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Messages - Wog

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 20, 2019, 07:10:09 PM »
Well i wasnt going to say anything else, but since you thought it well to continue speaking negatively of me after you thought i was gone, and since you claim i wasnt seeking peace but rather trying to...con? someone into thinking im nice in a private conversation, ill offer us to resolve this openly, on skype, for all to hear, and judge.

I am still open to a peaceful resolution as i have been this whole time, as you continue to project your own shortcomings onto me. Let me know, call or text, or email:
XXX-XXX-XXXX (edited out by administrator)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 20, 2019, 05:44:01 PM »
If Chris would like to talk he can let me know and we will coordinate it.  It doesn't sound like he is open for peace talks, he seems to have judged me as unworthy.  This is nothing new, i will move along.

Sorry for wasting your time.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 20, 2019, 05:25:29 PM »
Nearly nothing you just said is representative of what happened, and there's a reason i said i would prefer the call be from Chris or Timothy.  It has become abundantly clear that you guys are not aware of the scripture telling us to, as much as be possible, live peaceably with all mean, or the thousands saying to judge righteous judgement.

You say i said this, when i didn't.  You say i didn't say this, when i did. It is clear Satan has been at work in this misunderstanding, and i don't claim to have been perfect, but i doubt any of you would be willing to say the same.

I'm sorry but I'm not going to continue attempting to resolve this via the forum when I'm on a crummy phone typing everything out, which is part of the reason i asked that if it be continued, that it be over the phone.  There is nothing stopping Chris from making the call via skype, nor from telling me that he doesn't have time to call today but would like to do so tomorrow or the next day.

You either walk the walk, and welcome brothers and sisters, and seek to live peaceably, or you don't. Your choice.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 20, 2019, 04:14:21 PM »
My safety is of the Lord, and i see no danger in posting my phone number.  If you are unwilling to call then that is fine, I did my part to try and achieve peace, I wish i could say the same of you.  You can talk the talk well, but the way you responded to all of this is, well, not so well.

I am available for the evening if you change your mind, the next couple hours would be best since ill be in a mediocre reception area later on.


Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 20, 2019, 02:44:35 PM »
Im not sure what you mean when you say ive thrown up a defensive wall. I would love to stick around... though im not sure we'll be able to get past this misunderstanding at the going rate.

What I'm gonna do is leave my phone number, and if it's God's will that i stay, one of you (preferably Chris or Timothy) will give me a call so we can get this worked out without it devolving any further. I meant no offense to anyone, nor was i being defensive except to the extent that Timothy seemed to go on the offense, followed by Chris. And i wasn't offended by either of them, to be clear.


Im heading home from work and will be showering but if you give it ~2 hours i should be available all night after that.  Id really like to think this can be resolved, particularly if its a phone call versus an online forum. Like i said i look forward to becoming part of a community.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 20, 2019, 12:34:24 PM »
"So what's confusing me is why you believe that godly sorrow of wrongdoing (i.e. repentance) is not a topic of importance concerning foundational Biblical doctrine, especially that of salvation? If you connect your posts together, that's the conclusion you've drawn for us so far."

I think its possible you only skimmed my posts, because I did state that i agree with you guys on this.

As a whole, i think there is much less disagreement between us than would be indicated by your reply.

To state more clearly what i was getting at, i do not see a problem with ensuring genuine repentance, rather i think it could be done differently.  By this mean that how something is said is equally important to what is said, and ill throw in as well, when it is said.

Ill leave it at that because i don't want to turn this into something it doesn't need to be. Ill just say that as a newcomer, it was somewhat offputting to me that specific acknowledgement of repentance was being brought out so early after someone introduced themselves. I hope that makes sense.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 20, 2019, 11:20:13 AM »
To go a little further with it, i think a good way to accomplish the same goal without coming off the way i perceived it (and maybe i was overly defensive, but i don't think so, i had just seen you expecting that from others so i threw it in pre-emptively), but you could have simply asked what brought them to repentance.

They would either be confused (likely indicating a lack of repentance or lack of understanding as to what repentance is), or they would tell you how it happened.  For me, after trying to be a "good boy" of my own accord for about a year, i ended up having sex with a pregnant girl, and wanting her for myself, not no subtly told her of my approval of abortion, thinking that if she did so, i could have her to myself (she had said she hated her boyfriend but the baby kept her tied to him).

