Author Topic: Scott's Intro  (Read 7894 times)

Reed Scott

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Scott's Intro
« on: May 07, 2019, 07:30:07 PM »
Hi all,  I'll try and keep this concise.  I'm 69 years old, unmarried, and work in SW Texas as a ranch manager for a wealthy family who use the ranch as their weekend vacation place.  The ranch is mostly a hunting ranch and managing our 4 deer leases is one of my main responsibilities

I was introduced to The Lord as a boy and went down front in our First Baptist Church at 12.  Didn't have a clue.  As a young adult I was a seeker.  I studied Eastern Mysticism.  Never very seriously.  In my twenties I was very much a reprobate.  Not criminal but wild as all get out.  At 27 an unusual man who eschewed churches introduced me to real Christianity.  It had not really occurred to me till then, never entered my mind,  that Jesus is God.  I can remember every detail of the moment.  One of those technicolor moments in my mind.

It took a few months but I was converted.  But I was a wild one and in love with a beautiful girl having the spiritual awareness of a child.  None at all really.  That took six years off my life and sent me into deep remorse.  Both of losing her and failing in my walk with Jesus.

So I sought the support of the church.  I spent a couple years with the charismatics in Los Angeles at the Vineyard Church.  It never felt real and even though I was coming to or approaching minor leadership I walked away.  Those were my NIV days even though my 'spiritual father' had started me off with the King James.

I spent a few years in the wilderness but all the time longing to know Jesus but fond of my sin.  I got into computers and purchased some bible software and did a lot of study.  I grew to really hate LA and moved to Texas about 20 years ago.  Probably about 15 years ago I came across the Pristine Faith Restoration Society and through them Tim Warner's now defunct site Answers in Revelation.  I followed Mr. Warner for years and studied all his material.  But then he slid into serious doctrinal error and I had to let him go.  I remember being very sad. 

At the same time I studied Warner's material I studied a lot of Scott and Bryan McPherson's biblestudying(dot)net material and have until recently.  These two twin gentlemen are extremely thorough theologians and doctrinally sound.  Although they are theologians not preachers and rather dry.  Exhortation is not in their repertoire.

Being an internet 'enthusiast' ( about 80% in Christian pursuits ) I also highly esteem David Daniels of chicktracts on you tube.  I've watched nearly all of his videos and agree with him wholeheartedly.  He pushed me over into fully KJB only.

I am unchurched and decidedly so.  I have not darkened the door of one in many many years and not inclined to do so.  I can see what 'they' do.  Which is what lead me here.  I was making some comment about new age church ( on chicktracts ) and somebody put a link to Chris' site.  I listened for a couple days (probably a dozen hours) and was greatly impressed.  And joyful.  I agree with everything I have heard so far.  The defining thing for me about Chris' ministry is Godly sorrow being the essence of repentance.  Though I could not intellectually define it until Chris' teaching ... I have lived it ... these last years.

Hear me,  you young men and women.  Do not trifle with Christ.  Do not find yourself only bowing to Him in your final years.  Having wasted your youth. 


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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2019, 08:24:53 PM »
Hi Scott,

You mention Chris' teaching on repentance but never really made it clear that this is what you have experienced.

Another thing that concerned me was that you said you 'highly esteemed' certain teachers. Are you aware of the fact that respecting of persons is sin?

Chris will be the first to tell you that he's nothing special; the Lord has just given him a love for studying the Word and it's the Lord who has given him understanding and the ability to teach others.

Anyway, I hope to get to know you better and that we can learn and grow together.

Reed Scott

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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2019, 09:16:21 PM »
Jeanne,  You are right.  I respect and value David Daniels ministry but he is just a man.  I try not to be a 'respecter of persons' as you mean I think.  As to my experience of repentance... I have lived it.  As I mentioned in my next to last line of my post.

Thank you for the response.


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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2019, 11:34:12 AM »
I mean, he did testify of repentance, but not much of the Lord Jesus Christ. That was my concern, but he did say he was keeping it short, and it's difficult to tell about 70 years of experienced in eight paragraphs.

Again, we're running into this problem of people here not understanding what respect of persons is, and I'm not sure if I've not done my job in explaining it properly. It's starting to irritate me because I can't figure out what I didn't teach the right way; it seems that about every post here made, and every discussion where it's brought up, someone's accusing another of respecting persons where there is none involved.

Being an internet 'enthusiast' ( about 80% in Christian pursuits ) I also highly esteem David Daniels of chicktracts on you tube.  I've watched nearly all of his videos and agree with him wholeheartedly.  He pushed me over into fully KJB only.
Another thing that concerned me was that you said you 'highly esteemed' certain teachers. Are you aware of the fact that respecting of persons is sin?

This wasn't a direct accusation, but the implication was pretty strong. I didn't see anything wrong in what Scott said there because, once again, respecting persons is giving ear to one person over another because title, rank, or position of any kind, and that's not what Scott did.

