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Messages - what2do

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Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 15, 2020, 06:32:59 PM »

This is my last reply and I am writing primarily for the benefit of those who may read this in the hopes their eyes will be opened to some schemes of the devil.

In my opinion, and I could be wrong, is you have constantly assumed to know my motives because you are attempting to project your motives for doing things on me as a defense mechanism.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 15, 2020, 04:20:48 PM »
Be warned of anyone who ignores/avoids/refuses to answer questions as questions reveal motives.  Also, be warned of anyone who claims to know why someone does something without asking the person questions.  Separately these could be indicators that the person answers to no one but themselves (they have become the god of their life) when combined together the likelihood of this dramatically increases.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 15, 2020, 04:15:48 PM »

I did not read your first post carefully and I spoke hastily in my first reply  For both of these I sincerely apologize.  The other night when I went back and reread everything I picked up on your "sleight of hand" in your first post.  I never said anything close to what you implied and then you asked me if it sounds silly.  Because I did not read your post carefully and I replied hastily I fell for your trickery and said no to your question all the while missing that you took my words out of context.  It does sounds silly and I never said anything close to it.

Here is an excellent sermon for anyone who has ears to hear.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 14, 2020, 03:05:01 PM »
So there is no confusion I was baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  While the word Trinity is nowhere in the Bible the Trinity can be seen in Scripture.  The best example is in the story when Jesus was baptized.  The Son was there, the Holy Spirit as a dove, and the voice of the Father.  An extremely clear picture of the 3 manifestations of God coexisting.  Holy, Holy, Holy...  So many scriptures...  The Spirit of adoption causes hearts to cry Abba Father.  The catholic church got the Trinity right.  When I was in the Philippines Oneness Pentecostals were everywhere and they would say so you are basically catholic because you believe in the Trinity.  That logic is foolish as it is throwing out the baby with the bath water  So the question is who here has leaven?  I know I do because I certainly don't have perfect doctrine and there is no one who does.  According to Christopher it leavens the whole lump and yes that is in Scripture, however, he is taking it to an extreme that God never intended plus he is doing something I THINK I have heard him say not to do which is establishing a doctrine based on one Scripture.  One of the biggest things I ever learned was listen to what people say and watch how they live (something that can't be done online).  It's only a matter of time before they show who they really are.  In my opinion Christopher is teaching in a way that preys upon human susceptibilities and this ends in people realizing they have replaced God with a man.  The way some of you have come to his defense when I have criticized him indicates to me you are defending an idol.

This article is a worthwhile read...,_abuse,_and_addiction

The signs/indicators I have been seeing in this forum are very "cultic"...  Of course don't automatically believe me.  Search things out on your own. 

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 14, 2020, 12:50:01 PM »

You said "Instead you make excuses because of your pride by basically saying that God wont hold you accountable of your word because this is online and the internet didnt exist when the Bible was written so therefore your typed words are not your real words.  Doesnt that seem silly?"

I never said anything you have claimed here as you have taken what I said out of context.  IF I had said it of course it would be silly.  It would also be foolish.  Of course, God sees everything we say in any format - he also knows our intentions for everything we do (unlike men who perceive things the way they want to that supports their assertations).   

IF I am right about this then it seems you and Christopher have attempted to bind heavy burdens upon other shoulders for which they cannot carry and fasley accused me of being a liar. 

It goes without saying IF you all are right then I am a liar.  I am not even close to believing that God forbids mankind from changing their minds and considered anyone who does a liar as you both have me if their intentions were never to deceive (I will study God's word more in this area).  Just remember you all must live by that same standard.  When you say you are making burgers for dinner and it becomes chicken because you learned the kids had burgers last night at little Johnny's house after you said burgers than you are a liar if you make chicken.  Of course it is best to gather all the facts before saying anything and refrain from speaking hastily but no Christian walks in this perfectly.  Now to me (and I could be a lying self-deceived prideful man) no changing your mind even in light of new relevant information is silly but then again the wisdom of God is foolish to man. 

I am sincerely seeking answers to the questions I asked you and I look forward to reading your responses. 

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 14, 2020, 12:34:40 AM »
I reread all of the thread while I did not cry I felt a burden because others took the time to write and share their stories...

