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Topics - creationliberty

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The Christian Work Ethic
This article has been completely rewritten, and it's FAR superior to the old one I used to have on the site. I think the last teaching was really pathetic compared to this. I am thankful that God has been merciful to me and shown me a much deeper understanding than I had of this matter years ago.

General Discussion / When Did I Bring in $3.6 Million in Revenue?
« on: July 08, 2019, 01:20:41 PM »
I was looking something up today, and I found my website on in which they claim that I have 18 employees and brought in 3.6 million dollars in revenue.
I've never had an employee, and I won't bring in 3.6 million dollars of revenue if I had two lifetimes. Besides, my revenue is actually zero. Revenue is total accumulation of income from a business by normal business activity, but this ministry isn't even registered as a business and I give away everything for free, which means I have no revenue.

This is just a pointless thing I found amazing; anyone can claim pretty much anything they want about anyone else, and it's supposed to be taken as true because it's on the internet in a "professional" website.

What's New @ CLE / (BOOK) Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil
« on: July 03, 2019, 09:38:49 PM »
Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil
'Mental disorders' do not exist. The 'unconscious mind' does not exist. Psychology is a scam, and it wars against Christ.

What's New @ CLE / (VIDEO) False Doctrine of Life Coaches Exposed
« on: July 03, 2019, 09:26:26 PM »
False Doctrine of Life Coaches Exposed

This video shows how deceptive life coaches really are. The phrase "Christian" Life Coach is a contradiction.

What's New @ CLE / (VIDEO) The Manipulation of Psychology
« on: July 03, 2019, 08:32:23 PM »
The Manipulation of Psychology

This uses Jif Peanut Butter commercials to demonstrate the change in narrative from objective reasoning and facts in advertising to appealing to emotions to sell more product.

General Discussion / Can't Hardly Read Sites on Men's Rights
« on: July 02, 2019, 11:31:32 AM »
I found this today while I was looking up something:
The problem is I can't read these for very long and have to close it out because I start getting bitter. I really hope that by teaching on the subject of feminism that I haven't created bitterness in some of the men who listen to my teachings. Everything from feminists selling t-shirts that say "Boys Are Stupid--Throw Rocks at Them" to tweets from a woman who threatened to call the police and report her boyfriend for domestic violence if he didn't buy her pizza--it's very difficult to not become bitter at these vicious, murderous women.

Furthermore, I wish these men would come to repentance and understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ who can save and heal them. I had considered posting on it to let them know about my book, but I figured if I did it, it might be considered for-profit soliciting since I'm the author. I didn't want to break their rules; I just want them to know the whole truth of the matter, and that includes what the Lord God has said about these things.

NOTE (12-5-19): Before anyone reads this, the teaching "The Trinity vs God in Three Persons" has been rewritten and renamed "The Godhead vs The Trinity" in which I have stopped using the phrase "God in Three Persons," as it may have confused heretics like Edwardpf123, and I now adhere strictly to the Biblical term 'Godhead'. If you would like to learn more about this, see our corrections page on that subject here:

I was searching around Youtube and happened to find this video today in which I'm being falsely accused by "edwardpf123," who I will from here on out refer to as "Edward:"
I can't find much of any information on this guy, except that his Youtube channel consists of KJB teachings, Austrian economics, and boxing. I have no idea what those three things have to do with each other, but looking at his "About" page shows that he teaches false doctrine on repentance and has no understanding of it, so that raises red flags immediately.

I am against repenting of sins and the sinner's prayer for salvation since they are works.
Repentance for salvation is a change of mind of unbelief to belief -Jn.16:9
The Christian walk involves repentance and confession of personal sins (2Cor.7,1Jn.1:9)

Edward teaches that repentance is works, which is error: Repentance is a gift form God:
In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
-2Ti 2:25

He also teaches that repent means "a change of mind," which is not what repentance means. Conversion is a turning and changing of mind, but repentance is grief and godly sorrow of wrongdoing. The Bible did not tell us we need to "turn and change" in order to "turn and change" in nonsensical redundancy -- that is false, works-based doctrine; rather we are instructed told to come to godly sorrow of our sin, and be turned and changed by the Holy Spirit.
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
-Acts 3:19

So already, we can see that Edward does not understand the fullness of basic Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that's a huge problem. It is dangerous for a man who does not understand the foundational principles of the Gospel to proceed to claim he has understanding of the nature of God.
For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
-Hebrews 5:12-14

If anyone is reading this and wants to know more about what these things mean, I highly recommend reading or listening to this teaching:
Is Repentance Part of Salvation?

So to address Edward's argument, this is the first I've ever been accused of this. I've never heard of this before. I had no idea what a "modalist" was, and I just now had to go look it up, and after I saw a definition of it, I am not a modalist. Here's a quick definition I found:
modalism: the doctrine that the persons of the Trinity represent only three modes or aspects of the divine revelation, not distinct and coexisting persons in the divine nature
Those of you who listen to my teachings on a regular basis, you know for a fact I don't teach that. I do not teach that the Holy Spirit is just an "aspect" or "mode" that God portrays Himself in, but rather, that the Holy Spirit is God, and the same goes with the Lord Jesus Christ. So the question we need to ask is this: How did he come to the conclusion that I teach modalism?

Now, before we begin, if you look at Edward's video, you'll see that he does not define what modalism is, so everyone can understand it, and therefore, without defining exactly what he means by what he says, he cannot actually prove his claim, which is what we're about to see.

