Author Topic: What is a Pharmaceutical?  (Read 6124 times)


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What is a Pharmaceutical?
« on: March 16, 2018, 05:05:28 AM »
What I'm struggling with:
For about 2 1/2 months I've researched M.E. and I'm certain that's why I'm ill.  There is an overwhelming amount of evidence; from the tests I've done on myself, the symptoms I have (some of which are only found in M.E.), and I fit the characteristics of M.E. spot on.  However, I am self-diagnosed.  And although I am 100% sure I have M.E., my father wants me to get official tests "just to be sure". 

If he wants me to do normal tests, then I will.
1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)
3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
-Ephesians 6

I've been visiting doctors recently, and they want to run tests.  But some of these tests may require you to take pharmaceuticals.  I have talked with my dad about avoiding all those tests and doctors, but I haven't convince him; he thinks pharmaceutics are ok, and he still would like me to get official tests done, "just to be sure".  But I will not do tests that require me to take pharmaceuticals, because it is not "in the Lord" to obey my dad when it goes against God's Word.

What I'm confused on:
I said the tests "may" require pharmaceutical because I'm not exactly sure what a pharmaceutical is.  I want to figure out the definition so I can avoid the pharmaceuticals, and stay in accordance with God's Word.  It's hard to avoid pharmaceuticals if I don't know what they are! :)

I don't know much about it, but I know that pharmakeia is the Greek word for witchcraft and sorcery, and pharmacy, pharmaceutical, etc. are referring to the same thing, which means taking pharmaceuticals are sorcery/sin.

Noah Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language
PHARMACEU'TICAL, adjective [Gr. to practice witchcraft or use medicine; poison or medicine.] Pertaining to the knowledge or art of pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medicines.

But again, I don't even know what exactly a pharmaceutical is.  People make all sorts of claims on the internet, and I have not been able to find a true and definite answer on a definition.  For example, are these pharmaceuticals?
-Synthetic vitamins

It seems people are divided on all of these.  But if I had a proper definition, then I could more easily discern those.  I have been thinking that perhaps any medicine that's synthetic or altered is a pharmaceutical, and any medicine that's natural and unaltered is not a pharmaceutical (But I could totally be wrong on this; which is why I'm asking for clarification).

I'm I right?: (This is a little unrelated, but it comes up a lot)
I don't think it is ever acceptable to take pharmaceuticals/sorcery/sin, even in life or death situations. But some people argue against me, and here's how the conversation seems to go:

Them: "If the person's life depends on the pharmaceuticals are they suppose to refuse treatment and die?  (Like for car accidents, blood pressure, and organ transplants.)"

Me: "Is it better to die or commit sorcery?  Is it better to die or to sin?  What if you were told to worship an idol or die, would you bow down?  When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were threatened with death, they did not choose to sin.  And they were content whether they lived or died.
17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.
18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.
-Daniel 3

Side note: I don't think this verse applies,
3 And he saith unto them, Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill? But they held their peace.
Mark 4

Because Pharmaceuticals are dealing with sin.  And they are either sin or they are not, there are no exceptions, just like all other sins; for example, you can't lie to save your own life (or other's lives), so you can't take pharmaceuticals/sorcery either to save yours.  Perhaps I'm missing something?

Final thought: The Lord Jesus Christ has the keys to death (Rev 1:18), and if you choose to do what's right by God instead of sinning against Him, perhaps God will perform a miracle and keep you alive (like in Daniel 3), but if He doesn't, you should be content (again, like in Daniel 3).  Also, If you've been born-again (repented and believed on Jesus Christ), then it will be gain to die (whenever that may be).
21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Philippians 1
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psalm 34:18


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Re: What is a Pharmaceutical?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2018, 06:42:06 AM »
You raise some very good questions, Josh, questions that I have never really thought about to the extent you have. I'll be interested in seeing what kind of answers you get because I really have no clue.

The only thing I could say with any degree of certainty is regarding Laetrile. Getting Laetrile (B17 vitamin) by eating apricot seeds is not a pharmaceutical. I'm not sure whether any other dietary supplements containing vitamins and other vital nutrients would qualify as pharmaceuticals or not. My gut says no, but I could very easily be wrong about that.


