Author Topic: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5  (Read 8823 times)


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The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18

Reed Scott

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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2019, 02:07:43 AM »
Anderson looks to be hitting back.  He's got a video up on you tube teaching on pride.  Looks to be a good ten years old.  I've noticed he uses a tactic of putting up several cuts of his videos ( few minutes each ) to bury any critical videos put up by others when they search on his name.  Anyone who doesn't scroll down quite a ways will only see his own videos.


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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2019, 06:10:26 AM »
It was interesting hearing in the teaching about parents and how they can quite rightly comment that they are pleased with their children but shouldn't tell them they are proud of them.  I hope I didn't miss it in the teaching if it was there, but that exact situation is in scripture.

Matthew 3 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 17 and lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2019, 06:28:34 AM »
This latest teaching will be excellent if I can get it to a "churchian" who is at the pool sometimes and was there last night as the teaching covered just about every topic I was in discussion and disagreement with him about.  Right there in front of everybody else in a loud voice he is proclaiming to me that Christians do have to tithe etc and telling me that I don't know my bible.  To him there is nothing wrong with the NIV because no-one can understand all of the thee's and thou's in the King James Bible.  (I started referring the King James Bible as the Holy Bible instead).  In his opinion the KJV is so outdated that it isn't worth having.

Unfortunately I had given out the two CLE cards I had kept in my bag so couldn't give him one but quickly made another today in case he was there again tonight.  Alas, he was not there.  I was laughing while listening to the teaching this evening and commenting (even though I live alone) that if only that guy could hear all of this.  It was impossible to try to get through to him and in his opinion I was full of pride.  Wow.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

Kenneth Winslow

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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2019, 08:20:27 AM »
  To him there is nothing wrong with the NIV

Apparently, to your friend, there is nothing wrong with a Jesus that a liar.

John 7:8-10 KJV  Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto this feast; for my time is not yet full come. When he had said these words unto them, he abode still in Galilee. But when his brethren were gone up, then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret.

John 7:8-10 NIV  You go to the festival. I am not going up to this festival, because my time has not yet fully come.  After he had said this, he stayed in Galilee. However, after his brothers had left for the festival, he went also, not publicly, but in secret.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2019, 08:23:49 AM by Kenneth Winslow »
Nehemiah 8:8 KJV — So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.


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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2019, 10:16:46 AM »
It was interesting hearing in the teaching about parents and how they can quite rightly comment that they are pleased with their children but shouldn't tell them they are proud of them.  I hope I didn't miss it in the teaching if it was there, but that exact situation is in scripture.
Matthew 3 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 17 and lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Actually, I didn't even think about that. It's a good point, but what I said was obviously a reflection of the understanding of the Holy Spirit, because even though I didn't consider that verse, I still taught according to it, and that's encouraging to me.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2019, 10:19:34 AM »
Anderson looks to be hitting back.  He's got a video up on you tube teaching on pride.  Looks to be a good ten years old.  I've noticed he uses a tactic of putting up several cuts of his videos ( few minutes each ) to bury any critical videos put up by others when they search on his name.  Anyone who doesn't scroll down quite a ways will only see his own videos.
His hour-long teaching is here:
I listened to him for 45 seconds and shut it off. It took less than a minutes for him to prove himself a hypocrite from the Scriptures, and he has no repentance of his own pride.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2019, 10:21:40 AM »
  To him there is nothing wrong with the NIV

Apparently, to your friend, there is nothing wrong with a Jesus that a liar.

John 7:8-10 KJV  Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto this feast; for my time is not yet full come. When he had said these words unto them, he abode still in Galilee. But when his brethren were gone up, then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret.

John 7:8-10 NIV  You go to the festival. I am not going up to this festival, because my time has not yet fully come.  After he had said this, he stayed in Galilee. However, after his brothers had left for the festival, he went also, not publicly, but in secret.
I need to add that to my KJB teaching.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18

Kenneth Winslow

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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2019, 07:57:30 AM »
I need to add that to my KJB teaching.

Most, but not all, modern Bible versions also get it wrong. Here are a few examples:

Go up to the feast yourselves; I do not go up to this feast because My time has not yet fully come.