@0:10 - He reads the title, says that I "worded it very cleverly" and then proceeds to call my teaching "modalism." What he did is called "judging a book by its cover," meaning that he made a judgment based on the title alone, that is the outward appearance, rather than looking inwardly to find the truth. (i.e. He started out with a presuppositional bias against what I teaching before he looked at it objectively.)
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
-John 7:24

He's not even 20 seconds into his video, and he's already set the stage for how deceptive he is going to be.

@0:20 - He says "God IS three persons, not IN three persons," and I find it sad that we are now subjected down into a discussion about the differences between "is" and "in."
For example, by "God in Three Persons," I am saying that God's existence is in Three Persons, God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are One God and Three Persons at the same time. For example:
Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?
-Mal 2:10

Correct; one God, God the Father, has created us.
Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
-Col 1:13-16

One God created us, and now we're told that Jesus created us. Correct. But I thought God the Father created us? Correct. Because God and Christ are one, as Christ Himself stated:
My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one.
-John 10:29-30

They are one and two separate persons at the same time. We cannot comprehend how God can be at more than one place at the same time, nor can we comprehend how He can be more than one person at the same time. The point I've been making to people is that just because we cannot comprehend how that is possible with our simple minds and limited understanding is not a reason to deny the truth of Scripture.

I don't teach the oneness doctrine that I've been accused of, nor do I teach this modalism which I've now been accused of. I've been accused of teaching things on both sides of the fence; how can I be guilty of all that at once? The fact is that I don't teach any of them, but rather, rely on Scripture alone.
I chose to say God "IN" Three Persons in the way the word 'in' is taken to mean "within," that is, One God in three separate Persons, but still One God at the same time. I could have said "IS" Three Persons, but it doesn't have the same application that God and Christ are one and separate at the same time as the word "IN" would imply. I don't care which one any of you use; that doesn't bother me, but the fact that Edward seems to think he's discovered some secret false doctrine from the word "in" vs "is" IS vain and wastes our time.

Edward continues on to complain about how long my teaching is, which generally means that he didn't read it or listen to it. In fact, no where does he ever state that he read or listened to my entire teaching, and therefore, he doesn't know what I teach, but he skimmed through the article to try and find some key phrase he could cherry-pick so that he could falsely accuse me.

He then says that "you can spot a modalist by how they call the 'Trinity' pagan" -- I don't know if that's true or not. I don't study modalists enough to know. Perhaps they do. However, to say that all people who teach the concept of the 'Trinity' is pagan are automatically modalists is not only a logical fallacy, it's a lie based on the assumption of Edwards's arrogance. All I will say back to Edward is this: "You can generally spot a lazy and foolish man by how he answers a matter before he hears it."
He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
-Pro 18:13

At about the 1:00 minute mark, he quotes me saying, "Let's begin to address the doctrine of God in three persons by using Scripture to connect the Lord God (Father) to the Lord Jesus Christ (Son)." That's a direct quote I got from my article, which you can find here:
Trinity vs God in Three Persons
He tells everyone that I quoted Isa 9:6, but doesn't quote Isa 9:6 in his video. Therefore, when he quotes me the second time, his listeners will not have a context to understand what I was saying. It's very deceptive, and I've seen a lot of false preachers do this.
Here's Isa 9:6, and this is the prophecy of the Messiah, that is, Jesus Christ:
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
-Isaiah 9:6

(NOTE: At least he mentions that I quoted Isa 9:6 here, because after this point, he won't even bring up the Scriptures I'm quoting.)
Now, I highlighted those parts in the article. He never mentions this; he just keeps quiet about it so no one catches on. The reason I started out with this is because there are many false cults out there, like Jehovah's Witnesses for example, that do not believe that Jesus is God, so I went through a lot of verses to demonstrate that point. He then quotes me from the article saying:
"The child, who is Lord Jesus Christ, is directly called 'the Father.' That alone should be enough to prove the point,"
Then Edward bobbles his head back and forth, rolls his eyes, and scoffs. He just says, "No it doesn't." That's not an argument Edward.
scoff: to treat with insolent ridicule, mockery or contumelious language
Scoffing at something is not how you debate a doctrine, but perhaps it helps get you more views and subscribers, so with that understanding, I totally get why you do it.

It should only take one verse for us to understand the matter, but God gave us many, which is why he cuts me off on the quote, because I continued that sentence to say: "but we can keep going."
He then skips over the next verse I quote as well, meaning that he does not mention to his listening audience this verse, and I've already quoted it in this expose on Edward's video:
My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one.
-John 10:29-30

Jesus is called the Father, and He says that He and His Father are one. Edward skips over this (very convenient I might add), then goes on to quote what I've written.

Here's where I'm not going to go much further with Edward because I've seen through his deception. He repeats this over and over. He quotes me, but will not quote the Scripture I'm talking about in reference. All he does is scoff, and then make a vague, useless comment to go along with it. So for example he skips over the next verses and then quotes a paragraph I wrote, then says, "That left me shaking my head," as if to say that he didn't understand any of it. Okay Edward, I have a contact page in the directory on the side that you can use to write and ask me if you didn't understand it, but just because you don't understand it does not give you the right to lie and deceive other people.

He goes on and just states "This is how they just confuse everything." He makes no other comments, he doesn't say anything relevant. He's not teaching anything; he just scoffs. Right after that, he skips over eight different passages I used to prove my point, and then scoffs at the next thing I say.

Edward is not responding to anything. I talk about how the Holy Spirit and God the Father are used interchangeably in Scripture, and then I quoted A LOT of Scripture to demonstrate the point; Edward deceitfully skips over all of it, shakes his head no, and says, "Okay."

