Author Topic: cem trails a simple explanation  (Read 15547 times)


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cem trails a simple explanation
« on: February 25, 2019, 01:13:23 PM »
I will not be discussing the conspiracy theory  in this post, but rather a more logical explanation on what they could be and how they are made. First I like to say I once too use to believe in the hole conspiracy. Today I no longer believe in it and now see it as a way to keep the conspiracy churches going.
If you do believe in the cem trail conspiracy here are some questions you should consider. Why do they spray the cems during the day for all eyes can see? Why not at night or when the sky


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2019, 01:15:50 PM »
 Why not at night or when the skys are full of clouds?
Why are the number of cem trails made behind the plane match the number of engines a plane has?
And why is the liquid cems they spray seem to form a far distance from the plane? Wouldnt they freeze as soon as they come out of plane being 50 below freezing?
To understand what is going on with cem trails you will need to study water, weather and air dynamics. In fact some of you probably have in counter the science behind cem trails and do not even know you have. Have you ever put a water bottle in the freezer and when it was cold went to take a drink to find when you took a second drink found the water became a slushy? Well that is exactly what is happening with cem trails. Pure water alone can not freez no matter how cold you bring it. The only way water can freez is if it has something touching it so it can form its ice crystals.
Ice cant form on a plane that is moving 500 plus miles an hour. This is do to it has no time to attach to the plane before the extreme speed just blows the water back off the plane. So how do the cem trails form? Well the anser is the planes exoste. Then the fuel is buried by the motor out comes the exoste. In that exoste has carbon. This is what the water now can attach to to form there ice crystals. The reason why the cem trail forms so far from the plane is do the turbulence made by the plane flying at such high speeds. Once the air starts to slow down the water now has time to freez to the carbon.
The weather explain why it happens at certain times rather than others. The conditions have to be just right for the trails to form and stay suspended in the sky for long periods of time.
Conclusion is cem trails are nothing more than a frozen frosty with plane exoste in them.


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2019, 02:04:54 PM »
Who says what is coming out of the plane is liquid? They're spraying particulate metals including aluminium, barium and who knows what else. This has pretty much been proven by the amount of these poisonous materials found in mountain streams and springs that had not been there years earlier.

I don't know how old you are, but I can tell you that the clouds are very different today from what they used to look like 20 years ago. I've also seen videos where people in drought-stricken areas of California have said that anytime it looks like it might rain, they hear planes from the Navy base nearby flying around and the clouds either go away or it just doesn't rain like it should.


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2019, 03:00:55 PM »
Where do aluminum and barium come from?

How can man make clouds disappear?


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2019, 03:06:15 PM »
If they are trying to kill off people why spray it over wilderness why not over citys? If cem trails are a part of a big conspiracy you would think they would be at least smart about it. They will be killing them self as well with all the animals.


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2019, 03:11:59 PM »
If you're trying to kill people, spraying it over cities is not the right way to go about it. People have ways to protect themselves from exposure, and it disperses over time; not to mention, people would more quickly pick up on what was happening. However, what everyone does do is eat; so if you spray it over farmland, that's how you reach everyone. But I don't think that's what's going on. Most of what I've heard is that they're trying to change the chemical compounds in the soil, so that only certain GMO seeds will grow in the soil. If that's the case, then you can patent seeds. Normally, you can't patent seeds because they grow naturally, but if only unnatural seeds will grow, then you can patent the seeds (because you have specially bred them), and create massive monopoly on them.
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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2019, 03:25:44 PM »
You also have soil leaching. This will be a big problem for trying to change the soil. You would have to spray all the time. I can see them doing it over farm land that would make sense but spraying over wast wilderness and the sea would be just wasting money for them.


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2019, 10:52:38 PM »
How would you know if they were doing it over oceans and deserts?


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2019, 02:15:30 AM »
Haha... good point.
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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2019, 08:25:32 AM »
If the soil composition were changed so that only genetically modified seeds would be able to grow then 99.9% (arbitrary number) of all vegetation on the planet would die. All the wilderness and all the rainforest would cease to exist.
The trees, grass and bushes that we all see everyday will never come from seeds genetically modified and sold by Monsanto.

If chemtrails were being used to poison people directly then "THEY" would be poisoning THEMSELVES.
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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2019, 09:21:22 AM »
Good point KW. Lots of good points here. I remember first hearing about chem trails on a radio program called "Radio Liberty" with Stan Monteith (he passed away a few years ago). Some interesting theories out there with Monsanto seemingly always in the mix.


