Author Topic: Introducing myself  (Read 10555 times)

Dee Babbitt

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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2019, 12:09:30 PM »

... She was afraid that she was not charitable towards you by affirming your salvation.  She is not questioning your salvation or belief, but is convicted in the case you don't have salvation.

I would hope that you or Dee would do the same to me and for me out of love.

Chris, thank you... yes, this is exactly what is going on... 

Wynand, I apologize if I have offended you. 
It is only because I truly do care about you, I felt convicted and only wanted to be sure (in the case you didn't have salvation)

And like Chris, and others here, we would want you to question us--in the spirit of love--if something is on your mind/if you are convicted.

Chris was speaking with honesty and kindness to you.    You seem to be getting defensive.
You are right, these things are between God and ourself.
But all of us here, because we have repentance, we are humbled and are happy to share our testimonies.

With love, I'd like to ask another question. 
Did you spend time with the Catholic church.. I was brought up Catholic, and some of the things you are saying sound like the Apostle's Creed, which is recited in the that church, every Sunday.  It took me a long time to let go of that, too. 

And because I had been in that church for a long time, I walked around thinking I was definitely saved (because I had been baptized as a baby, and I was keeping the commandments, staying away from bad music, etc.)  Yet, I had not come to the point of grief and godly sorrow.  Finally at age 33, the Lord brought me to repentance, I broke down in tears and trembling and Repented.

Please understand, I only ask, and say these things because this is a matter of eternal life and death... And I do care about you.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 12:13:24 PM by Dee Babbitt »


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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2019, 01:30:06 PM »
Wynand, there are several of us here who thought for many years that we were saved when we were not, which is the only reason Dee is bringing it up to you. The teaching on repentance that she posted a link to has opened many eyes to a truth they were never aware of before. I didn't really grasp the definition of repentance until I read that teaching, either.

Dee, you mentioned the words of the Apostles' Creed that you were taught in the Catholic church. I was brought up in a Presbyterian church and we recited that creed every Sunday, too. A copy of it was pasted into the back cover of all the hymnals, along with the Nicene Creed.


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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2019, 01:41:08 PM »
No I was baptized in a charismatic church Dee when I was about maybe 16 I cant remember precisely what age I was. It is good that you ask questions dont worry. I am not like steven anderson who calls everyone f***ts if they do not agree and so on. Thank you for caring. You will know them by their fruit and that includes me. I am truly humbled that Christ saved me believe me I am not perfect. My ugly tongue is not always in the right place. To be honest I begged the Lord Jesus to help me use my tongue for truth and edification. So my flesh kills me there. I hate it when I say something that would offend someone. But by the grace of Jesus He will help me because He is faithful that promised and I love the promise in John 10:28 that He gives eternal life and no one can pluck me or any of you believing christians out of His hand. That is awesome and I thank Christ for it. Sorry if I sounded offensive or anything like that.


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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2019, 02:03:27 PM »
I'm glad that you are understanding and humble.  I was not attacking your testimony or faith.  I was trying to help you understand where Dee was coming from.

As for not calling those brother or sister, it is not because I read the bible and understood not to do so.  It was because I gained understanding from Christopher's teaching from the bible on the matter.  He has good teachings on the unbiblical respect of persons and titles in modern church buildings.  If what I'm saying is confusing to you, I recommend the teachings below:

Dee Babbitt

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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2019, 03:05:46 PM »
Wynand, I am glad you are not upset with my questions, and glad you know I care about you.
I pray you can see what I was saying. 
Chris, thank you for letting Wynand know where I was coming from.

Jeanne, thank you for summing up what I was trying to say... and this is true,
"There are several of us here who thought for many years that we were saved when we were not,
which is the only reason Dee is bringing it up to you."

For me, too, it was only when I read Christopher's teaching... that I really understood the definition of repentance.


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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2019, 05:39:23 PM »
Chris, just to clarify what you said; there is no problem with a born again Christian addressing the group as a whole saying 'Brothers and sisters'. We just don't go around calling each other Brother Chris or Sister Dee. The problem comes in with the group address when false converts (like Fred) use the term as if they're one of us when they're not.


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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2019, 06:53:31 PM »
To clarify further, Fred was addressing us in that way out of spite, not out of kindness or understanding.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2019, 10:12:29 PM »
Chris, just to clarify what you said; there is no problem with a born again Christian addressing the group as a whole saying 'Brothers and sisters'. We just don't go around calling each other Brother Chris or Sister Dee. The problem comes in with the group address when false converts (like Fred) use the term as if they're one of us when they're not.

Thanks for clarifying that.  I was definitely in agreement with the second part of your post, but I had a little misunderstanding on the first half.

I also regret saying that Wynand was understanding and humble.  Of course hind sight is 20/20, but I should have known from the way that he addressed me that he was upset with what I said.  The fact that he was upset means that he did not understand what I was trying to say.  He was not humble to stop and consider it or to ask for clarification.  I see this pattern in his conversation later on the forum and email with Chris.