Author Topic: Bill Gates: "15% of world's population can decrease through vaccines"  (Read 4339 times)


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Here's the video clip; it's only about 3 minutes long.

At the very end, listen carefully. I had to hear it twice because I was not sure if I heard Gates right. He states that if development of healthcare and vaccines continue, the world population can decrease by 15%.

However, Gates' statement backs up the teaching I did on vaccines:
The United Vacci-Nations
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Re: Bill Gates: "15% of world's population can decrease through vaccines"
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2020, 03:10:29 PM »
I've listened to that video of Bill Gates before.
These people are not shy about what their intentions are. The average person simply just doesn't want to believe it, or they're simply so brainwashed that they will go along with it even if it means the death of themselves and their families.
Nehemiah 8:8 KJV — So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.


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Re: Bill Gates: "15% of world's population can decrease through vaccines"
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2020, 08:26:09 PM »
That's a good link.  I can probably use that.  Thanks.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

Kenneth Winslow

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Re: Bill Gates: "15% of world's population can decrease through vaccines"
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2020, 09:33:57 PM »
Some pro-vaccine politicians are aware that vaccinations can sometimes cause autism.
The cognitive dissonance is glaring. To understand that a substance can permanently injure children, but then believe that that same vaccination is beneficial for adults is insanity.
Nehemiah 8:8 KJV — So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.


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Re: Bill Gates: "15% of world's population can decrease through vaccines"
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2020, 04:37:36 PM »
What really bothered me was all the people sitting there, hanging on his every word!  Did they really hear what he was saying? Did they understand that they are part of the population he wants to decrease? He doesn't care about them. I wanted to reach out and tell them to leave, to repent and get away from Bill Gates, but I am sure they would not listen.  :(  They revere him too much.
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Re: Bill Gates: "15% of world's population can decrease through vaccines"
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2020, 09:09:10 PM »
I have probably heard him say this before I started to question vaccines without batting an eye. Without the Spirit within, man is blind and deaf to even what is in front of him.

Revelation 13:9 If any man have an ear, let him hear
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.


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I'm not sure whether this is the best place to post this, but seeing as it may relates to Microsoft, I'll post it here.

Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC have a patent with the number WO2020060606 titled "Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data".

I've posted a link to the material below in case anyone wants to take a look:


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I doubt MSN is reliable as a news source but I didn't see a reason for them to lie about this specific matter. I came across an article that stated that the population growth of every continent, except Africa, has stagnated. If that is true, even a little, then Gates may be on the way to the decline he seems to think will solve the world's problems. GOD told man to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth (Gen 1:28) and he told Abraham that he would multiply his seed as the stars and the sand on the sea shore (Gen 22:17) meaning GOD wants to see the earth overflowing with people. So, even though there are areas of the world that are completely uninhabited (not because they cannot be lived in but because people choose not to live there) Bill Gates thinks the world needs less people, in spite of the fact that mankind managed to go on just fine on earth for thousands of years without vaccines, or climate control policies.
I do think that the cities have an over-concentration of people and we can thank our education systems for that. I was never taught truly useful life skills like how to grow food or make clothes so I (and others like me) prefer to live in a place with modern conveniences because if I was thrown in a really rural area I would likely want to hitch hike my way back to the city quicker than a hiccup.

While I am on the topic of populations, there's something I noticed about the populations of China and India that I can't quite make sense of. Between just the two of them they have almost 40% of the world's population, yet they are the countries that have employed some of the most disturbingly harsh methods of population control. With India it is the forced sterilisations, especially of the poor, and it is the murder of baby girls by their families because of dowry (in India the girl's family supplies the dowry and for many families it is considered their only hope of improving their life circumstances), and in China it is the one child policy and forced sterilisations. These two countries should probably be case studies for the failure of attempts at population control, just let GOD be in control of who comes into the world and who leaves it.
Romans 8:5-6 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. [6] For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.


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Hi Silindile, I'm sorry I haven't replied for a while; I struggled to know what to reply as I didn't know a lot about the population control policies in India - I had heard of the one child policy in China though.

GOD told man to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth (Gen 1:28) and he told Abraham that he would multiply his seed as the stars and the sand on the sea shore (Gen 22:17) meaning GOD wants to see the earth overflowing with people. So, even though there are areas of the world that are completely uninhabited (not because they cannot be lived in but because people choose not to live there) Bill Gates thinks the world needs less people, in spite of the fact that mankind managed to go on just fine on earth for thousands of years without vaccines, or climate control policies.

-In China they now have a population with a lot more men of marriageable age than females (possibly due to abortion of female babies), as well as a large ageing population, to the point where women having multiple husbands or legalising sex work has been suggested as a solution- further and further from God's design of marriage and family.

An effort to 'fix' these problems just seems to create more problems.

12There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. [Proverbs14:12]

The same goes for vaccines. There have been mass immunisation efforts (some with funding from The Gates Foundation) in places like India and Africa.
In Sudan (and other countries), they ended up with a new, vaccine-derived Polio outbreak that was linked to the oral polio vaccine campaign.

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A very interesting video about the COVID-19 vaccine situation in New Zealand has just been released by Dr Sam Bailey:

Vaccine Misinformation Mythology

It's about 15 minutes long, and includes a couple of short clips from Project Veritas, which has recently exposed how Facebook is working to suppress information that might lead to vaccine hesitancy, and also how FOX News is promoting COVID-19 vaccines and not sharing any stories about side effects because they are receiving generous donations from the pharmaceutical companies making the vaccines. It also looks at the efforts of our mainstream media and government to promote themselves as "the only source of truth" for the COVID vaccine.