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Re: What is a Pharmaceutical?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2018, 11:19:03 AM »
This is up to your discretion.

The question that has to be answered is this: Are you using the drug to solve the problem? For example, Lorraine and I take ibuprofen sometimes, but we use it to dull pain until we can do what we need to do to solve the problem. Soldiers use emergency morphine on the battlefield to reduce pain until they can solve the problem.

Is the drug addictive and/or will it dull your reasoning?

In addition, you don't have to take a test. If a doctor refuses to give you suggestions for treatment, then go find another doctor. If you can't find one, then go online and research treatments. If you're certain, you can research on your own. However, that being said, I thought I had something called "wry neck" at one point, but when I went to a chiropractor, it turned out to be a spinal hernia that was the source of the problem.
On the other hand, we were never able to do a successful test to determine the problem; and even x-rays did not come back and show any problem at all. Here's what I did:

I talked to my chiropractor and asked him, "Is there anything in the therapy of healing a spinal hernia that would harm my body in any other way?" He said "No." I said, "So what's the harm in me trying it out for a couple months and see what happens?" So I did it, and I'm still doing those things, and it has helped me tremendously to the point that I have no pain that I previously had. I'm continuing the process to this day because I'm unsure if the soft marrow in the spine is fully restored, just to make sure.

To avoid malpractice lawsuits, the doctor wants to run tests. Because of the lawsuits, every doctor, though he won't tell you, must approach you as if you're a complete moron that doesn't know anything. There is a second reason to run tests, however, and this one is more important: They may have to prescribe drugs for pain relief, and if so, they REQUIRE tests to be done, which sometimes require more drugs.

However, the secret to M.E. treatment is actually no secret. Medical books and online resources will tell you the same thing your doctor will tell you because your doctor studied those medical books and online resources to get his degree. He'll tell you the same thing the medical websites will tell you, that there's no cure, but I prefer to say, there's no KNOWN cure (they don't like that phrase because it implies they are ignorant), or rather, there's no cure that the mainstream medical establishment is aware of.

Again, the most common result of doctor visits are to have you leave with a prescription for something; therefore, I don't like to check mainstream medical websites for information when we have illness. You'll notice that mainstream medical websites almost always recommend a long list of outward physical things for you to do. The reason for this is because they arrogantly think they know everything there is to know about the inward body, and therefore, if you have M.E., and they can't fix it inwardly, then it must be something outward in your environment causing the problem. (i.e. They want to avoid having to admit they were ignorant of something that was potentially very simple.)

On the other hand, if you check home remedy websites, they'll mostly give you things for your diet. For M.E., this may include, but not be limited to things like:
  • Ginseng - commonly used by people who suffer from exhaustion, which is the main symptom of M.E.
  • Alfalfa - improves appetite and digestion, which improves the body's overall energy
  • Astragalus - boosts vitality, energy, and immune system to prevent bacterial infections that may be causing the problem
  • Licorice - some suspect that M.E. is linked directly to stress, and licorice increases the body's cortisol and adrenaline production, which helps the body respond to stress
  • Oats - helps to regulate the cardiovascular system and eases heart palpitations, as well as helps with insomnia
  • Bee Pollen - contains a wide variety of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, which help with physical and mental fatigue
  • Minerals - magnesium, chromium, iron, and zinc; sometimes a lack of these causes fatigue, you can get vitamins or concentrated mineral drops
  • Maca Root - rich in B-vitamins, helps regulate production in the adrenal and pituitary glands for healthy hormone production (many home remedy sites recommend a B-complex vitamin)
  • St. John's Wort - helps depression and anxiety
  • Valerian Root - helps insomnia and restless sleep
  • Iodine - More rare; I would use this as a last resort, but don't rule it out. It would be used to help flush the body of radiation, fluoride, and other harmful chemical substances that have entered the body.
Taking a little of each of these won't hurt you, and you don't need drug tests to take them. Also, Lorraine says that taking adaptogenic herbs, which is what these are (I didn't know that term), together in unison is more effective than taking them solo. Just keep that in mind.