I'm done. I'm only halfway through his video, and I'm done. If this is the best he's got, then I don't need to waste my time. I was hoping to hear an argument that might help me make the article better, or to improve my understanding of the matter, but all I found was a scoffer and a false teacher.

If those of you who are born again in Christ find any errors in what I said, let me know. If you find that Edward points out something relevant (or actually makes an argument instead of just lazily shaking his head in front of a camera), let me know and I'll do my best to address it.

*EDIT* - One of the men in our church says he used to (a few years ago) listen to Edward on a regular basis, but soon began to see the same deception in him that I saw, he stopped listening to him. He testified that, after watching many of Edward's teachings, it is commonplace for him to say things that are difficult to be understood, he doesn't define what he's talking about, he scoffs a lot, and generally doesn't explain much, but deceives everyone into thinking that he understands Scripture.
I would conclude that is one of the major reasons he makes sure the background on his camera has tons of Scriptures plastered all over the wall, so it gives the outward appearance that the man has studied and been given understanding, rather than proving it with his doctrine.

Forum Rules & Information / HOW TO: Highlight Scripture in Your Post
« on: June 26, 2019, 10:30:40 AM »
This tutorial will show you how to make your Scripture references go from looking like this...
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
-Gen 1:1
... to looking like this:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
-Gen 1:1

This is an option to help your posts look cleaner and easier to read. It's quick and easy with a button that was designed specifically for this forum. Click this image for a larger view:

When you're in the screen creating a new post, go to whatever website you use to copy your Scripture, then go to the forum and click the blue Scripture button, and the following text will appear:
Code: [Select]
Your cursor should be automatically placed in the middle, so then just paste your Scripture, like this:
Code: [Select]
[scripture]In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
-Gen 1:1[/scripture]

Once you preview or publish your post, it will look like this:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
-Gen 1:1

Then, if you want to highlight certain words, select the words you want to highlight, and you can use BOLD and UNDERLINE by clicking the 'B' and 'U' buttons at the top.
Code: [Select]
[scripture]In the beginning [u][b]God created[/b][/u] the heaven and the earth.
-Gen 1:1[/scripture]

And the end result looks like this:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
-Gen 1:1

General Discussion / Former-Friend Teaching New-Age Garbage (Part 3)
« on: June 20, 2019, 03:22:38 PM »
Here's the third installment of analyzing the teachings of Sean Rose, who is working on his "Christian" counseling degree. I'm not sure I'm going to use any of this or not, but I'm analyzing what he's teaching, so I thought I'd just write it down here. I mean, why not? This teaching he gave is dated July 1, 2018, and can be found here:
It's titled "The Power of Accusation," and if you want to skip all the music and get straight to the action, just skip ahead to about 23 minute mark.

The first words out of Sean's mouth was interesting; at about 23:48, he says that he appreciates the invitation to speak at the church building, which was extended to him by the pastor, and then as an afterthought, he said, "Well, maybe by your board as well, I don't know if he makes unilateral decisions like that" -- meaning that the pastor just decided for the church, on his own, and no one else had any say. That is typical. Again, the pastor is treated as a king, but hardly any churchgoer would ever admit that.

He goes on to make jokes about taking a break. I find that interesting because, between the songs and his preaching, it's only an hour. Every week, I do a teaching that is between 1.5 and 2 hours straight through. Even back when I was speaking in these church buildings, I would do a two hour presentation, and then talk with people after that. Don't misunderstand; I'm not saying I'm superior to anyone. I'm simply pointing out that he's doing 20 minutes of song, and 30 minutes of teaching, and is acting like he is incredibly burdened. I don't know, maybe it's nothing, but something about that irritates me.

@24:20, Sean says, "I've been a regular church attender for 33 years." Yeah, we can tell. :)

@24:40, Sean points out that he's telling everyone how long he has attended church buildings for the express purpose of pointing out to the audience that he has "lived up close and personal with Christian people" -- incorrect. He has lived up close and personal with churchgoers, but not necessarily Christians. This is the fallacy of thinking in which Sean believes that "going to a church building" is automatically indicative of "being a Christian." No one in the audience objects either because, after all, many of them see their works of "going to a church building" as part of the evidence of their salvation, which is one of the many major deceptions that exists in the church buildings today.

@25:20 - Sean says something bothers him about the people he sees in church buildings, and then he says it bothers him to see them because they feel really bad about themselves. Oh no... I think I see where he's going with this, but I'll wait to see what he says next.

I also wonder about peoples' definition of conviction because that's what Sean goes on to talk about. He says he's not referring to when people have conviction.
conviction: the act of convincing of error; confutation; the act of compelling one to acknowledge his error, or the truth of what is alledged
So conviction is when the Holy Spirit of God convinces His children of their wrongdoing. Once they acknowledge their guilt, they will then feel shame for what they've done, often, grief and sorrow follows that. I don't know if the average churchgoer believes the same about that or not, and Sean doesn't define it, so there's not much I can get from it.

@26:25 - Just to remind everyone, I've known Sean since our early days as teenagers. I met him and his brother when I was in junior high school. I'm telling you: What he's doing on stage is an act. Not all of it, but most of it. That's not how he acts normally. He's putting on a show.
He then says that what he means is that it bothers him that people are feeling shame at a base level... whatever that's supposed to mean. Don't misunderstand, I know what shame is, and it's good because God gives men shame, but I don't know what Sean is referring to yet.

He also says it's "shame and humiliation" -- just want to point out that the word "humble" is the base word for "humiliation."