Hello everyone.  My name is Eric and I am 44 years old.  I was born in Falls Church, VA and lived there for 38 years.  Shortly after the Lord got me in 2014 I moved to Dallas.  Over the past 6 years, I have lived in Texas, the Philippines, Ohio, and now I live in Missouri.  After returning from the Philippines I decided to go back to school so that I can legally work in foreign countries as an English teacher.  I also started teaching English online to Chinese kids and did that for 20 months and loved it.  I am now within 4 classes of completing my (criminal justice and computer science) and am starting a new job in IT today.  My goal is to be able to get remote work from anywhere in the world or at least be able to teach English to support preaching and teaching the word of God.

I can't say specifically when I came to faith and repentance in the Lord Jesus Christ.  It was an unraveling experience for me.  Going back to 2013 I was frustrated with life.  The best way of describing it is that I was on a hamster wheel.  No matter what I tried it didn't work and I tried everything except for Christianity.  I know now that I was deeply involved in the occult.  I thought believed in God but I was deceived by the god of this world who comes as an angel of light.  I imagined a God that would meet my needs.  In July of 2013, I planned a "soul searching" trip to Nicaragua.  It was delayed 2 times and the 3rd time I left.  Just before taxing the flight attendant said they have a seat for me in first class.  A young girl sat next to me about 16 years old.  We started talking and she said she was going to Nicaragua to preach the Gospel.  Her parents just sold their house in Atlanta and were using the money to do the same.  The 3 or so hour flight went by fast and just after the pilot said we were approaching Managua she asked if she would pray for me.  She asked if I was ever involved in freemasonry and if she could pray for me.  I said ok and all I remember is her saying in the name of Jesus as I was wondering why is she not just saying God...  I know now that she was casting out demons.  She wrote something down, gave me the note, and said you are going to find the truth on this trip.  Upon my arrival at the place, I rented I opened my wallet, pulled out the note, torn it up and put it in the trash.  I was in Nicaragua for 7 weeks or so and when I came back home I felt like I was in quicksand.  I felt worse than when I left and I certainly did not find my purpose as I planned.  Shortly after I was scheduled to attend a weekend seminar, I went, and I remember one of the speakers said you all are fighters if you were drowning you would gasp for every breath of air and I remember thinking no I wouldn't I want to die.  A few days later I saw an acquaintance on facebook and he looked really happy.  I asked him what are you doing...  He said you need to buy this course.  It was a 7 keys to financial success something but it was based on God's word.  It had a landing page with videos one of which displayed Jesus in a way I had never seen Him before.  I bought the course and there were scriptures I had never read before.  Some were amazing and some bothered me as all my friends at the time were doing things that God called abominations in Deu 18.  I completed the course but put it to the side and continued in my coping mechanisms.  My brother's 40th birthday was coming up and our mom planned a surprise birthday party for him at a magic, hypnosis, and mind control show on December 28th, 2013.  We went, I had one small glass of margarita, and I woke up 6 hours after leaving the show in the GWU hospital to the sound of an iv beeping, lights in my room quickly coming on, and a flood of nurses.  I remember seeing the GWU name tag I asked am I dreaming.  She said no you were found unresponsive on Pennsylvania Ave and were rushed here by ambulance - we are questioning whether you were poisoned.  That was never determined, however, apparently, my blood alcohol came back at .3.  I was totally fine when I woke up and upon my discharge, I asked the doctor how one can get a .3 blood alcohol from having just one small glass of margarita (6'3 200lbs) she said well you know peoples bodies respond differently to which I looked her straight in the eyes and said someone tried killing me.  Everyone at the show got home safely but it was just weird.  One of those things that I had so many questions but now I simply believe that the plan was to make it look like I drank too much and ended up in a gutter.  I would not at all be surprised if I wasn't drugged and taken all kinds of places as DC - perhaps freemason rituals given the freemason roots of DC.  Anyway...  I always knew that God has a plan for me and I knew God's angels (hands) protected me.  I find it very interesting that the devil tried taking me out right after God's word had been scattered at me.  The guy who told me to buy that course was like yo the devil tired taking you out and he continued sharing God's word with me and kind of mentored me you could say.  2 months later I was saying that Jesus is my Savior, two months later I wanted to join a church and requested to be baptized.  I got baptized I think May 25th of 2014 so I identified with the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  My old man was buried with Him praise the Lord and the same Spirit that raised Him from the dead quickened my mortal body.  It was the following week someone prayed for me after service and I needed to walk out because I could tell I was going to break down.  I started driving and I needed to pull off into a side neighborhood and I just broke down.  I believe God gave me a new heart that day.

