Author Topic: Greetings everybody  (Read 3327 times)


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Greetings everybody
« on: September 12, 2019, 11:14:54 PM »
I do not doubt that many of you are here seeking for a local gathering of believers who will have no affiliation with the state nor with Rome, her master. I can concede to that, yet go further in shunning all dialogue with Rome via her PCPCU propaganda, operating both the CBF and UBS to effect that dialogue among what she considers "separated brethren". Indeed we find ourselves in dark and lawless times, and a reason why it becomes the more incumbent upon us to quit ourselves as men, girding the loins of our minds, and taking a stand for truth.

Even state regulated outlets such as YT and Google impede the spread of the full gospel of Christ, where Wiki and its affiliates censor the truth for the cause of Rome, and our educational system is none other than an instrument of induction for the state. So it is we find ourselves in the midst of the state, not by our own volution, yet are we not to remain therein, but are commanded to come out of it. I look forward to hearing from you all.

We certify the words of Christ in that man is not to render unto Caesar the things that are God's.


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  • First Name: Christopher
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Re: Greetings everybody
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2019, 12:05:47 AM »
Even state regulated outlets such as YT and Google impede the spread of the full gospel of Christ,
?? - Really? Because about 95% of the traffic I get to my ministry comes from Google and YT.

Your introduction post was very strange, and does not really testify of Christ. It sounds like another victim of conspiracy so-called "ministries." It put me on guard more than anything.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Greetings everybody
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2019, 10:50:15 PM »
And you call me paranoid?

Anyone with a bible can figure it out for themselves, I need not to convince anyone of anything.

Tell me, what good is it to host an anti 501(c)iii site, yet support the papal hierarchy? I think anyone can identify the hypocrite in record time.

And if you are counting on YT and Google traffic, for why else ask for donations? Are they tax free donations? How is it, YOU professing to be anti-state, yet rely on the same state yourself to continue your "ministry"? Moreover, it is evident you follow not Christ, and like the rest of those who lean upon the state rather than their one and only Savior, turn about without hesitation to accuse me falsely?

I think your visitors ought to have another look.


  • Pillar of the Community (Forum LVL MAX)
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  • First Name: Jeanne
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Re: Greetings everybody
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2019, 01:18:49 AM »
Where in the world are you getting the idea that Chris supports the papal hierarchy? Have you even read or listened to his teaching on Catholicism?

Just because Google and YT are owned and operated by wicked corporations (actually, the same corporation, since Google owns YT) doesn't mean that God cannot use them for His purposes if He so chooses. It wouldn't be the first time that He used something wicked to accomplish His goals. (Nebuchadnezzar and Judas Iscariot come immediately to mind.) It just so happens that Google and YT are the two biggest search engines, so naturally, anyone looking for a certain Biblical topic is going to run into the CLE teachings by using them.

And no, donations to CLE are NOT tax deductible. Chris does not go around asking for donations, although people are free to donate if they so desire. His YT channel is not monetised because He would rather be free to post the truth and get it out to people uncensored than to try to profit from it. He relies on God to supply his needs, and God has been gracious to him for it. Again, the goal is to get the truth out to as many people as possible, NOT to make money.

If you think Christopher and CLE are not of Christ, then you should depart what you think is leaven and go follow your conspiracies, since that's all you seem to be interested in. You certainly don't seem interested in the doctrine of repentance unto salvation.

Have a great day and may God supply all your needs for you and your family and have mercy on your soul.


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Re: Greetings everybody
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2019, 01:58:37 AM »
Likely story.


  • Pillar of the Community (Forum LVL MAX)
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Re: Greetings everybody
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2019, 05:02:56 AM »
Okay, I've had enough of your arrogance, attitude and disrespect towards the other members of this forum. Since you didn't want to depart peacefully on your own, allow me to show you the door.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2019, 05:07:32 AM by Jeanne »


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Re: Greetings everybody
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2019, 08:30:21 AM »
I had not had a chance to respond to him yet, but Jeanne obviously had good reason to remove him. I suppose Timotheus only proved that my caution of him was correct.

And you call me paranoid?
When did I call him paranoid? I simply pointed out to him that the statistical facts are opposed to his statements. That's not something I'm making up either; I have numbers for our website, and 95% of the new traffic we get comes from people using Google & Youtube. Therefore, it doesn't matter what we're using; what matters is what God allows to happen. It doesn't matter who we think is watching us, it matters who God allows to see what we're doing. So if I were to call you anything, I would call you fearful and unfaithful to God, which is why you live in a state of conspiratorial fear.

