Author Topic: Satan & Demons  (Read 2229 times)


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Satan & Demons
« on: November 30, 2018, 07:24:39 PM »
Is it possible for a demonic entity to take a human physical form?  Is it possible for demonic entities to manipulate physical objects in this world?  I've been watching famous street magicians on youtube and I just cant tell if the videos are fake or if their is really a demonic entity helping them, or if they are a demon on their own?  OR if they are using special effects and have actors act / fake their surprise?  Im ignorant.  People like David Blaine, Dynamo, etc.   


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Re: Satan & Demons
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2018, 08:46:40 PM »
1. It doesn't matter. If we sanctify ourselves from those worldly things in the first place, then it literally doesn't matter.

2. The Bible never gives us indication that devils are allowed to take on the form of a person, although, the absence of it doesn't eliminate the possibility. However, what's the point in possessing a person if they can just become one? You can do a whole lot more damage as one than just possessing one, which leaves us to deduce that God does not allow it based on the lack of Scriptural basis for it.

3. David Blaine first started to get popular about 25 years ago, and he did card magic tricks on the street. I video taped it when I was a teenager, and watched closely. I was able to replicate some of his tricks; I figured them out. They were much more simple than most people realized. There are tons of illusions that are done by simple methods and sleight-of-hand which most people don't realize how very simple it really is.

4. I was asked this many years ago about someone named Chris Angel, a co-worker asked me to investigate him. Turns out it was really easy: I just read the fine print on his website. It stated very clearly that he uses camera tricks for entertainment purposes only.

I'm not saying it's wrong to watch a video, but when simple matters of sleight-of-hand become questions of whether or not the person you're looking at is an actual devil, I think it might be time to stop watching them.
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Re: Satan & Demons
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2018, 09:44:13 PM »
Yeah, you're right.  I'm done watching it.  and just to clarify, I wasnt watching it for entertainment.  I hate magic, its wicked, but i was watching this video titled something along the lines of ,,demons helping street magicians proof,, its way too easy to watch stupid things and waste tons of time on it. 
« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 09:54:28 PM by zachshrader »


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Re: Satan & Demons
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2018, 11:40:39 PM »
... and have actors act / fake their surprise?  Im ignorant.  People like David Blaine, Dynamo, etc.   

Yes they do have actors who are in on it and fake surprise. 
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Re: Satan & Demons
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2018, 06:56:34 AM »
I totally agree with Chris that it does not matter.
We should not be bussy with watching that stuff, it does not edify us.

But just to answer the question, demons are able to have a physical shape, and also to demonise a person or animal up to the point they are possesed. They are also able to move things in the physical world. Even people are able to move things from a distance through witchcraft.

Most of the ' magicians' you see in public are just skillfull deceiver and actors. Demons are not very interesting in entertaining people, they have other goals.