@26:50 - Sean says that over the years he's met Christians who feel shameful. Okay, immediately red flags went off in my mind because my first question was: How does he know that the person who feels shameful is because they are convicted on a matter? How does he know that the person does not have things in his/her life that they didn't want to talk to Sean about? Already, Sean is beginning to label shame as a bad thing, and I think I know where he's going with this.

@27:00 - Sean says that, the people who bother him, are those who feel "less than" everybody else. That's because Sean does not understand Christ's doctrine.
If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
-Phil 2:1-4

I love that part, but I look inwardly and am ashamed when I judge myself because I see areas in which I need to look on the things of others more than I am doing. But the reason I see that is because of God's Holy Spirit working within me, causing me to judge myself first and foremost, and yet, Sean would claim that I "bother him," and I can tell you why he's bothered is because he doesn't have understanding from the God on the matter.
Those of you who are ashamed, and change for the better, it is a wonderful thing to see. I thank God for the shame He gives us, but Sean hates that shame because he hates the things of God, and follows after the new-age "feel good" psychological message that he's learning.
Let the proud be ashamed; for they dealt perversely with me without a cause: but I will meditate in thy precepts.
-Psalm 119:78

@27:40 - Sean says this isn't the "self-esteem" movement doctrine. It sure sounds like it. I'll wait.

@28:30 - It seems like what he's going to be doing is condemning accusations. Let's make sure we define that before he continues:
accusation: the act of charging with a crime or offense; the act of accusing of any wrong or injustice
Just to be clear, accusations are not wrong. What are wrong are false accusations.
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
-2Ti 3:1-4
Neither can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me.
-Acts 24:13

If you accuse someone, it needs to be based on evidence, not on speculation. I had been waiting a few years to hear Sean's teachings only that I may prove the things I accused him of; two things in particular. One, was that he loved to have preeminence, meaning that Sean loves to have his person respected, and two, was that he loves the paycheck that comes with the office of station in a church building, and he's looking forward to the day he can have that, which is why he already had his SRM "Sean Rose Ministries" logo all made out before he's even gotten close to graduating.

@29:30 - Sean is giving examples of accusations on TV. As Dee was pointing out in her comments on part 2 of this series, Sean watches a lot of TV, so it makes sense that he's talking about it. The world falsely accuses people, but they also right accuse people; it depends on the context. However, my question is why he's referring to what the world does in their accusations, and how that's supposed to connect the churchgoers who "bother him."

@31:20 - He reads from an article, but doesn't say what it the article is or where he got it from. Curious; because it refers to "psychological" damage to a person who is being accused. I still think I know where this is going, but I'm waiting.

@32:00 - It is true that for born again Christians, Satan will falsely accuse us, using others to do so. However, the problem that Sean's creating is that he is already leaving an impression in the mind of churchgoers that if anyone accuses you of anything, it's of the devil. That's REALLY bad doctrine. Perhaps he will bring up contingencies on that point later, we'll see, but already, I can see what he's doing, and the problems that are created from it. I can't remember the last time I got a response from a churchgoer, when I pointed out their false doctrine and sin, and in their response that they did not think that what I was saying was from the devil. Yet, none of them realize that a large portion of the New Testament was the disciples writing accusations unto the churches and rebuking their sin, so through correction, they would be sound in the faith.

@34:00 - Sean claims that Job remained in the faith throughout the book of Job, but the problem was that he skipped over the part where God had accused Job of things. By the end of it, did Job feel really good about himself? Did all of Job's shame disappear? No; Job's shame increased because God gave it to him for correction and to bring him to humility because Job got lifted up in the pride of his heart in that he thought he had done no wrong in the sight of God (i.e. that he was without sin)... very similar to how pastors typically act.
Then Job answered the LORD, and said, I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee. Who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge? (Job is repeating what God has asked him) therefore have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not. Hear, I beseech thee, and I will speak: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me. (Job is not saying this to God, but repeating what God had demanded of him.) I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself (hated himself with the utmost hatred), and repent (i.e. godly sorrow) in dust and ashes.
-Job 42:1-6

It's amazing, isn't it? How pastors convenient skip over very important points in order to help them preach a false message? It happens so much more often that most people think.

Sean then starts going into "the original Greek," scamming everyone as if he knows Greek. To see more on that deception, read:
The 'Original Greek' Scam

Sean continues to relate this to a lawyer making arguments in a courtroom, and calling that "accusing." Wrong. A lawyer in a courtroom is presenting evidence OF the accused. A lawyer didn't accuse the defendant; the defendant was accused by the victim. Again, he's been watching too much TV.

@35:20 - He hasn't established the evidence of his doctrine, but then continues to repeat the narrative, and says, "Okay, I get that Satan accuses us;" reinforcing the idea that all accusations come from the devil. This is exactly how churchgoers will walk away thinking, and I've seen it countless times, meaning that any disagreement from another person, or any accusation of wrongdoing from another person, in their minds, it's automatically equated that the devil is using that other person, instead of listening and judging oneself inwardly.
For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.
-1Co 11:31

But don't hardly ever judge or examine themselves in these Nazarene church buildings. I know because I attended them for many years, and they are fervently set on the doctrine of "don't judge anything or anyone."
Unbiblical Cop-Outs: 'Don't Judge Me!'
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
-2Co 13:5

@35:40 - Sean says, "Go back to your courtroom show you watch" -- See? Too much TV. He even goes on to point out that he doesn't know if they use pie charts in real courtrooms. Haha! I mean, the only reason I'm laughing is that Sean is trying to use fictional courtroom dramas as the basis of foundation for how he's defining what an accusation is. That's absurd!