Upon realizing how disgusting it was for me to say/do that, and then looking back on other instances of my behaviour during that year of trying to be a good boy, i could no longer deny that i was a scumbag, what i now understand as being a sinner.  I did my fair share of crying and grumbling, and asked the Lord to forgive me, and have done so continually since then. He has shown me in no uncertain terms that i am a sinner worthy of death, and i couldn't be more thankful that He has taken me off of the path i was on and called me to the path of righteousness and eternal life.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 20, 2019, 10:45:15 AM »
I do think repentance is a neccesarry component to receiving forgiveness and thus neccesarry for salvation.  Additionally, its one of if not the most common threads throughout the whole bible, and i weigh it as heavily as the bible does, so...heavily.

I don't think you absolutely shouldn't do it, (that is, to request an acknowledgement of repentance) but it seemed to me like unless it was specifically stated, you were asking for it.  To me, it would be more appropriate to wait until you see an indicator of a lack of repentance, before asking if they have.

The reason i say this is because the tests set forth in scripture are not to ask the individual if they have repented but rather if they can say Jesus is the Lord, and if they confess that Jesus is come in the flesh. I don't know if these tests can be "administered" properly in an online setting or not, but those are the tests i know of from scripture.

Additionally, i think its better to determine a persons legitimacy based on their thinking/beliefs as evidenced in what they say, and to expect an acknowledgement of repentance so soon after meeting a person, to me, seems unwelcoming.  I think it would make more sense to engage them in conversation for a while and then, if there are doubts, ask them if they understand what repentance is and if they've experienced that regarding the sins they've committed.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 20, 2019, 07:17:31 AM »
Yes i understand, im just not sure if asking if they've repented is the best test for legitimacy.  Being online and all i think the only way may be to just get to know their doctrine, and willingness to change their doctrine when presented with appropriate scripture.

Im not saying it should definitely not be done, it just seems a bit odd and unwelcoming.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 19, 2019, 10:39:37 PM »
Technically i was in the Navy I suppose, but more specifically the Marine Corps, department of the Navy.  8)

Wog is short for Woghomaos, a name that came to me early on in my walk trying to understand/define my purpose in life  it is an acronym of Warrior of God, Helper of Man, Agitator of Souls.

I found this website/ministry when researching the 501c3 debate; i had held the same stance but didn't understand the topic well enough to articulate my problems with it to someone else who was wanting to start a non-profit for homeless people. I watched a few of his videos and liked his style and understanding/interpretation of scripture.

Introduce Yourself / Hello (WOG aka Jeff Thread)
« on: November 19, 2019, 09:32:25 PM »
Hello everyone, I'm glad to have found a place with people who seem to want to understand God's Word, and not other men's interpretations thereof. Its been a couple years now I've been studying hard, and meditating day and night, and praying to God.  Though lukewarm would be too generous to describe most believers I've encountered, i won't go any further than that, except to say that it is no surprise most people view Christianity negatively.

As far as my story, my whole family has turned against me and are working with my ex wife to keep me from my daughter, for basically no reason (not to say i didn't contribute to the mess at all, i did, being the babe that i was and somewhat still am). I've been living out of my truck since last july, and (having never been to jail before) have gone to jail twice since coming to the Lord, both times in an exceedingly unjust manner, but luckily only 52 days in total so not horrific.  Its my understanding that this is all a good thing, and part of the fiery trial which is to be expected.  I'm not looking for sympathy with all of this, the Lord has kept me strong and I'm becoming more and more refined; as i understand the bible, sufferings seem to be a component of proving our faith, so i thought it good to mention them.  Satan is hard at work, though to be fair i made it easy for him at first; less and less so as time goes on. I believe God gave me a vision and I've been shown that it all works out eventually, until then i just keep studying scripture and trying not to give the devil place.

I hope you guys here are sincere, it gets old time and time again thinking I found a good pastor/people only to realize after some time that they too are deceived (kent hovind, steven anderson, etc; in addition to all the physical churches ive been to, one pastor preferring to talk about bitcoin over the questions i had about scripture, another telling me "you better watch yourself," i think because of second hand gossip that i had criticized him, even though it was as much a compliment as criticism).  I've long since given up trying to find a church, praying to God that he would lead me to a good pastor and fellow believers, though he has been shepherding me well.

I look forward to discussions, learning, and edification, to the extent that it can occur in an online setting; if anyone lives near Gainesville, FL i would look forward to meeting up regularly for fellowship. I'm mobile and enjoy driving so anywhere within a couple hours id be willing to make the trek as often as my schedule permits to learn/study/talk/fellowship.

Edit: for the guy expecting that repentance be mentioned in other peoples introductions, yes i have repented (i have also repented of believing repentance is turning from sin rather than regret/remorse/sorrow), but i had repented even without understanding what repentance was. Not sure if demanding an acknowledgement of repentance is the best welcome but to each his own.

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