That is as far as I got this morning...  I may or may not add more...

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 13, 2020, 10:56:24 PM »

How are you reconciling your accusation of me being a liar with the definition of a liar?  Are you claiming that I posted with the intention to deceive? 

Are Christians not allowed to change their mind?

LIA'R, noun [from lie.]

1. A person who knowingly utters falsehood; one who declares to another as a fact what he knows to be not true, and with an intention to deceive him. The uttering of falsehood by mistake, and without an intention to deceive, does not constitute one a liar.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 13, 2020, 09:52:31 PM »

I pray that his concern is genuine.  The truth is that abusers love to hide behind a mask of concern as well.  Chris's concern seems off (overbearing???) to me.  I don't think he would be coming down on people with God's word the way he has if he were truly concerned.

I don't know if you like to read but these are great books for anyone to read:

Red Flag Churches: Distinguishing Protection from Control
The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse: Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority Within the Church
Unholy Charade: Unmasking the Domestic Abuser in the Church
A Cry for Justice: How the Evil of Domestic Abuse Hides in Your Church

May God bless and protect you in all your ways.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 13, 2020, 09:42:25 PM »
LIA'R, noun [from lie.]

1. A person who knowingly utters falsehood; one who declares to another as a fact what he knows to be not true, and with an intention to deceive him. The uttering of falsehood by mistake, and without an intention to deceive, does not constitute one a liar.

God knows my intentions when I said I was going to write the new post in 48 hours and my intention was never to deceive anyone.  I planned on doing it and in fact started writing it.  After realizing what I explained earlier today I changed my mind.  EVERYONE is entitled to change their mind.  As soon as I knew I wasn't going to follow through on my word I acknowledged it and informed him.  That is called taking responsibility and being accountable. 

No it doesn't seem silly at all.  Nice try though.

So do you never change your mind?  I would find that hard to believe and holding others to a standard that you do not follow yourself is legalism/hypocritical.

EVERYTHING in God's kingdom is based on intentions.  I agree it is not good to say something and not follow though but without the intent to deceive it is not lying.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 13, 2020, 08:43:48 PM »
Cool Christopher.  I'm grateful the red flags are mutual 8)  It's easy for anyone to hide behind the internet (and this is not directed at you but it is for anyone who chooses to read and listen).  For example, who are you or anyone else doing a similar thing accountable to?  My guess is you will say the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, or something similar and God gave you the authority to correct others (more like lording over others - God has not given anyone the authority to be the Holy Spirit for anyone else you are to speak God's word in love and let the Holy Spirit do the work).  It seems you are operating from your flesh instead of His Spirit.  I have heard you say that we are to submit ourselves to one another yet if I were to bring you the correction you will likely just blameshift or try and project your shortcomings on me so you can feel okay dismissing me thinking I am the problem.  Because God has given you some revelation it has gotten to your head and you are threatened by anyone that is not afraid of you so you resort to pointing out their flaws (Pharisees did the same thing) and communicating to them in a demeaning way.  I pray that God humbles you as pride cometh before a fall.  No question He has brought at least some revelation to you but I pray He kicks the pedal stool out from under you because you are doing tremendous damage to His sheep.  Thank God I know His word enough to know not to listen to just anyone.  I don't even know if you are a brother so why would I even listen to you and why are you even trying to correct me in the first place if you do not even know if I am a brother.  How foolish.  We know nothing about each others character and according to you, I am a liar because I changed my mind (abusers love saying that in an attempt to place false guilt and obligation on their targets).  You are using His word as a sword and beating others over the head which is spiritual abuse.  Anyone can say the things you have said like I operate more like a prophet (I haven't seen any fruit of that and how could anyone when you are online?)  Anyone can say that and try and bring correction to the church but there is no way of anyone knowing who is a wolf and who is not on the internet (but yes I agree you can get red flags).  This thread right here is a perfect example of why I believe forums or anything online cannot be His church.  NOWHERE in the Bible is anyone given authority to make judgments based on an online encounter.  It's impossible to follow Bible standards for rebuke and correction online and what you have done here is operate outside of God's authority because one is to correct first privately then gather a witness then rebuke before all and those principals cannot be followed online.  So many people love hiding behind the internet because they cannot be held to account.  God will hold everyone to account and I look forward to that day.  I pray that I never imply or attempt to make judgments without inspecting fruit over some time (which is impossible to be done online as anyone can pretend to be anything they want to be online especially when there is no video, etc - a mask always slips in person).  You sir remind me of the way I used to be then God humbled me and I realized that the Word of God is to be applied to my life first not used as a sword or a hammer on others.   You better be 100% certain of your approach as teachers receive greater condemnation and many teachers are railers.  Teachers are to edify so the devil loves when he can get a railer teaching because it scatters and/or oppresses His sheep.  Targets are easier prey when isolated.  May the Lord Jesus Christ shake the foundations around the world so every one of us realizes we are nothing without Him and He holds everything in His hands and may He repay everyone who has scattered, done damage to, or is doing damage to His sheep according to their deeds.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 13, 2020, 11:09:22 AM »
As someone who has regularly doubted my salvation and started experiencing severe depression and anxiety, I will not be posting another introduction.  I am left believing that whatever I write will only be scrutinized and a response will come creating more doubt in my salvation experience.  That is not something I am going to risk subjecting myself to at this time.  Having said all of this I totally understand that a lot of communication is lost online.  I do appreciate everyone's time.  If the communication was in person it would likely be very different.  Take care everyone. 