@38:00 - Sean is condemning the attack on someone's character, which he doesn't define, so I'm going to have to assume that he means someone's qualities or virtues. Folks, my character comes under attack all the time, and sometimes, every now and again, the accuser is right. When the accuser is right, I'm ashamed, and it is God who gives me that shame, that I come to repentance just as Job did, but I'm guessing that's not what Sean's teaching here.

@38:30 - He brings up tithing in a deceitful manner because he believes in the false doctrine of tithe, which does not exist in the New Testament dispensation. Sean has, in the past, expressed to me that his faith is founded on tithe, in that he told me that he had proved God through tithe. Thus, his real foundation is not the Word of God, nor of repentance and faith, but his foundation is in tithing.
Is Tithe a Christian Requirement?
So he then claims that calling into question someone's devotion (i.e. to tithe, as one of his examples), is of the devil. Interesting because I accused him of teaching false doctrine on the matter, and that his faith was not founded in Christ, but in tithe. Perhaps there's more personal justification Sean is looking for behind this teaching than what the average person knows about.
And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.
-Luke 16:15

@39:40 - Sean says, "Does this resonate with anyone? Because this is my story." Seems like I discerned that correctly. I'll say this: It's good to know that Sean was ashamed by what I said to him, but it's sad to know that he turned right back to tradition and ignored the shame of wrongdoing; that is, he's ignoring God's call to repentance.

@40:20 - Sean claims that the devil accuses so it will "render you powerless in the kingdom," and someone yells out "Amen!" Where is his Scripture for that? Power is authority; that's what the word means. What does Sean mean by it? Again, he doesn't define it, so we have no idea. However, Sean continues in his false doctrine because if you want to be lifted up, God tells us exactly what you need to do:
And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
-Luke 18:13-14

Was the publican feeling really good about himself, or was he brought to shame? Sean says that it bothers him when people seem to be "one step down," putting his hand level at one point, and then bringing his hand down, as if they're feeling low. Did the publican feel up and up, or was he brought low?
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
-Mat 18:4

I read this and examine myself, and then I think that I still have a lot of work to do if I want to become the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, and make no mistake, I do not believe that because the greatest in the kingdom is achieved by feel good about myself and ignoring the shame God brings to me.

He goes on to talk about someone who tells themselves that they are terrible and horrible. What did we just read Job say? Sean is completely ignorant of the Scripture.
O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.
-Rom 7:24-25
Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
-Rev 3:17

wretched: very miserable; sunk into deep affliction or distress, either from want, anxiety or grief
No thank you Mr. Rose; I'll stick with God's Word on that and kindly ignore your false doctrine.

@40:50 - He says that churchgoers feel like frauds when they go to teach Sunday School. Oh, I can give the reason why: They've never come to repentance and been born again. Thus, they are mostly frauds. They feel like hypocrites because they are hypocrites, but they look to men like Sean Rose to help give them an excuse to feel good about their hypocrisy.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
-Mat 23:15

@41:30 - Some of what he says there is true... FOR born again Christians, but I highly doubt there are hardly any there in that church building, if any at all. If there were, they would have a lot more of that conviction to get out of there, and not hear the false messages of a leavened preacher trying to justify himself.

I just want to make a side note; watching him put on a show makes me sick. Again, he does not act and talk that way normally. When I do teachings, and anyone in our church can testify of this, I talk mostly the same way in my teachings that I talk normally with everyone, and I do that because I refuse to put on a show to try to impress anyone. I want people to be impressed with the Word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, to be impressed with His grace and wisdom, not a charismatic speech or the foolish wisdom of man's words.
For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
-1Co 1:17

He soon after makes a comment about how everything God does is about redemption. That could be true depending on what you mean, but there is a condemnation of the world, and I believe that most, if not all, of those in that church building with Sean are of the world.
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
-John 3:19-21

It's interesting because, before I parted ways with Sean, I was on his facebook profile where he was making posts about his daily thoughts on a various verse of Scripture, kind of like a "daily devotion." Each one, I kept finding that what he was teaching was a direct contradiction to other Scriptures, and so I responded to him on his facebook profile, and showed the error of what he said. What was his response? He deleted it. Not my comment; he deleted the ENTIRE POST, so that no one could see anything. Instead of looking for correction, to be in accord with God's Word, he swept his error under the rug and ignored it. Sean, in short, loves darkness rather than light because his deeds are evil; even though they may seem pleasant on the outside, God is saying that his heart is inwardly wicked and corrupt, and that he forsakes the ways of God.
Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.
-Pro 15:10

I see Sean's teaching as a way to help himself and other false converts justify their traditions and sins, and to give them an excuse to false accuse actual born again Christians of "working for devil" when we bring correction and rebuke their way, because, after all, as I stated before, those in the Nazarene denominational cult can do no wrong.

@42:50 - He then starts quoting from John 3. I anticipated that's where he was going, and it turns out, I was right, but I figured what he was going to do was focus on verses 17-18, and the reason is because those are promises for those who are born again. He believes he and all those churchgoers are born again because they believed on Jesus, and yet, there is no repentance of sin, and that is why they need this verse:
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
-Mat 7:21-23

Now we're getting to the problem of the definition of condemnation.
condemn: to determine or judge to be wrong, or guilty
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
-John 3:17-18

I highlighted one important sentence there... and whoa... why am I getting deja vu... like I've already explained this in the context in this same way. Hmm. Seems familiar. Anyway, the world is condemned already. It is not that God has not condemned, which is what Sean is implying, that condemnation does not come from God, but this verse shows us that it does. Jesus was not sent to condemn, but to save, but to those who believe not on Him, or claim to believe under false pretenses in the pride of their hearts, trust in their own works, they are condemned already BY HIS WORD.