Anyone with a bible can figure it out for themselves, I need not to convince anyone of anything.
Anyone with a Bible can figure out what specifically? Are you saying that anyone with a Bible can figure out that Google impedes the Gospel of Christ? Did you have a chapter and verse on that one?

Tell me, what good is it to host an anti 501(c)iii site, yet support the papal hierarchy? I think anyone can identify the hypocrite in record time.
Okay, it's starting to sound like you read the article I had on 501c3, and then immediately joined this forum without checking out anything else. Where did you read on our website, in any place, that I host a "anti-501c3 site." That's not what I do, and I have stated in my teachings that I am NOT against 501c3, rather, I'm against 501c3 for Christ's church. I may talk about the subject of 501c3, but that's not my mission, and I have stated that in my teachings as well, so it seems you didn't listen to much of what I taught in the first place.

In addition, I have to say: That's a first. As far as I remember, I have never been accused of supporting "papal hierarchy," especially since I've written an entire lengthy book on the corruptions of Catholicism and that the seat of the pope is antichrist. So... evidence for his claims? If anyone can identify any time I have supported a "papal hierarchy," and if you are able to do it in "record time," please let me know so I can correct any errors I may have missed.
Corruptions of Christianity: Catholicism
(Folks, this is why I do not support "conspiracy ministries" because these are the types of fruits they produce.)

And if you are counting on YT and Google traffic, for why else ask for donations?
That question does not make sense. First of all, I didn't count on YT and Google. I have our site and teachings posted on a lot of social media platforms, those two just happen to be the most popular tools people use right now, and I don't care if that changes tomorrow. As long as people get the information, the rest is not my concern; it's not as if when I die and go to the judgment seat of Christ, Jesus will say, "Well done my good and faithful ser- OH! Wait a second. It appears Google sent a lot of traffic to your site. I guess you were not as faithful as I would have liked." I mean, is that seriously what you think the doctrine of Christ is?

The second point, what does getting traffic from a Google search engine have to do with "asking for donations?" Actually, if you check our website, I never once ask for donations. I make the option available, and let people know we could use the help, and over the past four years, we have averaged about 9 people per month who donate to help us out, and as far as I know, that does not go through anything Google owns. I have not spent one dime on Google or YT products or services either. All I can say is: My suspicions of you were correct; you are a product of conspiracy so-called "ministries," which I could tell by his first post, and you walked in here thinking we were of like mind with you, but you were mistaken because we are in like mind with Christ, and you are in like mind with the world; that's why we're not getting along.

Are they tax free donations?
Yes. We're not incorporated. Well, I mean, the people who send money have to pay taxes in their own state or country, but they don't pay taxes through what they give to us.
(Folks, I know he didn't want answers to these questions, but this is more for everyone else.)

How is it, YOU professing to be anti-state, yet rely on the same state yourself to continue your "ministry"?
I have to confess; I do not understand this question because it's loaded, or in other words, it's a question based on a false presupposition. It's like asking, "Chris, how is it, YOU, professing to be loving husband, beat your wife?" Umm... I don't beat my wife. She, and the rest of our family here, can testify to that fact. Likewise, I don't rely on the state to continue in ministry. (That is, outside of things like the state having a sheriff and judges to keep the peace. -- See Romans 13.)

Moreover, it is evident you follow not Christ,
So, I thought your introduction was strange, and therefore, I'm not of Christ? I didn't realize that believing on the words of Timotheus was the way to heaven.
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
-1Ti 2:5

and like the rest of those who lean upon the state rather than their one and only Savior, turn about without hesitation to accuse me falsely?
Accuse you of what? I simply said your introduction post was strange, and it was, and it did not testify of Christ, which it didn't. Then, instead of trying it again in a peaceful manner (which most people who claim to be of Christ would do), attempting to ease our concerns about you, you went off into a conspiratorial rage, lying and false accusing with ignorance and wild accusations that don't make any sense.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
-Gal 5:22-23

I haven't seen these from your words yet, and there is a reason for that.

I think your visitors ought to have another look.
I'd be glad for them to do so, because they shouldn't put their faith in me. Would you show us the ministry that you work in? Certainly, you would not begrudge me for being in error without actually showing us a better example, would you? (After all, people who do that are the very definition of hypocrites.)

That all being said, I believe Jeanne's discernment to ban you was correct, and you did help verify my discernment was also correct, so I thank you for being upfront with your words so we can discern the truth of the corruption in your heart (I mean that because most people try to hide behind flattering lips), and I would pray that the Lord Jesus Christ would show you the same mercy and kindness He has poured out to me.
Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.
-Pro 22:10

Have a great day, and depart in peace.
Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing. For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.
-1Pe 3:9
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18