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 12, 2020, 10:21:16 PM »
Fair enough Christopher.  Yes, your wife is correct and it's possible that you are right about my questions although I was sincerely wondering your purpose in agreeing with Kevin rather than talking to me directly.  I really appreciate what you (and your wife) did to try and gain a better understanding.  It really means a lot.  After your explanation, I understand how I have caused confusion.  I will come up with a structured introduction within the next 48 hours.  Little did I know I would be getting a lesson in English by posting 8)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 12, 2020, 09:58:16 PM »
Ok Kevin.  I am glad there is plenty of room because the older I get the more I realize the less I know.  I have a problem with the Gospel being offered simular as the example of the cheese because God is not a vending machine and pretty much everyone would just say yes.  Jesus many times said discouraging things and every one of God's promises is conditional.  I agree with your examples.  True repentance will produce a change in ones actions just as someone who is genuinely sorry will make things right.  Actions truly do speak louder than words. 

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 12, 2020, 07:28:47 PM »
Hey Billy.  I see you are from Philippines.  I was there for 14 months some years ago ministering.  I look forward to going back in the future!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 12, 2020, 07:23:12 PM »
Sure.  He revealed Himself to me in a way that is undeniable.  I just remember seeing my Heavenly Father for the first time.  When I saw that He wanted to walk with me after everything I had done I saw His love and goodness.  When I understood that I was forgiven and God wanted to use me for His purposes it brought me to tears.  I told someone I believe God gave me a new heart because all the things I was chasing after became unimportant.  I had been thirsting for all kinds of things and now all I wanted was Jesus.  Then I saw Ezekiel 36:26 as well John 6:44 as well as Galatians 4:6.  I was adopted into God's family!  I was lost and in my sin and perversion He found me and saved me!  Thanks for showing an interest.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 12, 2020, 07:03:07 PM »

I would agree but what is your purpose in pointing that out?

Do you expect everyone who goes here to be completely solid in all areas before commenting?

Was it part of the agreement to be a part of this forum that I must prove this?

I understand we are to be fruit inspectors but how is that to be done in an online forum as I or anyone else here can say whatever we want whether true or not?

What was your purpose in agreeing with Kevin rather than telling me directly what your issue with my posts are and what message were you trying to send to me and others by speaking around me?

It brings me no joy to say that you have shown zero compassion towards someone you know absolutely nothing about.,  We have all been though things and I thank the Lord for protecting and preserving me through it all (as well as others who have been through satanic ritual abuse).

Many of your teachings have been a blessing but what you have done here is ponce on someone.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 12, 2020, 05:47:29 PM »
Howdy Kevin,

I went through it the other day and it provided a lot of validation for me.  For sure I might go through it again and go through some more of the teachings.  I acknowledge I could have done a better job of writing my introduction.

