Since the thread was locked I couldn't respond but if I could have, I would have responded with something like this:
     Chris, I appreciate the time you put forth sifting through the falsehoods surrounding this whole ordeal. It is indeed work to research all of this. You have saved me a great deal of time and energy as I catch the updates here and it has enabled me to focus more on the work I have. I used to spend hours reading the news, both mainstream and alternative but because of your effort I am able do less of it. I am the administrator of my father's estate, so I have been busy dealing with my siblings and many of my crazy relatives (and I am sure they say the same about me). I am hoping to be able to retain the farm (which needs a lot of maintenance). Before I was a Christian I pledged to take care of my Aunt and it has been very trying dealing with her too.

I see now I should have started a thread with this explanation but I didn't think of that. Sorry for my indirectness with my intentions. 

So his first thought was to add some remarks, just to get above the threshold so he can read that thread, but then he thought to himself, "Well, that might seem really superficial and would not look good," so instead of searching his heart and thinking about these facts, he tried to come up with an original post so it looked better on the outside, hoping that we would judge this according to the appearance like the wicked men listed in the verse he quoted. That's why (as you may have noticed) his thoughts seem so forced, especially in comparison to his past posts, and frankly, it irritates me. I don't like having to say that with people such as David, because I think God has given him a good understanding, but I have to be blunt here because I don't want others doing this same thing. The only reason I'm responding this thoroughly is because Jeanne asked for it, but otherwise, I would not have responded with this much detail because I know what's going on, and I did not want to contribute to it. I think it's shameful, and I also think it reveals the true heart of some of those on this forum; it demonstrates who is here to have fellowship with Christians and discussing matters with one another, and who is just hanging around in the background so they can get a news feed.
Well kinda/sorta - yes to the get over the threshold but no to the trying to look good. That was stupid for me to post like that - I didn't think it through so I look foolish - not the first time. I thought it would be better to come up with a topic than to post something like a smiley face or just a "yes I agree," social media type response. I would rather fellowship with Christians over having news feed so keep me out if that is what must be done in order that I prove myself. I actually always thought what David did in that instance was lying and did think it was an interesting subject. I don't want to irritate Chris - definitely not what I want to do. More importantly I don't want to irritate the Lord Jesus so I'll try to be more direct moving forward.

Just a reminder: That is not what this forum was created for. I don't mind if people want to read our public posts, which is why I kept the public section open to the public and did not just privatize the whole thing, but those who want to communicate with us on here make themselves known by their actions, not by having 20 posts, and we can easily discern the difference between the two.
I have been busy with life just like everyone else but nothing is more important than the Lord Jesus and his people. I know it takes time to write thoroughly well thought out responses - it shows you care. I will keep the one liners to a minimum. I think Chris is right that I was hoping to get into the private section but I think he is wrong in my intentions. I am only a few years removed from the Army and I worked for some of the top brass and know some of them fairly well. There are both good and bad in the military amongst the top brass. One of my old bosses who I would not want to be mad at me (again) is in what I consider one of, if not the most important positions in the military. For this plan to unfold he has to be on board. I know enough about operational security to keep my mouth shut and that is why I just read and never commented. I write this to hopefully further explain why I care to read the open source reporting Chris was doing. I know my old boss and many others are up against a mountain of brainwashed operatives.

I definitely do not place these things above the things of God and I am sorry if I came across that way. Again not a big deal to not read the updates, the Lord Jesus is more important I'll be fine without them.

General Discussion / Re: Pretending to Protect
« on: March 29, 2021, 08:10:19 AM »
Let's first ask a question: When governments execute a criminal, are they guilty of murder?
No - a criminal committing capital crime is worthy to receive capital punishment.

General Discussion / Pretending to Protect
« on: March 28, 2021, 10:03:05 PM »
I have from time to time thought about the life of the "secret agent man." I am talking about the good guy spy who infiltrates the terrorist's headquarters and ruins the bad guys' plot to blow up a building or foils their plans to assassinate a world leader. I somewhat liken this to what David did when acting mad.

And David laid up these words in his heart, and was sore afraid of Achish the king of Gath. And he changed his behaviour before them, and feigned himself mad in their hands, and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and let his spittle fall down upon his beard. Then said Achish unto his servants, Lo, ye see the man is mad: wherefore then have ye brought him to me? 1 Samuel 21:12-14

So even being in a life and death position like this, was not David's fictitious actions considered lies? I have read accounts of undercover police bringing down entire criminal gangs by doing this type of pretending. Many of these police were scared too and pretended to be someone they were not in order to survive.

I do not consider children playing Cowboys and Indians sinful lying but I do think most actors cross the line in Hollywood and consider their pretending to be sinful. I am sure a lot has to do with the heart. Because a little white lie to perhaps not hurt someone's feelings is still a lie - it is hard for me to justify this kind of undercover work. I am glad I don't have to do it but at the same time thankful that others do.

Curious to hear any insight anyone might have. Maybe I am just over thinking it and apologies if this has been covered elsewhere. I am also trying to get a few more posts in hopes to gain access to the private section of the forum and I did not want to add any remarks to other threads just for the sake of adding remarks. 

Hello Marthina - I wanted to share something from the link you provided at the top of your post.  It took me to the Fundamental Evangelicalism teaching video from The Berean Call.

At the 40:15 mark of the video the lady speaking declares, "The Gospel of Salvation - where we repent of our sins and accept Jesus into our heart."  To me the phrase, accepting Jesus into your heart, is the very epitome of the churchanity lingo that has been harmful to many.  I too think some good info could be found but I am skeptical because I think some confusion would be found also.

I did not dig deep into the videos, I only skimmed through a few and do not like their use of a new age bible version as well.

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