I myself am on the fence when it comes to vaccines generally - not fully opposed, but not fully in favour either. I certainly don't think that people should ever be forced to take vaccines. Moreover, the mainstream media's scoffing attitude to so-called "anti-vaxxers" has always troubled me. They very seldom come right out and say what the anti-vaccine position is all about. Surely responsible journalism should include stating the main ideas about something, even if those ideas are then subsequently refuted? But all you ever hear, most of the time, is that anti-vaxxers are "crazy" or "dangerous" without any real explanation as to why. Makes you wonder about the extent to which Big Pharma is greasing the palms of the mainstream media. And as the Project Veritas exposé of FOX showed, the conservative media are not ... immune from this, either.

From the outset, I have not been keen on the COVID-19 vaccines. The new method (mRNA), the indecent haste at which they have been developed, and the side effects (which the mainstream media have actually covered, at least up to a point) all make me firmly "vaccine hesitant". And what increases my concern about them is the way the media (both news and social) are acting. There is a move, in NZ and elsewhere, to aggressively promote the vaccines (on the basis that they will "end the pandemic" and "restore our freedoms") and suppress information, even VERIFIABLY TRUE information which can be found on government Web sites or in mainstream media reports, that might cause people to have an unfavourable view of them. When Project Veritas exposed what Facebook was doing, they didn't even deny it. The big pharmaceutical companies behind the vaccines must be making obscene amounts of money from the sale of them to different countries, and of course the more people take the jab, the more money they get.

Another thing that bothers me about the COVID vaccines is that they don't even give you immunity from the virus! Allegedly, they reduce your symptoms, but you can still catch it and potentially spread it. Isn't the point of a vaccine to get immunity and stop the spread of disease? So all those factors really add up to me not wanting to have the COVID jab. At this stage, I am not yet eligible for it anyway. However, my parents are, and neither of them have been notified about the vaccine being available to them.

Here in Wellington, we have just gone up to Alert Level 2 (out of a possible four) due to someone from Sydney visiting last weekend while potentially infectious. (That person has returned to Sydney and tested positive over there - I might add they'd had one dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, albeit 10-12 weeks ago). If there is an outbreak, no doubt the demand for vaccination will greatly increase ...  ???
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Re: Bill Gates: "15% of world's population can decrease through vaccines"
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2021, 06:31:55 AM »
I have just been watching this Project Veritas interview with CBS-62 Detroit presenter April Moss. She reveals how employees at her station are segregated depending on whether they've had the COVID-19 vaccine or not. Those who have can work in the studios, but those who have not have to do their work at home or otherwise outside the studio. The interview also shows her asking a senior Michigan health official about people being hospitalised after having a COVID vaccine. Mrs Moss revealed that the producer told her to move on from that question quickly. She makes some hard-hitting points about real journalism not being executed anymore. Like Irene Hecker, the FOX-26 Houston weather lady who recently spoke to Project Veritas, April Moss used the P-word (i.e. propaganda) to describe what her network is doing.

At the very end of the video, an emotional Mrs Moss says "We have faith in God, and that's all we can do". So I guess she's a Christian, although whether she's born again is another matter. But she certainly seems to care a lot about truth and integrity in journalism. It's great to see people like this lady and Ms Hecker exposing the corrupt practices of major American networks, and their courage in doing so is laudable, since they both lost their jobs over it. (In fact, appearing in a Project Veritas video seems to pretty much be grounds for instant dismissal.) And again, it's disturbing the way these networks seem to be really pushing the COVID vaccines - supposedly as a "public service", but I suspect more to line their pockets with Big Pharma's money. It's not just happening in the States either, but as the Sam Bailey video shows, here in NZ too. I myself have seen articles on the Stuff NZ Web site about vaccines that amounted to little more than propaganda. A clear message was given in one article in particular that people who are "vaccine hesitant" are as "crazy" as "anti-vaxxers" or conspiracy theorists. Well actually, the message was more, "Get your jab unless you want us to start lumping you in with those crazies over there". It's like in high school, where you have the "cool kids" and the "rejects". The "cool kids" in this case are people who do what the government tells them and get vaccinated, while the "rejects" are the people who question the official narrative, such as the safety of the vaccines. What the MSM is essentially saying to the vaccine hesitant is, "If you still want to be in the cool gang, you need to get your vaccine. But if you keep hesitating, we're going to place you with the rejects who oppose vaccines and believe in conspiracies, and then you won't be cool anymore".

If you want to read the article I'm talking about, it's here. It just constantly stigmatises the vaccine-hesitant. Note how it uses "anti-vaxxers" in the headline. Notice also how no effort is made to obtain the views of even one vaccine-hesitant person, just to provide a little balance. The story is completely one-sided. Even though it is talking about people who are hesitant, not fully opposed, it is stigmatising them with the "anti-vaxxer" label in the headline. It quotes former NZ Prime Minister John Key saying, "I don't think they are thinking straight". In other words, they're not in their right mind. Their "mental health" has been compromised (because one of the hallmarks of good mental health is always doing what the government tells you). The overall message of the article is that vaccine-hesitant people are harbouring dangerous opinions normally held by people that the MSM deems to be Unfit for Polite Society. It's very manipulative, and this is going on all the time. So once again, it's great to see people starting to expose it in greater numbers. And the games being played by the media are certainly not making me feel any less hesitant about the COVID vaccines.
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth (John 17:17)