And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves.
-1Th 5:12-13

When Luke 16:15 warns about God hating that which is "highly esteemed" among men, it means "among men," not among the church. Though I'm not very comfortable with it, I know there are those in our church who highly esteem me, but not for any position, title, or rank that I have because I don't have any of those. They highly esteem the work I'm doing for the sake of the work being done because they love the Lord Jesus Christ.

esteem (v): to set a value on, whether high or low

That being said, I don't know anything about David Daniels, but I tend to stay away from Chick Publications altogether. Frankly, I can't say what it is about them yet that has me on edge about them, which I know is unlike me, but I haven't had any desire to investigate them much. I have seen a number of things inaccurate on their site in the past, so that might be the trigger for me. I mean, when I looked over it just now very briefly, it seemed fine, and on the surface, it looks like their ministry and our ministry believe the same on everything, but something is bothering me about Chick Publications and I'm not sure what it is.

Some may suggest that they sell a bunch of their tracts, but that's not it; they sell them insanely cheap and they also give away a lot of them to apostles (i.e. missionaries) around the world.

Oh wait! Nevermind, I just found it on their site. Yeah, that must be the reason I'm getting warning flags about Chick Publications; here, you guys can look at it:
They teach that repent means "to turn from sin." Then they say "be willing to repent," which is the typical way they like to avoid contradicting themselves by teaching works doctrine. The problem is that conversion, the word 'convert', means to turn and change. Having a will to convert before conversion would mean that a man would have to seek God out before he was converted, and Romans 3 tells us that "no one seeketh after God." It is by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ alone that we are converted, not by any power of our own, and therefore, to teach that one must be "willing to turn from sin" is hopeless.
(Btw, they also add in the "sinner's prayer" at the end because they don't know what repentance is, so they don't know what else to do for people.)

I hope, one day, one of these big-name ministries might be willing to listen to the truth about repentance. They don't need to credit me with anything because it's not my doctrine; it's just what the Word of God teaches us. I just hope they'll listen and fix their broken doctrine, but the problem is that if they do fix it, they'll lose a lot of their subscribers who had their hope in their own perceived righteousness.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2019, 10:11:53 PM »
Hello Scott,

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your introduction. The piece that really struck me was the last sentence you wrote.

Hear me,  you young men and women.  Do not trifle with Christ.  Do not find yourself only bowing to Him in your final years.  Having wasted your youth.

I think about the years that the locust have eaten quite often.  I know how hard it is to not have some guilt when thinking of our past and wishing we could re-live it a better way.  However, let us praise Jesus for His mercy, grace, and forgiveness.  Let us be thankful that as the east is from the west so far hath he separated our transgressions from us.

I look forward to hearing more from you on the forum. 


Reed Scott

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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2019, 02:42:06 PM »

Thank you for your generous response.  Yes, 'the years the locust has eaten'.  Very appropriate.  I had to spend years in the wilderness due to obstinacy.  Now I look back and wonder at my own intransigence.  So foolish and all it got me was regret.  But the repentance came ... and stayed.  So the wilderness was good.  All things work together for good to those who love the Lord. 

If I have any message for the body it would be to those who get a bad start in life.  God does not blame successive generations for the father's sins but children DO learn sin from their fathers.  And mothers.  As the Bible says and Chris often quotes,  there is nothing new under the sun.  At this stage in life it is so very plain to me there could be no hope for mankind unless Jesus die for us.  I also now really see how only the law could bring man to the knowledge of his own sin.  I have friends who grieve me a lot.  They think because they accepted so called free grace there is now no law.  They need not bother with doctrine or ... of all things ... holiness.  Just like the Pharisees thinking they followed the letter and needed not to follow the spirit of the law they were saved.  Churchianity is a terrible thing.


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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2019, 11:11:03 AM »

Welcome to the forum.  It's refreshing to find those that are eager to learn and humble themselves.

I hope that we can edify each other on this forum (while we are free to do so).

Dee Babbitt

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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2019, 12:46:10 AM »
Hi Scott,

Welcome to the forum, and thank you for your testimony.  It is good to have you here.  :-)

...a link to Chris' site.  I listened for a couple days (probably a dozen hours) and was greatly impressed.  And joyful.  I agree with everything I have heard so far.  The defining thing for me about Chris' ministry is Godly sorrow being the essence of repentance. 

When my son and I found Chris, we did like you and listened for dozens of hours.  And we were greatly impressed and joyful, as well.
This is a wonderful group of people and we are happy you found us :-)



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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2019, 08:20:39 AM »
Hi Scott,
I really enjoyed your testimony.  I'm also friends with David W. Daniels and I really like Chick Publications :-) Please don't be discouraged when people here "pick apart" your testimony. Some of them just want to make sure you truly are saved. They made me angry when they did the same to me but I realized I should've been more clear in what I wrote. Still, though, there's a lot of unscriptural judgment and pride here and it's very evident when Chris had to rebuke one of his own moderators as seen above.

There's some good material on this site, although I definitely don't agree with everything. For example, I don't think any Christian should mess around with 501c3, but I'm not going to accuse ministries of serving the devil because of it. That's going too far. There are some extreme views here that I can't support and so probably won't comment or post much after this. But I am glad to read your testimony Scott. God bless you brother.


