Author Topic: Something has been weighing on my mind  (Read 8947 times)


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Re: Something has been weighing on my mind
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2019, 09:15:51 PM »
I already find it hard enough to feel shame when I do "little sins" (mostly the socially acceptable ones, like little white lies), let alone enough to be in total hysterics every time.

I'm not being judgemental but it would be well worth never feeling OK with "little white lies" because they really aren't that little and are the sorts of things that do need to be got rid of out of our lives.  When tempted to do this, stop and take the time to think and decide that you will only ever answer or say what is truly honest.  I see it as being very important that a person stops and examines themselves in these situations. 
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: Something has been weighing on my mind
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2019, 09:37:22 PM »
If they were actually born again Christians they would hopefully judge righteously and that shame would hopefully come from conviction.  Ive never seen any actual converts here shaming anyone that I can think of, just righteous judgment and rebuke. Maybe Im misunderstanding what youre saying Jackie.

Hi Zach, I wasn't necessarily talking about people here on this forum. Just in general. No Christian is immune from misinterpreting Scripture and preaching on the misinterpretations. Also some Christians preach tradition as if it was written as a Biblical commandment. Tithing is a good example, like Jeanne said. Yes, I believe that there are many false converts that preach about tithing to gain money. I believe there are genuine Christians that preach stuff like this in error or ignorance or whatever reason that they're not directly at fault for. That's just an example.

If someone I knew to be born again came to me and told me I was doing something wrong, I would take it very seriously and do some examining of myself and the Scriptures. I wouldn't just assume they were trying to shame me for something I was not guilty of. Assuming my own innocence in such a manner would make me guilty of pride in addition to whatever else was going on. You have no idea how many people have left this forum because they were rebuked for sin or false doctrine and assumed that they were right and we were wrong. Raymond was just the most recent example of that, but there have been many, many others. One lady, who seemed to be a new Christian, wasn't here for very long before she got offended when someone else was rebuked for wrongdoing and left because we 'weren't loving and forgiving'.

I do try to not react with annoyance or anger or any other bad emotion. Admittedly, I'm not good at this, and I often let my pride get the best of me, especially when I've not been reading my Bible daily. I think sometimes though what can happen with believers is we have no idea how to properly rebuke someone. We forget about Matthew 18, and many times we lack wisdom on how to rebuke someone (whether sharply or not). I think we often let our emotions get the best of us, which may or may not be the best way to rebuke somebody. I don't know enough about biblical rebuke myself.

 I know lots of people have left this forum because they didn't like what you guys said to them. That probably comes from a few things like 1. not being used to rebuking or having no understanding of it, 2. having little or no understanding of what love or forgiveness are in the Bible, or 3. They're a false convert anyway. I'm hesitant to say that someone who hates being rebuked is always a false convert. I don't think anyone's flesh particularly loves being rebuked. I'm welcomed to being corrected though.

I already find it hard enough to feel shame when I do "little sins" (mostly the socially acceptable ones, like little white lies), let alone enough to be in total hysterics every time.

I'm not being judgemental but it would be well worth never feeling OK with "little white lies" because they really aren't that little and are the sorts of things that do need to be got rid of out of our lives.  When tempted to do this, stop and take the time to think and decide that you will only ever answer or say what is truly honest.  I see it as being very important that a person stops and examines themselves in these situations. 

Please don't misunderstand. I'm not saying that I don't feel ever shame for telling little white lies. I'm just being honest in saying sometimes, I don't always feel shame over individual sins that are more socially acceptable. Sometimes I don't even realize I've committed them. I'm also not attempting to justify any particular sin. My point was that I don't always feel even the littlest bit of shame, let alone enough to go into hysterics (with sins like that). That's all.


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Re: Something has been weighing on my mind
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2019, 09:41:04 PM »
Kevin is right, Jackie. See the CLE article, God Does Not Justify Lies:

Also note that GOD is the One who gives repentance; you can't work up shame on your own. It's only by the conviction of the Holy Spirit and if He's not convicting you, then you need to pray about that because you SHOULD feel convicted over something the Bible clearly states.