I am in my mid 40's and transitioning into a career in IT (although I love teaching).  I love meeting new people from different cultures as well as traveling.  I believe that at least 90% of professing Christians are deceived and most are willfully blind regarding how evil operates within a lot of buildings called churches.  I believe that the Holy Spirit draws His by convicting of sins and this creates a genuine grief and sorrow over sins in the person and the person will see The Lord Jesus Christ as the only way to be reconciled to their Heavenly Father.  Conviction of sin leads to genuine repentance which leads to beginning to see things Gods way, a new heart, and a desire to serve God and be used by Him in the ministry of reconciliation.  Seeing my identity in Christ transformed my life.  I joined here in the hopes that I might get answers to things I have been wondering and be an encouragement to others.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 12, 2020, 03:22:00 PM »
I was raised catholic and at the age of 18 stopped attending mass every week (attended only on pagan holidays to appease).  I got heavy into personal devlopement products, then new age, then hypnosis and all kinds of things trying to fix my broken state.  The more I tried the deeper I went and nothing worked.  The devil tried taking my life in 12/13 but The Lord Jesus Christ stepped in and got me a few months later.  He set me free of the fear of man (seeking validation and approval from others), drunkenness, and fornication.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New member
« on: April 12, 2020, 12:38:43 PM »
Hi Mike,

I just joined here and felt overwhelmed by the thought of reading all the new member threads.  I figured I would just go back to the most recent (you) and I am glad I did.  Would you read my new member post?

As a former porn addict I can testify the Lord Jesus Christ can set you free.  I am sensing that you are at least being somewhat honest about your state (at least not in denial).  Do you have a Bible?  Read around 2 Cor 10:5, Romans 12:2, 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:4 & 4:18,  and Romans 8:11.  If you get more motivated look thorugh Paul's epistles for In Him, In Whom, In Christ, etc that refer to the new man. 

I think I understand a little bit about what you have said.  In the few months that I have been attending services at an unregisted baptist church I have seen some red flags including using fear to try and control and manipulate with a heavy emphasis on God punishing for disobedience.  It sounds like you have grown up in a "heavy-handed" religious environment in which the judgment and punishment of God was the emphasis.  I'll end with this:

Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

Introduce Yourself / Hello Everyone
« on: April 12, 2020, 12:00:13 PM »
The Lord got me about 6 years ago and it appears I am one of His lost sheep.  I've been a church hopper, a lone ranger Christian, and a mix of the two.  I thought I found a non501c3 church so I moved.  With this whole virus thing going I started feeling off and missed a service and the pastor said we can't have everyone stop attending service because they have a sniffle.  Today I called a member and I said I am not comfortable attending services until further notice.  He told me I am entering dangerous waters.  The conversation got heated and I simply said God isn't going to strike me dead for not attending church.

I say that to say that I can't help but notice things.  I see when a father wacks his son on the back of his head during service.  I hear when a member tells me I better check with the pastor before I accept a job with the local county assisting domestic violence victims because those agencies are unGodly.  I hear when a pastor is quoting single scriptures from all over the place.  I don't see anywhere in God's word where I am commanded to attend church services and certainly not where I place it in such a high place that if someone decides not to come that I tell them they are in danger.  I do see where I am filled with His Spirit and He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world.  I also see congregating and yoke fellowship.  I also see the church being the ground and pillar of the truth.

I have so many questions.  Churchianity has never scratched my itch.  Pure religion is remaining unspotted from the world and caring for the widows and orphans.  Defiled (hahah I typoed as Deviled) religion is all about the outside and putting on a show.  I want the real life that the Lord Jesus Christ paid the price for us to live and yes I understand (at least have a little understanding) what that means.

When the Lord first got me I ended up in a WOF NAR charasmatic church.  The church I have been attending the past few months is an unregistered baptist (although I think more IBF) but those are just labels.  I want to believe that I am a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Yes I desire for true yoke fellowship, however, I hope that I desire the Truth more.  Can one have both?  I think I have experienced both at times...

I said I would be a part of this church and now I am wondering...  There are boys and girls watching me.  By attending I am voting that I support the church.  I am very concerned about some things - mostly how I have been left to feel after exercising my freedom of conscience which is something they claim to hold dear.  I just have never felt the need to maintain the appearance of being a Christian. 

There was a day perhaps exactly 6 years ago in which the Spirit of God brought me to tears over all the things I had done... 


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