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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2019, 10:15:11 AM »
Alright Nate, that's enough. I was waiting for this. I knew that pride and unrepentant heart would show up, and I didn't respond to your last email you sent me on purpose because I was waiting to see the truth. You wrote a very superficial "apology" post after you had lied, railed, and falsely accused in your sin, and you didn't apologize for your sin, you apologized for "being upset," which is not a crime. I asked you pointed questions in email, you dodged them, you continued falsely accuse Tim, and now here you are still accusing everything else and acting like everything was just an oops-daisy mistake when the truth is there is wickedness in your heart, and I believe you when you tell me you came to the grief and godly sorrow of repentance; I believe you are relying on a generic sinner's prayer, and that's why you don't understand repentance, sanctification, or leaven, nor do I believe that you care.

Your conversation reveals the truth in your heart, and if you've had so many problems with other people not believing you're saved, as you told us, perhaps that's a sign of what's in your heart.
But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
-Mat 15:18

The scorning and scoffing in your heart is plain to see, and your effort to keep trying to start contention is also very clear as well. If you want to discuss the matter here, you're welcome to start a new thread and we can do so, but only as long as you maintain a respectful posture in your words because we are not going to keep someone here who calls himself a born again Christian and continues in strife because true born again Christians don't run around trying to pick fights and throw tantrums.
Smite a scorner, and the simple will beware: and reprove one that hath understanding, and he will understand knowledge.
-Pro 19:25
Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.
-Pro 22:10
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2019, 10:55:40 AM »

I am so sorry for some of the things I've said to you in my last post. I've had the pride problem, not Chris or Tim. I've had to repent for many things I've said here and I hope you will forgive me for my foolishness. Like you, I enjoy much of David W. Daniels' books and videos, but Chris is correct, Chick Publications has a false definition of repentance and this is troubling. I encourage you to watch Chris's YouTube videos titled "Is repentance a part of salvation"? You will hear the Biblical truth regarding the matter and how popular preachers and Christian celebrities get repentance completely wrong.


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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2019, 03:16:03 PM »
David did an amazing job on the research on the history of the manual scripts. I have been for some time hinting to Chris to look up his research for his articles that talk about the oldest manual scripts. I am convinced that they are not old at all the evidence is to over powering. Do you have a link to where David talks about repentance?


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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2019, 04:20:14 PM »
Hi Billy,

I agree that David W. Daniels has amazing material on the manuscript evidence of the New Testament and does an excellent job of exposing the Sinaiticus manuscript. On on their salvation page, they define repent as to be willing to turn from sin, which is not what repent means. So far, the only King James Only brother who I've found who defines repentance correctly is Pastor James L. Melton at Bible Baptist Publications


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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2019, 06:46:00 PM »
Nate this is Scott post no need to pst this stuff on here

Reed Scott

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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2019, 08:02:34 PM »
Nate this is Scott post no need to pst this stuff on here

Really.  I kinda feel like my intro thread has been sullied.  Oh well. ::)


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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2019, 08:54:53 PM »
Out of all the into to pick from he picked your for some reason.


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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2019, 08:56:16 PM »
I removed Nate's post because he's been posting the same thing all over the forum and there's no need to have it here.

You've got your thread back, Scott! ;)

Reed Scott

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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2019, 09:58:43 PM »
I removed Nate's post because he's been posting the same thing all over the forum and there's no need to have it here.

You've got your thread back, Scott! ;)

Thank you so much.  God bless you. :)


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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2019, 09:07:29 PM »
Hi Reed and welcome to the Forum. My wife and I can certainly relate your comment, "Hear me,  you young men and women.  Do not trifle with Christ.  Do not find yourself only bowing to Him in your final years.  Having wasted your youth. "  We wasted many years (25) wandering and seeking our own ways.

Thank God, He has opened our eyes and brought us and you back into the fold!  How many times we have been remorseful as we see things that remind us of the past but know that we now have our hope and rest in Jesus!

Be Blessed

Reed Scott

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Re: Scott's Intro
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2019, 09:50:24 AM »
Hi Reed and welcome to the Forum. My wife and I can certainly relate your comment, "Hear me,  you young men and women.  Do not trifle with Christ.  Do not find yourself only bowing to Him in your final years.  Having wasted your youth. "  We wasted many years (25) wandering and seeking our own ways.

Thank God, He has opened our eyes and brought us and you back into the fold!  How many times we have been remorseful as we see things that remind us of the past but know that we now have our hope and rest in Jesus!

Be Blessed

Thank you for that.  Evidently those called to His good purposes do eventually come around.  I sometimes wonder if perhaps due to the prayers of the one godly grandmother I had had some influence.  Because I was truly doomed given my upbringing and my own sinful stiff-necked ( refusing to bow ) ways.  Even before I began to really think about religion and 'spirituality' I knew I was a thoroughly bad guy.  In my mind I tried to blame my upbringing and though that was a factor I knew I was just rotten.  Satan had such a hold on me it is a miracle of God I am saved. 

For me there is no earthly answer to the question, why me?  Other than the unknowable richness of God's love.  I am literally broken hearted over this world.  But I rejoice in Jesus.