Author Topic: Has the SciFi genre become the new witchcraft?  (Read 3380 times)


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Has the SciFi genre become the new witchcraft?
« on: March 12, 2018, 06:35:10 PM »
Growing up with movies and other forms of media, I've come to realize how big the Science fiction genre has gotten. Presumably at the start of the Edison revolution, there has been a flow of SciFi stories. And I've also noticed that lately, the fantasy is slowly melting away (at a snail's pace but still).

How does SciFi connect to witchcraft? Well, for instance, one of the earliest stories in the SciFi genre is the story of Frankenstein. In which a man beckons his own power to overcome death.
Then there's the War of the Worlds. Aside from the fact the concept of space aliens is an evolutionist propaganda, Orson Welles famous radio drama caused a mass panic because of that very propaganda.
And superheroes count since many of them relied on science accidents or being aliens themselves. Some even do use witchcraft (the Spectre and Doctor Fate to name a few). And people have revered superheroes so much so that they often pose like a cross in a transparent attempt to replace Jesus. In fact, Wonder Woman and Thor are clearly a callback to their pagan mythological counterparts.
The Thing from Another World teaches us to distrust those around you.
Back to the Future and other time travel stories encourage wish fulfillment.
Star Trek has grown into a literal cult status.
Star Wars teaches Buddhist philosophy.
And generally, in most SciFi stories, all it takes to take down the demonic analog (the alien invasion or giant monster) is to use some sort of demonic McGuffin (proton torpedoes or Loki's staff).

Does this have any merit towards the attitudes people have where we ought to be careful when a new piece of technology is introduced? Or is there something else I'm missing in connecting SciFi with witchcraft?


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Re: Has the SciFi genre become the new witchcraft?
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2018, 08:02:42 PM »
Technology (like any other inanimate object) is neither good nor evil in and of itself. It all depends on the person using it and to what purpose.

I do have a smart phone but that is the only smart device I have or ever will have. I won't buy into this 'Internet of Things' stuff because there is too much potential for surveillance and/or molecular manipulation. (Go look up what 5G will do to your body and brain...)

As for the SciFi genre, it's always been evolutionary propaganda and the idea that people can evolve into something more than what they are or that there are other life forms outside of Earth. The same dangers that are present in fantasy novels are present in SciFi. Ever notice how the two genres are grouped together in book shops?


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Re: Has the SciFi genre become the new witchcraft?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2018, 10:13:51 AM »
I have come to believe that is exactly what it is. I was always a fan of Superman and the pastor of the church I used to go to promoted the idea that believers are like super heroes because "we are gods" (utter heresy) so I thought it was fine to consume the movies, etc. I know better now. Sci-fi (I refer specifically to superheroes because I have consumed that genre a lot) tends to promote the idea of human strength to accomplish things outside the scope of human ability, it teaches self-reliance and even glorification. The Bible teaches believers faith in GOD and to glorify HIM.
Romans 8:5-6 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. [6] For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.


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Re: Has the SciFi genre become the new witchcraft?
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2018, 11:26:13 PM »
I used to be a big Sci-Fi fan myself. Star Wars promotes the idea of the Force rather than God and that people can learn how to harness the power of the universe to achieve what they want. This is what George Lucas actually believes and I know many other people who believe it, too.

But you can also see the humanistic/evolutionary theme in all the other big Sci-Fi franchises, too, like Star Trek and Stargate. I used to read a lot of science fiction, too. Did you realise the L. Ron Hubbard was a science fiction author before he started that Scientology nonsense? I was reading his books before I even heard of Scientology.


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Re: Has the SciFi genre become the new witchcraft?
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2018, 12:36:34 PM »
They also promote aliens (Superman is a prime example but most of them do) and paganism with references to Egyptian gods and goddesses and Nordic deities as well e.g. Thor. I read somewhere that Superman is supposed to be a type of Moses (the creators were Jewish) and I fell for that too because it made it all right for me to be consumed by it. Now I realise how twisted it is that instead of the church warning me of the spiritual danger I was placing myself in they were encouraging me further. I realised some time last year that superheroes are really being heavily promoted in movies and tv shows; more and more of them are about people with "special abilities" than ever before...
Romans 8:5-6 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. [6] For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.


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Re: Has the SciFi genre become the new witchcraft?
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2018, 01:51:19 AM »
The whole X-Men theme is about people who have been 'bred' or somehow genetically modified in a lab to have special abilities or be super-human.