It also may be a good idea to visit a chiropractor if you haven't already. Do your research and find a good one that's local. They won't make you leave with a prescription.

Often, acupuncture is listed as a suggestion, but stay away from this because it's eastern mystic witchcraft that has to do with their "chakras."
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 11:34:16 AM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: What is a Pharmaceutical?
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2018, 11:33:35 AM »
Also, Laetrile is simply B17 concentrated; it's made from apricot seeds. It's natural, which is why it could not be patented, so it is not the same as a "pharmaceutical drug."
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: What is a Pharmaceutical?
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2018, 06:21:12 AM »
Josh, you mentioned anaesthesia or anaesthetics, too. I don't know about you, but there's no way I would want to have surgery or something like that WITHOUT anaesthetic and I doubt you'd be able to find a doctor willing to perform such a procedure without it. I am seriously allergic to pain. Just sayin'...


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Re: What is a Pharmaceutical?
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2018, 06:42:07 AM »
Dear Joshua, very good questions. I will try to give you some of my input. I just had surgery done on my shoulder so i cannot move my right arm, but i can type with the left, allthough not very fast. My understanding of a pharmaceutical is , that it is produced by the pharmaceutical industrie and contain mostly synthetic substances. Some also contain natural components, but often times artificially produced. I do not agree that we are sinning when we take synthetic drugs, because i need to take them on daily basis if not i will surely die so it is not really an option. Your belief that it would then be Gods will for me to die.....i find it hard to agree. So i have come to grips with the fact that for some part i am depending on men made material to survive. i would like to compare it to a prothese also man/made that helps a person f.e. to walk..
everyone needs to decide for their own. i am now taking pain medicine cause my shoulder is all cut up and they


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Re: What is a Pharmaceutical?
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2018, 01:18:19 PM »
Dear Joshua, very good questions. I will try to give you some of my input. I just had surgery done on my shoulder so i cannot move my right arm, but i can type with the left, allthough not very fast. My understanding of a pharmaceutical is , that it is produced by the pharmaceutical industrie and contain mostly synthetic substances. Some also contain natural components, but often times artificially produced. I do not agree that we are sinning when we take synthetic drugs, because i need to take them on daily basis if not i will surely die so it is not really an option. Your belief that it would then be Gods will for me to die.....i find it hard to agree. So i have come to grips with the fact that for some part i am depending on men made material to survive. i would like to compare it to a prothese also man/made that helps a person f.e. to walk..
everyone needs to decide for their own. i am now taking pain medicine cause my shoulder is all cut up and they have moved a piece of my bone.... i might have to take these painkillers for a few days. i do not believe i am sinning against God by doing so.
I do believe it is important to let herbal natural remedies do as much as they can. in my case i have tried for years but in the end the herbals could not keep me alive, and i have no choice but to resort to synthetic drugs.
I believe when you take synthetic-pharmaceuticals for pain or illness etc. its one thing. using drugs to get high is another thing.

I think it is wise to get the medical information from a doctor. They do have some knowledge that may help you. But be bold and do not submit to any treatment that you feel uncomfortable with. doctors work with protocols and love to follow them, but it is better to demand your own conditions instead of following a protocol that someone has invented. You are the only one that lives in your body and knows what you need or dont need. It must Always be your decision, not a doctors or anyone else. (with all due respect it is also not your fathers decision.) Do not lean on the medical branche for your recovery. It is essential to navigate your own way, especially with a condition like ME that seems to develop so specifically different in each individual. Since there is no pharmaceutical answer for ME you will probably benefit most from herbal remedies and a solid daily restore-built up of your overall immune system.
-Laetrile non pharma
-Synthetic vitamins pharmaceutical
-Nicotine non pharma, it is found naturally in tabaccoleaves. but it is also artificially produced i believe.
-Radiation not a substance but definatey not natural
-Anesthesia drugs used to sedate someone are pharmceuticals
-Tylenol pharmaceutical
-Penicillin pharmaceutical

I am not an expert. I hope you will find some one whos able to answer the scientific questions. May the Lord give you wisdom and discernment!