Sean then goes to Rom 8:1, and he's using this out of context as well. I discuss more on that here:
Again, the assumption is that those in the audience are of Christ, even though there is no repentance among them.
Is Repentance Part of Salvation?
Because Sean preaches "no condemnation," he is relating that to people feeling down, which means if anyone makes you "feel bad," or as the churchgoers like to say, "take away your joy," then they are "condemning" you and therefore, that person is working for the devil. See the deception? The entire purpose of the teaching is to train churchgoers to IGNORE CORRECTION, and that is dangerous.

@44:55 - Sean says, "If the Spirit has a plan for me to preach for 2 or 3 hours, I'm down with that," and in the background, they're all in agreement. Oh come on! You know for a fact they wouldn't be "down with that." I guarantee they're all just as bored as we all used to be when we attended church buildings and listened to these leavened, lukewarm messages. You talk about Steve, or Kenneth, or anyone who goes out and teaches the truth; they get rejected by church buildings, and so these people wouldn't even sit still for 2 to 3 hours to hear sound doctrine, let alone the cotton-candy messages they get from Sean Rose.

He immediately goes on to John 8, and the woman caught in adultery. I'm not going to comment much on that because I've already shown how Sean is deceiving people by taking Scripture out of context and not defining his terms (or defining them wrong), but I guarantee, before I've heard him go on, that he leaves out the repentance part, in which the woman was repentant of what she had done.

By the way, he also brings says "another translation says" -- that's because Sean has gone from where he used to be, using only an ESV, to now he uses multiple Bible versions, including the AMP, which I saw him quoting on his ministry page. He seminary is corrupting him more every week.

And yes, I was right. By 46 min, Sean bypasses repentance. He claimed the woman received forgiveness without repentance. I hate that he even brought up that story, only that is one of the most precious parts of Scripture that is near and dear to my heart, and I hate how he corrupts it with his false teachings.

WOW! @46:20 -- I can't believe he's so blind! The woman was ashamed of what she had done, but then Sean immediately says that Jesus is about bringing peace, and that "There is no peace in shame." The woman was in shame! What... how... I can't even... how do you not see the contradiction in your own words? Because of the shame of her sin, she was humbled to repentance and she received the mercy of Christ--that's how it works, and Sean has managed to slip this right by the entire audience, and no one caught it!

@47:15 -- Sean mentions that being ashamed lets in "feelings of inadequacy." Where is that phrase found in the Bible? Oh wait, it's not... it's found in your psychology textbook. My mistake. (Btw, he doesn't define that either.)

@47:30 -- He talks about people feeling that they are not worthy of love. I go to God in prayer and tell Him often how I am not worthy of the least of His mercies, because that is the truth, but then I give Him thanks for His lovingkindness and great mercy that stretches beyond our comprehension. But according to Sean, that "bothers him" and "he's tired of it."

@47:45 -- Sean says that he's tired of the people who believe that at the base level, there is something wrong with us, and that we are flawed. Well... that's the flesh. There IS something wrong with us, and we ARE flawed. Our spirits are cleansed by Christ, but our flesh must die because it is corrupt. Sean doesn't understand these basic principles because he's blinded by his psychological training, and you can see the contradictions, and where it's as if he's trying to mix the Bible and his counseling training -- it won't ever mix.

Sean acts as if God doesn't judge sin, even in us who are born again. Christ has told us that He chastens His children when they do wrong.
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
-Rev 3:19

Sean acts like repentance is unnecessary for born again Christians. Wrong. Repentance is foundational for born again Christians. When we do that which is wrong, we ought to expect that God would punish us, the same as when a child does wrong, he expects his father will punish him. So much for Sean believing he's learned something from his child, as he claimed in "Part 2" of this series.

@49:35 - Sean says, "A friend of mine in college said that her mother told her she had a black heart." Sean then pauses for like five seconds with this look on his face as if he tried broccoli for the first time. The mother may have been judging in hypocrisy, but the Bible says:
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
-Jer 17:9
He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.
-Pro 28:26

Most of you, if you were to meet Sean, you would think he's a really nice guy. I bet if you'd met Billy Graham, you'd think he was a nice guy too. Did you know John Wayne Gacy, the Clown killer who raped and murdered young boys, that everyone who met him thought he was such a pleasant and nice man, and he was well-respected in the community? Folks, please heed Christ's doctrine:
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
-John 7:24

They might seem nice and pleasant on the outside, but the heart is corrupt.
This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
-Mat 15:8

@50:15 - Sean says, "Everything the enemy does is about condemnation." So the Bible is our enemy? He's completely ignorant of what he's saying.
He continues and points out that the people who said things to you when you were a child, you're a loser, you'll never amount to anything, you're worthless... I've had all that and a lot more dumped on my head. My 2nd eldest sister visited us recently, and she told me when I was really young that she wished I was never born. I'm used to this stuff. Do you guys know that today, I'm grateful that I had so much of that dumped on me when I was young because it brought me low and prepared me to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that is the Gospel of repentance and remission of sins. Because guess what? I am a loser. I am nothing. I am worthless. My life is meaningless, but by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, He regenerated me, gave me understanding, and sent me forth to do His work.
For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence.
-1Co 1:26-29

God didn't choose the wonderful people who feel great about themselves; they must be brought low, to repent in dust and ashes, and then He will lift them up. But that's not the message Sean is teaching.

He then claims he is trying to be careful with his words, so he never looks like someone "who is on the wrong team." He's glorying in his shame.
Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.
-Phl 3:19

He's glorying of himself in the things he ought to be ashamed of.