You go on. I'm not going to this festival, because my time has not yet come.
John 7:8 NLT

Go up to the feast yourselves. I am not going up to this feast because My time has not yet fully come.

Go ye up unto the feast: I go not up unto this feast; because my time is not yet fulfilled.
John 7:8 ASV

You go up to the festival. I'm not going to this one because my time hasn't yet come.
John 7:8 CEB

This one makes it even more blatant:
Go on to the festival. My time hasn't yet come, and I am not going.
John 7:8 CEV

You may go up to this feast day. But I am not going up to this feast day, because my time has not yet been fulfilled.
John 7:8 CPDV

Openly Catholic counterfeit Bibles have been getting it wrong since 1752:
Go you up to this festival day, but I go not up to this festival day: because my time is not accomplished.
St John 7:8 DRC1752

I could go on...

« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 08:04:55 AM by Kenneth Winslow »
Nehemiah 8:8 KJV — So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.


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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2019, 09:39:32 AM »
Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention that I already added it in to the King James Bible teaching. I could have saved you some time if I had mentioned it.

New International Version (NIV) You go to the festival. I am not going up to this festival, because my time has not yet fully come.
New American Standard Version (NASV) Go up to the feast yourselves; I do not go up to this feast because My time has not yet fully come.
New Living Translation (NLT) You go on. I'm not going to this festival, because my time has not yet come.
English Standard Version (ESV) You go up to the feast. I am not going up to this feast, for my time has not yet fully come.
New English Translation (NET) You go up to the feast yourselves. I am not going up to this feast because my time has not yet fully arrived.
Revised Standard Version (RSV) Go to the feast yourselves; I am not going up to this feast, for my time has not yet fully come.
New English Translation (NET) You go up to the feast yourselves. I am not going up to this feast because my time has not yet fully arrived.
Revised Standard Version (RSV) Go to the feast yourselves; I am not going up to this feast, for my time has not yet fully come.
Good News Translation (GNT) You go on to the festival. I am not going to this festival, because the right time has not come for me.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18

Kenneth Winslow

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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2019, 10:59:37 AM »
No problem. It always does me good to study these things out for myself anyway. It helps me remember them better.
Nehemiah 8:8 KJV — So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.


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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2019, 12:09:20 AM »
Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention that I already added it in to the King James Bible teaching. I could have saved you some time if I had mentioned it.

<center><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="600"><tr>
<td width="30%" align="center" bgcolor="#EEDDDD">
New International Version (NIV) ...

As I was scrolling past the corrupted versions I just happened to notice that there is a typo and the NET version is listed twice.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2019, 12:13:49 AM »
I just fixed it on the website.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2019, 12:41:35 AM »
Under the section

Is Jesus a Liar?

The corrupted RSV is listed twice too.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2019, 06:30:49 AM »
Under the section

Is Jesus a Liar?

The corrupted RSV is listed twice too.

Ooops, I probably should have been more specific.  The double up is in the article

Why I Use The King James Bible

at the section "Is Jesus a Liar?"

When I was a new Christian and I had never read the Bible before I remember reading that very passage and being unimpressed by it and read it as a lie.  That passage and some others caused me quite a lot of confusion and bewilderment for some time.  I bought the NIV back then because the "pastor" and everyone else was saying it was the best version.  As I mentioned in a previous post once, I was also none too impressed with all of the footnotes with comments about what different manuscripts had to say and all of the variations.  I quickly figured out that if there are variations then there is no such thing as the Word of God because none of it would be able to be trusted.  Couldn't God get it right?  Thanks to God He put me on the right track.  I told the guy on Monday night that the only uses for an NIV is that in an emergency you can tear the pages out and use them as toilet paper or tear them out and scrunch them up and use them to light a fire.  I hope he did go away and look up about what is wrong with the NIV and other "translations".  What I said might have seemed rather crude but I did want him to be affected by it enough that he checked it out.

And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2019, 04:01:24 PM »
I am confused on audio it say biblical understanding of the Christian work ethic part 2 but on YouTube you have the video as biblical understand of pride part 6. Is there 2 teaching this week or just a title error


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Re: (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Pride p5
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2019, 04:59:10 PM »
I copied the format from the previous video, and I forgot to change the title. It should be fixed now if you refresh.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18