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Re: What is a Pharmaceutical?
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2018, 03:40:24 PM »
Also, Laetrile is simply B17 concentrated; it's made from apricot seeds. It's natural, which is why it could not be patented, so it is not the same as a "pharmaceutical drug."
This whole subject is an interesting one.  I would have written over the weekend but for some reason I'm back to not being able to log in to the forum from home on any of my devices.  I think the DNS of my internet provider is at fault. 

Many of the pharmaceuticals on the market are natural products extracted from plants etc.  Although companies can't patent them they still produce the product and compete with other companies for a market share in sales.  A patent on a new compound only lasts for about 20 years and then the patent expires and it is then wide open for anyone to sell that compound.  The companies can patent the manufacturing process though so if you wish to manufacture the compound and sell it you would have to synthesize it in a different way. 

I'm quite sure that when God is against the improper use of compounds it is the type of compounds that are psychoactive.  God has caused plants to manufacture morphine and that is a good thing for people who have suffered an injury in the normal course of work but it is a bad thing for those who abuse it just to get "high". 

Joshua wrote:
I don't think it is ever acceptable to take pharmaceuticals/sorcery/sin, even in life or death situations. But some people argue against me, and here's how the conversation seems to go:

Proverbs 17:22 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:
    but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

The whole Greek game pharmakia word doesn't occur in my Authorized (King James) Version Bible.  But as above the Bible does say that "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine".  Does that then say "A merry heart doeth good like a sorcery"?  No of course not.  But the use of a medicine is OK so long as people are not using it for sorcery such as the improper use of psychactive compounds such as morphine.

And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: What is a Pharmaceutical?
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2018, 08:59:19 PM »
I would argue that same thing for hemp/marijuana. THC is only one of the many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant and it is the only psychoactive compound in the plant. Even then, it has to be burnt (smoked) in order for it to be psychoactive. If you were to eat raw cannabis buds, it would not get you high.

That being said, there are a lot of health benefits in using CBD oil and a full-spectrum oil (containing a variety of cannabinoids and terpenes) is more effective than a CBD isolate because of what scientists term an 'entourage effect'.

Hemp seeds are also considered a super food, high in Omega fatty acids. Hemp seed oil is not the same as CBD oil, however, as the seeds do not contain the cannabinoids.


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Re: What is a Pharmaceutical?
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2018, 12:56:20 AM »
Thanks for that Jeanne.  I had no idea that eating raw cannabis would have none of the effects of those who smoke it. 

I actually know very little about all the pills and potions out in the world as the whole lot is a field I never took any interest in. 

The irony is that I work for the School of Pharmacy at the University of Otago but I know less than the usual person in the street about medication.  When I started here I was a teaching lab technician for four years teaching medicinal chemistry and biopharmaceutics in the undergrad labs but no knowledge of all the pills and potions out there was required for that.  What I was doing was just teaching pure science.  After four years I couldn't stand the thought of doing the same teaching for even another year and I was going to leave to find a job in engineering somewhere but other avenues opened and today I spend my time working on horticulture and agriculture projects. 

An interesting side of the omega fatty acids is also the importance of eating grass fed (or more importantly clover) beef or mutton.  Clover contains high levels of omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for brain health etc.  Grain fed animals don't have anywhere near the same content or the correct ratio of omega 3 fatty acids to omega 6 fatty acids in their meat and that can be a health problem for those who consume the meat.

I see in this article that raw cannabis contains high levels of omega 3 fatty acids just as clover does.
Why You Should Be Eating Raw Weed

Joshua, I don't know, but it may be beneficial for you to seek out foods that have high levels of omega 3 fatty acids and see if it helps your condition in any way.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

Severius Brandusa

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Re: What is a Pharmaceutical?
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2018, 11:23:02 PM »
It pains me to hear about your infirmity, Joshua. I will pray and ask the Lord to give you His strength. Sometimes I feel like I have the same problem; like a continuous sort of lethargy. Thankfully, Jesus Christ's grace is sufficient to cause us to overcome our discouragement in times of distress. Nevertheless, ask Him that He may remove this thing from you if you haven't done so already. Be importune with Him seeing He cares for us.

How long have you had Chronic Fatigue?