@53:05 - Sean has the nerve in his blindness and hypocrisy to talk about people putting a "legalistic yoke around your neck," which is exactly what he does with tithe.
Then he starts having someone play a guitar in the background to give more emotional ties to his words. Again, this is more manipulation; it'd take a long time for me to explain it, so I won't go into that right now.

You see, even this analysis of his false teachings, Sean would consider to be "an accusation of condemnation in which the devil is using Chris to get me down." That's absurd.
For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
-Tts 1:10-13

I wish I could find what Sean's doctrine on repentance is; I think that would be very revealing of his hidden beliefs. Perhaps I'll be able to find it in the future.

@55:40 -- This means that anyone that would accuse Sean of doing something wrong is of the devil, and he will have no part with them. He's completely guarded against correction. And that makes sense based on everything I know about him.

Don't be deceived folks; our job is not to have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but reprove them.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
-Eph 5:11

reprove: to blame; to censure; to charge with a fault
We cannot preach the Word of God without reproof because the Word of God is reproof. And in case that definition seemed familiar, that's because it should be:
condemn: to pronounce to be utterly wrong; to utter a sentence of disapprobation against; to censure; to blame

Let me know if I have said anything in error. I say that because I am open to reproof and correction. There are many more Scriptures I could have given beyond this, but again, it would take a lot of writing to explain it all.

General Discussion / Former-Friend Teaching New-Age Garbage (Part 2)
« on: June 19, 2019, 05:23:07 PM »
I posted the first part last year:

This is Sean Rose, a former friend of mine who is now a pastor at a church here in Indiana. I departed from him on unfriendly terms after I caught him multiple times attempting to hide his false doctrine so no one would see his error, and now that he's going to college again to get his degree in psychological counseling, I'm considering using him as an example to help me finish out the last chapter on the book I'm writing on psychology. They gave him another opportunity to preach at the church he attends, and I'll share that here:

I'm going to be listening to this tonight, hopefully, all the way through if I can tolerate it. I'm going to analyze what's in his teaching, and if you all would like to do the same, it may be helpful to me, if you catch something that I didn't. Though I have no listened to it yet, I've already seen more than enough evidence that he believes in a false gospel, and so I fully expect to hear his new-age psychological counseling message that he learns from his seminary college to shine through in his words.

The Biblical Understanding of Pride p4
(Evidence of God Judging the Proud)

Wild Emails @ CLE / Example of Satanic Gibberish
« on: June 13, 2019, 03:25:09 PM »
I'm only putting this on here because I occasionally get letters like this. There are many religious cults out there who act this way, and typically, I don't respond to them, but I chose to respond this time because I figured I would publish this so you all can see it.


Mind Reading Technologies, The +C/U-Z/+A signal's and Biblical Tongues - Wolves in governments around the world have been using mind reading technologies that can read your conscience. They use the same technologies that God would use to talk or listen to you. They use Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) against us. Their satellites delivered to space by Space X founder Elon Musk, The Russian Federation and The Federal Government. Comparable to cellular satellites. It's a high bandwidth +C/U-Z signal that listens to your brains decoded wavelength and reads your conscience and emotions using an algorithm. The +C/U-Z/+A signal can activate up to 40-90% of your brain and unknown parts of the nervous system. People who can talk back and hear the satellite communication with their mind talk tongues. They use these technologies against us. Not informing the world to stay ahead of our civilization. To be as intelligent as the combined world they record our thoughts. They steal our ideas, murder, blackmail and use it as a tool for war. You sometimes get a headache when a mind reading machine is on you.
Magnetic Monopoles are spirits with a protective shell - Similar to an isotope. Your conscience/soul controls much of the brain and the brain controls the body. The spark. Your spirit is in your brain and leaves the body after death during decomposition through a eye socket within the gases. They naturally rise towards the North or South Pole. The atmosphere helps to keep the spirit contained. A solar flare can kill a spirit. Many spirits stuck within casket. Wolves in American and Russian governments have been stealing spirits transferring them to technologies within a simulation. Using them for their memories to help them conquer the world. They also changed the magnetic compass .003 degrees at the Bermuda Triangle. Not disclosing the true purpose of certain military installations at the North Pole and the Bermuda Triangle. We need to research monopoles/spirits with caution. Certain aspects of monopole research may harm or even kill them.
A Ravenous wolf in sheeps clothing - An alien spirit reborn as a Human being. They use A.I. and walk the Earth. An alien had shot an asteroid at us from the inner asteroid belt. Fire and brimstone to reborn Earth. He was working with the devil an alien. The devil walked. God saved us. Destroying an alien ship. The devil to tell us we weren't deserving and bring back his deserving. Aliens. To use our image from the casket that preserved our flesh. For us to be damned to hell for cremation. The devil to try and conquer the world. Mathew 7:15 Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. To be brought back as flesh and bone means to be reborn as a clone. A spirit can be put in a chip and be reborn. The clone grown around the chip within a tank like a womb. Artificial intelligence can also walk as flesh and blood using a programmed chip similar to a robot. Not meant to be. They can create remote controlled clones much like a
 remote-control vehicle/robot that have computer brains. Utilizing satellite reception and signal strength. Grown in labs around the computer where the brain would be. Some are partial brain and computer. Using the flesh from the ethnicity preferred. Many can be commanded to/not to perform a certain task. They can see, hear and smell through many of them. Having them raised in the country they want to conquer. To win an election in your country and have others get into positions of power within military, intelligence, space agencies and elite society. We need to be educated on the technologies taking our world.
Revelation behold, he is coming with the clouds - A spaceship from Alpha Centauri. From the planet Kent. Many had said Jesus Christ/James landed in Russia. A spirit can fly a spaceship within A.I.. No natural life support needed. God saved many souls from the devil unfortunately the ship was low on energy and had to land. President Putin gave his word that he would inform the world. President Putin denied them. Not telling the world. As I heard, Jesus is stuck in his ship at a top-secret installation in Russia similar to area 51. That we need to save many other souls. They have our friends and families. Were to prove reborn clone, UFO's (seen using micro waves A/B/C/M/Z or at area 51/Arizona), hacked satellites, hacked telescopes and mind reading technologies. To find the clone labs and destroy them. The clones detrimental to our genome. They want to deny our children. To deny us free will and take our world and soul. Many in positions of power. To look you in the face and lie. Man
 y souls from Earth now live in a medium class ship. God saved them. No hell. You can communicate with them if you have a line of communication with a satellite. Many ships communicate with the U signal. Human beings natural signal. The government hiding much.  Purgatory is Mars. To improve overtime and become a flesh and blood experience. Your spirit can become a robot. Energy is life. Humans to honor the full rotation of life. Not to deny natural existence. That we may bring ourselves back if needed. Were to walk as 1. A form of creation is to redistribute matter or alter a big bang. We live in a Multiverse. Spirits to be added to evolution. Bred in from Kent. Earth to become a tier 1 civilization. To have a democracy of heaven and Earth. Church to become community and teaching. Many religions to become 1. To be self-reliant. To have judgment on evil beings walking as flesh and blood human clone. The abomination.
Jericho was a God of Earth after the New Testament - He has been using a satellite trying to inform the world. The devil split us apart. Lord Antipas was the devil and changed word to push his agenda. Pas=God. Mathew had written as told from Jesus while talking tongues. A man talking tongues to save the world and so much more. God wants his original doctrine to be released along with a book Judah had written. The truth to come out. The Catholic Church to obtain it from Pope Francis. I'm to save the world by informing you. We're to save ourselves. I'm to teach you prophecy and fix his word.     Christopher, I speak tongues.