If there's something you REALLY don't want to tell the truth about (such as to someone you don't feel you can trust with the truth), it's better to either not answer at all, evade the question, or change the subject. (If you watch TV at all [and I don't recommend that you do] you'll see politicians NOT answer questions all the time.)

Now, I'm not talking about doing this over major issues, mind you, but something like a friend asking you how you like her new dress/hat/nail polish. If you really think what she's wearing looks awful, you don't have to say it like that; you could just say you like her other one better or something like that.


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Re: Something has been weighing on my mind
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2019, 09:51:53 PM »
Kevin is right, Jackie. See the CLE article, God Does Not Justify Lies:

Also note that GOD is the One who gives repentance; you can't work up shame on your own. It's only by the conviction of the Holy Spirit and if He's not convicting you, then you need to pray about that because you SHOULD feel convicted over something the Bible clearly states.

If there's something you REALLY don't want to tell the truth about (such as to someone you don't feel you can trust with the truth), it's better to either not answer at all, evade the question, or change the subject. (If you watch TV at all [and I don't recommend that you do] you'll see politicians NOT answer questions all the time.)

Now, I'm not talking about doing this over major issues, mind you, but something like a friend asking you how you like her new dress/hat/nail polish. If you really think what she's wearing looks awful, you don't have to say it like that; you could just say you like her other one better or something like that.

Thank you for the direction to that article. I have read it, and I know very well that God doesn't justify lies (or any sin really). I was just using that as an example to make the point that sometimes for individual sins I commit, I don't necessarily feel shame. Or I may but I respond with pride or further sin. I tend to struggle the most with the "socially acceptable" sins.


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Re: Something has been weighing on my mind
« Reply #24 on: August 20, 2019, 11:01:05 PM »
You're not alone in that. I have problems in that area, too. I don't like being wrong about anything, either, and I have often let my pride get in the way of allowing myself to be corrected, although I am working on that. I've had more than a few go-rounds with Chris on some issues because I was too proud to admit I was in the wrong.


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Re: Something has been weighing on my mind
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2019, 11:03:47 PM »
You're not alone in that. I have problems in that area, too. I don't like being wrong about anything, either, and I have often let my pride get in the way of allowing myself to be corrected, although I am working on that. I've had more than a few go-rounds with Chris on some issues because I was too proud to admit I was in the wrong.

Reminders that I'm not alone are comforting, so I appreciate your sharing that. Of course I'm asking the Holy Spirit to help me get rid of my prideful wickedness, for I certainly can't do that all by myself.


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Re: Something has been weighing on my mind
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2019, 12:45:47 AM »
Please don't misunderstand. I'm not saying that I don't feel ever shame for telling little white lies. I'm just being honest in saying sometimes, I don't always feel shame over individual sins that are more socially acceptable. Sometimes I don't even realize I've committed them. I'm also not attempting to justify any particular sin. My point was that I don't always feel even the littlest bit of shame, let alone enough to go into hysterics (with sins like that). That's all.

Sort of like in Leviticus when God made provision for the people when they committed sins in ignorance. 

You are certainly not alone when it comes to getting things wrong at times  ::)
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: Something has been weighing on my mind
« Reply #27 on: August 21, 2019, 11:08:51 AM »
Please don't misunderstand. I'm not saying that I don't feel ever shame for telling little white lies. I'm just being honest in saying sometimes, I don't always feel shame over individual sins that are more socially acceptable. Sometimes I don't even realize I've committed them. I'm also not attempting to justify any particular sin. My point was that I don't always feel even the littlest bit of shame, let alone enough to go into hysterics (with sins like that). That's all.

Sort of like in Leviticus when God made provision for the people when they committed sins in ignorance. 

You are certainly not alone when it comes to getting things wrong at times  ::)

I remember being fascinated by the mercy of God when reading about the provision of sacrifice for unknown sins when I read that part of Leviticus the first time.