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2019, 11:49:32 AM »
I know they are made over oceans and deserts because I have seen them. Planes have this highway if you want to call it that they fly threw. You can see other planes flying by with them making cem trails. Now I don't know if the planes I was on making then do to I couldn't see the back, but I got to see some up close.  They ran into this problem in ww2.  In a bomber in ww2, you fly as high as the plane can go so it makes it hard for enemy to spot your plane. But if you have a cem trail behind your plane it makes you very easy to spot.


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2019, 01:49:53 PM »
Look, I don't want us to go down into a deep debate about what these things are or are not because, frankly, nobody knows for sure. The point is that jets do not typically make those types of trails, and I've heard that testimony from experienced pilots. I have seen some trails that are legitimately made from jet engines, but they're much smaller, and don't leave a long cloud because burning jet fuel, which is 80% kerosene, doesn't provide such a trail. Something else has to be added. Something's not right, and one way or another, it could be for virtually anything. If you want to go so far as to speculate, it could have to do with something crazy like this, which is still unexplained:
That is not something that was crafty video editing; it's been reported by the Chinese media several times. It's been seen several times. Analysts have tried to identify if it is a reflection of some other city in the world, and it does not match any known city. I don't care anything about the guy reporting on it in the channel because you can tell he has all sorts of crazy, heretical beliefs of his own, but it's either a spiritual matter or it's physical (i.e. someone is projecting it). I don't know which. I couldn't explain it, and I don't really care to; the point in showing this is to demonstrate that the speculation doesn't really do us any good.

If we know what any of these things are, and why they are being done: What will it change? If we can give a logical explanation for the existence or non-existence of chem trails, what will it change? Ultimately, our job is still the same, and the problem is that there are people who make things like chem trails into a religion.

Back when we first started the online church, and some of our early members will remember this, there was an elderly woman who joined us every week. She never talked about anything concerning Scripture, and the only conversation she would have with us was about chem trails. She was obsessed with it. Eventually, she left after I started focusing more on Biblical topics, and eventually, I disconnected with her entirely because she really only wanted to focus on conspiracies (specifically her obsession with chem trails), and she was one of many examples that started making me aware that there was a "conspiracy ministry cult" that existed, and that I didn't want any part of it.

That's kinda' the reason why I'm not going to take part in the discussion any further, but if guys want to work out the existence or non-existence of those things, you're welcome to do so.
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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2019, 01:59:57 PM »
The list of things going on in the world is extensive.  Whatever evil these people are doing isn't worth wasting time on.  If those doing such things are not transparent enough to honestly come out and tell the public then all that can be done is to continue preaching and teaching the Word in the hope that some will repent and turn and be saved.  Apart from that we can only allow them to continue and go to their destruction as they have chosen to.
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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2019, 04:43:22 PM »
I always thought chem trails were lower and not high up at altitude.  Those are just contrails.  Chem trails are more fluffy and will cross each other more.  Contrails are mostly just water and you often see them from planes that are flying at altitude.


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2019, 09:45:19 PM »
I was going to mention the contrail/chem trail difference, so thanks, Sue.

It seems like this discussion could just as well fit into the flat earth category, as Chris and Kevin have pointed out. It's really not worth our time.


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2019, 03:03:45 PM »
I think it will fit in with the canopy thirory. It proves that ice can be suspended in the sky. Contrails are vapor while cem trails are ice. My hole point was that there are more logical explanation to things.


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2019, 04:33:17 PM »
As Sue pointed out, contrails are at much higher altitude then chem trails. Chem trails aren't high enough to be ice, even if what was coming out of the planes was liquid, which I still highly doubt.


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2019, 12:40:24 AM »
Fuel Jettison.  Plans have a much heavier take off weight than they do landing weight.  When plans are around about forty five minutes from landing they will jettison fuel to get to the weight needed for landing.  The extra fuel that plans have when taking off is for emergencies and is ultimately wasted when Fuel Jettison occurs.  This does explain why some studies have shown traces of jet fuel in women's breast milk.  Of course, I've been told that the jet fuel doesn't make it to the ground but there are clear studies to prove otherwise.  Ergo, jet fuel is a type of chemical which ultimately makes it a cem trail when Fuel Jettison occurs.


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Re: cem trails a simple explanation
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2019, 04:45:15 AM »
If that's true, then why would you have chem trails in places that are nowhere near airports or military bases?