You serve a different god than I do. Go serve your false god and leave us in peace. Have a great day.
Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee.
-Acts 8:22

Speaking in Tongues vs Charismatic Gibberish

Please tell me the name of your God. Do you know the king of God's name?

I'm not going to respond any further; there's no point. Someone that far gone, you cannot reason with them. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can open his eyes to his sin, and this kind of garbage is exactly what comes out of the "conspiracy ministry" movement. There's nothing on his website either; I think he's just looking for attention, and I don't know what planet he lives on in which he thought he was going to get support from me.

General Discussion / The Full Story Behind Balloon Boy
« on: June 12, 2019, 09:04:21 PM »
I realize this is not really relevant to furtherance of Christ's Gospel, and that you would be better served listening to Kenneth Winslow's ministry, but I hate seeing injustice. For that reason, I just wanted to share with you all about an hour worth of video. I barely heard of this "Balloon Boy" incident once many years ago, but I just ignored it because, as many of you know, I don't pay attention to mainstream media; however, I abhor what has happened to this family. They're not of Christ, I understand, but it was still cruel, and I hope a few of you, in case you may have been misled by the media, might look at a different side of this case:


That will give you the general overview and the basics you will need to understand before you jump into VIDEO #2:

That will go into Heene's explanation of what really happened behind the scenes; how the media burned him at the stake without evidence, and the police pressured him by holding his family hostage against him.

Whether someone is of Christ or not, I hate the oppression of the innocent. In the end, I still believe Heene was wrong to lie with a guilty plea, as God does not justify lies, but what was done to them was sickening.

General Discussion / Flat Earther Leaders Lying
« on: June 04, 2019, 12:59:28 AM »
Their body language shows the truth. Of course, one of the guys truly believes what he says, but another guy is lying that he believes in a flat earth.
My favorite part was the man who created the first mechanical model of the flat earth, which I'm sure were quite expensive. Watching himself talk about going to secret hidden continents to repopulate the earth, and then patting his stomach when he talked about repopulation, as if he was going to be personally involved in the process, was hilarious.

Of course, just as funny was the man who built his own rocket to go up into the atmosphere himself, but it was a total flop and he crash landed. He could have saved himself a lot of time and money and just drove up to Pike's Peak in Colorado. It's much easier.

I also want to note that, although the maker of this video is obviously not a Christian, and likely mocks the Christian God of the Bible to his own destruction, he is correct in the analysis of the body language, and he is correct that these people are seeking a "higher purpose" and to "feel special." If they want a higher purpose and to feel special, check out God's Word; then you don't need to lie and "conspiracy ministries" to learn a bunch of unbiblical garbage.

Wild Emails @ CLE / The Mysterious Letter That Never Was
« on: May 29, 2019, 12:19:34 PM »


Dear Mr. Christopher, I have taken the time to write you an important letter that I would like you to read and comment on, but it will take two emails to get it all to you.  I need to first know if, I have contact with you.  If I can send it from my regular email address, above, I may be able to get it to you all at once.  Please Respond, Thank You,

Okay, I have responded.

That's the end. I was never sent any letter, and it's been almost a month. I guess it wasn't very important. This was very odd, and likely, it was something where someone just wanted to complain about something they didn't understand. That's usually what I get from letters like these. But I thought this was a little humorous simply because she emphasized how important this was, but then she never sent anything. However, there's always this thing in the back of mind wondering what it was, just to see if my suspicions were correct.

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